Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread 2.0

Because they're essentially the Fox News of video games. False information, rumor-mongering, and comprised of a gaggle of long-winded jackasses who don't actually know anything beyond the press releases they're regurgitating. They also really like to pat themselves on the back when their speculation (which is either so scattershot that something would hit, or well-known to anyone with a fuckin brain) turns out to be correct.
People love to rail against fox news, but unless you are very liberal, it's hard to deny most other news and entertainment outlets report very slanted liberal/progressive opinions and bash conservatives too much. Just watch any late night show and it is obvious. "Liberals" today claim to preach tolerance but have their own type of intolerance against any viewpoint besides their own and are quick to adopt the popular view and shame anyone with other views like school kids. It is ingrained into them starting with ultra-left pol sci/humanities professors they get in college. Now I am going way too off topic...

Yeah journalism is a joke these days. Even my local 6'oclock news stations report 'yesterday on Twitter' stuff. Just wish these writers could put all of their own personal politics aside and do their jobs.
I always find it funny to see "serious" news shows quoting some random person on twitter, but I guess they gotta do what it takes to stay hip or lose their show. That type of reporting makes it too easy to allow disproportionate representation to influence others. Or when they report of some big protest about something, and it ends up being only about 6 people crowding around the camera shot.

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Hopefully Stephen Totilo has enough followers to meet the criteria of some people to believe his sources :whistle2:

Funny how you guys are talking about Kotaku and this comes up. :D/
Again, aware =/= day 1 patch, which you claimed multiple times. Aware of RROD doesn't mean it could be fixed with a patch either, or even acknowledged for a year.

Again, aware =/= day 1 patch, which you claimed multiple times. Aware of RROD doesn't mean it could be fixed with a patch either, or even acknowledged for a year.
I'm not sure what you want me to tell you.. If you haven't noticed I post alot of info I find elsewhere to keep this community informed, that's what I mostly do around here. I posted what Stealth said & now we have the Head of Kotaku corroborating this (I believe he's the head guy not quite sure).

If you want to get into a hypothetical argument about a time window fix based on Nintendos knowledge of the issue, that won't get us anywhere. Also to compare this to the RROD is a bit silly and I think you know that.

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I have a grey switch preordered at bestbuy, but now I want the neon. Questions :
1. How soon do you think I should get there for midnight release in order to buy a neon switch ?

2. How bestbuy will handle the walk in buys? Everybody in line can choose which color they will buy before they got inside , or you get inside , and then decide which color you want, first come first serve ?
3. What are the proportion (stock wise) of grey vs neon for non preorder folks ?
Extra consoles will be ticketed and they will be first come first serve in the line. Neon's should go first since it seems to be around 30% Neon per store vs 70% Grey.

are all best buys gonna have extra special and master editions?
Master Editions were likely never supposed to be available for pickup but they are going to fulfill the orders that got through before they turned it off.

Extra consoles will be ticketed and they will be first come first serve in the line. Neon's should go first since it seems to be around 30% Neon per store vs 70% Grey.

Master Editions were likely never supposed to be available for pickup but they are going to fulfill the orders that got through before they turned it off.
Will the special editions be ticketed as well? When will Best Buy allow the line to start forming? Thanks for answering questions and clarifying!

Extra consoles will be ticketed and they will be first come first serve in the line. Neon's should go first since it seems to be around 30% Neon per store vs 70% Grey.

Master Editions were likely never supposed to be available for pickup but they are going to fulfill the orders that got through before they turned it off.
Will they give different tickets to neon and grey, or just one type of ticket, and whoever gets first get to decide the color once the store opens ?
Extra consoles will be ticketed and they will be first come first serve in the line. Neon's should go first since it seems to be around 30% Neon per store vs 70% Grey.

Master Editions were likely never supposed to be available for pickup but they are going to fulfill the orders that got through before they turned it off.
If I had a store pickup ME, I would be really nervous that it would mysteriously end up "item is not available" on pickup day.

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Extra consoles will be ticketed and they will be first come first serve in the line. Neon's should go first since it seems to be around 30% Neon per store vs 70% Grey.

Master Editions were likely never supposed to be available for pickup but they are going to fulfill the orders that got through before they turned it off.
Do you know what the line system is going to be like at your store? Is there some sort of protocol in place? I only want the Special Edition, but I'm willing to line for a while to get it... I'm just not sure how that works when the store is open, hahaha.

Eh, I mostly agree, and that's why I mostly just stick to Giant Bomb because I care more about personalities and humor than any sort of actual reporting. Still, if I want actual reporting, I stick to Eurogamer, since they seem to hit the best balance of accuracy and objectivity.

It is funny that you bring up comics, because I feel like Bleeding Cool is the direct analogue to Kotaku. :v

Like, to be clear, the entire discussion about "JOURNALISM" wouldn't even exist if the outlets didn't pretend that they're journalists. It's why nobody gives a fuck about sponsored videos on youtube or whatever. They don't claim to be serious professionals.
I don't really pay attention to Kotaku or Polygon just because of lack of time. I read IGN just out of habit. But I do like and prefer Giant Bomb. I think they are legit and fair.
Let's not delve into a 10 page argument about the "joycon sync" issue please. Take that shit to gamefaqs if you want to tinfoil hat pretending it's not fixable. Nintendo is aware of it and a day 1 patch is coming. It won't affect us just early reviewers who are playing with unpatched consoles and games. Also for point of reference both the 360 and XBOX ONE had similar issues and a patch sorted it out rather quickly.
Also Blunty of all people put up a video on youtube explaining the actual cause of it not speculation.

Before any "Who?" replies. He's worked with the Treehouse guys before. They are his source.
Go ahead and get into an argument about it, a week from now noone will remember this.
Sorry for trying to be the only voice of reason. :whistle2:
It should be, signal strength issue. They will most likely amplify it at the cost of battery life.
It's been done before.
More tweets from Stealth regarding the "fix".
Nintendo is Aware of the "Sync Issue and is looking into it.

Hopefully Stephen Totilo has enough followers to meet the criteria of some people to believe his sources :whistle2:
Funny how you guys are talking about Kotaku and this comes up. :D/

I'm not sure what you want me to tell you.. If you haven't noticed I post alot of info I find elsewhere to keep this community informed, that's what I mostly do around here. I posted what Stealth said & now we have the Head of Kotaku corroborating this (I believe he's the head guy not quite sure).
If you want to get into a hypothetical argument about a time window fix based on Nintendos knowledge of the issue, that won't get us anywhere. Also to compare this to the RROD is a bit silly and I think you know that.
I'm not arguing anything about Nintendo not knowing about the issue. But that's where my issue starts. The only fact is that Nintendo is "aware" of the issue, off the record. Everything else is speculation from you and your sources. None of the first party info has said anything about being able to actually fix it, or that it will be in a day one patch. That is almost all from your mouth and interpretation only.

Not all Bluetooth chips can have its transmit power changed through firmware. In many cases, not even through hardware without changing the chip completely. The cheaper ones especially will have a fixed output. The chances of Nintendo using cheaper Bluetooth chips in the Joy-con is especially high, since they're small, lowered powered, and cheap. They're ideal for use inside small controllers. If that's the case, there will be 0 chance they can boost the power, as you say.

And just because Nintendo off-the-record knows about it, doesn't mean they will ever acknowledge it without legal action, especially if it means a recall to fix.

Just look back at your sources' quotes, which are presumably first party. Read carefully. There is no language guaranteeing a fix anywhere.

Edit: P.S. All I'm saying is all Deader was saying when you more or less went off on him, btw.

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That right there seems to be the basis of most people who panic & want to act like this is unfixable a "what if" scenario & nothing more.
But you're literally doing the same thing, in reverse. All I'm saying is take with a grain of salt that it'll be fixable.

But you're literally doing the same thing, in reverse. All I'm saying is take with a grain of salt that it'll be fixable.
No I'm not, I'm actually Posting information from people who've got sources. Not just my gut feeling.

My gut feeling is that noone will remember this in a week, however if it's not fixed and it's as bad as some make it out to be... I'll howl at the moon with you guys pitchforks in hand. :D/

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No I'm not, I'm actually Posting information from people who've got sources. Not just my gut feeling.
OMFG, yes you are. The only thing the first party sources have said is that they're aware and are investigating. Look even to the last thing from Kotaku that you sourced.

Will the special editions be ticketed as well? When will Best Buy allow the line to start forming? Thanks for answering questions and clarifying!
Anything extra should be ticketed. I can see the line starting Wednesday night or early Thursday.

Will they give different tickets to neon and grey, or just one type of ticket, and whoever gets first get to decide the color once the store opens ?
Should be separate tickets for all skus.

Do you know what the line system is going to be like at your store? Is there some sort of protocol in place? I only want the Special Edition, but I'm willing to line for a while to get it... I'm just not sure how that works when the store is open, hahaha.
Probably varies by store but they should just go down the line and ask what people want and hand out the tickets until they run out.

This is what the free double-sided poster at Best Buy looks like next to Art and Artifacts for size comparison.

Apparently the kickstand hinge is magnetic. So if someone breaks it it can be snapped back on. Smart move by Nintendo.

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Great preview, done by the guys from GameTrailers. The only disappointing thing they found about the game are the constant framerate dips and stutters whenever there's a lot of action on screen.

It's a pity that the finished game has this issue. I had hoped Nintendo would had been able to fix it before release. This will sadly likely mean that it won't score 10s, no matter how good it is.

Great preview, done by the guys from GameTrailers. The only disappointing thing they found about the game are the constant framerate dips and stutters whenever there's a lot of action on screen.

It's a pity that the finished game has this issue. I had hoped Nintendo would had been able to fix it before release. This will sadly likely mean that it won't score 10s, no matter how good it is.
A open game like Zelda, thst beautiful will suffer with the relatively weak switch hsrdware. It is a shame
Not exactly Switch related but I posted this in the Zelda preorder thread. I went to a Zelda event at a Barnes and Noble for the Arts and Artifacts. They gave out a cool pin.

Sorry for crap lighting but you get the jist:

There were 5 stations you had to go to and answer some basic trivia. Once you did all 5 you got the pin. They had a station with those 2 drawings so you could do some coloring. I grabbed them for my wife.

I threw in the GameStop ad at the end because I was out flipping today. I didn't know about the puzzle and I really want it. 1000 piece glorious puzzle would be really fun to do with my wife.

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Great preview, done by the guys from GameTrailers. The only disappointing thing they found about the game are the constant framerate dips and stutters whenever there's a lot of action on screen.

It's a pity that the finished game has this issue. I had hoped Nintendo would had been able to fix it before release. This will sadly likely mean that it won't score 10s, no matter how good it is. -snip-
It runs perfect in 720p handheld mode. Why not just release the game in 720p? I realize the stutter is super minimal, but since it's a Nintendo game and less than 1080p, nobody is gonna let that slide. Might as well have just released it in 720p.

I wonder if changing the system settings will help?

I wonder if it's a problem on the Wii U version?

My first guess is no.

y'know since it was originally made for Wii U and all
The stutter is mainly caused by the long grass. This is the exact same problem that the Wii U version showed at E3 last year. Nintendo's claim of similar performance across both systems is probably true, but the Switch runs at higher rez, better draw, new sounds, all that you have heard before. Digital foundry will confirm this eventually I'm sure.

It runs perfect in 720p handheld mode. Why not just release the game in 720p? I realize the stutter is super minimal, but since it's a Nintendo game and less than 1080p, nobody is gonna let that slide. Might as well have just released it in 720p.

I wonder if changing the system settings will help?
I was thinking the exact same thing. They should have had the resolution at 720p and just upscale that to 1080p in TV mode. I rather it had been 720p but with no framerate dips.

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Extra consoles will be ticketed and they will be first come first serve in the line. Neon's should go first since it seems to be around 30% Neon per store vs 70% Grey.

Master Editions were likely never supposed to be available for pickup but they are going to fulfill the orders that got through before they turned it off.
Nice, I favor the Grey model!

A open game like Zelda, thst beautiful will suffer with the relatively weak switch hsrdware. It is a shame
Idk, perhaps it's because this was co-developed with the WiiU baseline specs?

It runs perfect in 720p handheld mode. Why not just release the game in 720p? I realize the stutter is super minimal, but since it's a Nintendo game and less than 1080p, nobody is gonna let that slide. Might as well have just released it in 720p.

I wonder if changing the system settings will help?
I recall seeing 720p tvs on sale @ BB, haha. Further, I suppose we can't downres our TVs?

I recall seeing 720p tvs on sale @ BB, haha. Further, I suppose we can't downres our TVs?
While I like the thinking, consoles render at a resolution and your max TV rez will not change that. So Zelda on a 720p TV will just be downscaled, look worse, and still have the same frame rate.

While I like the thinking, consoles render at a resolution and your max TV rez will not change that. So Zelda on a 720p TV will just be downscaled, look worse, and still have the same frame rate.
But what if you change the Switch resolution in the settings? That would theoretically change the render, right? I admit I don't understand how this works since the system switches between resolution in handheld vs docked, but I hope that will fix it. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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But what if you change the Switch resolution in the settings? That would theoretically change the render, right? I admit I don't understand how this works since the system switches between resolution in handheld vs docked, but I hope that will fix it. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Odds are that the resolution can't be changed on the rendering side of things. I have not watched a ton of the UI videos, but I would severely doubt there is a way to change the rendering resolution in a setting. While this has been a thing for PC's since forever, only with the PS4 pro have there been common "resolution selection" on a console. (with a few spread out examples over the years, hell even the N64 had some with the expansion pack)

I bet the Switch could get updates that will change the render resolution of a game while docked. Sure, they could probably just spit the handheld mode of Zelda out to the TV instead of pumping up the rez. Will they ever change it or give us the option to? I doubt it.

Odds are that the resolution can't be changed on the rendering side of things. I have not watched a ton of the UI videos, but I would severely doubt there is a way to change the rendering resolution in a setting. While this has been a thing for PC's since forever, only with the PS4 pro have there been common "resolution selection" on a console. (with a few spread out examples over the years, hell even the N64 had some with the expansion pack)

I bet the Switch could get updates that will change the render resolution of a game while docked. Sure, they could probably just spit the handheld mode of Zelda out to the TV instead of pumping up the rez. Will they ever change it or give us the option to? I doubt it.
Check this video right at the 20 minute mark.

This seems identical to the Wii U system settings where you can choose a resolution, but I never messed around with those too much so I have no clue how this actually impacts the render. It does have an RGB range selector... so I'm leaning on the side of optimism here.

bread's done