NFL Jersey Question

I just bought a Cutler jersey on Ebay a couple weeks ago. The pictures on that site of the Cutler jersey is an authentic jersey. They sell for about $230 on I didn't look to see what they are there but I got mine new off of Ebay for $91 shipped. I'd check there first before you spend any more than $90 or $100. Make sure you get an authentic, the replicas don't seem to hold up very long.
Not a bad deal at all if that's what he sends you and it's new.

The Cutler jersey I bought was an orange one and they usually run a bit more than the blue or white ones. Either way, if you can get an Authentic for $58 that's a damn good deal. I wonder where he is getting them to sell them for $58 each or if those are just jersey pictures and he is sending replicas. Make sure you ask to verify you are getting authentics so you don't get something your not expecting.
Make sure they are not replicas!I bought a jersey for the mexican national team and it turned out to be fake and it didn't last long.I got an authentic and it's lasted for a long time!
Doubtful that you're going to get an authentic NFL jersey for $58.

There are several websites out there that sell knockoff NFL (and other) jerseys as authentic, tags and all. Some of them are really good. I've got one myself, and I can tell you that for the price I paid (around $45 give or take a few dollars), it's a hell of a jersey.

You might get a really nice jersey from there, as close to authentic as you can get without actually being so, and be happy with it. But definitely don't think you're getting a "real" NFL jersey for that price.
That jersey is super fake. You won't find any sites on the internet just selling authentic jerseys for bargin prices. Sometimes you can get lucky with Eastbay sales or something, but they won't be under $100.

If you want to find authentic jerseys for cheap, watch ebay and learn how to spot a fake, or join a jersey forum.
Fake shit... workmanship is trash compared to real ones, but you get what you pay for.

@mission42: Sorry to say, but yours is more than likely fake. Just cause it says authentic doesn't mean it's real. Most of the sellers on ebay continue to get away with selling fake jerseys because ebay has really dumb policies in which to prove the authenticity of a jersey, the buyer has to get a certified third party to examine the jersey and provide a statement. Doing this usually is too much trouble for most, so these sellers get off and continue their exploits, meanwhile receiving positive feedback from clueless customers on how inexpensive their jerseys are.

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
These jerseys are definitely not authentic. The wholesale price on jerseys (especially current jerseys) is really high. Like $160 or something. Below that, there is NO WAY it is authentic.

That being said, there are some nice "fake authentics" out there. I have a couple of really nice ones - that youd have a hard time telling were not authentic... and I have a couple of not so great fake authentics.

I bought a custom authentic from a few months ago when they had the 40% off + 25% off. A custom authentic Steelers jersey with my last name was only $125 or so.

If you can't actually look at the jersey you're getting, I wouldn't order it. There is no way to tell if it's a good fake or a shitty fake...
My understanding of NFL jerseys are that official replicas retail for close to $100 and have printed or painted (whatever it is) numbers/letters and authentic have sewn on material for the letters/numbers and retail for well over $100.

You may want to do yourself a favor and get a personalized jersey from your favorite team as I've found many players only stick around for a few years and then your jersey is worthless.
[quote name='QiG']My understanding of NFL jerseys are that official replicas retail for close to $100 and have printed or painted (whatever it is) numbers/letters and authentic have sewn on material for the letters/numbers and retail for well over $100.

You may want to do yourself a favor and get a personalized jersey from your favorite team as I've found many players only stick around for a few years and then your jersey is worthless.[/QUOTE]

replicas are $75/ eqt are $100/ authentics are like $250

@ 2nd part, most people only buy franchise players, not players like... owens who move every year lol
[quote name='Furashu']replicas are $75/ eqt are $100/ authentics are like $250

@ 2nd part, most people only buy franchise players, not players like... owens who move every year lol[/QUOTE]

Nowadays you're lucky if your team has a "franchise player."

Just ask the Denver fans about their now useless "franchise quarterback" Jay Cutler jerseys ;)
[quote name='Demolition Man']He still could end up on the Vikings too. :cry:[/QUOTE]
tired of all this favre news.
fool needs to make up his mind!!
[quote name='LilPaintballer']lmao he has favre on the vikings jerseys...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, what's your point? Favre is signing with the Vikings probably today or tomorrow. Keep up with the news.
[quote name='crazedracerguy']These jerseys are definitely not authentic. The wholesale price on jerseys (especially current jerseys) is really high. Like $160 or something. Below that, there is NO WAY it is authentic.

I don't know where you pulled that number out of your ass. Wholesale price on jersey's are much lower than that. Why would any retailer pay $160 for a jersey...what do you think the cost of a jersey is? Probably stitched together in India with materials and labor for about $3?

Probably more around $60.
[quote name='mission42']I don't know where you pulled that number out of your ass. Wholesale price on jersey's are much lower than that. Why would any retailer pay $160 for a jersey...what do you think the cost of a jersey is? Probably stitched together in India with materials and labor for about $3?

Probably more around $60.[/QUOTE]

Actually, he isn't that far off. Reebok overprices their shit like crazy, and retailers don't really get new jerseys for that big of a discount.

And I don't know exactly how much they cost to make (I'd say more than $3 though), but I've never heard of them being made in India. El SaLvadorn was a big place, though from what I remember, the newer (and shittier) ones are coming from Vietnam.
[quote name='lolwut?']Actually, he isn't that far off. Reebok overprices their shit like crazy, and retailers don't really get new jerseys for that big of a discount.

And I don't know exactly how much they cost to make (I'd say more than $3 though), but I've never heard of them being made in India. El SaLvadorn was a big place, though from what I remember, the newer (and shittier) ones are coming from Vietnam.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about India, just pulled that out of my ass, I'm sure they are probably made in Korea, India, Vietnam, somewhere over there. I'm not sure what the retailers pay but I'm pretty sure Authentic jerseys go through a distributor before anywhere else and I think that price is around $60. That's what I was meaning, the initial price paid before their mark up, and then the retailer's mark-up.
[quote name='mission42']I don't know where you pulled that number out of your ass. Wholesale price on jersey's are much lower than that. Why would any retailer pay $160 for a jersey...what do you think the cost of a jersey is? Probably stitched together in India with materials and labor for about $3?

Probably more around $60.[/QUOTE]

The current crop of jerseys are made in 3 places - Guatemala and El Salvador for the Replicas and Vietnam for the Authentics.

I'd put my "pulled out of my ass" amount of $160 against your "pulled out of your ass" number of $60 any day of the week. While my price may be a bit high, yours is way low. Otherwise, you'd see more discounting of authentic jerseys - and the market for $45 "fake authentics" would drop to nothing.
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