No new 'good' games coming for PS3 soon?


I was looking at the EB Games site for games coming soon for PS3. I didn't really see any games that'll interest me until October 1, which would be Uncharted 2. Also coming October though, is Bioshock 2, but I'll probably get that for PC, and Tekken 6. There's also the possibility that the games will get pushed back. Is anybody else looking forward to playing anything on the PS3 in the coming months? Red Faction and InFamous are getting a bit of hype, but I'm not too thrilled about them (maybe I just need to do a little research).

A bit off-topic, I also looked at PSP's coming soon. Looking forward to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (possible June release), Dissidia (August), and Patapon 2 (early May). Also thinking about Hammerin' Heroes, which is coming out next week.
Infamous at most seems like a rental IMO
Cross Edge doesn't seem like a game that'll be released in the states (but apparently they are in fact bringing it here), kinda wish they had more characters... (or are there secret characters?)

At least ps3 got great game during winter up till now (sfiv, fallout 3, resistance 2, killzone 2, resident evil 5, etc) and gives you a chance to collect missed old game (iono).

A game I'm looking forward to for the ps3 that will be released in couple of months (I think) is KOF 12, never liked the series... but its too pretty to be missed ^^
This should be a blog post instead of a topic in a forum. Just because you're not interested in anything doesn't mean there's no "new 'good' games" coming out.

As far as exclusives go for Q2-Q3, I'm somewhat interested in inFamous since the recent release of videos and Fat Princess is right up there with any retail release. If we're counting multiplatform, I would add Bayonetta.
Normally what happens is (from what I've noticed), when good retail games are coming out, there aren't many great stuff coming to PSN. When there aren't many retail games coming out (keep in mind PS3/360 are about to have a drought for a bit), there's usually interesting downloads released (like Fat Princess should come then). Keep in mind most of the lineup for the 2nd half of this year will not be revealed until around E3.

I'm happy because I'm buying DW Gundam 2 in April (keep in mind I'm a fan of the first), Cross X Edge in May, and DW6 Empires in June along with inFAMOUS.

Bionic Commando comes out in May too.
[quote name='x-striker']I was looking at the EB Games site for games coming soon for PS3. I didn't really see any games that'll interest me until October 1, which would be Uncharted 2. Also coming October though, is Bioshock 2, but I'll probably get that for PC, and Tekken 6. There's also the possibility that the games will get pushed back. Is anybody else looking forward to playing anything on the PS3 in the coming months? Red Faction and InFamous are getting a bit of hype, but I'm not too thrilled about them (maybe I just need to do a little research).

A bit off-topic, I also looked at PSP's coming soon. Looking forward to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (possible June release), Dissidia (August), and Patapon 2 (early May). Also thinking about Hammerin' Heroes, which is coming out next week.[/quote]

A beam of light pierces the skyline. An SDF logo can be seen against the pale, backlit clouds adrift in the obsidian night.
Same can be said for the 360. The only exclusive I can tell that they have coming in the next few months is Ninja Blade.

I for one can't wait for Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2. I love the first one.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
I'm happy because I'm buying DW Gundam 2 in April (keep in mind I'm a fan of the first), Cross X Edge in May, and DW6 Empires in June[/quote]

I'm sure everyone of those will be worth your day-one full MSRP retail dollars.:roll:
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
I'm happy because I'm buying DW Gundam 2 in April (keep in mind I'm a fan of the first), Cross X Edge in May, and DW6 Empires in June along with inFAMOUS.[/quote]

You're gonna pay full retail for Dynasty Warrior games?


Get a fucking job.
It's the dull summer months where publishers refuse to release any games because apparently consumers will only buy games from November to March and then their wallets cease to exist.

I thought this was expected by now?
It's summer mang! Of course there's no "major" games. (well very few)

Finish your games, hope for a cool E3 all around, and save money for Fall/Winter.
[quote name='blackjaw']Summer is the time to finish up all of your backlog, purchase games you missed on the cheap, and enjoy being outside.[/quote]

"Being Outside"?

Is that multi platform?
[quote name='h3llbring3r']I'm sure everyone of those will be worth your day-one full MSRP retail dollars.:roll:[/QUOTE]Oh course, I'm buying them without a doubt, along with Raiden Fighters Aces on 360 (I played the Ninja Blade demo, and I felt it was beyond awful, but then again I do not like From Software and wouldn't even buy Demon Souls if it came stateside) and plenty of PSP games (like DW Strikeforce, Hammerin' Hero, Rock Band Unplugged, etc.). DW is worth full price to me, but I love Musou games and spend a lot of time with them (leveling up all characters and beating all characters storylines). Keep in mind too that DW Gundam is STILL $40 right now unless you found it at a Sears clearance, so its not like the price is going to drop fast (most Musou games don't drop fast either). I buy multi-platform games on PS3 regardless. I did play the Cross X Edge demo. I enjoyed it, but I'll admit I don't expect it to be one of the best games I've played (I love its cross overs, since I like NIS/Gust a lot).

I also forgot to mention, there's BlazBlue and KoFXII coming, which are really huge to me (especially BlazBlue). Atelier Rorona comes out in June in Japan, but NA probably won't see it for a year.

Regardless, it's summer coming, game lineups tend to decrease quite a bit. Once late Q3 and Q4 games, then all the games start releasing again, such as Heavy Rain, MAG, Uncharted 2, R&C Future: A Crack in Time, White Knight Chronicles, etc. Last summer the only new releases I was buying was MGS4, SCIV, Disgaea 3, and ToV (for a summer lineup, that was really good. The year before that, it was only NG Sigma and Forza 2, until late August came).

Eh, I got a lot of games to catch up on, like finishing BioShock, Dead Space, RE5, Naruto: UNS, Valkyria Chronicles, Star Ocean: TLH, etc. Plus, I honestly don't want many new releases to come out because I'm running quite low on money.
Summer isn't really the time for new releases, rather it's the time were retailers are slashing prices to get the kids to pick up games and whatnot (the whole "not having school" is really helpful in that department). It's a sucky lull, but I'm pretty broke myself, and I do have a massive backlog that I need to contend with...

...That, and I have classes over the summer, so I really shouldn't buy new games at all.
I just hope PS3 gets ToV in the U.S. by the end of the year. Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank Future 2 and Modern Warfare 2 should be more than enough for you this fall. Until then, play some multiplayer or pick up some PS2 games.
Hannah Montana: The Movie comes out on Tuesday. You're welcome.

There was just a large burst of good games that released within the last 2-3 months. SF4, Killzone, and Re5 for example. Finish up your backlog yet?
Even with the lull in the summer, I find that the PSP usually has a few good releases during this time, so I thought it might carry over to the PS3.

I guess I do have some PS2 games that I have to finish, it's just that, I have my (PS2 UNbackwards compatible) PS3 now, where as I might have been willing to push back the purchase later in the year (hopefully with a price drop?). But I guess it does sound rather unlikely.

I was thinking about Bayonetta, but her trailers made her way too slutty and it was just kind of a turn-off (paradox!) for an action game. inFAMOUS looks like it has potential, but I'm not sure about it yet.

I didn't even know what Cross Edge was until people started mentioning here. That's an example of the point of making this a thread rather than a blog, so that people can actually point out potential games to keep an eye out for, so thanks! I think I'll look into it (it's kind of like the Japan-only released Namco x Capcom right?).

And actually, yes, I've already finished KZ2, Resistance 2, SF4, RE5 to pretty much my satisfaction. I'm not one for on-line multiplayer (unless I could play with friends via split-screen or online), so those games are pretty much dead to me. SF4, I would like to play online, but not with my connection. I do have Valkyria Chronicles to finish though. . . plus, the PSP should keep me company during the summer.
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Game I am waiting for an anouncment on is White Knight Chronicles, just waiting for the official US release date. Until than I will just Gamefly games that I missed.
Damn mana, why the hate on From Software?
Demon's Souls looks sooooo good. The very lively thread on gaf surprised me.
good, i'm glad that there is no new big games coming out, I need some time to go through some more backlog.
[quote name='dallow']Damn mana, why the hate on From Software?
Demon's Souls looks sooooo good. The very lively thread on gaf surprised me.[/QUOTE]Their games just aren't my cup of tea. Never been a fan of King's Field, Evergrace, Lost Kingdoms, and others. I only somewhat like AC in the past and the 4th (the first few times I played it) and kind of liked Otogi (but it was never really big to me).
[quote name='x-striker']Even with the lull in the summer, I find that the PSP usually has a few good releases during this time, so I thought it might carry over to the PS3.

I guess I do have some PS2 games that I have to finish, it's just that, I have my (PS2 UNbackwards compatible) PS3 now, where as I might have been willing to push back the purchase later in the year (hopefully with a price drop?). But I guess it does sound rather unlikely.

I was thinking about Bayonetta, but her trailers made her way too slutty and it was just kind of a turn-off (paradox!) for an action game. inFAMOUS looks like it has potential, but I'm not sure about it yet.

I didn't even know what Cross Edge was until people started mentioning here. That's an example of the point of making this a thread rather than a blog, so that people can actually point out potential games to keep an eye out for, so thanks! I think I'll look into it (it's kind of like the Japan-only released Namco x Capcom right?).

And actually, yes, I've already finished KZ2, Resistance 2, SF4, RE5 to pretty much my satisfaction. I'm not one for on-line multiplayer (unless I could play with friends via split-screen or online), so those games are pretty much dead to me. SF4, I would like to play online, but not with my connection. I do have Valkyria Chronicles to finish though. . . plus, the PSP should keep me company during the summer.[/QUOTE]Although I'm a PSP fan, I wonder how you were able to get by after the Q1 lineup of 2008 came out, because after that there wasn't much at all in game releases. PSP has really picked up this year.

Although I'll let you know that (like I mentioned earlier), when there's a drought in PS3 retail games, good PSN games tend to come out (like last summer). I mean there's Fat Princess, Bomberman ULTRA, Trine, Explodemon!, etc. coming.
SFIV, Killzone 2, Unreal Tournament III (now that the Titan Pack is out and trophies are added), Resistance 2, and plenty of others are sitting waiting to be played at my house.

Goddamn, son, you gotta have a new game every fuckin' week? Why get bent about three months down the line (which is slow season for all involved) instead of enjoying what you have now?
[quote name='x-striker']

And actually, yes, I've already finished KZ2, Resistance 2, SF4, RE5 to pretty much my satisfaction. I'm not one for on-line multiplayer (unless I could play with friends via split-screen or online), [/quote]

KZ2 is one of the most fun online games I've ever played. Cloak + Mark and Spot = Win.

I don't mean to be critical but your situation sounds like it gives all of your games a real limited play lifetime. I mean SF4 and KZ2 just came out and you are sick of them? These games are meant to be played online.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Same can be said for the 360. The only exclusive I can tell that they have coming in the next few months is Ninja Blade.

I for one can't wait for Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2. I love the first one.[/QUOTE]
I'm with you on that one. Can't wait for it.

[quote name='manthing']You're gonna pay full retail for Dynasty Warrior games?


Get a fucking job.[/QUOTE]
I am, just as I've purchased every DW game since DW1. I've probably put more hours into each one than any other games I own, so I think it's money well spent.
[quote name='mykevermin']SFIV, Killzone 2, Unreal Tournament III (now that the Titan Pack is out and trophies are added), Resistance 2, and plenty of others are sitting waiting to be played at my house.

Goddamn, son, you gotta have a new game every fuckin' week? Why get bent about three months down the line (which is slow season for all involved) instead of enjoying what you have now?[/quote]
This. Shit, I haven't finished every game I bought in Fall '08 yet. I guess if you have very limited interests and ONLY have a PS3, then you might need some more games, but otherwise play what you have. I can guarantee I'll have enough to waste my free time with between now and the fall releases.

Play what you have, or get whatever platforms you don't own yet.
Yeah this topic is ridiculous.

I don't know why people are dignifying it by giving suggestion of upcoming games. He has a ton of games but won't play them online.
I can understand if he had a bad internet connection and no $$. But he obviously has the money to invest in a better net connection if he's willing to shell out $60 for a new game every other week.

I don't understand not liking playing online..Especially for SF4..
Seems pretty common that all gaming systems go through a period of feast-and-famine. Perhaps last year was an exception, since Metal Gear Solid 4 launched in June.

Besides Fat Princess, I eagerly await the DLC for Valkyria Chronicles -- the heck w/ trophies, I'm playing that game again on Hard AND watching the corresponding anime to boot. That should keep me busy for ~1 month.

Maybe I'll get around to playing Little Big Planet and HAWX. Not my first choice in titles but ones I should probably get around to trying if time permits. There's also Dead Space and Mirror's Edge.

So I actually don't think I'll have any problem finding things to occupy my PS3 with.

And this seems more like a BLOG entry than a forum-worthy post. CAGs is starting to feel like the forums, which is NOT a good thing.
[quote name='Ecofreak']And this seems more like a BLOG entry than a forum-worthy post.[/quote]


Well atleast this isn't another fucking "I bought a new console, recommend me games" thread.
[quote name='HowStern']KZ2 is one of the most fun online games I've ever played. Cloak + Mark and Spot = Win.

I don't mean to be critical but your situation sounds like it gives all of your games a real limited play lifetime. I mean SF4 and KZ2 just came out and you are sick of them? These games are meant to be played online.[/quote]

A Howard Stern AND a Trailer Park Boys fan? We'd be best friends IRL. :lol:
[quote name='lord_ebonstone']Import Demon's Souls. The "Asian" version has full English text and voice overs.[/quote]
Oh I already plan to.
Wish I knew someone else who was getting it so we could co-op.
besides the PSP titles mentioned like Dissidia:FF it looks like Infamous is the only PS3 title till Fall.. when Uncharted 2, Tekken 6, and everything else drops...
[quote name='Hostile']This should be a blog post instead of a topic in a forum. Just because you're not interested in anything doesn't mean there's no "new 'good' games" coming out.[/QUOTE]

Aw, this is what I came here to post.

[quote name='manthing']Everyone knows that Multi-platform games are best enjoyed on the Wii.[/QUOTE]

Dammit! I was drinking while I read that. :rofl:
Jeebiz! I was just looking for some suggestions in case I missed some things from my quick view over the EB 'coming soon' lists, and I get flamed like crazy!

It's not even like I said that I buy a new game each week. The games that I mentioned in my previous post are the only games I have for PS3. I would like to play those games on multiplayer, but I don't have a lot of friends who have the money or time to play these games with (so that when I suck, I only look like a dumbass to my friends, I guess I made a dumbass out of myself here). SF4 is really the only game I can't play online, and since it's meant to be played online, it wore off quickly.

Gah, if I knew the CAG community was gonna be like this, I wouldn't have posted. Someone, just please, close this thread. Thanks to all of you who HAVE offered suggestions, to dallow, too, for the link of 2009 releases.
[quote name='Thomas96']oh wait.. FAT PRINCESS!!!!!![/quote]

There's about $10 sitting pretty lonely in my PSN account just for that game.

But before that, I have to finish Dead Space, GTA4, and MSG4 on my ps3, Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 on the PC, and Dead Rising and Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360.
[quote name='Maklershed']A Howard Stern AND a Trailer Park Boys fan? We'd be best friends IRL. :lol:[/quote]

haha! On 3 what's your favorite color??

bread's done