Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

Another question is how long developers have known about it. If it's recent, this could easily lead to a rash of delayed games to build this functionality in. I'm sure one of the first thing a developer looks at with a 3DS game is how to get around the lack of a second stick, and now it's a moot point.

Not to be the doom and gloom guy, but the recent spate of 3DS delays and cancellations recently... wonder if it has to do with this? Delays to work it in, cancellations from developers and publishers who realized Nintendo doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. Conspiracy theory, sure, but put yourself in the shoes of people paying to make games for this thing. With the amount of backpedaling Nintendo has been doing, would you really want to invest the money in making a 3DS game that will be out a year from now?

This holiday season, for better or worse, is going to tell the future of this system. Right now, even as a day one supporter and proponent of this system... I really don't know anymore. If Nintendo always did one thing that gave hope, it was their steadfast refusal to admit flaws. It may have pissed us off, but Nintendo never appeared anything but 100% behind their product. In trying to rectify lagging sales, I'm afraid they really opened up a huge PR disaster. If Nintendo doesn't believe in the 3DS, why should I?
[quote name='dallow']Definitely made by Nintendo and called the "Expansion Slide Pad".
I guess we'll here more on the 13th.

No doubt other games will use it, and I bet it'll be built in to the next revision.

Edit: and it actually does have L2 and R2 buttons.
Also an R1 to replace/cover the regular one.[/QUOTE]

:roll: I can imagine how that meeting went "Lets give these idiots some free games for making them buy the 3DS early and then fuck them over again with this POS attachment."

Then some other dude said "can we call them ambassadors instead of idiots?"
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I'll wait until nintendo actually says what this thing does.

It does look like it'll be more comfortable to hold than the 3DS is by itself now. I think a lot of games could benefit from the second stick.
Hopefully they bundle it in with kid icarus
At this point, we should just be glad Nintendo doesn't make sex toys, because think of all the unholy shit they could get away with in that market.
Yeah, no. I believe if you have not bought a 3DS yet, DON'T. We're going to inevitably see either a revision of the 3DS sometime next year, or... well I don't know. This looks like it is shaping up to be a Virtual Boy 2.0, except with more games.

Sorry guys, but my interest in this 3DS, is relatively gone for now. Not buying one anytime soon, that's for sure. I think I've also learned that, these rumors are starting to all shape up to be true... Which is really hard to believe... haha
[quote name='Strell']At this point, we should just be glad Nintendo doesn't make sex toys, because think of all the unholy shit they could get away with in that market.[/QUOTE]

They could shake up more than the sex toy market. If you stuck a lawn chair and beach umbrella on there, you'd have a [/TomHaverford] dope [/TH] patio set.
[quote name='Strell']At this point, we should just be glad Nintendo doesn't make sex toys, because think of all the unholy shit they could get away with in that market.[/QUOTE]
I would be more than happy to lend them my expertise in that market.
Insane. 01net redeemed.

So that's me going outside to shoot down a crow. Jesus fucking tits this is crazy.

[quote name='dallow']It's a Game Gear.[/QUOTE]

No kiddin. I'm excited for Tri-G but...not this way. Bad for Nintendo that the scan released shows the second slider looking smaller than the first slide pad because of the photo splice. I guess I'll jump in the 'waiting for the redesign' boat now.
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Not sure on the attachment myself until I see it in action, but the new Monster Hunter game is all I need to be set for a while, so in that aspect I'm still enjoying my 3DS since launch and all of the new games coming out is going to make it even better.
The worst thing is... I know I'll get one.

*looks at Wii Balance Board, GCN Mic, Bongos, and many other pretty much useless peripherals.

Still better than the (scrapped?) Vitality Sensor...
Wow. I had some idle thoughts about getting a 3DS at some point but now I will definitely wait until the second stick is incorporated into a redesign.
Hindsight being 20/20, doesn't this make Sony look fucking brilliant? Disregarding the myriad of other colossal blunders they made, that is: the clamor, the screaming, the demand for the second analog stick on the PSP went unanswered by Sony until the PSVita.

If it doesn't make Sony look brilliant, it shows that it's a losing proposition either way, yes?

I have a PSP 2000, and it will play any and every PSP game. I suppose there you could argue those wonky camera games, but that's stretching it.

I'll hold my breath until I see how much this is used and/or how it's rolled out. If I can enjoy every 3DS game I want without having to plunk down scratch for this device, then all is fair; this may turn out like the PSP camera - only adopted by games that really, desperately need it.

But if I am expected to pay for this clumsy-looking contraption to play games I want to play on the 3DS, a console I already dropped $250 on? Shit be on then, motherfucker.
I keep checking the date to make sure it's not April 1st.

That thing is horrifying.

I still think the 3DS is a nifty piece of hardware with tremendous potential. Yet, this is demoralizing and disheartening news.

The only positive I see is that Nintendo is doing what they believe they need to do in order for the 3DS to be a success. Better now than later, even if it screws/alienates/enrages those with a rev 1 3DS.

But, wow. Way to make current 3DS owners feel good about their purchases. And won't this impact holiday sales? Who in their right mind is going to buy a rev 1 3DS now?
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Yeah, no. I believe if you have not bought a 3DS yet, DON'T. We're going to inevitably see either a revision of the 3DS sometime next year, or... well I don't know. This looks like it is shaping up to be a Virtual Boy 2.0, except with more games.

Sorry guys, but my interest in this 3DS, is relatively gone for now. Not buying one anytime soon, that's for sure. I think I've also learned that, these rumors are starting to all shape up to be true... Which is really hard to believe... haha[/QUOTE]

Agreed. What were they thinking when they designed the 3DS? Two analog nubs should have been a no-brainer. Unbelievable.
Holy crap this is nuts. I was on the fence about a 3DS but now there's no way in hell I'll buy one until the inevitable redesigned system comes out. If I paid $250 for one a few months ago I'd be a lot more than pissed.
Nintendo is certainly in trouble when even their most faithful are left shaking their heads.

I wonder if they're still full-bore "Wii U-YAY!" around HQ with how the 3DS keeps going from one stumble to the next. What happens if the Wii U sees a launch as tough as the 3DS has had?
This looks to be specifically designed to play Monster Hunter, and it will probably be bundled with the game much like the Classic Controller Pro was with its Wii counterpart. Adding an OPTIONAL device to help control games is not a big deal, and I am sure most games will not employ it or offer multiple control schemes.
Provided this is real, wow, just wow. Nintendo is definitely the king of pointless and horribly designed add on's. I was holding out on the 3DS but now I really can't see myself buying any more portable devices from them in the future and I have bought every device since the Game Boy Color. The DSi/DS Lite was the pinnacle, very nice looking, sleek and small, good color choices too. I even see business men with DS's in their briefcases. I can't imagine anyone carrying this thing around without looking like a complete idiot.

I don't care if the iPod touch doesn't have buttons, at least I can fit it in my pocket and it isn't as big as a Leapster.

This thing will look even more tacky if it doesn't match the color of your system.

Now excuse me while I go bust out my Sega Game Gear and Nomad.

On the plus side I am guessing this add on probably has an extended battery inside it as well, due to its size.
this is just like the motion control. first the original remote didnt have one. they they made a "addon" then a built in.

good job nintendo.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Eh it's optional so I'll never use it.[/QUOTE]

That's the problem though. Its optional so most casual users won't buy it thus developers can't rely on requiring it for their game because the entire user base doesn't have the add-on.

As others have mentioned, a great example of this is the wii motion plus. An add-on that despite being around for a few years now, still has had very little support from developers...

It was a problem that presented itself in the early days of the 360 with the HDD as well. Sega CD, 32X, 64 DD, etc. have all shown that add-on peripherals rarely take off in terms of being popular enough for developers to rely on.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Yeah, no. I believe if you have not bought a 3DS yet, DON'T. We're going to inevitably see either a revision of the 3DS sometime next year, or... well I don't know. This looks like it is shaping up to be a Virtual Boy 2.0, except with more games.

Sorry guys, but my interest in this 3DS, is relatively gone for now. Not buying one anytime soon, that's for sure. I think I've also learned that, these rumors are starting to all shape up to be true... Which is really hard to believe... haha[/QUOTE]

Overreaction post #55. Ahahaha!
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Like it or not, this ridiculous add-on can't be destined for critical success. Even if it functions well, it's still pretty positively ludicrous, and has to cause some damage to Nintendo's already shaken reputation (only the most devote fan boy could think that the 3DS wasn't ill-conceived from the start, at least at it's initial price point - they didn't seem to have a clue what market they were going for). I must admit that I'm kind of hoping that it does put a nail into the 3DS and that the WiiU tanks as well ... and Nintendo switches to a game developer only role. I really think they could shine in that form. However they need to hurry up and abandon hardware development before Christmas, because otherwise we'll be getting a 3DS. :)
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Overreaction post #55. Ahahaha![/QUOTE]

Yeah... you're pretty much correct in that aspect, I was jumping on the "WTF!" bandwagon, but still... this is just strange and foreign to me. The PS Vita hasn't even released yet and they believe this is a required addon? Monster Hunter was successful on the PSP and that didn't have a second analog nub/stick... *scratches head* It's great that Monster Hunter is coming to another Nintendo console and it will most likely boost sales in Japan, just because it's Monster Hunter.

It just doesn't feel right. Nintendo, you're innovators and you guys try to pioneer new concepts for developers to work with. Not try and directly compete against your competition. Yes yes, they are trying to sell units, but Nintendo shouldn't be like Sony vs Microsoft.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']It just doesn't feel right. Nintendo, you're innovators and you guys try to pioneer new concepts for developers to work with. Not try and directly compete against your competition. Yes yes, they are trying to sell units, but Nintendo shouldn't be like Sony vs Microsoft.[/QUOTE]
The innovation they tried was the 3D display and obviously they believe it's just not working out. Competing directly with the Vita is Plan B.
I was thinking about buying one a few weeks back with the UK price drop it was selling at crazy low prices.. I decided not too, and now with this I am so glad. What the hell are they thinking? That is ludicrous!! Why didn't they just have two sliders on the 3DS from the beginning? I don't get it. I always find it difficult to play 3D games (fps, action whatever) on the PSP or DS because of the missing analogue stick.

So now a redesign is inbound next year with an additional slider and less focus on the "3D without glasses"? Nintendo are really making the Vita look that much better!
How can it be even remotely similar to Virtual Boy?

It's barely tracking behind the DS during the same time frame when it was released.

There is Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Star Fox. Virtual Boy had what? and how many games?

I love my 3DS. I did not like the DS. It felt cheap, wonky, and the buttons were terrible feeling. I still don't dig dual screens, but I'm living with it. The 3DS controls feel solid and the whole device feels much more polished and ready for prime.

Seriously, portable Ocarina of Time.

[quote name='saunderscowie']I was thinking about buying one a few weeks back with the UK price drop it was selling at crazy low prices.. I decided not too, and now with this I am so glad. What the hell are they thinking? That is ludicrous!! Why didn't they just have two sliders on the 3DS from the beginning? I don't get it. I always find it difficult to play 3D games (fps, action whatever) on the PSP or DS because of the missing analogue stick.

So now a redesign is inbound next year with an additional slider and less focus on the "3D without glasses"? Nintendo are really making the Vita look that much better![/QUOTE]

Vita doesn't get an exclusive Monster Hunter. It gets a port that has been ported now thrice. How does Vita look better? And where did you get "less focus on the 3D without glasses"? :roll:
[quote name='crunchewy']Like it or not, this ridiculous add-on can't be destined for critical success. Even if it functions well, it's still pretty positively ludicrous, and has to cause some damage to Nintendo's already shaken reputation (only the most devote fan boy could think that the 3DS wasn't ill-conceived from the start, at least at it's initial price point - they didn't seem to have a clue what market they were going for). I must admit that I'm kind of hoping that it does put a nail into the 3DS and that the WiiU tanks as well ... and Nintendo switches to a game developer only role. I really think they could shine in that form. However they need to hurry up and abandon hardware development before Christmas, because otherwise we'll be getting a 3DS. :)[/QUOTE]

Ah, the good old "if you think differently from me, you're a fanboy" argument. Going by your "I hope Nintendo goes third party" drivel, you seem to be the fanboy. Congrats at destroying any credibility you might have otherwise had. :applause:

And I can only imagine how much bitching there would be from third parties. You think they're sore and bitter that Nintendo outsells them handily now? Wait until they go third party (which they won't btw as they have billions in reserve).
It's a clear sign of how out of touch they were when they designed the system, as they just walked right into the PSP control scheme trap and now have a huge hurdle to make this thing the standard. They'd need to bundle it in ASAP and then convince existing owners that they want this new cradle.
[quote name='b3b0p']It felt cheap, wonky, and the buttons were terrible feeling. [/QUOTE]

That's exactly how I felt about the 3DS the first time I got my hands on it. It doesn't feel anywhere near as sturdy as the DSi or DSi XL. Plus they ditched the matte finish which was a terrible idea. The stylus placement is a joke and the battery life is dismal. On top of that the DS emulation is garbage.

Sorry but Nintendo should have held off a little longer and designed the system with a 2nd circle pad to begin with, not wait until 6 months after you release the system and decide to announce an attachment, which may be optional now but there will be games that will utilize it and in order to play them you will need it.

Two years down the road when Nintendo finally releases a revision that fixes the battery life and adds a 2nd circle pad, maybe I'll consider owning one.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's a clear sign of how out of touch they were when they designed the system, as they just walked right into the PSP control scheme trap and now have a huge hurdle to make this thing the standard. They'd need to bundle it in ASAP and then convince existing owners that they want this new cradle.[/QUOTE]

Is this thing optional? Do we know yet? Is it just for this one game? Why are we jumping to conclusions?
It working for just one game is just the best case scenario...unless Capcom is solely responsible for it, Nintendo presumably spent a bit of money prototyping and developing and addon that includes additional shoulder buttons and a slidepad. I can't see any reason Nintendo would develop an add-on specifically a single third-party game. If this is Nintendo's addon, they fully intend to use it for more than one game.
[quote name='dallow']I knew SuperPhillip would have to work overtime for this.[/QUOTE]

Aw, how cute. The fanboy card. Never change, CAG.

I knew if anyone didn't overreact like a retard, they'd be labeled a fanboy. Pathetic. Then again, this site is a Sony fanboy's paradise. Just read a thread some time.
[quote name='Setzer']Sorry but Nintendo should have held off a little longer and designed the system with a 2nd circle pad to begin with, not wait until 6 months after you release the system and decide to announce an attachment, which may be optional now but there will be games that will utilize it and in order to play them you will need it. [/QUOTE]

I have to agree here. They should have waited until November of this year for launching the system. If they stayed on track with the game development schedules they could have had all of these forthcoming games at launch like Mario, OoT, Starfox, etc. and blown everyone out of the water AND maybe gotten the design right (although I suspect they never saw this coming and they had to release the system in order to find out from the public reaction that they needed another analog stick).
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Is this thing optional? Do we know yet? Is it just for this one game? Why are we jumping to conclusions?[/QUOTE]
What conclusions did I jump to? That they'd release this says a lot and they're not intending to put it out so that only one or two games can use it.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Vita doesn't get an exclusive Monster Hunter. It gets a port that has been ported now thrice. How does Vita look better? And where did you get "less focus on the 3D without glasses"? :roll:[/QUOTE]

1: Vita hasn't even been released yet, nor have we even gotten official word of what games are being released. So, Vita doesn't even have a Monster Hunter, yet.
2: Vita can run PS3 level graphics and from screenshots it does look graphically better. Don't deny this.

I accept that you don't like the PS Vita and want to defend the 3DS. I do like Nintendo myself and have been a fan of them since I was little. They just did not make smart decisions and people aren't happy about it.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']What conclusions did I jump to? That they'd release this says a lot and they're not intending to put it out so that only one or two games can use it.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I wasn't referring to you about jumping to conclusions. Quoted the wrong person.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']1: Vita hasn't even been released yet, nor have we even gotten official word of what games are being released. So, Vita doesn't even have a Monster Hunter, yet.
2: Vita can run PS3 level graphics and from screenshots it does look graphically better. Don't deny this.

I accept that you don't like the PS Vita and want to defend the 3DS. I do like Nintendo myself and have been a fan of them since I was little. They just did not make smart decisions and people aren't happy about it.[/QUOTE]

1) Vita is getting a port of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Look it up.
2) When did I deny this? What the hell are you talking about? Who are you even talking to?

And when did I say I don't like Vita? I plan on buying one. Don't put words in my mouth. Thanks. ;)

No wonder people don't take this site seriously for discussions... Maybe I should have an unwarranted meltdown like some of you to fit in? Hahaha.
[quote name='seanr1221']Oh Phillip.[/QUOTE]

*has meltdown like most posters in this thread*

Have I been accepted by CAG yet? Huh? Pweety pweease?

*gets called fanboy for not being a moron*

Oh, never change, CAG.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']1) Vita is getting a port of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Look it up.
2) When did I deny this? What the hell are you talking about? Who are you even talking to?

And when did I say I don't like Vita? I plan on buying one. Don't put words in my mouth. Thanks. ;)

No wonder people don't take this site seriously for discussions... Maybe I should have an unwarranted meltdown like some of you to fit in? Hahaha.[/QUOTE]

1. Source, if you please.
2. I apologize. I believed you were saying the PS Vita didn't look better than the 3DS in the term of graphics.

I also apologize for claiming that you did not like the PS Vita, just seemed as if you were denying and countering all of the PS Vita posts in this thread. My mistake.
bread's done