Not sure what to do??


Well about three years ago I got a PSP. I had so much fun with it, played all the great games. But about 6-8 months ago I sold my PSP and bought some PS3 games with the money. I just got bored with it actually. No good games were coming out, and I barely EVER used it. But now grade A games are out like LBP, Modnation Racers, MGS: Peacewalker, KH: BBS, and a bunch others. Since my b-day is right around the corner, do you think it's wise to get another one. Do you guys believe that I will get bored with it again?? Or do you all think its a worth-while thing to get again?? Thanks for all the help and advice in advance!!
I've heard this story a thousand times regarding the PSP.

If you actually want something to play on the go, and not just on your couch at home, I'd say go for it. Otherwise, unless you're a diehard fan of the upcoming games, I'd just wait for a PSP2 and advise you to better research your hardware purchases in the future.
The PSP is a weird system. Sometimes there is just one awesome release after another and then there are months where you have no new releases. If there are games you want to play, I would pick one up, but you might have to go back and buy some super cheap older games during the dry months.
I got my PSP back shortly after launch and have not regretted it one bit. I still currently have around twenty titles for the system and play it regularly.
Ok, well I dont really do much traveling. But I like to play games whenever! I just dont know if getting the PSP again for the new games, will keep me interested??
I'm pretty sure that unless we do some psychoanalysis on you your the only one who knows - I hate these kind of questions...
Get something else for your birthday. I wouldn't get a current PSP right now. Wait and see if the PSP-4000 rumors have any truth to them. Or wait for the PSP2/3DS instead.
If you feel you NEED to play these games now just keep an eye open for a cheap pre-owned PSP.
If you want it I would get one of the bundle packs that include the system, game, and memory stick. MGS had one, and Kingdom Hearts will be getting one in Sept.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If you want it I would get one of the bundle packs that include the system, game, and memory stick. MGS had one, and Kingdom Hearts will be getting one in Sept.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was thinking about getting the MGS one. I love MGS so it seems like a no brainer, and I heard the game is quite good!!!
[quote name='emokid9963']Yeah I was thinking about getting the MGS one. I love MGS so it seems like a no brainer, and I heard the game is quite good!!![/QUOTE]

It's hands-down my favorite game on the PSP, and definitely worth getting a PSP for. That said, if you aren't sure how many other games you'll play or if you'll get bored of it again then I would do as suggested and just get a cheap used system in good condition.
[quote name='keithp']It's hands-down my favorite game on the PSP, and definitely worth getting a PSP for. That said, if you aren't sure how many other games you'll play or if you'll get bored of it again then I would do as suggested and just get a cheap used system in good condition.[/QUOTE]

Yeah thats true about the used system. But I think I'm going to get the MGS bundle. There are a bunch of games for the PSP I want right now. So I think this time I wont be bored with it :D!!
[quote name='javeryh']I couldn't get through the work day without playing my PSP on the shitter. It's just about all I've got.[/QUOTE]


I did the same thing a while back, i had EVERYTHING for it, bags, multiple memory cards, wifi Max, screens, 50+ titles and 30+ UMD's, you name it i had it for that thing. sold it all off for a 360 bundle and a new video card for my PC.. years later, i just got a bundle off here for 3 360 games and $50. The are fantastic systems and completely worth the money.

I got a 4 and 16GB stick I use and jam hundreds of songs, netflix movies i stick on there after converting, a few games, browse the PSN store from the toilet ( at home not work ), have 400+ Games on emulators and all the perks of official firmware...

there are at least 35 games off the top of my head that are awesome and this thing makes an indespensible digital companion for me and anytime im in the car with my kids ( YMMV ) I will never get rid of it again as it allows me gaming on the go, along with music, video, web, and just about everything but wipe my ass that i could ask for in a portable device. if you use skye you can even use it as a phone.

get one, you wont regret it.
[quote name='Freemason']WIN.

I did the same thing a while back, i had EVERYTHING for it, bags, multiple memory cards, wifi Max, screens, 50+ titles and 30+ UMD's, you name it i had it for that thing. sold it all off for a 360 bundle and a new video card for my PC.. years later, i just got a bundle off here for 3 360 games and $50. The are fantastic systems and completely worth the money.

I got a 4 and 16GB stick I use and jam hundreds of songs, netflix movies i stick on there after converting, a few games, browse the PSN store from the toilet ( at home not work ), have 400+ Games on emulators and all the perks of official firmware...

there are at least 35 games off the top of my head that are awesome and this thing makes an indespensible digital companion for me and anytime im in the car with my kids ( YMMV ) I will never get rid of it again as it allows me gaming on the go, along with music, video, web, and just about everything but wipe my ass that i could ask for in a portable device. if you use skye you can even use it as a phone.

get one, you wont regret it.[/QUOTE]

Your single post has guaranted me getting a new PSP :D!!!!
bread's done