New! mousin's Free Magazine thread!

My GFW subscription was reinstated after it had just ended. It came from a link on here. I believe it was one of the Joystiq ones. But I really can't remember.

But, in either case, it came from here. Thanks CA...M! (That's M for magazines. :p)
So the Official Playstation Magazine is back? I saw one at a store the other day. It was published by FutureUS.

What the hell does that mean for the people who had years of OPM tacked onto their EGM subscriptions?
[quote name='Blade']What the hell does that mean for the people who had years of OPM tacked onto their EGM subscriptions?[/quote]

Nothing, the remaining OPM issues will remain tacked onto the EGM subscription.

Like you pointed out, OPM now has a different publisher. So Ziff-Davis isn't going try to around work a deal out with FutureUS get OPM issues to old subscribers. Especially when ZD is still bleeding money in their magazine division.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Nothing, the remaining OPM issues will remain tacked onto the EGM subscription.

Like you pointed out, OPM now has a different publisher. So Ziff-Davis isn't going try to around work a deal out with FutureUS get OPM issues to old subscribers. Especially when ZD is still bleeding money in their magazine division.[/quote]

Actually, it's an entirely different magazine now and it's not called OPM. It's called [SIZE=-1]PlayStation: The Official Magazine; it was previously known as PSM.[/SIZE]
It's sounds like Sony is allowing them to use "Official" in their name since OPM from Ziff Davis shut down. It was crap when it was PSM and it's probably still crap now. Just my opinion, of course.
[quote name='neocisco']It's sounds like Sony is allowing them to use "Official" in their name since OPM from Ziff Davis shut down. It was crap when it was PSM and it's probably still crap now. Just my opinion, of course.[/quote]

This month's issue was a profile on FFVII:Crisis Core(not sure on title?) and that looked decent, but since i don't own a ps3, I ignored it.
[quote name='Rozz']The sad thing is, I have an issue from 1998. It has hundreds of pages (around 300), the text font is smaller, and they had 4 reviewers for each game. Less ads, too.

The magazine is sure in a sad state.[/quote]
Didn't one of the last issues talk about the relationship between companies and EGM? And how it's "for the readers, not them." Pretty stupid. I really hope gaming mags don't go fully digital, I actually enjoying reading paper once in a while.
i just got my craptastic EGM today. Now I see wat rozz was talking about. It wasn't even thick enough to be used as toilet paper. I couldnt believe how thin the magazine was.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Well this thread died.

I miss 6669. She was a true CAG Heroine, who decided to get a life.[/quote]

Originally Posted by PyroGamer
Well this thread died.

I miss 6669. She was a true CAG Heroine, who decided to get a life.

[quote name='help1']Fixed.[/quote]

Do you have a link for one?
i know what you guys are saying about the thin EGM mags. before i got them for free on here the last time i bought one was in like 2003 and the issues was thick!!! when i got my first free issue last year i thought they mailed me a sample magazine or something, couldnt believe how small they got.
[quote name='topdolla69']i just got my craptastic EGM today. Now I see wat rozz was talking about. It wasn't even thick enough to be used as toilet paper. I couldnt believe how thin the magazine was.[/quote]

[quote name='naes']Wow, I get EGMs until January 2012! Thanks CAG![/quote]

My EGM is good till Febuary 2011 :) thanks to these free offers.
[quote name='inubu']This worked for me, if you're willing to watch a few commercials first:[/quote]

Thanks, got Popular Science and Ode out of this. I just read a magazine while I let the commercials play. :)
[quote name='Blade']THE MAGAZINES ARE SMALLER BECAUSE EVERYONE IS GETTING THEM FOR FREE. What did you think would happen?[/quote]


Honestly, how can anyone complain about free? If you don't like the mag, throw it away when you receive it and let the rest of us enjoy our free stuff in peace!
oh shut up, you all find something to complain about. I was just saying the magazine i tried for was much smaller than it was, its like ordering a hamberger and getting two slices of pickles with ketchup on them. You people act like i fucked ur mom and didnt say thank you.
[quote name='Blade']THE MAGAZINES ARE SMALLER BECAUSE EVERYONE IS GETTING THEM FOR FREE. What did you think would happen?[/quote]

Most (if not all) free subscriptions are paid for by sponsors, so somebody is paying for them (excluding offers by the publishers themselves, unless they say "brought to you by" or some such). In addition to that, I would imagine that the more subscribers a magazine has the more it can charge advertisers for adspace.

Of course, I'm no business man, but that seems fairly logical to me.

The biggest reason for magazines getting smaller is right in front of your face: computer's and the internet. Gaming sites don't have a month delay in news, they're free (excluding premium services) and they offer various community features such as forums, chat rooms and commenting systems. Magazines are still using the same format they had before the internet went mainstream.
[quote name='v1et r1ce']Every time I sign up for another year it doesn't add on to my current sub. I don't even know what happens to it.[/quote]
They don't always go through.
[quote name='RAY16']Most (if not all) free subscriptions are paid for by sponsors, so somebody is paying for them (excluding offers by the publishers themselves, unless they say "brought to you by" or some such). In addition to that, I would imagine that the more subscribers a magazine has the more it can charge advertisers for adspace.

Of course, I'm no business man, but that seems fairly logical to me.

The biggest reason for magazines getting smaller is right in front of your face: computer's and the internet. Gaming sites don't have a month delay in news, they're free (excluding premium services) and they offer various community features such as forums, chat rooms and commenting systems. Magazines are still using the same format they had before the internet went mainstream.[/quote]

Thank you, I guess some d-bags like to try to make people feel inferior to them by bashing them on forums and writing in big colorful letters. I actually like to read magazines in my own hands and not online, but alot of people just feel different i guess.
[quote name='kensterdotnet']They don't always go through.[/quote]

I can understand that. But it doesn't seem right that the last 5 or so free subscriptions don't go through.
That adperk site is cool - I did the Popular Science and Skiing ones in no time. I wish there was more of that.

About EGM- Sure its a thinner magazine now, but it still beats the hell outta gamepro IMO.
[quote name='JackFlash666']That adperk site is cool - I did the Popular Science and Skiing ones in no time. I wish there was more of that.

About EGM- Sure its a thinner magazine now, but it still beats the hell outta gamepro IMO.[/quote]


Even though EGM is much thinner now if we can keep stacking free subs onto our accounts it's well worth it. (Speaking of which I just got the latest issue in the mail yesterday).
i just got my first issue of games for windows. it was decent enough. i liked the last pages how they told a bunch of computer companies to make the best systems they could regardless of cash...not that i could ever buy any of those systems, or in some cases want to.
I got my first Windows gaming mag yesterday, EGM last week, and just watched a bunch of horrible videos for Popular Science and Ode Magazine. Keep em coming!!!!
[quote name='6669']Due to recent matters on this site, I will no longer be posting free magazine offers here anymore (or updating the penny guide wiki pages).
I just wanted to say "thanx!" to everyone here. I really appreciated every "thank you" I received here, in this thread. If anyone wants to take this thread over, be my guest. I just cant keep helping this site anymore.
Thanks again!

Interesting. I was following old links trying to get an answer as to why 6669 left. It's sad to see her go because she provided excellent free magazine deals but if it was really over being left off the final nomination list for a Cheapy then that's totally lame!
[quote name='Chitown021']Interesting. I was following old links trying to get an answer as to why 6669 left. It's sad to see her go because she provided excellent free magazine deals but if it was really over being left off the final nomination list for a Cheapy then that's totally lame![/QUOTE]

nah pretty sure that wasn't the main reason though it surely didn't help. just general stupidity of some people combined with a overall lack of appreciation. Here's a secret that a lot of guys just either dont seem to know, get or just plain dont care. Girls like to be appreciated. Mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, etc... Most guys dont mind being appreciated but if they are not no biggie whatever. Girls well it typically matters a lot more to them.

Not putting words in her mouth just my impression with a general but typical overtone.
That's just great, the last thing we need is girls leaving. The internet is already a total sausage fest as it is.

If your still reading this thread 6669, thanks for the subs to Games for Windows and Futures and everything else.
[quote name='floormat']nah pretty sure that wasn't the main reason though it surely didn't help. just general stupidity of some people combined with a overall lack of appreciation. Here's a secret that a lot of guys just either dont seem to know, get or just plain dont care. Girls like to be appreciated. Mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, etc... Most guys dont mind being appreciated but if they are not no biggie whatever. Girls well it typically matters a lot more to them.

Not putting words in her mouth just my impression with a general but typical overtone.[/QUOTE]

I would have to agree with you there...
bread's done