NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

[quote name='tankexmortis']About 17 hours for me; I spent a lot of time messing around getting t-shirts and stuff, though.

Question: what was you guys' favorite outfit? I wore the blue sunglasses, tight denim jeans, blue navy jacket, red belt, and "bolt" t-shirt for most of the game. Loved that shirt, made me feel like Madman.[/quote]Other than when the game foolishly changed my shirt to the newest one found, I rocked the blue sunglasses, default jeans, jacket and belt, and the Tigers shirt. Detroit (not really) represent!
[quote name='Zen Davis']Which game is better?

No More Heroes or Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles?[/quote]

I was about to post a picture of apples sitting next to oranges, but it is in fact, No More Heroes.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Which game is better?

No More Heroes or Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles?[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed RE:UC, especially co-op, and NMH has the more egregious flaws, but damned if it isn't just bursting at the seams with all the shit I wish more games had -- a sense of fun, a real "why the fuck not?" attitude, and a bigger understanding of what a "game" can be.

At a time when more and more games are the equivalent of some Bruckheimer blockbuster (big budget and production values, no real soul -- "Let's take a little Tomb Raider, add a lot of Gears of War, and ... viola!"), No More Heroes is ... is ... I don't know. Inoue's Black Lizard (look it up on IMDB) reincarnated on the Wii. The game Robert Rodriguez would have made if he grew up in Akihabara. The sort of game that can't possibly sell well, because a society that appreciates this kind of crazy would fall apart.

In short? No More Heroes, IM-not-so-HO.
No More Heroes needed a boss rush in the worst way.

As well as an option to replay that shooter game.

I mean, geez louise Suda. It is 2008. You have to be a grade-A MORON, a COMPLETE DROOLING IMBECILE to not include such basic features in your friggen game.

I don't like RE:UC though. The boss battles were decent, but the basic gunplay is just tepid.

Which, oddly enough, is pretty close to what I'd say about NMH. Only I think NMH nails it better. Ghost Squad over both of them, I'd say, but NMH definitely over RE:UC.
Suda graduated from Bovine University, RS. Cut him some slack.

He probably thinks he can kick your ass at DQH anyway. :>
[quote name='RollingSkull']No More Heroes needed a boss rush in the worst way.

As well as an option to replay that shooter game.

I mean, geez louise Suda. It is 2008. You have to be a grade-A MORON, a COMPLETE DROOLING IMBECILE to not include such basic features in your friggen game.
[/quote]Temper some of your criticisms until you sit down and look at Travis' TV. You might find a "Video Game."
Wow, I didn't know that (about that triangle move thing) and the counter move. At first glance the combat seems simplistic but there really is quite a bit of depth to it if you look hard enough. The combat is fun either way though.
OK, I just set down with this game for about an hour. My first thought was "My Eyes! My Eyes!" Seriously, this is N64 quality graphics-- I was disappointed. I played through the tutorial, and I have to say the gameplay is pretty fantastic. There are a lot of moves, although I found myself just mashing the A button until my lightsaber ran out of batteries. Then, I'd go hide somewhere and jackoff till i could get it up again. I'll have to work on more of the defensive and fighting moves because I'm sure that strategy won't get me too far.
I actually like the driving around the city. I could definitely look over its technical flaws if there were more things to do. I want to be able to talk to people on the street, even if they say random ass things about God and pidgeons, or walk into one of the many stores or restaurants in the city. Though the t-shirts, balls, and money are a nice diversion.

About to take on rank 4.
Still pissed about 5th rank.
[quote name='RollingSkull']No More Heroes needed a boss rush in the worst way.[/QUOTE]

Also true.

[quote name='RollingSkull']I don't like RE:UC though. The boss battles were decent, but the basic gunplay is just tepid.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I'm the opposite: I thought the boss battles were chores, but I did like the feeling of slowly creeping doom as your try to line up crits on the sweet spots of way too many zombies as they shamble towards you. RE:UC nailed about three really good seconds of game play and tried to keep it interesting for about 15 hours, which, to nobody's surprise, doesn't work. Anyway, it's still MUCH better in co-op.

[quote name='RollingSkull']Ghost Squad over both of them, I'd say, but NMH definitely over RE:UC.[/QUOTE]

Alright, now you're just messing around. ;)

EDIT: Lan_Zer0 just reminded me of my favorite store in the open world portion:

Go! Commando
Military Surplus
[quote name='anomynous']I'm one hit away from killing Shinobu, then she pulls this rapid attack that instantly killed me.[/quote]

I died on that move SOOO many times. Those damn pillars kept screwing up my dodge!
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I died on that move SOOO many times. Those damn pillars kept screwing up my dodge![/QUOTE]

Same. That fight started to get to the point where the game just wasn't fun anymore.
just beat shinobu. not too difficult...pretty boring pattern. got back to the city. "not this shit again." *turns off Wii* :lol:

i wish the game was a 3D beat em up, with story or side missions in between. The dynasty warriors-esque action is great.
Beat the 3rd ranked tonight:
BITCH KILLED MY MASTER! Well, at least Thunder Ryu got some lines that didn't involve me stripping and cleaning my ass. And now he's a ghost at the gym, lol...
Word of advice: If you don't want Bitter Mode to be easier than Mild DON'T buy the final katana upgrade. It renders the game cheap and easy (a bit like the Chicago Typewriter in RE4). I wish there was an option for starting a new game in hard mode, but alas, there isn't.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Word of advice: If you don't want Bitter Mode to be easier than Mild DON'T buy the final katana upgrade. It renders the game cheap and easy (a bit like the Chicago Typewriter in RE4). I wish there was an option for starting a new game in hard mode, but alas, there isn't.[/quote]

Wouldn't it be wise to just equip an earlier saber?
Just finished the game earlier tonight. Once again Grasshopper amazes me. The whole style of the game was awesome.

ending game spoiler

the whole true ending was fuking crazy, the painting was classic. Just out of a cheesy movie!

Best action game I've played since Ninja Gaiden on xbox.
So I finally got this from GameFly and I am loving it.

Quick question though - I kinda felt overloaded during the tutorial and I forget - how do you block/guard?
[quote name='CombatCraig']So I finally got this from GameFly and I am loving it.

Quick question though - I kinda felt overloaded during the tutorial and I forget - how do you block/guard?[/quote]
Hold Z to lock-on, and then have your katana either high or low depending on where they are striking. Defending high usually does the trick for me.

Unless you're playing on Sweet, which will automatically block for you when you lock-on.
[quote name='yukine']Hold Z to lock-on, and then have your katana either high or low depending on where they are striking. Defending high usually does the trick for me.

Unless you're playing on Sweet, which will automatically block for you when you lock-on.[/quote]

Great thanks!
I made this for anyone who wants to use it:

Well I don't think I'll be able to beat this before my free trial is up with GameFly - here's hoping I can find a copy somewhere else. I still think I'm just going to rent it because I doubt I'll play it once I beat. But I am loving it!
This game is batshit crazy. I'm a little disappointed in the battle for rank # 5 though
I wanted to fight that weird-ass brain-machine ridden by a german rocker.

I like suda 51, the man has style.
what difficulty do you need to beat it on to get the real ending. I ask mostly since I'm playing on sweet right now and while its fun its not really "challanging" per say and I think I could probably easily do mild.
[quote name='PhoenixT']what difficulty do you need to beat it on to get the real ending. I ask mostly since I'm playing on sweet right now and while its fun its not really "challanging" per say and I think I could probably easily do mild.[/quote]All you need for the real ending is to purchase all of the beam katanas.
Earlier in this thread I complained that the final beam katana upgrade "breaks" the game, but in retrospect, that upgrade is pretty much essential to the final boss on bitter (unless you want a REALLY long battle). So what I'm doing now is playing through the game again on Bitter, but only equiping the katanas that were available at that point on an intitial playthrough and I'm enjoying it a lot more. Though my character may be fully upgraded at the gym, fighting Shinobu with only the second beam katana (forget what it's called) was a whole lot of fun. I still wish there was an option to start a new game on Bitter, as I hate imposing these kinds of constrictions myself. I've thought about perhaps playing a new game on mild without going to the gym as a sort of challenge that would also improve the game's pacing (as I'd save a lot of money and could go straight for the ranking fights).
Earlier in this thread I complained that the final beam katana upgrade "breaks" the game, but in retrospect, that upgrade is pretty much essential to the final boss on bitter (unless you want a REALLY long battle). So what I'm doing now is playing through the game again on Bitter, but only equiping the katanas that were available at that point on an intitial playthrough and I'm enjoying it a lot more. Though my character may be fully upgraded at the gym, fighting Shinobu with only the second beam katana (forget what it's called) was a whole lot of fun. I still wish there was an option to start a new game on Bitter, as I hate imposing these kinds of constrictions myself. I've thought about perhaps playing a new game on mild without going to the gym as a sort of challenge that would also improve the game's pacing (as I'd save a lot of money and could go straight for the ranking fights).
I got up to rank 3 tonight and I am enjoying it more and more. Some of the boss battles
that aren't really boss battles at all
like 5 and 3 are such a nice change of pace, IMO.

It is definitely rough around the edges, but man it is really fun and funny too.
The overworld really takes this game from great to good for me.

Other than that, my gripes would be the damn underneath-the-ground treasure shit (I can't find any even when I see the dot. It never digs up up, even when i'm on top of the fucking dot) and the fact that I can't beat a single free-fight one-hit-kill mission.
Yeah, digging up loot is hit or miss. Best advice I can give you is that the controller lightly rumbles when you're near it and then rumbles harder when you're right above it... that helps usually.
Woot CAG is back up.

Anyway I got finally bet hell bitch today (otherwise known as #8 on the hardest difficulity :lol:). That fucker took me about 3 days of trying to get her down. I must say that was probably the best boss fight I ever had since oh, probably resident evil 4 maybe even earlier.

I must say this is just such an awesome game. I am loving every minute of it.
Beat this on mild yesterday. Excellent game. The ending was well suited for the game and well worth it. I actually played through the final sections two more times to show my friends.

I enjoyed Santa Destroy and would rather see it expanded upon rather than cut out. Schpel Tiger controls great, though I would rather have it skid like it does during donuts, rather than the instant 90 degree turn. Hunting for balls, money, and shirts was oddly addicting and I ended up clearing off every single dot on the map.

Combat is fantastic. Except for maybe the 20th time I did gig 18, it never got old. Lots of neat techniques to mess around with. Side-stepping is key to finishing free misssions. The only thing bugging be is that it seems I can break through guards now, which kind of makes attacking high and low pointless.

Starting to slowly go through bitter mode now. One of my top Wii games.
i watched the real ending again, and all that could come into my mind was the scene from futurama where they were stuck underwater

[Cut to: Seabed. Zoidberg turns away sadly and the door closes behind him. He screams. His shell is a burned ruin.] Zoidberg: No! My home! It burned down! [Hermes and Bender walk out of the ship. Zoidberg cries.] (crying) How did this happen?
Hermes: That's a very good question.
[Bender picks something up.]
Bender: So that's where I left my cigar.
[He smokes it.]
Hermes: That just raises further questions!

i love the ending, I really just want to know whats true, and hopefully a loose end or two is tied up in a sequel
Regarding the FIRST final boss, the way the boss swayed during that fight... well,
Gene stars in God Hand. Jeane was the final boss of NMH. I refuse to accept that this is a coincidence.

The final, final battle, I can't see how you'd need the final, final beam katana upgrade to do it, even on Hard. (Boss tactics ahead)
SIR HENRY MOTHERfuckER TOUCHDOWN isn't that hard. In fact, if you're paying attention, the only attack he should EVER hit you with is that lightning fast charge forward attack. Side-step countering his main combo is as easy as mashing the control stick, and you can jack off your katana every time he goes for that "SUPER OBVIOUS COUNTER MOVE"

As far as the ending goes, that was the dumbest shit I've ever seen outside of Saturday Night Live, and it even gives that a run for its money. But, in a SORTA good way. I didn't leave filling unfulfilled, but that was mostly because the final final battle delivered.

The overworld is alright, but running through overworlds to collect stuff has been pretty enjoyable ever since GTA3. Just ask its two expansions, Saint's Row, Mercenaries, Crackdown, Assassin's Creed... Not exactly a novel concept there. NMH just hitched a ride on that train.

The problem is that the beyond the collect-a-thon, the overworld was nothing more than a bland drive between missions. It really hurt the pacing of the game and did a damn fine job of boring the player. Each minigame was more boring than the last, and the combat just wasn't that far above button-mashy to expect you to grind on it for the cash you needed.

Hell, speaking of the combat, take away the swaying of God Hand and make the dodging only useful against bosses, and you have NMH. Way too little here for the game to deserve a sequel as is. Fortunately, the finale attacks add some much needed crowd control, but the sidestep counters, the nunchuck shake (Coupled with the inexcusably terrible ground attack detection), they just don't flow at all...

Suda is a real doofus. He can put all this awesome into a game, but then he somehow makes the WRONG game, such that the awesome gets buried under a LOT of shit. Every one of those bosses deserved more attention than they got and the basic grind, the button-mashy combat, all could have been deemphasized to give them some more room to ham it up. Still, at least it was better than Killer7.

Still, for what its worth, the bosses were quite awesome... more than awesome, they were the reason to play the game, though they all become pathetically easy once you get their patterns down (Even moreso than DMC, Viewtiful Joe, and God Hand.). The problem is that the entire game became a grind to get those boss battles. And when Suda pulls shit like
Rank 5
, well, that's how games get taken back to Gamestop.

In the end, one thumb up. I'd give it two easily, but I'm not sure Suda himself knows what was awesome about this game and what was not. As a result, I'm not exactly going to campaign for this one the way I do Zack and Wiki.

Takeaway: Mmm... Bad Girl...
[quote name='RollingSkull']Regarding the FIRST final boss, the way the boss swayed during that fight... well,
Gene stars in God Hand. Jeane was the final boss of NMH. I refuse to accept that this is a coincidence.

Well grasshopper did do music for godhand....

The final, final battle, I can't see how you'd need the final, final beam katana upgrade to do it, even on Hard. (Boss tactics ahead)
SIR HENRY MOTHERfuckER TOUCHDOWN isn't that hard. In fact, if you're paying attention, the only attack he should EVER hit you with is that lightning fast charge forward attack. Side-step countering his main combo is as easy as mashing the control stick, and you can jack off your katana every time he goes for that "SUPER OBVIOUS COUNTER MOVE"

As far as the ending goes, that was the dumbest shit I've ever seen outside of Saturday Night Live, and it even gives that a run for its money. But, in a SORTA good way. I didn't leave filling unfulfilled, but that was mostly because the final final battle delivered.

The overworld is alright, but running through overworlds to collect stuff has been pretty enjoyable ever since GTA3. Just ask its two expansions, Saint's Row, Mercenaries, Crackdown, Assassin's Creed... Not exactly a novel concept there. NMH just hitched a ride on that train.

The problem is that the beyond the collect-a-thon, the overworld was nothing more than a bland drive between missions. It really hurt the pacing of the game and did a damn fine job of boring the player. Each minigame was more boring than the last, and the combat just wasn't that far above button-mashy to expect you to grind on it for the cash you needed.

Suda is a real doofus. He can put all this awesome into a game, but then he somehow makes the WRONG game, such that the awesome gets buried under a LOT of shit. Every one of those bosses deserved more attention than they got and the basic grind, the button-mashy combat, all could have been deemphasized to give them some more room to ham it up. Still, at least it was better than Killer7.

Still, for what its worth, the bosses were quite awesome... more than awesome, they were the reason to play the game, though they all become pathetically easy once you get their patterns down. The problem is that the entire game became a grind to get those boss battles. And when Suda pulls shit like
Rank 5
, well, that's how games get taken back to Gamestop.

In the end, one thumb up. I'd give it two easily, but I'm not sure Suda himself knows what was awesome about this game and what was not. As a result, I'm not exactly going to campaign for this one the way I do Zack and Wiki.

Takeaway: Mmm... Bad Girl...

I was kinda pissed about the
Rank 5
thing, but yeah, it makes sense...

also, I still don't think this is better than Killer 7 since the meat of Killer 7 was in the depth while the meat in NMH is the gameplay. They aren't better than each other, just different.

And while I love Zack and Wiki, I had a blast almost the entire way through (even with the overworld crap) in NMH while Z&W was more of a smart tease of the brain.
Also, for anyone having trouble dealing with the buried treasure, though why you would futz with it for such a paltry amount of cash... all the buried treasure is stuck in an aesthetically understandable location. Near a tree, in the exact center of a grove, something like that. So if the dot directs you to a small area, check near the edges of trees, buildings, etc first. It is still a REALLY stupid mechanic, so don't expect to get it even with this clue. But combine this with the rumble clue earlier and you should find these easier.

But, really, the dumpsters are far superior.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Well grasshopper did do music for godhand....[/quote]

fights a LOT like

I was kinda pissed about the
Rank 5
thing, but yeah, it makes sense...

also, I still don't think this is better than Killer 7 since the meat of Killer 7 was in the depth while the meat in NMH is the gameplay. They aren't better than each other, just different.

Please. It would have been easy as pie to attach ACTUAL gameplay to Killer7. "Depth" and gameplay are not mutually exclusive.

Of course, I wouldn't be one to call Killer7 deep so much as random, but I didn't get all the way through, so maybe they hid it.
[quote name='RollingSkull'] Please. It would have been easy as pie to attach ACTUAL gameplay to Killer7. "Depth" and gameplay are not mutually exclusive.

Of course, I wouldn't be one to call Killer7 deep so much as random, but I didn't get all the way through, so maybe they hid it.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed the gameplay in Killer 7, I just saw that it wasn't the focus of the game.

also, it's time for you to learn:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I enjoyed the gameplay in Killer 7, I just saw that it wasn't the focus of the game.[/quote]

Video games are a uniformly shitty storytelling medium. If you can't make your game not tedious and boring as a vehicle for your story, then you need to seek out another medium.

Come on, give me a little credit. I've done at least THAT much due diligence.

I read as much of that as I could bear, and most of it either seemed to assume stuff that required so much conjecture based off what the game actually said that I found it unconvincing, or it all seemed to spring so much from the Japanese body of culture that I had no hope of understanding it anyway.

Either way, such an aggressively boring work doesn't seem to me to merit so much of my effort for analysis the way other, much better handled books deserved.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']And while I love Zack and Wiki, I had a blast almost the entire way through (even with the overworld crap) in NMH while Z&W was more of a smart tease of the brain.[/quote]

I really think Zack and Wiki had a lot of potential and probably deserves a sequel. The game really had a knack for some puzzles that were really cool, like the boss battles against the squid and the final boss, while allowing a couple of logistical brain benders. Of course, it never got as cool as earlier adventure games, but it at least filled a niche that even Sam and Max seems to miss in its adventures.

However, Capcom almost seemed to be committed to the game's failure. From the stupid name to their complete inability to realize that charisma is as important as intelligence in an adventure game and failed horribly at making anyone but Rose likeable, and Rose was only likeable because she had boobs.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Video games are a uniformly shitty storytelling medium. If you can't make your game not tedious and boring as a vehicle for your story, then you need to seek out another medium.

Come on, give me a little credit. I've done at least THAT much due diligence.

I read as much of that as I could bear, and most of it either seemed to assume stuff that required so much conjecture based off what the game actually said that I found it unconvincing, or it all seemed to spring so much from the Japanese body of culture that I had no hope of understanding it anyway.

Either way, such an aggressively boring work doesn't seem to me to merit so much of my effort for analysis the way other, much better handled books deserved.[/QUOTE]

I can see how the standard answer applied makes your answer relevant, but since this is Suda we're talking about, obviosly he was tryign things that havent been done before.

Also, I don't expect you to read that whole thing till you beat Killer 7 anyway. Won't make one dent of sense till you do so really.

I don't want to banter or debate about anything. I just was posting on how I saw things equivalent and fine. I understand that in your mind it's not relevant what I'm talking about. so yep. let's end it there...

....after some corndogs.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I can see how the standard answer applied makes your answer relevant, but since this is Suda we're talking about, obviosly he was tryign things that havent been done before.[/quote]

Different is not a synonym for good, or even worth someone's time. If he wants to try something not done before, then he needs to understand that he has to leverage all parts of the medium appropriately.

Which, between NMH and Killer7, I am not sure Suda understands at all.

Also, I don't expect you to read that whole thing till you beat Killer 7 anyway. Won't make one dent of sense till you do so really.

Ayup. Problem is I'm not going to beat it.
bread's done