Ninety-Nine Nights (360) for $29.99


35 (100%)

This is the lowest price I've ever seen for this game. Didn't see anybody mention this on the forum. Possibly a universal drop since it is sold from J&R Music World. However, this means it doesn't qualify for free shipping. No tax though!

I liked it for the brief moments I played it at my friend's place. Definitely not for everyone though. Although, at this price I might bite.
I forgot what store I saw it for the same price. Although most stores still have it for $50. It should be a universal price drop really soon.
Was 29.99 at with free shipping + Google 20 off 50 when the promotioni was still on, might still be 29.99 with free shipping there.
Yeah, the only reason I would buy it is for the easy achievement points. I played the demo and it was just average imo.
this game is totally average. what drags this game down are the large maps, strong (not smart) enemies, and NO CHECKPOINTS. so if you fuck up a few times in a mission and your health is low you're probably screwed until you beat the piss out of a few hundred more guys to find a tiny bit of health. and that's IF you don't take any hits from the extra guys your fighting just to find health. this game is super easy at first but can easily become a pain in the ass after a while. replay missions and level up one more time if you're having trouble on a certain stage. that solved problems i had when it got frustrating. still, you have to have a high tolerance level for this game because you will be replaying missions.
It's pretty good IMO. I do agree that it's "Average" at best. I got it for Christmas, so as a "free" game, I love it. If I had paid $30 I wouldn't be disappointed. This is def a pretty good game at $20-$25 :)
The game makes Dynasty Warriors look brilliant. At least play the demo first. I couldn't make it through the demo even it's so boring.

It's not worth $10 IMO. $5 I'd probably pick it up. $30 is a ripoff. There are SOOOOO many better games for less.
[quote name='wgsquallx2002']is this game worth buying?[/quote]

Not really. It's a rental if (and only if) you are fan of the genre.

The achievements aren't too difficult, but can be time consuming, or they at least feel that way because all you are doing is button mashing. On top of that, you play the same set of levels over and over, just with a different character (who aren't that much different, for the most part).
i grabbed it during a buy 2 get one with 20% off so i didnt pay much for it. but i made it to th elast mission for the first girl and got killed at the very last boss and havent touched it since.
To be honest I have to agree with others on this thread that the game is average in the game play department. It is a very good looking game but the playability suffers. There are tons of combos but no real need or time to do them. The bosses/sub-bosses are cheap and sometimes have no real method to their destruction.
It is a fine button masher but to be honest, if you are looking for that kind of thrill on the 360, pickup Samurai Warriors 2. While it may not be the best looking game on the block, it has a great overall presentation value. While it is still a button masher, there is a lot more to the game that makes the playability much higher than N3.
So, my goal was not to present a full review of SW2 but to offer this up as another way to spend your $30 a get possibly a much better value for your money :)
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