[quote name='donssword']Walmart may have it as a rollback in their system for this SKU, which is a number in a spreadsheet, and not a handheld game console.
There will likely be a new SKU for the price dropped ones, after the official announcement. This may be the only way they can reconcile it with their system, and the fact that Nintendo probably does not let retailers drop prices like that--that would be an anti-competittive pricing strategy and against the big-N's pricing policies.
Fact is, the associate in the store is not privvy to corp decisions, and corp knows they can move a
load of 3DS that have been sucking up warehouse and shelf space, so they get place another huge order in prep for Xmas. Walmart moves a
load of 3DS, orders more from the distributor, and maintains their market dominance and marketing strategy partnership with Nintendo. This puts more 3DS in the hands of happy Walmart customers, keeps Nintendo fans happy, and makes the customer think Walmart may be
the place for Nintendo deals, so they will check out the games section at Walmart next time they are there, and skip the trip to Gamestop. And while your in Walmart checking out the games, you will be buying something else. Walmart's brand perception improves, they sell more merch, the stock goes up, the Execs get a raise, and everyone is happy.[/QUOTE]
Nintendo isn't Apple when it comes to retailers charging prices, and if you have been "gaming longer than me", you'd know that a retailer can charge whatever the hell they want, when they want.