new ps2 vs. 60 gig ps3 - what would you get?


hey guys!
i tried searching around for a similar topic, but the last one i found was from earlier this year.

my ps2 (original, fat one) died recently, and now i'm deciding between getting a new ps2 or one of the 60 gig ones while they are still available. as you can probably tell, backwards compatability is a concern for me. right now i primarily use my 360 for gaming (though it's being serviced for a RROD - haha i didn't expect it to die on me, but at least the maintenence is free), and it'll probably remain that way, save for some ps3-exclusive titles (e.g. mgs4, ff xiii, and gt 5).

the main reasons i'd get a 60 gig ps3 are BC and use as a kind of blu-ray media center.

the main reasons i'd get a ps2 are that it's cheaper and no worries about compatability concerns (but i don't think any of the ps2 games i own have issues with BC on a ps3, last time i checked the ps website).

money isn't too much of a concern, though saving some is always a plus :whistle2:D.

so yeah, what would you get? thanks for your help, and happy holidays!
I would get a PS3. More gaming possibilities and you probably would regret just buying a PS2 once a few more great exclusives hit PS3. I hear the PS3 is a great media center, and since you sound like you could get use out of that feature, I say go for it.
I'm in a similar situation, my fatty takes forever to boot games, grinds, and I know it's only a matter of time before I start getting read errors. It's served me well though.

I have not decided yet, but I'm leaning towards getting a new slim PS2 next year with the power supply inside. I have a 360 already and use it (and still would if I had a PS3) for all of the new multiplatform titles. There are not enough PS3 only titles (that I like, my opinion, not saying anything sucks) for me to warrant the purchase and I don't really watch enough movies to factor the bluray player into this.
If you planned on getting some ps3 games, then go for the ps3. Otherwise, I'd stick with a new ps2, until there is a game you really want on the ps3 that is out now or coming out really soon.
thanks for the advice so far; they are all valid points. i read about the new internal power supply, but to be honest a lower price tag (like the $99 that was rumored but never came into fruition) would have impressed me more, haha.

before i had to send my 360 in for service, i used it to watch dvds upscaled via the vga cable. i tend to watch a lot of movies, though if i were to get a ps3 i'd probably only get big budget, special-effects heavy movies on blu-ray (ones where they would stand out on a hd medium). i think the same would go if i got the 360's HD-DVD player.

although there are a number of awesome, ps3-exclusive games that are starting to come out, there isn't anything that i'd get right now - i'm still busy with bioshock and cod4! :p i think the biggest draw for me to get a 60-gig is its "all-in-one" capabilities (and thus having one less thing hooked up to my tv).

so yeah, i dunno...decisions, decisions...
I'd go for the PS3, because for one.. its a PS3! But might as well invest in the future, and invest where you can still play PS2 without a problem. The only issue is... if you're going to be playing lots of PS2 games w/ periphreals, (guitar controller, drum controller, etc) then the PS3 might not be good right now. But if not, why waste money to rebuy something you've already bought and used up. Might as well take that old money and put it towards something new.

oh yeah, at least you can upscale the PS2 games.. that's a plus I don't think anyone has mentioned.
I would go with the PS3. If money isn't really super tight and you can afford it, the PS3 is pretty sweet. It doesn't have the greatest library of games yet, but there are some that are worth a purchase. I like mine andi t is a really cool system. Huge, but sweet.
I'd definitely recommend the 60GB, while it's still available. If you decide against it, buy my (fat) PS2. :) I no longer need it now that the 60's in the rack. i just went out to pick one up. i went to a best buy (on tyler in riverside, ca, if anyone's interested) where i saw a huge stack of 60 gig-ers just last week, but today they were apparently sold out of them and had tons of 40 and 80 gig-ers. i went around the corner to toys r us and picked up the last one on display (not sure if they have anymore in the back).

anyway, i don't think i'm going to open it just yet. if possible, i'd still like to hear people's opinions on this subject. i have to agree with you guys though, the upscaling and multimedia capabilities are really awesome and i'm leaning towards the whole "future-proofing" idea, in the sense that i wouldn't have to buy another console on top of a ps3. however, i wasn't expecting to be in position to be considering one so soon and was weighing the odds on how soon another price drop would occur. the price/sticker shock's a bitch...i suppose i can put in extra hours at work *hears kaz hirai saying "i told you so" and laughing in my face in the background*

thanks for your guys' input...hopefully this discussion will help anyone else who may be on the fence about this. this is probably obvious, but if one was considering purchasing a ps3, i'd say they really would have to consider it as buying something more than a game machine.
get the ps3, ur futureproof cause ur eventually gonna get one anyways.
here are some reasons
1) ps3 60gb plays all ur ps2 games
2) they arent making any newer ps2 games
3) ps3 plays blu-rays, ps2 doesnt
4) ps3 upconverts dvds top 1080p, ps2 doesnt
5) wireless controllers!!!(wait nvm logitech one)
6) good games on the way.
Playing Shadow Hearts: Covenant on the 60GB PS3 I got recently and it has frozen probably about 4 times along the way in the game. You can hit the button on the controller and quit out but the game itself freezes up. The 80GB is listed as randomly freezing but it does happen occasionally on the 60GB apparently.

It's not a deal breaker, about 4 times in about 40 hours (that's what the game has me clocked at) isn't too big of a deal to me. Otherwise the game plays perfect. There seems to be some slight lag with the judgement ring (probably the LCD TV's fault though) because on my old CRT I had no problem with the judgement ring speed. IMO this almost ruins the game because I like to try and get the strike area (red part) for fun but I solved that by buying the coral pendants available early on which slows the ring 50%. I haven't noticed any lag otherwise, I guess the judgement ring is so precise and quick it's noticeable in that situation on LCD.

Smoothing makes a big difference, looks much better on. If a PS2 looks like with smoothing off on a LCD TV then the PS3 may be worth it just for that.
i would buy a PS3 since i would say next year this time 80-90% of all the games will be worthless. and you be lucky to get 5 bucks out of them on ebay.

i got around 500 ps2 games that i really should go though this week and try to dump off on ebay before xmas.

hell i be probally lucky to get 4000 out of them 500 games

but better then sitting on 500 games that be worth 500 bucks in say 2 years (look at ps1 games)
One way to look at it is to ask whether you will ever get a ps3 in the future. I you will, then now is the time (since you managed to get your hands on one of the last 60gb models). If you will never in the future, then the ps2 neoslim is fine. However, a BC-minded person like yourself will be wishing you kept the 60gb if you ever choose to get a ps3 later. keep it!
Yeah, I say just go ahead and make the jump, especially since you said money isn't an issue. Only thing you'll be missing from you ps2 is rumble.
I would also suggest getting the ps3. Since money isn't an issue, you just spend a couple extra hundrend and get a nice blueray player, ps1/ps2/dvd upconverter, get to play ps3 games, and PSN which allows for demos, ps1 downloads, and a web browser.
Get a 60 gig.

Best of both worlds. Play your PS1 games, PS2 games, PS3 games, Blu-ray movies. SACD's (40 gigs don't play SACD's), crappy SD DVD's and even "uprez" your audio CD's.

The 60 gig is the "swiss army knife" of home theater gear + a cool game system. Get 'em while you can.
thanks for everyone's input. well, after much decision, i decided to keep the ps3. i agree, since i was eventually planning to get one, there isn't a point in getting two different consoles and having that extra clutter in my tv stand. i opened the box a few days ago and have enjoyed the system ever since...up until today, that is, when it suddenly stopped reading any sort of discs (BD, DVD, PS2) - WTF!?! i barely had a week of gameplay on it!

reading various forums, it looks like i have to call sony and get it repaired/replaced...and if it gets replaced with a 40 or 80 gig that would totally go against why i got the 60 gig in the first place!

first my 360, and now my ps3...haha at this rate, i should've gotten a wii...but it probably would've died on me,

(and yes, i do regularly clean my gaming equipment :p)

Only a week? Why send it to sony then? Take it back to the store where you bought it and exchange for another one. If they're out of 60GB versions then just get your money back and buy it elsewhere. That's what return policies are for.
[quote name='Furashu']
2) they arent making any newer ps2 games[/quote]
Check your sources, Sony has said it will support the PS2 at least through 2009 and there are still games coming out for it. One fine example (though it's a port) is Twisted Metal: Head On Extreme.
haha if it was just as easy as bringing it to the store and getting a new one, then i would totally have no problem in doing that. unfortunately, after calling around several places, including several toys r us' (the store i bought mine from), there don't seem to be any in my area or close enough distance to justify the driving and gas expense (which is amazing because i saw so many before thanksgiving - it's amazing how big a difference in stock happened in only a few weeks' time!).

in hindsight, maybe i should have purchased one earlier this year, when stock wasn't a problem, but it was hard to justify such a big purchase when i was still away at school and had already invested a lot in my 360. having moved home, finding a job, and with no price drop for the ps2 this holiday season, i felt now was the right time to get a ps3.

in the end, i'm glad i kept the ps3, and as troublesome as it is, i don't mind waiting a few weeks to get a (hopefully working!) replacement back from service. haha i'd rather wait then exchange for an 80 gig - the backwards compatibility means THAT much to me, lol. and watching blu-ray movies is amazing - before my disc drive broke, i watched ratatouille, and even my mom was like "wtf!" with how nice the picture and sound were, hahaha.
If you have a check card from your bank, look around online for a new one. Take the bad one back, and get your money back, then toss said money into your account and order online
Eww sorry to hear that...I got my PS3 in October, and it's been good to me ever since. But you went with the right decision, especially since the PS3 upscales your PS2 games and has a smoothing option (makes a big difference if you have an HDTV). There's already a pretty impressive library of PS3 games, too (despite what all the haters say). If you haven't tried Uncharted yet, do yourself a favor and go play that game.
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