Nintendo Switch Console Stock Thread - Mario Odyssey bundle announced

Ferrari Racer

4 (100%)
The Switch is here! And some of us are still struggling to find one D:

Let's help each other out!

Keep in mind if the price in these links are over retail it's a 3rd party seller.

NowInStock and Brickseek are options for finding info on stock, but it's not very accurate sometimes-


Gamestop -

Best Buy -

Amazon -



Splatoon 2 Bundle -















Toys R Us

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The mentality of "I'm not gonna buy this new console but instead I'll expend endless energy trashing it and its maker" whenever a new console comes out has grown so damn tired.
I didn't know if your comments where directed to me directly or not, but I was in the discussion that was currently active, so I did feel the need to reply.

I mentioned several times in all of the NS threads how I think the system is cool, and that I would have bought 2 at launch if it would have been cheaper. I've also stated several times how I may get one soon for my son soon, as he want's one like yesterday.

I actually bought the Binding of Issac for the switch when it was released, as I wanted the first run edition, and I have several other titles on preorder, as I expect certain titles to have small print runs. I plan to get the system someday, just not soon, for reasons I have stated. I wouldn't be buying games for a system I don't want, and I'm actually supporting with my current buys.

So where you may know this, and I didn't honestly think your comments where directed to me, I've also stated in the past how I don't like the "bully" mentality, so when I see someone that appears to just be blasting others, as they don't like the subject matter, I'll comment to those persons.

So for me personally, I've had positive discussion along with the not so positive in regards to Switch. And I will continue to do so, if you don't like it, or what others state, that's on you. It's sad when people can't have a discussion in regards to a subject without getting bent out of shape if they don't agree with what's being discussed.

That's why this country has freedom of speech(I don't know where you live), but when everyone shares the same thoughts, and no one is allowed to comment, because others don't like it, we have Nazi Germany again. That may be an extreme example, but freedoms aren't taken away in a day, it's slowly done over time, when small acts become bigger and bigger ones. I enjoy having open discussions with others here, and I'm open to opinions that differ to mine, but no reason to be nasty and rude to others, as when that is what you give, that is all your going to get.

For any of you fools who think this thing is going to fail/are for whatever reason hoping that it does....Nintendo released its official sales figure today and it sold 2.74 million consoles within the first month on market which is more then what the PS4 sold within its first month.....I don't call that a failure at all.
For any of you fools who think this thing is going to fail/are for whatever reason hoping that it does....Nintendo released its official sales figure today and it sold 2.74 million consoles within the first month on market which is more then what the PS4 sold within its first month.....I don't call that a failure at all.
Not sure if that's correct. Ps4 sold a million day one in the U.S. alone and 4.2 million between November 15th and December 31st that year. Switch also launched globally at the same time and in more markets. Ps4 didn't even launch in Japan till 2014.

Switch is off to a great start but honestly that was never the question.

The question was always how well they would do long term.
Not sure if that's correct. Ps4 sold a million day one in the U.S. alone and 4.2 million between November 15th and December 31st that year. Switch also launched globally at the same time and in more markets. Ps4 didn't even launch in Japan till 2014.

Switch is off to a great start but honestly that was never the question.

The question was always how well they would do long term.
Don't forget that the PS4 & Xbox One were also holiday releases. That certainly helps. I still have my launch PS4, *knock on wood* may it last for as long as possible.

When the hell will anything but gray joy cons be in stock at BB? I'd love to pick up another pair for my launch system Fi they're coming in tomorrow
Don't forget that the PS4 & Xbox One were also holiday releases. That certainly helps. I still have my launch PS4, *knock on wood* may it last for as long as possible.
Holiday helps but march was a good time to release as well with tax returns.

It also helps having a game like Zelda at launch and the fact the Wii u install base was so small that a lot of people bought a switch just to play Zelda.
For any of you fools who think this thing is going to fail/are for whatever reason hoping that it does....Nintendo released its official sales figure today and it sold 2.74 million consoles within the first month on market which is more then what the PS4 sold within its first month.....I don't call that a failure at all.
Lol! Nope. PS4 did 4.2 million in 6 weeks. With that said Switch is off to a good start . Way too soon to call it a success or failure though.
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None of those games were even announced year one for other systems LOL let alone PS4

No idea why someone would want ports of them to begin with seeing as you know most are on 2-4 systems and most people could and already have played them there.
The point is we could count on 3rd party support whereas Nintendo has a proven track record of early support and then completely dropped after a year. Nintendo wants to keep the beat of their drum and it alienates developers, so it will only continue with Switch.

As for ports, your argument only proves just why Nintendo is irrelevant as a console maker. Nobody WILL buy ports because they already have a home for their console gaming with PS4 or X1. Nintendo is a great game maker, undoubtedly, but they need to acknowledge they've lost the console market.

People buy their consoles for the games, not the other way around.

Had no idea months now had 6 weeks :whistle2:
He's talking about the 6 weeks ps4 was tracked between Nov 15 and Dec 28th. (It was actually 7).

The switch was 5 weeks worth of tracking.

If the switch moved more than 1.46 units WW in the first 2 weeks of April them it's off to a better start.

Again though the switch launched in more markets and at the same time. It launched 2 weeks later in EU. Ps4 wasn't out till 2014 in Japan.

It's still a great start nonetheless.
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The point is we could count on 3rd party support whereas Nintendo has a proven track record of early support and then completely dropped after a year. Nintendo wants to keep the beat of their drum and it alienates developers, so it will only continue with Switch.

As for ports, your argument only proves just why Nintendo is irrelevant as a console maker. Nobody WILL buy ports because they already have a home for their console gaming with PS4 or X1. Nintendo is a great game maker, undoubtedly, but they need to acknowledge they've lost the console market.

People buy their consoles for the games, not the other way around.
Totally agree. Where is the big 3rd party support for the Switch? I don't see much coming, other than some indies that are already on the other consoles. First party games alone will not be able to sustain the Switch, just like they weren't able to for the Wii U.

Early sales of the Switch certainly are good, but early sales for the Wii U were as well. Over time, sales dropped off and basically never recovered. If 3rd party developers don't get on board with the Switch in force, the system is going to follow the same path as the Wii U before it.
Early sales of the Wii U were nowhere even remotely close to the Switch. The Wii u sold roughly 900k units in the first 6 weeks whereas switch has sold almost 3 mil in 5. So Idk how people can sit and say Wii U did well at launch too because it didn't. As for 33rd party support you have to realize that with how bad the Wii U sold it left a bad taste in a lot of developers mouths but with the Switch already off to the start it is...more 3rd parties will see the potential sales with the Switch and be forced to support it. Will it get every game that's on Ps4 or probably not but the switch I think will have decent 3rd party support. With no new consoles out anytime soon other then Scorpio which is doomed to fail imo seeing as how Microsoft puts all there games on Win 10 now so IDK why you would buy a 600 dollar Scorpio over just building a pc.....but I digress...basically it means that the Switch is just going to continue to sell especially once the GameCube VC that's been rumored gets up and running plus Splatoon. Arms. And SM Odessy....I really don't see switch slowing down that much like a lot of you are hoping for.
Why does it have to be "hoping" for? I have no vested interest one way or another if it fails or succeeds.

Having an objective view on it's long success doesn't mean I want the console to fail.

It will more than likely do well rest of the year mostly on the back of Mario Odyssey.

You're right the parallels between Wii u and switch aren't very comparable.
Why does it have to be "hoping" for? I have no vested interest one way or another if it fails or succeeds.

Having an objective view on it's long success doesn't mean I want the console to fail.

It will more than likely do well rest of the year mostly on the back of Mario Odyssey.

You're right the parallels between Wii u and switch aren't very comparable.
Your right to be skeptical about the long term survivability if you will when it comes to the Switch because of how badly the Wii U failed....and I am in no way saying you because you bring up valid points, however, in this thread and others I see many people hating on the Switch and just Nintendo in general. And I get it Nintendo doesn't have the best track record in recent years but most of the comparisons are to the failures of the Wii U when the Switch imo is what the Wii U shoulda been from the start with the gamepad. A home/portable console. But it will be interesting to see Nintendo's announcements around E3 to see where the Switch is heading because if it does get some decent 3rd party support it could perhaps actually take a bit of a fight to Sony and Microsoft but at the very least I think it ends up being a fairly successful console. Defiantly more successful sales wise then the Wii U and probably GameCube as well.
Hey guys,

the Switch isn't the Wii U.

All the skeptics and the naysayers, you're just making yourselves look foolish.  The list of titles already announced is enough to carry this system to 2018.  If you're not on-board that's your own prerogative.  There's at least three other must-have games coming out in 2017 in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Mario Odyssey, and Mariokart 8 Deluxe (even Splatoon 2 for some people). There's going to be another big surge of sales and demand tomorrow with MK8.  Fire Emblem is already announced for 2018.  You either play these games or you don't.  If you don't, you were never going to buy a Switch in any case, so your opinion kinda counts for zilch.

(glad I never bought the MK8 Wii U dlc for $30 lol.  which actually makes this an attractive package to buy for $48 day 1 if I want.)

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Hey guys,

the Switch isn't the Wii U.

All the skeptics and the naysayers, you're just making yourselves look foolish. The list of titles already announced is enough to carry this system to 2018. If you're not on-board that's your own prerogative and shortcoming. There's at least three other must-have games coming out in 2017 in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Mario Odyssey, and Mariokart 8 Deluxe (even Splatoon 2 for some people). There's going to be another big surge of sales and demand tomorrow with MK8. Fire Emblem is already announced for 2018. You either play these games or you don't. If you don't, you were never going to buy a Switch in any case, so your opinion kinda counts for zilch.

(glad I never bought the MK8 Wii U dlc for $30 lol. which actually makes this an attractive package to buy for $48 day 1 if I want.)
Too be fair....the chances of Xenoblade 2 coming out this year are about the chances of Last of Us 2 coming out this year....aka basically zero.
Early sales of the Wii U were nowhere even remotely close to the Switch. The Wii u sold roughly 900k units in the first 6 weeks whereas switch has sold almost 3 mil in 5. So Idk how people can sit and say Wii U did well at launch too because it didn't. As for 33rd party support you have to realize that with how bad the Wii U sold it left a bad taste in a lot of developers mouths but with the Switch already off to the start it is...more 3rd parties will see the potential sales with the Switch and be forced to support it. Will it get every game that's on Ps4 or probably not but the switch I think will have decent 3rd party support. With no new consoles out anytime soon other then Scorpio which is doomed to fail imo seeing as how Microsoft puts all there games on Win 10 now so IDK why you would buy a 600 dollar Scorpio over just building a pc.....but I digress...basically it means that the Switch is just going to continue to sell especially once the GameCube VC that's been rumored gets up and running plus Splatoon. Arms. And SM Odessy....I really don't see switch slowing down that much like a lot of you are hoping for.
Better check your numbers, 890k was in the U.S. alone, another 636k in Japan, and those numbers don't include Europe or other territories:

By the end of 2012, the Wii U had shipped over 3 million units:

As I said, early Switch sales are good, but without solid 3rd party support, sales will taper off just like they did with the Wii U. And the few games you mention are either obscure or appeal mainly to diehard Nintendo fans, won't have the same impact as the big 3rd party games.
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Better check your numbers, 890k was in the U.S. alone, another 636k in Japan, and those numbers don't include Europe or other territories:

By the end of 2012, the Wii U had sold over 3 million units:

As I said, early Switch sales are good, but without solid 3rd party support, sales will taper off just like they did with the Wii U. And the few games you mention are either obscure or appeal mainly to diehard Nintendo fans, won't have the same impact as the big 3rd party games.
Your still talking 1.5 mil vs almost 3 mil in less time. Not to mention Switch will get another big sales boost this week with MK8 launch so still not really comparable.
I think the underlying issue here for everyone is that they want to game on a console that fits their style and Nintendo is the only player that refuses to provide those QOL changes. Sony and MS compete on similar ground where exclusives define the battle but the Nintendo tries to compete. . .with itself. They (mostly) ignore competition and try to one-up their last console with new controllers and gimmicks. The thing is most gamers have already settled for what works and know what they want. Granted, Switch does have QOL changes in the pipe, but that just says to me they rushed it out the door for fear of being completely knocked out.

All in all, I'd welcome a chance to play their newer games but I want to do so on a console that suits me. Switch just isn't it.

Anyone have an idea how many Switches the average Best Buy will be getting?  There's a $25 gift card when you spend $250 with your BB credit card promo that ends on Saturday, but I'm not sure if I'll have to wait in line at opening to get one.

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I'm looking at a gray switch now at Target. Is it even worth getting one right now? All I'd play is mk8
I bought a Switch for Zelda, haven't played it in weeks. I'll play MK8, but I already own it for Wii U. The next big release for me comes out in July, Splatoon. I'd suggest waiting, unless you know for sure you'll be buying one in the near future.

Amazon has em now too for prime (on the front page deals right meow).

I was going to wait, but I do have about $40 in amazon credit thanks to my amazon credit card. Hmmmm.......
I almost pulled the trigger but considering I have MK8 on Wii U and never play that it's hard to think i should spend 300 dollars to rebuy that. Will wait for next big exclusive like splatoon 2 or xenoblade 2
Anyone have an idea how many Switches the average Best Buy will be getting? There's a $25 gift card when you spend $250 with your BB credit card promo that ends on Saturday, but I'm not sure if I'll have to wait in line at opening to get one.
I don't know about other stores but mine will have around 30 (10 of those being Neon).

Anyone have an idea how many Switches the average Best Buy will be getting? There's a $25 gift card when you spend $250 with your BB credit card promo that ends on Saturday, but I'm not sure if I'll have to wait in line at opening to get one.
My store has 25 grey and 10 neon

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I believe they are out now. I bought two yesterday for my kids.
Yep, got my son the Luigi toy yesterday with his Happy Meal, so now we need to see how many he can get before there all gone, as we only go to get him a Happy meal once a week, and only when he's been good, so Luigi might end up being his only one, if demand is crazy high, but they are for sure out and being offered at local Mcdees.

Your still talking 1.5 mil vs almost 3 mil in less time. Not to mention Switch will get another big sales boost this week with MK8 launch so still not really comparable.
Sales so far no matter how they may appear to some(good, bad, or ugly), are all due to Zelda, and if not for that, I don't think sales would have come close to the Wii U's launch numbers. I also don't think MK will offer a big boost in sales, as I can't imagine to many "N" fans who didn't want a NS for Zelda, but was waiting on MK. I'm sure there are a few, but not many.

MK is also a game that most have owned, and outside of a few upgrades, it's the same game it was on the Wii U. So yeah, the NS has solid sales so far, but with a game like Zelda along side it, and is one of the highest rated games ever produced(the type of game most systems don't see until well in to there cycle), I would expect no less. But I also wouldn't say MK, Splatoon, or much else besides Mario this holiday will help to keep system sales at the level they have been.

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MIght be obvious, but MK8 launch is the time to look for a Switch if you've been wanting one.  There should be lots of stores with stock on hand to support tomorrow's launch.

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Totally agree. Where is the big 3rd party support for the Switch? I don't see much coming, other than some indies that are already on the other consoles. First party games alone will not be able to sustain the Switch, just like they weren't able to for the Wii U.

Early sales of the Switch certainly are good, but early sales for the Wii U were as well. Over time, sales dropped off and basically never recovered. If 3rd party developers don't get on board with the Switch in force, the system is going to follow the same path as the Wii U before it.
I find it interesting that when the 3DS had a huge drop off Nintendo rushed in to save it by shaving off 20% of the price. When that happened with the Wii U they basically were just "eh".

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March 3rd thru March 31st.
28 days.

Also, Amazon PRIME has switches right now.
In regards to NPD/UK/mediacreate (jp) I'm correct. There were 5 weeks of tracking.

Feb 26th to march 4th
March 5th to march 11th
March 12th to march 18th
March 19th to march 25th
March 26th to April 1st.

Mediacreate is about the same but their weeks are Monday to Sunday.

Doesn't matter that the switch launched the tail end of week one because it's still a part of week one.

That's why even though horizon zero dawn came out Feb 28th it was part of the march npd and not February.

It's how things are tracked as far as sales goes.
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Yep, got my son the Luigi toy yesterday with his Happy Meal, so now we need to see how many he can get before there all gone, as we only go to get him a Happy meal once a week, and only when he's been good, so Luigi might end up being his only one, if demand is crazy high, but they are for sure out and being offered at local Mcdees.
You don't have to buy a meal to get the toy. They'll sell you the toy by itself for around a buck

Just got an email from TRU they they will have the Switch in stock tomorrow. Wondering if they'll but the last of their remaining nes classics out too
All the more reason to skip the Switch, I agree.

And you're forgetting a ton of social apps that kids use these days, none of which will be convenient on the Switch (if they ever even come out on it).
All the more reason the Switch will appeal to this crowd. Every child from 6 months to 16 years old is obsessed with tablets and the like. You don't think a tablet type console has appeal to them? The fact that these kids already have the iPhone/etc for social media means they won't be looking for their video game system to do it so that point is irrelevant.
I find it interesting that when the 3DS had a huge drop off Nintendo rushed in to save it by shaving off 20% of the price. When that happened with the Wii U they basically were just "eh".
Well, since they always look to make a profit on every unit sold, I think they just got greedy out of the gate with the 3DS, and wanted more than their normal share, and that's why we got the drop in price and free games as soon as they saw sales where slow.

I believe they still made money on each unit, just not as much as they would have at the original asking price. With the Wii U, they where probably barely making anything due to the design, and a price drop wasn't an option unless they wanted to loose money.

I don't know if anyone here remembers, but a few years into the Wii U(maybe 2-3), around the time you would have expected a slim or 2.0 model to reduce cost, and give the system a boost, there was a direct, that showed a slimmed down tablet, that was rumored to be a redesign, but of course, "N" never made an official statement on it(you can search the story and pics online), but if that was in fact true at the time, I think what turned in to the NS, was actually the "slim" Wii U, but at the time, the system was so far gone, that would have been a waste, even if they could have sold it for a sub $200 price.

So re-branding it, adding in the "switch" gimmick, and moving it away from the "Wii" branding was probably for the best, as the first thing I thought when they showed the NS, was that it was an improved Wii U. A true take anywhere tablet controller, but outside of that, and the removable controls, it's exactly what the Wii U was, so I was rather disappointed in that was what the NX had been all this time, as it wasn't really anything new, just the Wii U concept done right.

Yep, got my son the Luigi toy yesterday with his Happy Meal, so now we need to see how many he can get before there all gone, as we only go to get him a Happy meal once a week, and only when he's been good, so Luigi might end up being his only one, if demand is crazy high, but they are for sure out and being offered at local Mcdees.
Holy, run-on-sentence, Batman!

I want to grab these for the sake that I have no figures and McDonald's and Nintendo go together with nostalgia like nobody's business.
Yep, got my son the Luigi toy yesterday with his Happy Meal, so now we need to see how many he can get before there all gone, as we only go to get him a Happy meal once a week, and only when he's been good, so Luigi might end up being his only one, if demand is crazy high, but they are for sure out and being offered at local Mcdees.

Sales so far no matter how they may appear to some(good, bad, or ugly), are all due to Zelda, and if not for that, I don't think sales would have come close to the Wii U's launch numbers. I also don't think MK will offer a big boost in sales, as I can't imagine to many "N" fans who didn't want a NS for Zelda, but was waiting on MK. I'm sure there are a few, but not many.

MK is also a game that most have owned, and outside of a few upgrades, it's the same game it was on the Wii U. So yeah, the NS has solid sales so far, but with a game like Zelda along side it, and is one of the highest rated games ever produced(the type of game most systems don't see until well in to there cycle), I would expect no less. But I also wouldn't say MK, Splatoon, or much else besides Mario this holiday will help to keep system sales at the level they have been.
Just go in and ask to buy the toy by itself. 1.89 I think. No happy meal needed.
In regards to NPD/UK/mediacreate (jp) I'm correct. There were 5 weeks of tracking.

Feb 26th to march 4th
March 5th to march 11th
March 12th to march 18th
March 19th to march 25th
March 26th to April 1st.
No units were sold from the 26th to the 2nd.

And the 1st isn't part of March.

You want to play "Well it released on a friday which is part of a week therefore let's count the whole week" semantics.

Doesn't work that way.

2.74M units were sold from March 3rd to March 31st.

That's 28 Days nomatter how you spin it.

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Just go in and ask to buy the toy by itself. 1.89 I think. No happy meal needed.
I was aware you can just buy the toys, but my son doesn't know that, and as soon as he does, I'll be at McDonalds several times a week getting whatever toy he might be interested in, so my current method works best. LOL

No units were sold from the 26th to the 2nd.
And the 1st isn't part of March.
You want to play "Well it released on a friday which is part of a week therefore let's count the whole week" semantics.
Doesn't work that way.

2.74M units were sold from March 3rd to March 31st.
That's 28 Days nomatter how you spin it.
Hate to break it to you but you aren't the one that defines what a week is when it comes to tracking. What I said is exactly how the NPD tracks sales for the month of March.

I advise you educate your self on the topic before spouting out more misinformation.

Feb 26th to March 3rd was week one of March for the NPD. That's why horizon zero dawn was not included in the February NPD.

If it was then Feb 26th to March 3rd would have been week 5 of February but then that would have put the switch and Zelda as part of the February NPD.
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^ This isn't gamefaqs, try to keep the adhominems to a minimum before they purge your post just like last time for starting petty fights.

I'll say it one last time March 3rd till March 31st. That's 28 days. Not even a full 4 weeks, not a full month.

There is no and probably never will be a direct exact down to each unit day by day comparison between sales figures from Nin to Sony, just estimates.

I'm sorry you can't accept that you're incorrect. As far as tracking goes the Switch was tracked for 5 weeks. Nothing you say will make that untrue.

I'm honestly not starting a fight. There is no fight. I'm just simply providing correct information while you aren't.
bread's done