New Terminator Salvation Trailer online!

I just watched the trailer again and it doesn't seem as over the top as you're making it out to be. Looks to be the same big robot they show towards the beginning of the trailer.

Maybe you need to watch it again.
[quote name='keithp']Because it's so ridiculous. So over the top, flat-out stupid ridiculous.

Hopefully it's just a dream-sequence in the movie.[/quote]
No, the stripper scene in Terminator 3 was stupidly ridiculous and over the top.
The robot is the Harvester. If I read correctly Skynet uses it to capture humans so it can make the skin for the terminators.
[quote name='bardockkun']No, the stripper scene in Terminator 3 was stupidly ridiculous and over the top.[/quote]

Ok, why are you comparing that Stripper scene in T3 to this one? That scene with the Giant Harvest firing at something off screen was awesome along with the music.

This is going to be a visually awesome movie.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Ok, why are you comparing that Stripper scene in T3 to this one? That scene with the Giant Harvest firing at something off screen was awesome along with the music.

This is going to be a visually awesome movie.[/quote]
Because that stripper scene and Arnold putting on the glasses did NOT belong anywhere in a Terminator movie. At least I can better understand the context of a harvester in T4.
[quote name='sendme']Did anything from T3 belong in a Terminator movie? Hell I bet even Arnold hated that movie.[/quote]


Alright, that's true as well. The ending was the only silver lining in that movie that I can think of.
[quote name='indy2029']Anybody wanna do a CAG Socal meetup and watch this opening day? PM me or reply[/quote]

I'd be up for a meet-up provided you qualify "Socal." I assume you mean LA area :D
I like the trailer but there are two things that bother me about it. I am attention to detail, if I see a flaw in a movie it bothers me and takes me out of the story. There are two things that the trailer does that is annoying. First, John Connor gets off a helicopter and shoots a T-800 endoskull. All I see is flash from the barrel and bullets not hitting the endoskull or the dirt. So that first part may be knit picking, but the second part is this: They open the Terminator guy up and realize that he is not human but infact a machine. I got the perfect remedy for this, I will use the butt of my rifle to knock out this Terminator so we can contact John Connor. Come on the soldier did not even hit him in the chip area either. How the hell are you going to knock out a Terminator?

Besides those two things, I do not like the idea of it taking place after Judgement Day. It was fun watching them run around in the past looking crazy. Also, do not look to deep in the Terminator timeline because if you did, John Connor should not exsist at all. They delayed Judgement Day and missed the opportunity to meet Kyle and send him back. If you think logically the chances of John meeting up with his father in the future is pretty rare since they postponed Judgement Day. John knows to look for him and also knows to stay out of certain cities but Kyle has no idea at all.
[quote name='Davestation']I like the trailer but there are two things that bother me about it. I am attention to detail, if I see a flaw in a movie it bothers me and takes me out of the story. There are two things that the trailer does that is annoying. First, John Connor gets off a helicopter and shoots a T-800 endoskull. All I see is flash from the barrel and bullets not hitting the endoskull or the dirt. So that first part may be knit picking, but the second part is this: They open the Terminator guy up and realize that he is not human but infact a machine. I got the perfect remedy for this, I will use the butt of my rifle to knock out this Terminator so we can contact John Connor. Come on the soldier did not even hit him in the chip area either. How the hell are you going to knock out a Terminator?

I don't want to sound like a dick but I'm going to chime in anyways. First that's not a T-800 that's a T-600, second it's a trailer. How do you know that part with the terminator is one continuous scene in the movie? Normally with movie trailer they piece different parts of the movie together to make it look like one continuous shot in the movie when it's not. That scene look like two different scene through out the movie that was piece together to make you think otherwise.

So I don't think your that attention to detail, your just knit picking on bits and piece of a movie that you haven't clearly scene yet.
[quote name='blueweltall']I don't want to sound like a dick but I'm going to chime in anyways. First that's not a T-800 that's a T-600, second it's a trailer. How do you know that part with the terminator is one continuous scene in the movie? Normally with movie trailer they piece different parts of the movie together to make it look like one continuous shot in the movie when it's not. That scene look like two different scene through out the movie that was piece together to make you think otherwise.

So I don't think your that attention to detail, your just knit picking on bits and piece of a movie that you haven't clearly scene yet.[/quote]

I took that into consideration, but the fact is that the direction of the trailer is that they knock out a Terminator with the butt of a rifle. That is the direction that they are making the audience believe. Do they really knock him out? We will not know until the movie but that is what the trailer strongly implies. You are not sounding like a dick, you are making a valid point. Don't get me wrong, I want this to be good. I am just hesitant do to the fact that there are these few errors in a trailer. I also do not recall John Connor ever being married either so that is something else they are throwing at us. We will see when the movie comes out, I hope that you are right and that I am wrong. But if they are able to knock out a Terminator with the butt of a rifle, it is going to be very disapointing and I wish that James Cameron would come back and do it.
[quote name='blueweltall']Yeah I wonder what James Cameron is doing nowadays, but I'm excited to see what new direction that this movie might lead too.[/quote]
You have to think we never really knew to much about John in the future. Also this is taking place after T3 and the T-850 said that John and Kat were married in the future. I'm sure they are forgeting some or T3 but some parts I'm sure they will keep in mind. Him being married is one of them. Also I have not read the books but have read threads on other sites where people were talking about them and I think John is married in the books. However I could have read the posts wrong.

As for the butt end of the gun knocking out the Terminator you have to keep in mind that this one thinks it is human. So when they hit it maybe its programming told it to go into sleep mode to make the resistance think they knocked it out. We don't know what a Terminator that thinks it is human would do or how it would act.
I only saw T3 once in theaters, and I am downloading it on PSN now so I can re-watch it. Overall, if I was part of the resistance I would want to shoot the terminator, not use the butt of my gun and hope to knock him out. I think I will do a terminator marathon this week. I lost the first movie during my move and I got the Wal Mart $10 Blu Ray for T-2 and downloading the third one now. I may have to rent the first one as well so I can be 100% refreshed. Someone else mentioned in this thread that this guy is pre Arnold type terminator. I thought that those first ones where really noticebally bad looking humans.

But yes, hopefully sendme is right that they are programed to take a hit in the head to get knocked out. That would explain it, but that soldier needs to be demoted or something for taking such a risk to knock him out instead of shooting him.
Mracus is a T-700. The sad thing is that is now out of the bag. When they were done filming and geting what they wanted for the previews I remember reading that they were trying to keep that secret just like how the movie ends. Both were leaked out online I think around the same time. Now that it is in the previews I see no point in puting that in a spoiler tag. We all know the guy is a machine just unless you have read much about the movie you don't know what type he is. You do see the T-600 in the movie and one can tell that it is a T-600.

As for trying to knock it out one would think if this were real they would shot the damn thing first. I know I would have. If I didn't try to shoot it where the chip is I would have tried to take it out. However chances are you should need more people then what they had to hold the damned thing down. Hell maybe it gets hit more then once and maybe he wanted to shoot it but they told him not to. One thing I don't like is that in this movie John tells the machine everything other then who his father was. Hell he might as well have done that.

I'm willing to bet that at the end of this movie is when we see the T-800 with Arnolds face on it. I don't think they send Kyle back in this one also. I think in this one it is about John moving up in the ranks of the resistance and getting Kyle out of the work camp. I'm betting about half way or 1/3rd the way into the movie is when we see Kyle. Then at the end is when we see Arnolds model and I'm also willing to bet we just see the camera pan up to show his face as his bodie terns then when we see his face we see the eyes glow red and the movie ends.
[quote name='blueweltall']This movie is going to suck![/QUOTE]


I had to do that. I don't know if it will be that bad and I think they did tone down Bales voice in the trailers. At one point he sounded to much like batman. I still don't picture him as John Connor and I sure as hell don't hear him as JC. His voice just does not fit at all. Only thing that keeps hope alive that this could be good is if I keep thinking it is someone elses view and that it has nothing to do with the Terminator world that James Cameron made.
[quote name='sendme']Fixed


:lol: Nah! This movie is going to be at least better than T3. Just because it's a Terminator movie without Cameron doesn't mean it's going to automatically suck.........yet.
True but remember T3 was made by a "fan" of the series. I want T4 to be good but I don't hold high hopes for it at all.

Speaking of T3 davestation when you watch all of them again check out the commentary from Cameron on T2 if you haven't yet. He makes some comments about T3 during it because he did the commentary when they were filming T3 and Arnold was keeping him up to date as to what was going on during filming.

EDIT: [url="]25th Anniversary T1 Jacket.[/url]

Thought I would post that if no one has seen it yet. I found it on Only have 2 questions and they are who made the one used in the movie and when they saw how big it got why didn't they try to make more? I don't think the price is to bad for it also.
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