Nintendo Switch Console Stock Thread - Mario Odyssey bundle announced

Ferrari Racer

4 (100%)
The Switch is here! And some of us are still struggling to find one D:

Let's help each other out!

Keep in mind if the price in these links are over retail it's a 3rd party seller.

NowInStock and Brickseek are options for finding info on stock, but it's not very accurate sometimes-


Gamestop -

Best Buy -

Amazon -



Splatoon 2 Bundle -















Toys R Us

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Got mine yesterday at a Walmart near me that popped up on Brickseek. I wasn't actively looking until the second wave, since I figured the first wave would be the most prone to defects. I skipped the Wii U after being disappointed with the Wii, so I'm hoping Nintendo rereleases a bunch of stuff from the prior generation. Seems like quite a few more are popping up now, so I'm sure everyone looking will get one soon.
Having owned a wii and bought a Wii U for my nephew I can say I like the switches concept better than both. It's what made both systems great in one. No complaints here and it's been a glorified $500 (w/accessories) Zelda device. That being said I can't wait till it gets netflix and YouTube. I'll stop using any other streaming devices.
It seems the mods aren't bothering to delete this since stores have gotten systems this week. I've updated the OP. If this thread gets deleted, migrate to the thread in the Nintendo section
I think ur lost lol. People paid $300 for this thing just to play Zelda.
I got mine for 47.99 after gcu for my wiiu.

Course I'm not the type to run out and buy a new system at msrp for one game either when I can play a nearly identical version on a system I already have.

Switch has nothing till new Mario game comes out. It touts some indie games like binding of Issac but I beat that years ago and can still buy it cheaper for pc or get it on ps4. And games I was interested in like bomberman turned out kind of crap.
Show of hands for continuing to shell out $300 for games held back by hardware limitations, poor quality of life interfaces (online, trophy support, etc), and select few game titles?
People paid $400 and $500 for PS4's and X1's at launch and those consoles had terrible launch lineups of Knack, Killzone, Ryse and Dead Rising 3. We're just now seeing PS4 finally hit its stride this year while X1 still has a very weak library for a 3 year old console.

Games for those were also held back by hardware limitations which is why the Pro and Scorpio exist. Games were never able to consistently achieve 1080p and 60fps this gen. If specs are important then PC gaming is the way to go.

You make a fair point about online. Nintendo planning to charge for online is a joke. And a trophy system would be nice but its not a deal breaking feature.

What an ignorant thing to say. Unless you're only talking about exclusives, there are over 1000 games on the system.
He probably is talking about exclusives, and if he is then he is absolutely right. Microsoft has dropped the ball big time on exclusives this gen.
I like to have access to all games and exclusives.  But if I had to put a priority on only owning one system it would go:




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Nintendo knows that they are doing, they artificially limit supply so it looks like the demand is greater than it is, that way it becomes a hot commodity, scalpers buy them up, and the cycle continues, so the demand becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. If these things were produced in similar numbers at the PS4 and XBox were at launch, they'd be everwhere. I'm surprised people still haven't caught on. It's a decent strategy, but I'm not sure of the long term sustainability of it.
I'm sure driving up name recognition with the NES classic had nothing to do with it. It went from WiiU everywhere, how will the Switch sell, to WiiU's no where, 3DS's no where, demand for the NES classic, so the next thing that shows up happens to be the big new thing they need to sell. Had a month or two of people trying to find *something nintendo* in stores, but couldnt right before the Switch came out.
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I paired up GCU along with 25 off 100 visa to preorder Zelda for $38 on Wii U. I feel I'm a cheap ass compared to those paying $400 to play the game.

NES Classics are still sold out? I hadn't paid any attention to it for awhile. Figured the demand would die after Christmas.

NES Classics are still sold out? I hadn't paid any attention to it for awhile. Figured the demand would die after Christmas.
It would have died if inventory had stayed decent. I've only seen like one restock in the new year, I honestly thought they stopped production, as there was a rumor of that for awhile. They also may have retooled production to stop the system from being hacked, but I honestly didn't see the point in that, as it will get bypassed either way, so why waste the time and effort on that? They still get decent prices on Ebay, while not as good as the holidays, still a decent quick and easy flip.

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Hope the limit isn't one per customer, as I gots to get my scalpin' on! I needs my bling, bling!
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Saw 6 switches at a gamestop today. Check there if you're desperate. Nintendo is ramping up production so they should be more readily available. 

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Purchased one of the two nes classics my local GameStop received today. Employee also told me they were going to be out of switches for a while, even bundles.
I'll try and get an NES classic.

I won't be able to, as usual, but I'm going to try anyway.
I've got one, but would love to have another one for a future gift so I am going to try tomorrow to order one online. Really can't believe Nintendo hasn't had these readily available yet. For $60 they could sell these things for years.

I wonder if this only applies to online Best Buy. I assume the website will get slammed and I might not even have time to use my reward certificates.
Sorry if this has been discussed and I missed it: my Gamestop preorder page on the app just went from saying "Releases in 8 days" (I ordered a console guaranteed to ship by 4/5) to now saying "Not Shipped." I was surprised by that since I wasn't expecting it to ship yet. Does anyone know if that means that it's going to ship soon but hasn't yet, or if it means there's a problem?
NES Classics are still sold out? I hadn't paid any attention to it for awhile. Figured the demand would die after Christmas.
There is still demand.. but even if it had dwindled, they'd still sell out at the rate N is stocking the fucking things.

Almost FIVE MONTHS now and they can't get inventory out there. What an absolute mess of a company.

There is still demand.. but even if it had dwindled, they'd still sell out at the rate N is stocking the fucking things.

Almost FIVE MONTHS now and they can't get inventory out there. What an absolute mess of a company.
They know what they're doing. The AirPods are the same way, 6 week lead time EVERYWHERE
People paid $400 and $500 for PS4's and X1's at launch and those consoles had terrible launch lineups of Knack, Killzone, Ryse and Dead Rising 3. We're just now seeing PS4 finally hit its stride this year while X1 still has a very weak library for a 3 year old console.
If someone was interested in third party games then buying a PS4 or Xbone on Day 1 wouldn't be the dumbest thing in the world. The first party titles are obviously going to be swamp ass for about a year or so, but you're not taking a huge gamble on the hardware being obsolete or forgotten. Something you definitely can't say about Nintendo these days. I don't want the Switch to be a failure, but I'm not entirely sure Nintendo feels the same way considering how they insist on doing business.

Was thinking the same specially at hte price point they have at leass than $220.....still odd that Amazon has yet to investigate whether these are legit items for sale or not. Most of the sellers also seem to be new so yeah....if it's too good to be true, it probably is. 

If someone was interested in third party games then buying a PS4 or Xbone on Day 1 wouldn't be the dumbest thing in the world.
Yeah, when one early adopts with either machine, it's not a matter of "if" the games are coming, but "when", I agree it's a pretty good calculated risk with either. I personally have never bought either at launch, just due to the systems cost, or lack of games, but never due to any other issues.

I also agree when dealing with "N" currently, you might as well be getting a psychic tip from some hotline somewhere for $2.99 a minute, as the future will be about as predictable, and the value about just as good, sadly.

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For Houston CAGs:

I'm at the Target on San Felipe and they have 2 Switches.

Edit: As soon as I posted, they were both sold.
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People paid $400 and $500 for PS4's and X1's at launch and those consoles had terrible launch lineups of Knack, Killzone, Ryse and Dead Rising 3. We're just now seeing PS4 finally hit its stride this year while X1 still has a very weak library for a 3 year old console.
Right, but history shows that Nintendo has no real future outside their exclusives for the console with regards to 3rd party support. I just don't see an overnight fix for years of damage between developers and Nintendo, especially when system architecture in PS4/X1 has mirrored PC components now. They continue to push the envelop as enthusiasts while Nintendo keeps playing to their own fiddle. Normally, innovation would be fine as long as it was contributing to the greater picture, not their own greed.

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Right, but history shows that Nintendo has no real future outside their exclusives for the console with regards to 3rd party support. I just don't see an overnight fix for years of damage between developers and Nintendo, especially when system architecture in PS4/X1 has mirrored PC components now. They continue to push the envelop as enthusiasts while Nintendo keeps playing to their own fiddle. Normally, innovation would be fine as long as it was contributing to the greater picture, not their own greed.
All they need is a new Timesplitters and they're golden.
I like to have access to all games and exclusives. But if I had to put a priority on only owning one system it would go:



It has been an absolute delight playing games that would otherwise normally be reserved for PC only on my PS4 Pro because porting is so simple now. Just imagine if Nintendo finally gave in. . . :drool:

Right, but history shows that Nintendo has no real future outside their exclusives for the console with regards to 3rd party support. I just don't see an overnight fix for years of damage between developers and Nintendo, especially when system architecture in PS4/X1 has mirrored PC components now. They continue to push the envelop as enthusiasts while Nintendo keeps playing to their own fiddle. Normally, innovation would be fine as long as it was contributing to the greater picture, not their own greed.
Push the envelop? Hell I'm a big Sony fan but to me the PS4 is just a PS3 with a different UI and the games are somewhat prettier.

I've got a switch on eBay right now. They guaranteed that it would at least get $450 or would back fill the difference with coupons. If I snag either a switch or classic NES I'll probably throw them back up on Ebay. If your patient on getting paid it's not a terrible flip.
Push the envelop? Hell I'm a big Sony fan but to me the PS4 is just a PS3 with a different UI and the games are somewhat prettier.
If you follow technical specs at all, they went from a big mistake with proprietary hardware (Cell) to x86 hardware (aka PC) which allowed them to update faster and easier than before with the Pro because other companies are already developing graphical advancements (AMD/nVidia). 4K gaming would not have been adopted so early if not for that. So yes, they're pushing the envelope; not gimmicks and fads as a focus.

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If you follow technical specs at all, they went from a big mistake with proprietary hardware (Cell) to x86 hardware (aka PC) which allowed them to update faster and easier than before with the Pro because other companies are already developing graphical advancements (AMD/nVidia). 4K gaming would not have been adopted so early if not for that. So yes, they're pushing the envelope; not gimmicks and fads as a focus.
Honestly, this is why Sony got all the support this gen(or most of it anyways), as they went to developers and said what do you want, and or need to make great games with us? They gave them what they wanted, and the support was there.

While "N" seems to have gotten better with the NS, they still make hardware and gimmicks for themselves, and anyone else comes second. In the end, I can't fault them, as more often than not, their home consoles are carried with 1st party titles, so why build a machine that works towards the greater good, when more than likely, no one is going to give much of an effort in the end unless the installed base is there, and of course the installed base isn't going to happen without proper 3rd party support.

Sony not going with gimmicks and fads as a focus?

What do you call PSVR?
I honestly didn't care for their VR at all, and that's for sure a gimmick, but it is also a gimmick with the best chances of selling well, due to the installed base the PS4 has in general. I wouldn't personally buy it myself, but to each his own. The PS4 is a success if the VR does well or not, "N" is putting the cart in front of the horse, as they are hoping the gimmicks move hardware and bring in 3rd party support.

It's really not worth engaging him. Just put him on ignore and move on, unless you like hearing from Sony cheerleaders.
I mean, I'm a huge Sony fan, but even I'll admit their flaws. They've always had problems releasing new tech and then just completely abandoning it when it's not doing as well as they'd hoped.

I've had an Xbox for almost over a year now, and I plan on getting a Switch. I find that owning more than one console not only allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds in terms of games, but it also opened my eyes a lot. I see things a lot differently now.
It has been an absolute delight playing games that would otherwise normally be reserved for PC only on my PS4 Pro because porting is so simple now. Just imagine if Nintendo finally gave in. . . :drool:
If you follow technical specs at all, they went from a big mistake with proprietary hardware (Cell) to x86 hardware (aka PC) which allowed them to update faster and easier than before with the Pro because other companies are already developing graphical advancements (AMD/nVidia). 4K gaming would not have been adopted so early if not for that. So yes, they're pushing the envelope; not gimmicks and fads as a focus.
Sony made a grave mistake of not allowing 4k UHD disc playback or game disc reading capability on the PS4 Pro. I already have two PS4s and I won't be buying a Pro. I fully expect another hardware revision within the year.

Anyone with a 4k TV set could have gotten the most reasonable 4k player in the Xbox One S for just over $200 last Black Friday. The stand alone Samsung 4k players cost $200 on their own so there's no reason to not buy an Xbox. This was a mistake by Sony.

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