Super Mario Bros U/Pikmin 3/The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker HD/Wii Party U
game dl code NOT the MK8 registration code
Any/All current Club Nintendo games rewards you want
PS3 One Piece Unlimited World Red Day One Edition
Vita Borderlands 2 (cart,could be used, already have the dlc code)
Vita Tearaway (cart)
Vita Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment
Wii U Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Wii U eshop games I don't have or can't get
Willing to trade equavalent of eshops games from CN for codes of Wii U eshop games that are worth the same that I don't already have (ei all of this months current CN games for around 46 dollars (this current months) worth of Wii U eshop games I don't already have.)
Already have
Super Mario Bros U
Pikmin 3
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker HD
Wii Party U
Game & Wario
Kirby's Adventure
Donkey Kong Jr.
Super Mario Bros 2