North Korea has successful nuclear test.

[quote name='GuilewasNK'];_ylt=A9G_Ry1azSlFfQ0A2ACs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--;_ylt=A9G_Ry1azSlFfQ0A3gCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--

I was going to put this in the vs. forum, but it just seems too important IMO.[/QUOTE]

oh fuck......... guess we know what's going to happen next.

btw... here is an intresting question for you.. the Korean's, Chinese, Japanese and so on go to war with each other, does it mean that the prices of all the electronics that come out of there will go up or will be there a major supply shortage of Wii's and PS3's???
[quote name='2poor']I'm sick of hearing about North Korea and their nukes. fucking dicktators.[/QUOTE]

watch the us government give in and give North Korea Billions MORE dollars in aid and other stuff. Geez we give in to people who test there nukes, but we can't do shit to help our citizens by advancing medical technology to cure deaseses and so on or to help the homeless.
I just read this from all over the net. Yahoo, ABC, CNN, etc. Crazy. Well let's see, we went into the wrong place because they had WMDs supposedly, but the place that has kept saying they have WMDs let's one go. And we can be sure that Iran has weapons since they supply each other.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I just read this from all over the net. Yahoo, ABC, CNN, etc. Crazy. Well let's see, we went into the wrong place because they had WMDs supposedly, but the place that has kept saying they have WMDs let's one go. And we can be sure that Iran has weapons since they supply each other.[/QUOTE]

that's why i need to get the fuck out of fairfax, if DC gets hit , im gonna feel this shit.
OOPS! forgot about that part of the axis of evil!

whoopsies! sorry guys, my bad - i was worried about the non existent WMDs in Iraq

A president.
[quote name='Scorch']Damn it! I knew the world would blow up before I got my hands on the Wii.[/QUOTE]

...And how old are you again?
oh shit! I almost forgot. Who else saw Kim Il Jong at the very end of tonight's Birdman episode?
He was looking to harvest Atom Ant's radioactive feces :rofl:
Guess they aren't bluffing this time (which they've done in the past.) USGS confirmed a 4.2 earthquake at the time they tested it. they gave China a 20 minute warning before they dropped it too, so it's definitely real.

I can't wait to move to New Zealand. See, if there is a world conflict you can count on terrorists or whoever striking Switzerland, even though they are supposedly neutral due to the banking system there and Austrailia will definitely get in the conflict. NZ is sort of just tucked away in a warm temperate and beautiful area.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'm glad I live in Kansas, now. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Supposedly being near the water and having a bunch of refineries makes here a prime target. Dammit...

Anyway, I suppose that having Superman round up all the nuclear weapons into a giant shopping bag and tossing it into the sun isn't an option? :lol:

[quote name='Pylis']This is truly frightening stuff. I hope to god this isn't the beginning of the end.[/QUOTE]

I'm so right there w/ you. I live in Colorado too
[quote name='Pootie Thang']I'm so right there w/ you. I live in Colorado too[/quote]

You guys will be our resistance fighters than when they invade.
We'll be dead. The only thing remaining would be NORAD. Assuming it really can withstand a nuclear blast.
[quote name='Pylis']We'll be dead. The only thing remaining would be NORAD. Assuming it really can withstand a nuclear blast.[/quote]

Never seen Red Dawn I take it.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Never seen Red Dawn I take it.[/QUOTE]

Ah, didn't catch the reference was all.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I was going to put this in the vs. forum, but it just seems too important IMO.[/QUOTE]



Now, if we can convince George Bush that we found evidence of Osama bin Laden hiding out in Thailand, then perhaps we'll be able to invade North Korea.
A nuclear fallout is not going to happen. they are not going to start WWIII. If they do then it's just some guy in Texas plan to up the arsenal production.

They are just showboating. Maybe there leader is sick and dying.
Everybody needs to relax a bit. This most likely won't be the beginning of WW3...the guy is a nut, yes, but he is also surrounded by Japan, S.K., and China--all of which do not want some psychopath holding a nuclear weapon.

My guess? A combination of U.S., British, and Chinese airstrikes take out all weapons facilities in N.K. Take those out and they have nothing left.
[quote name='Plinko']Everybody needs to relax a bit. This most likely won't be the beginning of WW3...the guy is a nut, yes, but he is also surrounded by Japan, S.K., and China--all of which do not want some psychopath holding a nuclear weapon.

My guess? A combination of U.S., British, and Chinese airstrikes take out all weapons facilities in N.K. Take those out and they have nothing left.[/QUOTE]

Japan's currently itching to get Article 9 turned over...and they have been talking about building nuclear weapons for prevention. That's major.

it feels like someone's gonna get nuked soon. hopefully it's N.K. on the receiving end. They could really use a clean slate.
Honestly the thing I'd be most worried about is North Korea actually attempting to launch a nuclear missile. Not because it will hit us, but because it'll probably screw up and explode somewhere in the atmosphere. Or the ocean, even better.

N.K. is just doing it for attention like everything else they've done for the last decade. Is anyone else amused that every Kim Jong Il picture looks like his Team America representation?


They can't hit us and they'd go after China or Japan first.
[quote name='Apossum']They can't hit us and they'd go after China or Japan first.[/quote]Japan, China's one of only two countries that are even remotely allied with them (Russia being the other). Apparently China gives them all of their food. Though South Korea would really be the best strategic target, since no matter who they attack, we'd retaliate, and Japan doesn't really pose a whole lot of threat to them.

But no matter who they'd go after, I'm guessing their missile would have like a 1 in 2 chance of just blowing up before it lands anywhere.

Where's that big sun weapon from 007?
[quote name='Apossum']Japan's currently itching to get Article 9 turned over...and they have been talking about building nuclear weapons for prevention. That's major.

it feels like someone's gonna get nuked soon. hopefully it's N.K. on the receiving end. They could really use a clean slate.[/quote]

Remember--America and USSR had nuclear weapons for decades and nobody used anything. Then again, a madman wasn't running their countries, either.

As for N.K. getting nuked, the whole country is so small I can't imagine much being left if it happens.
dude you guys are getting all worried about oh this guy is gonna start "world war 3!!!". Not exactly. If NK does fire a warhead at its neighbor(s), they will respond in a non-nuclear fashion. No one wants to risk fall out, but I bet you they will use there airforce to bomb them back to the stone age and even attempt to annex North Korea to take out the leader and replace the government with something else more stable. NK isn't trying to "take over the world" like the last guy did in WW2, nor is he mobilizing troops to invade other countries. NK can be isolated and shut down, without anyone firing a nuke at NK. Also NK doesn't have the missile technology to hit the united states. Even if they "try" , it will be shot down.
[quote name='Pylis']Ah, didn't catch the reference was all.[/QUOTE]

In red dawn NORAD is well as in the movie ID4... seems everyone wants to hit NORAD..but I think by now the US has several back up command bases incase norad does get knocked out.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'm glad I live in Kansas, now. :lol:[/QUOTE]

hate to break it to you but Kansas would probally be one of the first places nuked. most of the missle bunkers are based in kansas and other states around there.

I saw this at 11pm and was sort of worried but then i woke up this morning and though if it happens it happens. worring about it wont stop anything from happening.

bush is nothing but a war monger and im sure he will attack them very shortly starting a war and then trying to blame someone else just like everything else he does.

this is what we get for making bush president again. all he does is blame others for war
[quote name='slidecage']bush is nothing but a war monger and im sure he will attack them very shortly starting a war and then trying to blame someone else just like everything else he does.

this is what we get for making bush president again. all he does is blame others for war[/QUOTE]

God damn you are stupid. Seriously. Some people will go out of their way to tie ANYTHING negative to the current administration no matter how ridiculous. Why don't you go to a showing of that "Bush gets assassinated" movie and give it a standing ovation like those other morons.

Now that the seriousness is out of the way -

Didn't you guys read Kingdom Come? Kansas is as good as gone. Superman sets off a nuke over it and wipes out almost all of America's breadbasket. And most of the superheroes.

Someone set up us the bomb, already.
No worries. NK's ICBMs cant reach any further east than Nevada. That part of the country was going to eventually fall in the Ocean anyway.
[quote name='slidecage']bush is nothing but a war monger and im sure he will attack them very shortly starting a war and then trying to blame someone else just like everything else he does.

this is what we get for making bush president again. all he does is blame others for war[/QUOTE]

God damn you are stupid. Seriously. Some people will go out of their way to tie ANYTHING negative to the current administration no matter how ridiculous or off-base it is. Why don't you go to a showing of that "Bush gets assassinated" movie and give it a standing ovation like those other morons?

Now that the seriousness is out of the way -

Someone set up us the bomb, already.
[quote name='javeryh']I didn't think that NK had the technology to get a missle over here...[/QUOTE]

they kinda sort of.. but will it hit it's target .... NO..more like splash down before it even gets here.. Honestly I will laugh so hard if one of there missiles does head this way then flame out over the Pacific.
I'm not worried NK will begin building ICBM's to use in a big attack on the USA - besides if they want to start WWIII, we'll have 600 million screaming Chinamen on our side.

The biggest problem with this is that for the first time, we have a country with both nukes and a leader who's a big enough nutjob to actually start selling these to the highest bidder. One thing Osama & Co. doesn't lack is money.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']I'm not worried NK will begin building ICBM's to use in a big attack on the USA - besides if they want to start WWIII, we'll have 600 million screaming Chinamen on our side.

The biggest problem with this is that for the first time, we have a country with both nukes and a leader who's a big enough nutjob to actually start selling these to the highest bidder. One thing Osama & Co. doesn't lack is money.[/QUOTE]

that's what we need to worry about more then NK firing one..but then again, the former USSR could have sold some. Remember you don't need to have a missile to detonate a warhead, that's just a delivery system. You can always transport one via truck to its destination and trigger it inside a major city. I doubt Radiation Detectors will pick up such device in time.
bread's done