now you never have to leave the house for exercise...Official Wii Sports thread!!

[quote name='brainstorm']The only gripe I have with Wii Sports is in Tennis, they shouldve utilized the nunchuck so that you control the player moving around, as opposed to it automatically moving the guy, besides that the game is great, and a nice taste of what the wii remote can do[/quote]

When I play this game standing up I tend to move like i'm chasing the ball on a real court(I guess the motion of swinging a racket makes you move that way on instict). I'm sure it's pretty entertaining too watch.
180 in bowling biatches! All you have to do is move the character 6 steps to the right and then bowl normally. Since the ball always seems to tilt left by the time it reaches the end, moving over a few steps gives me strikes nearly every time.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I thought Wii sports was going to blow but I love Wii Tennis and boxing. Is Wii Sports worth $50? No but I'd buy it for $20[/QUOTE]

CAG $20 = other gamer $50 ;)
[quote name='botticus']The ball only curves left in bowling if your hand tilts to the left, which most people will do. You can most definitely straighten it out, I can even make it curve right if I want to. I think the problem with boxing is that you want to punch really quickly, but it isn't that responsive. Agreed on baseball, but tennis is awesome. Just played it again in the Wii fitness regimen, and I can pretend I'm actually practicing tennis.[/QUOTE]

No, just no. Like I said, no matter what I do, the ball goes left. I've pointed to the right, twisted to the right, spent three hours doing everything I could... nothing. The bowling game is broken as far as control goes IMO. I shouldn't have to make my Mii stand all the way to the right because 100% of the time the ball curves masively to the left.
As for my two cents, I think it's great. Two of my friends have already decided to buy Wii after trying this out, since it "works" and it a lot of fun. This almost gave Guitar Hero a run for its money on being our #1 party game.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']No, just no. Like I said, no matter what I do, the ball goes left. I've pointed to the right, twisted to the right, spent three hours doing everything I could... nothing. The bowling game is broken as far as control goes IMO. I shouldn't have to make my Mii stand all the way to the right because 100% of the time the ball curves masively to the left.[/quote]Unless your copy of Wii Sports was developed independent of everyone else's copy, no, it's not broken. Next time you throw, freeze your hand immediately after you release the B button, and see how your hand is tilted. That ALWAYS determines where the ball is going, unless your remote is busted, which I'm guessing would present itself in other ways than bowling.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I'm hating Wii Sports so far.... lame tech demo IMO. In bowling, the ball always curves left, no matter what the fuck I do. Boxing is way off, baseball is a pain because you have to hit perfect, tennis is ok, and golf would be the only one I can get to work near 100% of the time.[/QUOTE]

Your remote is broken or you stink, sorry to say. Bowling is perfect. Baseball works great once i realized i was holding the remote wrong, look at the picture. Boxing isnt great, but I have the hang of it now, so its not as bad as people say. The mini games are also cool. This game is way better than I thought.
So he doesn't like Wii Sports, I hate sports. I really do. Except Soccer. The point is, Wii Sports is fun....... that's my opinion. We all have different tastes. Just glad he found some decent games like Trauma Center and the other that were stated.
[quote name='nefaquotek']Everybody has the right to their opinion. Now for the homosexual community it must not be pleasant to be used as a description for things that are of a disliking nature to someone. Still I dont think that was his intention.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't his intention? So he was going for the "happy go lucky" definition of the word "gay". Negative.

I'm guessing he's about 16 and uncomfortable with the feelings in his loins for the other boys, or he's just ignorant.
Wii Sports tried to fuck me up the ass... it definitely IS gay!!

I wish I just read the OP's warning a little earlier... it hurts like you wouldn't believe.
[quote name='Roufuss']Wii Sports tried to fuck me up the ass... it definitely IS gay!!

I wish I just read the OP's warning a little earlier... it hurts like you wouldn't believe.[/QUOTE]

I don't know that it's gay, but rather, proactively trying to avoid the impending military draft.

OP, I'm certain that you'll find plenty of people who agree and disagree with you during recess tomorrow.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't know that it's gay, but rather, proactively trying to avoid the impending military draft.

OP, I'm certain that you'll find plenty of people who agree and disagree with you during recess tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='NateWhs152']Wii sports is Gay[/QUOTE]

Is there something you need to talk about? We won't judge you if you need to admit something to the CAG audience, but I cant help but think you are saying something more than you let on. Please open up and let the healing begin.
Just got my Wii today, and I think Wii sports is a lot of fun. Once I started playing it, I was wishing it had even more features that took advantage of the Wii-mote.

For instance, it would be nice if the golf swing paid attention the way you hooked the remote to alter the trajectory of the ball. The great thing is, the sports games like this will only get better from here. Wii Mario Golf will be awesome (I hope they are making one!) .

Boxing game could use a lot more punching options with the Wii-mote, but I'm sure we'll get some sort of full fledged Wii boxing soon.
I Think wii sports is ALOT of fun! I played for the 1st time tonight at the mall(westfield) today .

I tried all of the games except, golf, and boxing, but the ones I did play(along with my 5 yr old son, and 15 yr old nephew) were very fun. I just need to drag my wife out there to play.

Zelda was damn sweet to play as well. And , Excitetruck was fast but hard to control.
[quote name='NateWhs152']Sorry about calling the thread "gay" did not think there were so many people offended by using that word[/quote]

Don't sweat it. Some people are just way too sensitive about it.
[quote name='neocisco']Don't sweat it. Some people are just way too sensitive about it.

[quote name='NateWhs152']Sorry about calling the thread "gay" did not think there were so many people offended by using that word[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

It's not a matter of sensitivity, but rather maturity.

Calling something you dont like "gay" is insulting and demeaning to actual gays and reflects poorly on ones maturity in general. There are better (and simpler) words to express displeasure with the game.

This is coming from someone who isnt very PC

Unless of course you meant Wii Sports is happy, but I doubt that and that context has been depricated, so to speak.
I have to agree with those questioning the maturity of the OP. Whining and complaining about this game, but claiming to "love sports" leads me to believe that you either know very little about sports, or you just suck at them. I think bowling is the most user-friendly game on the disc, because it's the most reflective of its real life counterpart. If you can't learn how to roll the ball straight, you have problems.

Baseball is ridiculously simple for anyone who knows anything about the sport, and possesses the ability to learn timing. I beat the computer 7-0 with the mercy rule after the 1st inning and have thrown several no hitters. Learn the sport.

Tennis is insanely fun. Pretty accurate to tennis in real life, but it does take a little practice. I pulled off a nice come from behind win today, winning 3 games in a row after losing the first 2.

Golf is one of my favorite games because in my opinion, it's the most challenging. You can't just go up there hacking. You have to pay attention to the direction of the wind, and where the traps are. I sunk a 40 foot putt for a birdie on a par 5 today and felt like I was Tiger Woods. Awesome feeling.

Boxing, eh, well...I LOVE boxing, but unfortunately, I'm much quicker than the system. I duck and throw a hook to the body, and I'm lucky if I can get my Mii to throw a straight jab. It's unresponsive, but once you adjust for it, it can be fun. Just not all I'd want it to be.

In conclusion, Wii Sports is leaps and bounds better than I ever imagined it would be. I think it truly shows how amazing the Wiimote can be. Half the time, I'm having so much fun, I don't even notice that my Mii doesn't really have arms, or he looks like a bunch of shapes thrown together. It doesn't even matter. The game just provides a good time.
Not worth more than 10 dollars if your playing by yourself, but its priceless when your with 3 other friends.

The training modes are really fun. For the boxing one you do combos on a punching bag.. then you unlock another exercise where you try to dodge balls being thrown at you. One of the bowling exercises is fun because you have to throw the ball passed little walls that block your path. I suggest you guys try the training out.
[quote name='kidxsoup']The training modes are really fun. For the boxing one you do combos on a punching bag.. then you unlock another exercise where you try to dodge balls being thrown at you. One of the bowling exercises is fun because you have to throw the ball passed little walls that block your path. I suggest you guys try the training out.[/quote]

I agree, I just found the training mode tonight and I really liked the punching bag mode for boxing. :bouncy:
Can anyone figure out how to throw sidearm or even submarine in baseball? I remember last night, I was throwing sidearm, but today, I can't even do it.
what is everyone pro at?

I reached the pro level in bowling today the reward is a nice sparkly new ball. Still a ways to go in everything else though.
[quote name='mr ryles']what is everyone pro at?

I reached the pro level in bowling today the reward is a nice sparkly new ball. Still a ways to go in everything else though.[/quote]
I got to the pro level in Bowling today, too. I like the new ball since it looks great when it's spinning down the lane.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I got to the pro level in Bowling today, too. I like the new ball since it looks great when it's spinning down the lane.[/QUOTE]

mines blue and has stars on it.
I got to like 1100 in Bowling Pro level. Finally beat my high score twice today. Up to 214.
Man.... CAGs were doing great in baseball today, but I couldn't push them across. Wombat had a double in the 2nd inning, but Blaine flied out to center to end the inning. Then in the third, Frisky had a 1-out triple, then I flew out to the wall in right. Ended up a 0-0 tie.
After playing Wii Sports for a good 5 hours total, I came to the conclusion that this game isn't as unique as I thought it was. I tried bowling backwards (my back to the TV) and I still got strikes by doing my normal motion. In baseball, it doesn't affect your swing if you don't hold it like a baseball bat. I just held it in front of me and kinda snapped it back and forth to swing the bat.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you, the gamer, do not really have a hand in the outcome. I thought in bowling, if you tossed the ball to the right side of the sensor, the ball would go right. Apparently this isn't the case. The only way to make your ball go down the left or right side is to move the Mii with the d-pad to that location.

I guess I was expecting more 1:1 action. Meaning I was in direct control of what the Mii was doing. It isn't the case. Swinging your arm is the same as pressing a button. In tennis, if you swing the Wiimote like a racket, where the ball is hit is only dependant on the timing of the swing and not how you swing. Essentially its the same as playing tennis with a joypad.
Generally correct, but tennis and bowling in particular have added depth in that your hand motions will affect swing and throw respectively. Adding topspin and slice to a tennis stroke, spin in a bowling toss.

If it's fun, does it matter? If it's not fun, then... does it matter?
I somehow doubt that I was the only one who was litterally running around the room trying to play Tennis. My dad commented that he "didn't think I needed to run around" to play. Well played.
all you Wii Sports fanatics... I made a DVD cover... Enjoy.

[quote name='moojuice']I just realized.....Mild Violence?[/quote]
I think getting punched in the face is a flagged as violence, even if its a sport, and no blood.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I think getting punched in the face is a flagged as violence, even if its a sport, and no blood.[/quote]Ah, yeah, forgot about boxing.
[quote name='botticus']Generally correct, but tennis and bowling in particular have added depth in that your hand motions will affect swing and throw respectively. Adding topspin and slice to a tennis stroke, spin in a bowling toss.

If it's fun, does it matter? If it's not fun, then... does it matter?[/quote]

Got that right. :D I should put a video of myself on YouTube. Everytime I play Tennis, I always go through the over-exaggerated swinging motion just so I can feel like Agassi. And in bowling I cannot help but hold my "pose" after the ball has left my hand. Thanksgiving is going to be fun when my family comes over.
OK I don't at all get tennis. I can't figure out how to aim my shots? I'm trying to do it with how I hit, but even if I hit to the left, the ball still goes off to its own direction. I can't figure it out. Same with the power of the shots - if I do a little shot, it sometimes will end up going out in a huge way, or if I do a very hard shot, it'll be the opposite, I don't understand.

Tennis pros of the world, train me, 'cause I'm frustrated. :x
The direction of your shots is almost entirely timing, there's no "aiming" involved. (On the right side) If you wait longer, the shot will go farther right. If you're early, it will go left.

Power is more based on how your hand moves when you hit the ball, from what I've determined. So if your hand is moving more downwards or straight, it'll go harder, if you're going from low to high, it will be softer. Some of the spin and speed and whatnot aren't exactly as I would expect them to work, but it's pretty good. To the point where I can decide I want to blow a shot down the line past the net defender and get hit a winner.
bread's done