Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize--oh really?

This was on Fark and I totally agree. If anyone needs convincing that Obama deserved it: "I think we can all agree that he deserves this for preventing Sarah Palin from ascending to the White House."
[quote name='Dead of Knight']This was on Fark and I totally agree. If anyone needs convincing that Obama deserved it: "I think we can all agree that he deserves this for preventing Sarah Palin from ascending to the White House."[/QUOTE]

lol awesome
For reference, the last sitting President to win the Nobel Peace Prize was Woodrow Wilson for forming the League of Nations. The standard for winning the award has clearly been lowered.
I voted for Obama partly because I thought he would repair America's image abroad. While he has done that to some degree, I don't think that should get him the Nobel Peace Prize...especially this early.

Obama hasn't done anything so far to put him in the same league as Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, etc.
They said, its for reducing nuclear arms around the world, and increasing international cooperation... who knows what will Obama do in the next years to come
[quote name='billyrox']They said, its for reducing nuclear arms around the world, and increasing international cooperation... who knows what will Obama do in the next years to come[/QUOTE]

...you've got to be joking. Iran says hi. And probably North Korea...again.
The final nail in the proof that the prize is worthless. Obamao hasn't actually done anything. Other nails of proof - Carter in 2002 and espically Arafat in 1994. Yes, that's Yasser Arafat.

Some folk see this as a slap to the Bush administration, and there may be truth to that.
Obama's been pretty lame duck in his 8 months in office. I don't see why he deserves this.

EDIT: Um...why wouldn't Carter deserve it? If you can stop your knee from twitching, you might discover that Carter has one of the most active post-presidential careers that centers around diplomacy and peacemaking.
What really gets me is that the deadline for his nomination was less than 2 weeks after he took office--which means they gave him the prize for what he did in that time--???

[quote name='Dead of Knight']This was on Fark and I totally agree. If anyone needs convincing that Obama deserved it: "I think we can all agree that he deserves this for preventing Sarah Palin from ascending to the White House."[/QUOTE]

Haha, that's great!
[quote name='KingBroly']For reference, the last sitting President to win the Nobel Peace Prize was Woodrow Wilson for forming the League of Nations. The standard for winning the award has clearly been lowered.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: Lowered? We didn't even participate in the league of nations! It's almost entirely analogous, you had a president (Wilson) who wanted the League to succeed, and a government who wouldn't back him the fuck up! The League was a failure and then came WWII.

So both Wilson and Obama have won the prize for unsuccessful peace rhetoric. The only way the standard has been lowered is maybe that Obama hasn't had enough years of unsuccessful rhetoric yet to fully qualify. The prize is mostly about talking and sometimes about getting shit done.

And fucking Carter deserves it every god damn day. fuck they should give it to Carter again.
[quote name='SpazX']
So both Wilson and Obama have won the prize for unsuccessful peace rhetoric. The only way the standard has been lowered is maybe that Obama hasn't had enough years of unsuccessful rhetoric yet to fully qualify. The prize is mostly about talking and sometimes about getting shit done.

There you go.


Didn't Algore get this for making a movie?
I kinda felt like the Nobel Peace Prize is dropping off like JD Powers and Associates these days. They try to still come off as prestigious or something, but you pretty much know there's a different reason to how someone got it. :shrugs:

[quote name='billyrox']if she became president, there would have been a mass exodus from the US[/QUOTE]

I'd HOPE that America is smarter than that to never get to that point in the first place. If not we would've hit bottom for sure.
What will be even more hilarious is when he accepts the award while sending more troops to a war. Oh, war is peace though. And ignorance is strength. That's how these morons have stayed in power for so long.
The peace prize was created partly to encourage ongoing peace efforts but Obama's efforts are at far earlier stages than past winners'. The Nobel committee acknowledged that they may not bear fruit at all.

"He got the prize because he has been able to change the international climate," Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said. "Some people say, and I understand it, isn't it premature? Too early? Well, I'd say then that it could be too late to respond three years from now. It is now that we have the opportunity to respond — all of us."


[quote name='deathscythehe']What will be even more hilarious is when he accepts the award while sending more troops to a war. Oh, war is peace though. And ignorance is strength. That's how these morons have stayed in power for so long.[/QUOTE]

freedom is slavery ;)
[quote name='ananag112']
Obama hasn't done anything so far to put him in the same league as Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, etc.[/QUOTE]

Yes he has. See my post. This time it's more about prevention than solving a problem.

Isn't it sad that Obama doing nothing for 8 months is STILL infinitely better than Bush's FULL 8 years. I mean by this time in Bush's presidency all he had done is ignore terrorist briefings, read a pet goat story, and watch the Twin Towers crumble. I think I'll take the Nobel Peace Prize.
[quote name='keithp']What really gets me is that the deadline for his nomination was less than 2 weeks after he took office--which means they gave him the prize for what he did in that time--???

I was going to make the exact same post. This is the biggest joke ever, the man hasn't accomplished anything in office yet, let alone in the first two weeks. I guess they decide by promises who gets the award.
Way premature. The whole notion of giving "aspirational" peace prizes is pretty stupid.

I applaud Obama's renewed focus on diplomacy vs. Bush. But let's wait until it actually accomplishes something before giving him the Nobel prize.
C'mon, look at the list of Nobel peace price laureates. Do you even know who half of those people are or what they've done? Obama definitely hasn't accomplished what Martin Luther King did, but that's only because that year there was actually Martin Luther King who had done something awesome to give it to. And honestly, who has won it that conservatives didn't hate at the time that they won it? There are awards for protestors, labor unions, union leaders, and the UN. Hell, the league of nations was the pre-UN UN, if somebody won a peace prize for starting the UN right now, would conservatives not be pissed? What conservative would say the UN isn't useless? And that was fucking 1919, almost the beginning of the prize.

Hell, half of the very first prize went to the founder of the first French peace society. FRENCH! PEACE! SOCIETY! I don't know a part of that current conservatives would like, and anything they did I'm sure would be completely useless in their opinion.

The standards haven't been lowered, the prize hasn't changed, it's always a "liberal" prize. You simply don't like some people who win it and like others (with time). Bringing up Arafat itself (as is usually done, along with Gore) is disingenuous since Rabin and Peres shared the prize with him, but of course the Israelis getting the prize probably isn't a big deal, if only they had left out Arafat!
[quote name='deathscythehe']What will be even more hilarious is when he accepts the award while sending more troops to a war. Oh, war is peace though. And ignorance is strength. That's how these morons have stayed in power for so long.[/QUOTE]

Nine months is "So long"?
[quote name='billyrox']if she became president, there would have been a mass exodus from the US[/QUOTE]

Then I wish she had.

The Nobel prize has followed the Oscar in being the latest statue awarded based almost entirely on popularity. Popularity contest ftw.
[quote name='thrustbucket']The Nobel prize has followed the Oscar in being the latest statue awarded based almost entirely on popularity. Popularity contest ftw.[/QUOTE]

And in case anyone is misinterpreting me, I agree. Not to diminish the accomplishments of the winners, but it's basically an award for the most popular person who says "peace" a lot, or leads a peace organization of some type (or the organization itself). It's not about accomplishment and never has been, it's simply about popularizing peace efforts, no matter how successful or substantive they are. Some of the winners have accomplished a lot more than others, but they've all been popular, recognized people or organizations.
The fact that this pisses off right-wing jackasses makes it completely awesome, regardless of whether he deserved it or not.
[quote name='Cheese']Nine months is "So long"?[/QUOTE]
Ah yes, the old standby response. I would have totally fallen all over myself with joy if Bush got this award. I must only think this is a joke because I eat black children(because hating them isn't a bad enough thing), voted for Bush and Mccain(I didn't on either) and be rich(not yet and never with the way the elite are trying to setup taxes in this country)
These politicians have been setting up the framework to run this country into the ground for over 100 years.
For being part of the group that is so open minded and intelligent, you sure are a close minded fool. It's time to wake up and get it into your head that not only Republicans are against this out of control government.
[quote name='evanft']The fact that this pisses off right-wing jackasses makes it completely awesome, regardless of whether he deserved it or not.[/QUOTE]
I haven't heard a single conservative be anything but amused by this. All this does is pretty clearly prove the point of how much of a joke this award has become. It's nothing but a popularity contest anymore. I mean for pete's sake, he was nominated for bringing world peace less then 2 weeks into taking office. I know his supporters will quickly point out that he's trying really hard and really wants to do things(plus he's not George Bush LOL LMAO etc), but I want to be the richest man the world. Unfortunately Forbes hasn't given me the honors yet just because I want to.
I'll also dare to point out the obvious, but the middle east is on the verge of nuclear war thanks in no small part to broad coalition of namby pamby threats we've been making to Iran. How is that exactly bringing about world peace and a non nuclear world?
All he needs to do is make a speech about how he brought peace in our time, then we can get ready for the next world war.
[quote name='evanft']The fact that this pisses off right-wing jackasses makes it completely awesome, regardless of whether he deserved it or not.[/QUOTE]

That attitude (on both sides) is pretty much why our elected government is completely useless.
There's a few decent reasons why he should have won:

1) Paid the US's debt to the UN
2) Ended the silly, far-fetched, Eastern Europe missile defence system
3) Beginning the process of shutting down Guantanamo

He's certainly no Lester B. Pearson though
This would be my avatar if it were small enough.

[quote name='deathscythehe']I haven't heard a single conservative be anything but amused by this.[/quote]

You should get out more.
I like the UK Guardian article that suggests Obama really has only one honorable choice to take - to return the prize and say he has not yet achieved his goals and cannot accept it.

Some of the other nominees

Chinese Human Rights Activist Hu Jia - imprisoned for campaigning for human rights in the PRC

Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of China’s communist system. (Not to mention the symbolic value of awarding a Chinese dissident on the 20th Anniversary of the Tianenmen Square Massacre.)

Greg Mortenson, founder of the Central Asia Institute has built nearly 80 schools, especially for girls, in remote areas of northern Pakistan and Afghanistan over the past 15 years.

Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, a philosophy professor in Jordan who risks his life by advocating interfaith dialogue between Jews and Muslims.

Afghan human rights activist Sima Samar. She currently leads the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and serves as the U.N. special envoy to Darfur.
when i woke up and read this, i couldnt believe it. this just further degrades the nobel peace prize. there were 204 other nominees for the peace prize this year, a record, and yet none of them deserved it more than obama? i find that hard to believe.

[quote name='thrustbucket']This would be my avatar if it were small enough.


this is as close as i can get it to the CAGs guidelines, had to remove most of the frames and reduce the colors quite a bit...

It's quite obvious Obama WILL bring about world peace, end all hunger, open the only path to heaven and bring eternal happiness to to all because he said he would if we voted him into the white house. Now that he is, it's not a matter of if, but when he will achieve these goals. So he totally deserved this Nobel peace prize, because HE WILL BRING WORLD PEACE. This is further proof that Obama is indeed the second coming of our savior Jesus Christ. May Obama bless us all. Let us pray to him.

All of you who don't think our Savior Obama deserves this peace award are dumb and ignorant like Sarah Palin/Hillary Clinton and RACIST, period. Congress needs to expand the definition of hate crime to all you Obama doubters.
So, I was listening to NPR for a bit on the ride home from work when they were interviewing Israelis and Palestinians about this. While I'm on the bandwagon of "Wha....??" at the idea of Obama getting the prize, I really wanted to smack some crap into these folks they were interviewing.

It's hard to fairly comment on the situation without really knowing the random guys on the street they were talking to, but, several people they interviewed expressed the idea that Obama "hasn't done enough" in the Middle East peace talks with Israel and Palestine. Well, what the hell are you folks doing to create peace between your two countries? Quit bitching that the overseas leaders aren't taking care of your squabbles and do something about it your damn selves. Geeze.
[quote name='deathscythehe']Look, another right wing nutjob has entered the hate parade against Obama.
I wonder if that is considered hate speech or patriotic though. We should ask Pelosi that. It would probably make her head explode.[/QUOTE]

You didn't read one word of that besides the title, did you?

The whole thing is telling him to do the right thing by pulling out of Afghanistan and

P.S. Your opposition has spent the morning attacking you for bringing such good will to this country. Why do they hate America so much? I get the feeling that if you found the cure for cancer this afternoon they'd be denouncing you for destroying free enterprise because cancer centers would have to close. There are those who say you've done nothing yet to deserve this award. As far as I'm concerned, the very fact that you've offered to walk into the minefield of hate and try to undo the irreparable damage the last president did is not only appreciated by me and millions of others, it is also an act of true bravery. That's why you got the prize. The whole world is depending on the U.S. -- and you -- to literally save this planet. Let's not let them down.

Yup what a hate parade
bread's done