Nintendo Power reviews


Mailman delivered my January 07 issue of Nintendo Power today.

Twilight Princess is the cover story and there is a 12 page article that I can't read until I've played the game.

Wii Sports: 8.0 / 8.5
Splinter Cell DA: 6.0
Rayman RR: 7.5
Zelda TP: 9.5
CoD3: 6.5
Madden 07: 8.5
Monster 4x4: 6.5
Marvel UA: 8.0
GT Pro Series: 5.0
Need for Speed Carbon: 7.5
Rampage TD: 6.5
Red Steel: 8.0
Trauma Center SO: 8.5
Metal Slug Anthology: 8.0
Tony Hawk DJ: 7.5
Excite Truck: 8.5
SMB BB: 8.5
DBZ T2: 9.0 (for DBZ fans) / 6.0 (everybody else)
Spongebob: 7.0
Happy Feet: 4.5

My mistake guys, they didn't review the Wii versions of Tony Hawk and Need for Speed.
Wow definitely not the reviews I expected... I mean Zelda TP NOT a 10/10 from ALL The coverage they've given it in their magazine over the past year or so... half their magazine was dedicated to the game and they didn't give it a 10!!! I remember them giving some gamecube games like pikmin 1 I believe a 5/5, yet TP doesn't deserve a 10? Wow I'm shocked...and also shocked that there is only one game that got even at least a 9.

I'm also very shocked Rayman only got a 7.5, AND that excite truck beat games like Rayman, Marvel and CoD3

Anyway I was thinking Red steel, TP, then debating b/w rayman and monkey ball, leaning to rayman. Not so sure now, I'll need to try em myself.
[quote name='Spades22']Wow definitely not the reviews I expected... I mean Zelda TP NOT a 10/10 from ALL The coverage they've given it in their magazine over the past year or so... half their magazine was dedicated to the game and they didn't give it a 10!!! I remember them giving some gamecube games like pikmin 1 I believe a 5/5, yet TP doesn't deserve a 10? Wow I'm shocked...and also shocked that there is only one game that got even at least a 9.

Yeah, I'm completely stunned about zelda, but not at all about only one game getting over a 9. They're launch games, they weren't planned to be killer aps.

I bought Red Steel yesterday, I hope it's decent!
Very Surprised. The average for Tp on gamerankings is currently over a 98. Nintendo Power rated it below what is currently the curve.
I never trusted NP reviews... them and GamePro. They are pretty unreliable in terms of reviewing games that I've found to be fun and enjoyable.
I played and enjoyed Excite Truck, I think it should have gotten better scores than it has recieved(from other places, not NP). I am shocked NP gave it a 8.5. Good game, but I think I am going to get TC:SO tomorrow instead of ET.
[quote name='BlaqRenaissance']2 people reviewed it.[/QUOTE]
Ah, thanks. I'm guessing thats the only game that got reviewed twice.
Argh, aggravated at the Rayman reviews... I need a mini-game game for the wife. She wants Happy Feet and I'm trying to talk her into Rayman.
Hmm... disappointing about Rayman, I expected much better. But I will have to wait till I have a review I can read to make a determination. I swear IGN and GameSpot are avoiding reviewing all the hyped games.

Also great to see something good for Red Steel, Marvel, Trauma Center, and Madden, my other launch pickups.

Any chance you might be able to summarize Rayman? I won't get my magazine for weeks, I'm sure.
[quote name='Chrono72090']Wow. I'm 100% surprised they didn't give TP a 10.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing. When I clicked to enter the thread, the first thing I thought was "I bet Zelda got a 10/10" but looks like they've got some standards after all.

They give OoT a 9.5 too and I consider that the greatest game ever, but that yeas almost 8 years ago. I wonder how this'll fare...
[quote name='chernggoh']I never trusted NP reviews... them and GamePro. They are pretty unreliable in terms of reviewing games that I've found to be fun and enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

Every mag is unreliable when it comes to reviews.
[quote name='fldash']Argh, aggravated at the Rayman reviews... I need a mini-game game for the wife. She wants Happy Feet and I'm trying to talk her into Rayman.[/QUOTE]

go with monkey ball, my gf loves monkey ball and this one looks like it might be the best one yet, with 50 or so mini games plus a huge (and difficult) main game. i can only hope its as good as the first monkey ball, which we still play after 4 years.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Damnit, 4.5 for Happyfeet, How can that be!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Seriously!!! Looks like this one can wait for a price drop! Wakka wakka!!!
[quote name='botticus']Hmm... disappointing about Rayman, I expected much better. But I will have to wait till I have a review I can read to make a determination. I swear IGN and GameSpot are avoiding reviewing all the hyped games.

Also great to see something good for Red Steel, Marvel, Trauma Center, and Madden, my other launch pickups.

Any chance you might be able to summarize Rayman? I won't get my magazine for weeks, I'm sure.[/quote]

They said it felt rushed because a lot of the stuff (mostly revolving around the Gladiator-ish story) that had been previewed to them before isn't in the final copy of the game. They said Ubi had been consistently telling them that it wouldn't end up being just a collection of mini-games and that is exactly what it is. NP loves what is there, but they feel like they were promised it would be more than what it is.
I think this reflects on Nintendo Power trying to get taken seriously in the review game again. I didn't expect TP to be perfect, and I'm not shocked like everyone else for them to do something besides OMG ZELDA FAPFAPFAP 100000000
I love the fact that GT Pro Series got a 5. It's easily the worst looking launch game. No contest! It's like a straight GameCube port. Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 for the Dreamcast looks 10x better.

But, the gameplay is also supposed to be straight crack. Velvetty smooth cccrack.

First game I bought. Looks like ass and I can't wait to play.
[quote name='Blaine']I love the fact that GT Pro Series got a 5. It's easily the worst looking launch game. No contest! It's like a straight GameCube port.[/quote]

I think you're being generous there.
bread's done