Ninja Gaiden too hard?

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Aight, at the suggestion of many many people, I decided to buy Ninja Gaiden. I pop it in the Xbox and think yea nice graphics good, this will be a sweet action platforming game! Well about 8 minutes into the game I reach a "boss". Hes a muscular badass with nunchuks. I run up to him and about 5 seconds later I'm dead. I think.. wow that was fast lets try that again. So I keep trying to beat him. 3 hours later I am typing this with nunchuk man still kicking my ass despite all the guides and stuff I've read about the game. So, what do you guys think? Is this game too hard? Its like a waste of my 20$ if I can't even get past the first boss, and I'm usually pretty good at button mashing action games.
Is it NG or NGB? NGB has a Ninja Dog mode that is easier, but he's still one of the toughest bosses. Try not to take him head that air to ground slash attack thingy. Don't forget to use your elixirs...there's one in the corner of his chamber.

Oh, and this may be obvious, but you REALLY have to master blocking and rolling out of the way while blocking. If you block him and he gets too close he'll throw you.
the game is amazing. expect to break at least one controller.
if you cant beat the nunchuck way your going to move on
Try to bait him into his rush move or his throw by rolling in close(then outta the way real quick), do a small combo when he whiffs, repeat. You can also bait him with an X,X,X combo, and roll out when he tries to counter.

The Y-button slash also has a higher chance of causing a lock up, which is always easy to win and gives you a free combo.

Keep on trying, just don't resort to mashing or else you'll never beat him.
Yeah, one of the things about Ninja Gaiden is that knowing how to attack, defend, and dodge attacks not only works in your favor but it's pretty much the only way to progress throughout most of the game. Once you can figure out how to defeat the first boss it really helps your fighting skills. In case you're still having trouble I suggest practicing against the ninjas in the room with the drop-away floor. After a while you should be able to handle yourself throughout most situations.
Like all Team Ninja games, it requires some amount timing. This isn't Golden Axe. Learn how to block and dodge, and look for your opportunities to strike.
WSB is dead on with the tip about needing to block. That dude handed me my ass 3 or 4 times before I finally decided I better try blocking every now and then. I played it on Normal (or whatever the easiest mode on the original game is called) and it was definitely tough. But also gave me a nice sense of accomplishment when I finally did get past each tough part and eventually beat the entire game.

One tip - keep your health restoring potions well stocked.
NG is going to put you in a dress, take you to prom and fuck you in the back of a 1987 stationwagon.

You have to be patient and learn how do do what and when. The game only gets harder. So you'll either learn to play or you'll just get your ass stomped. Theres a room just before a save point were guys keep coming through the walls. Save and practice in that room for like half an hour.
I've been playing through it, and no game has made me want to throw my controller as much as this game, and come back for more.

There's more ugly to come in this game, and it doesn't get much easier. I had to put it away for a while, since I think I've fucked myself in making it through one part and not having any elixirs left for the current boss I'm fighting. :whistle2:s Might have to backtrack through a really hard part and re-do it, since I know I have no way to get any more elixirs before I fight the boss I'm currently dealing with.

It is a damn good game, without question. Just frustrating as hell.
the boss after that was the boss that made me stop playing :p good thing i only rented it after him there is a boss where you have to shoot him with arrows dodge his attacks while hes on horseback and his goons are attacking you from all sides fun but frustrating!
[quote name='shrike4242']I've been playing through it, and no game has made me want to throw my controller as much as this game, and come back for more.

There's more ugly to come in this game, and it doesn't get much easier. I had to put it away for a while, since I think I've fucked myself in making it through one part and not having any elixirs left for the current boss I'm fighting. :whistle2:s Might have to backtrack through a really hard part and re-do it, since I know I have no way to get any more elixirs before I fight the boss I'm currently dealing with.

It is a damn good game, without question. Just frustrating as hell.[/QUOTE]

Can I borrow your copy? ^_^ I want to break a controller. And try it before I buy NG and Black
[quote name='jax_the_ax15']the boss after that was the boss that made me stop playing :p good thing i only rented it after him there is a boss where you have to shoot him with arrows dodge his attacks while hes on horseback and his goons are attacking you from all sides fun but frustrating![/QUOTE]

I think the goons are finite, although there are plenty of them to go around. Thankfully, the latter ones drop extra blue and red orbs from time to time, so you can get a bit more health and special attacks out of the way if need be. Once you clear out the goons the boss is more or less a piece of cake if you take your time and fire arrows when you have a good opportunity.Takes a while, though.
That boss handed me my ass the first time I fought him but the second time I was able beat him while taking very little damage. It was pretty weird actually cause I was surprised at how easily I beat him the second time given how I don't think I even touched him the first time.

Now I am on the second boss and have tried to beat him for about 45 minutes to no avail. No elixirs to speak of so maybe I need to back track to get more. I got close once, but never again. The frustration level hasn't made me want to stop playing though.
What difficulty are you guys playing on? Normal wasn't too bad, there were some hard parts but nothing to make me throw a controller. Very hard on the other hand is fucking tough.
[quote name='shrike4242']I've been playing through it, and no game has made me want to throw my controller as much as this game, and come back for more.

There's more ugly to come in this game, and it doesn't get much easier. I had to put it away for a while, since I think I've fucked myself in making it through one part and not having any elixirs left for the current boss I'm fighting. :whistle2:s Might have to backtrack through a really hard part and re-do it, since I know I have no way to get any more elixirs before I fight the boss I'm currently dealing with.

It is a damn good game, without question. Just frustrating as hell.[/QUOTE]

Ha, I had that happen to me with the boss considered by the guide I consulted to be the toughest in the game. It's after a very very long section where there are no shops and it's impossible to go back to a shop in that section. But this was on my original rental play through and I started over from the beginning when I eventually bought the game (months and months later). The rental was close to being up when I hit that boss, tried to beat her a half dozen times or so and then just gave it up.

For that 2nd play through I always kept my health elixirs closed to topped off and bought all the upgrades I could, even going so far as to purposefully fight a few battles over and over to stock up on essence.
Ok wow guys, thanks for all the tips, WSB especially. I figured this was another slashing button mashing action game since that worked on everything up until the boss. But wow... the block button is like instant god mode. Even if you're facing the wrong way you still block every attack (except those pesky grabs). Well thanks to all of your tips I've made it to some sort of airship level where a guy with.... I wanna say lightning gun? Is currently blasting the crap out of me. The samurai on horseback was easy thanks to the guys that respawn and provide you with essence to use the "ultimate attack". I guess I just need to keep playing and I'll slowly get better. This is awesome cause I'm always complaining that games are too easy, this looks to be quite fun.

Oh to whoever asked, this is the original not black.

Thanks again all for your help! If you wanna give any tips for beating the lightning gun guy that'd be much appreiciated as well.
:lol: I thought the gunship boss was the easiest. I just ran up to the fat bastard and beat the piss outta him.
I find that until you get the jumping-dashing slash technique you really have to use hit and run tactics for most fights. Get a couple of hits, evade, then come back for more. I just traded my copy last week to make room for Ninja Gaiden Black so I can't really offer much advice other than hit-and-run right now. The game is a bit easier as you prgress and get new techniques to use.
This game is an incredible game after you've learned what you're doing. The first boss handed my ass to me about 4 or 5 times, but after that it got easier.

Once you get over the learning curve you're going to feel like a real ninja. It's so awesome. Just remember to use the block like every else said. I remember after beating the game my index finger's joint was sore from holding the trigger down so much.
Without a doubt, NG is tough but the best game on the Xbox (perhaps the best game of this whole generation), IMO. Keep at it. It's worth it.

And Alma... wow. She's a wench. Had to beat her without potions cause I'm stupid. That was a lot of fun. :p
[quote name='daroga']Without a doubt, NG is tough but the best game on the Xbox (perhaps the best game of this whole generation), IMO. Keep at it. It's worth it.

And Alma... wow. She's a wench. Had to beat her without potions cause I'm stupid. That was a lot of fun. :p[/QUOTE]

It's definitely top five if not number one overall.
[quote name='daroga']Without a doubt, NG is tough but the best game on the Xbox (perhaps the best game of this whole generation), IMO. Keep at it. It's worth it.

And Alma... wow. She's a wench. Had to beat her without potions cause I'm stupid. That was a lot of fun. :p[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Top 3 of this gen, at least. The thing I loved is that it challenges you, pisses you off, forces you to actually get better at the game, let's you jam a bit, then repeats. Bt the time you finish you can go back to those first couple of levels and wonder why in the hell you ever had trouble with the "easy" parts.

Once I finish Perfect Dark, this may be the next game I play on 360. As beautiful as it is, I can't wait to go through it again in hi-def!
Yes, this game is hard, but the thing about it is, it is never cheap. If you die, it's your fault. I am still working my way through it for the first time. My only complaint would be the save point positions, I NEED MORE OF THEM, lots more.
[quote name='morpheus_49017']Once I finish Perfect Dark, this may be the next game I play on 360. As beautiful as it is, I can't wait to go through it again in hi-def![/QUOTE]

Hmm... Not such a good idea. One of the first Xbox games I tried on the 360 - whoo boy is there lots of slow down, just about any time an enemy pops up the game drops to a crawl...
Hah! Well I dunno if anyone cares anymore, but I've made it past a horde of undead to a bone dragon. I beat the bone dragon using the shuriken (standard) and rolling around a lot. Took me about 10 minutes but never got hit ^^. I then traveled to a temple place where a pink mutant (chick?) with eye/boobs busted through a window. Beat her by staying right next to her using the blue after-image mid-air slash and jumping away when she used pink magic tractor beam. I am currently at a millitary base.

Which leads to the question of the day... the drones that shoot blue lasers at you.... is there an end to them? I tried killing them for awhile, but it seems that they just come back to life or something.
[quote name='peteloaf']Hmm... Not such a good idea. One of the first Xbox games I tried on the 360 - whoo boy is there lots of slow down, just about any time an enemy pops up the game drops to a crawl...[/QUOTE]

That's really dissappointing. I've put in a couple of other xbox titles with great results, but I've got NG loaned out to a friend right now. Did you try it with the original or Black? Can't see that it'd make a difference. As smooth as this game ran on xbox, any speed issues would kill it. I'll let you know how it goes for me once I try it.

And yes, there is an end to those little drones, but they're a pain...
Yeah there is an end to the drones, of course those aren't nearly as bad as those damn ghost fish later on but you'l find out that fun for yourself soon enough. Thought the game was hard somewhat when I first played it but later on I was breezing through it, some of the later boss fights are loads of fun. Then I replayed the game and beat the ninchuck guy and the horse rider on my first tries, definatly proves you either get better at it or run with your tail between your legs.
yes man the ghost fish are so annoying that it kinda ruins the game
i remember playing thourgh ninja gaiden, trading it in, buying black and when i got to the end i didnt even want to go through it because of the ghost fish, but i did anyways

and just to let ppl know black has the arcade version of ninja gaiden, and ninja gaiden has the trilogy (i rather have the trilogy but too bad i traded it in for black)

the missions are extremely challenging but a great addition to add replay

also how do you access the hurricane pack version? i thought it was included in black but i only played through the original (blk) version of the game
I played through Ninja Gaiden many times making sure I found everything. The ghost fish are awesome......just whip out your Vigorian Flails and go nuts on them. The best part is these goobers give you a ton of essence.

I also picked up Black since I'm a big Team Ninja fan who doesn't have high speed internet available out here in the sticks so I never got to do anything with the Hurricane Packs other than Curse Itagaki for not putting them available as a booster disc.

So far, after finishing the game again on Black, the only Hurricane stuff I've found are a bunch of missions that are basically extended brawls with crappy weapons. I finished those and played through it again on hard.......can't really say it's worth it to keep going through on each level since the only thing you seem to gain are more costumes. I'll see if there's more to it sometime. Right now, I'm busy playing some other stuff like Lego Star Wars, Bloodrayne 2, and Battlefront 2.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']yes man the ghost fish are so annoying that it kinda ruins the game

actually, i thought the ghost fish were pretty easy to beat. heres how. use the dabilaharo, max it out, and then use the Flaming Hell Slash combo. which is like XXXXY. The ghost fish swarm you, the last strike on the FHS move is a huge 360 sweep which should take most or all of them out. it worked great and actually made the end of the game much much easier.
NG was the best game for XB and easily my favorite in quite some time.

Honestly, the game kicked my ass on numorous occasions but I kept coming back for more. I remember the first boss beating me 10+ times, but after that I breezed through the game until Alma.

You don't know frustration until you fight that boss.. if you're low on elixirs it will be one hell of a battle. I think it took me a week to beat her... easily.

NGB is a different story... I don't think i'll ever beat all the missions. Insanely hard.
I just loved the fact that you could thrill a crowd of spectators while you just sat around and gained essense if you were good enough. There's nothing more satisfying than chaining together attacks, dodges, last-second counters and impeccably-timed throws to make your friends exclaim "holy shit, I've GOT to play this!!"

The only thing better is watching them cry about 20 minutes in, but they get hooked so fast...brilliant game, overall. One of the finest franchise revivals I've ever come across.
[quote name='Kayden']Flails/Nunchaku>Ghost fishies.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. I used the flails, followed by the flame spell (been a while, don't remember the name) and I'd rack up huge essence on those fishies. I'd actually seek them out cause they were one of the easiest foes to boost your essence to buy more health for the not so easy guys to come...
dont give up!!..the first two bosses are the hardest..the game is not easy but the later bosses will not be as hard as the first two
I just got Black from my girlfriend for Xmas, and I'm having a fantastic time. I love the Lunar stick, but I'm having a really hard time with those Black Spider ninjas who throw exploding shruikens at you.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I just got Black from my girlfriend for Xmas, and I'm having a fantastic time. I love the Lunar stick, but I'm having a really hard time with those Black Spider ninjas who throw exploding shruikens at you.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, they tend to be very annoying.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I just got Black from my girlfriend for Xmas, and I'm having a fantastic time. I love the Lunar stick, but I'm having a really hard time with those Black Spider ninjas who throw exploding shruikens at you.[/QUOTE]

Dude! You are supposed to open Christmas gifts on Christmas! :lol:

Can't say I blame you though. I'd like to get NGB myself. I traded in my copy of NG a month or so ago and I kind of wish I at least waited until I got Black.
On a similar note, can someone give me a decent strategy for beating the second boss, that samurai dude on the horse who's accompanied by like unlimited minions. I'm having alot trouble with that boss, I can't seem to damage him or aim my arrows or whatnot.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Aight, at the suggestion of many many people, I decided to buy Ninja Gaiden. I pop it in the Xbox and think yea nice graphics good, this will be a sweet action platforming game! Well about 8 minutes into the game I reach a "boss". Hes a muscular badass with nunchuks. I run up to him and about 5 seconds later I'm dead. I think.. wow that was fast lets try that again. So I keep trying to beat him. 3 hours later I am typing this with nunchuk man still kicking my ass despite all the guides and stuff I've read about the game. So, what do you guys think? Is this game too hard? Its like a waste of my 20$ if I can't even get past the first boss, and I'm usually pretty good at button mashing action games.[/QUOTE]

....and i thought i was the only one getting my ass handed to me by this first guy!!
[quote name='Lord Draconus777']On a similar note, can someone give me a decent strategy for beating the second boss, that samurai dude on the horse who's accompanied by like unlimited minions. I'm having alot trouble with that boss, I can't seem to damage him or aim my arrows or whatnot.[/QUOTE]

Don't use the arrows, just hit him with the sword a couple times when he gets close. Just be patient and you'll triumph. Just dodge his charge attacks and the little minions and use your Kinpo as well.
[quote name='Lord Draconus777']On a similar note, can someone give me a decent strategy for beating the second boss, that samurai dude on the horse who's accompanied by like unlimited minions. I'm having alot trouble with that boss, I can't seem to damage him or aim my arrows or whatnot.[/QUOTE]

better strategy: Kill his buddys the magic monk guys, use the essence to charge up yout special techinique, when the horse comes near let it go and get a combo on him, if your low on life kill his buddies for life since they mostly always drop big blue essence, stay by the door and face the end that you cme in from, just charge and let it go when hes nearby and dodge

dont know any other way to describe the strategy but hope it helps, i know i can kill him with this strategy most the times, always kill the monk guys 1st then charge(hold Y) and release special
[quote name='greyzieoriental']better strategy: Kill his buddys the magic monk guys, use the essence to charge up yout special techinique, when the horse comes near let it go and get a combo on him, if your low on life kill his buddies for life since they mostly always drop big blue essence, stay by the door and face the end that you cme in from, just charge and let it go when hes nearby and dodge

dont know any other way to describe the strategy but hope it helps, i know i can kill him with this strategy most the times, always kill the monk guys 1st then charge(hold Y) and release special[/QUOTE]
This is a much better strategy. When you have to deal with the magicians and the guy on the horse, you end up getting whittled down little by little.

Take out the magicians and then go after the guy on the horse.
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