Off to Russia - wish me luck! (updated - back now)


After adopting our son from Russia a few years ago, we're about to go through it all again and adopt a little girl.

We leave tomorrow, but unfortunately we don't get to bring her home until the second trip in a month or two. I'm excited but incredibly stressed, plus I don't really enjoy travelling.

Wish me luck everyone! It's a heck of a lot of flying, but we've got 2 DS's, a PSP, 2 iPods and a book about Steve Jobs so hopefully that will pass the time.

I'll post an update when we get back. Hope I don't miss too much around here!
Just out of curiousity, why do people spend so much time and money flying to foreign countries to adopt babies when there are so many babies that need to be adopted right here in the US?
[quote name='Machine']Just out of curiousity, why do people spend so much time and money flying to foreign countries to adopt babies when there are so many babies that need to be adopted right here in the US?[/QUOTE]

Not trying to be a jerk, but seriously, give it a shot. It may be a bit cheaper, but I don't think it's much easier or takes much less time.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a genuine question and not a prickish comment. The biggest problem is with the American judicial system. You can adopt a child in this country and be that child's parents for ten years, be the only parents that child has ever known, and if some blood relation comes along the court will far too often rip that child out of their home and give them to someone who they don't know and who has never exrpressed any prior love or commitment to them. Now, I can see where they should have some rights too, but a lot of times what happens is not best for the kids themselves.

There's just no way I could put myself in a situation where that could happen to me. I'm just not a strong enough person. I know there are people who are, and I applaud them. I just couldn't.
[quote name='megashock5']Not trying to be a jerk, but seriously, give it a shot. It may be a bit cheaper, but I don't think it's much easier or takes much less time.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a genuine question and not a prickish comment. The biggest problem is with the American judicial system. You can adopt a child in this country and be that child's parents for ten years, be the only parents that child has ever known, and if some blood relation comes along the court will far too often rip that child out of their home and give them to someone who they don't know and who has never exrpressed any prior love or commitment to them. Now, I can see where they should have some rights too, but a lot of times what happens is not best for the kids themselves.

There's just no way I could put myself in a situation where that could happen to me. I'm just not a strong enough person. I know there are people who are, and I applaud them. I just couldn't.[/QUOTE]

ahh i read the 1st paragraph and was all like..OH NO! CHEAP ASS BABY! but thats seriously a good point, i've wondered about that question myself, excellent answer :)...good luck to u! and the future!
Wow you are very kind to adopt a kid and give him/her a life in the US that could never be possible in Russia. I don't think I could do it.
Thanks, grey!

[quote name='javeryh']Wow you are very kind to adopt a kid and give him/her a life in the US that could never be possible in Russia. I don't think I could do it.[/QUOTE]

Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not really all that selfless on my part. Someone made a comment much like this when we adopted our son, and we hadn't really thought of it like that. We always saw it as us needing him, not the other way around.

After almost four years it's really easy to forget, but now if I look back at the video of when he was in the orphanage I realize how much his life changed too.

Oh, btw, he's not even 5 yet but he's a big gamer. He gave out Nintendo valentines this year. :)
[quote name='megashock5']Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not really all that selfless on my part. Someone made a comment much like this when we adopted our son, and we hadn't really thought of it like that. We always saw it as us needing him, not the other way around.[/QUOTE]

yeah, I guess if you look at it that way it makes sense. I don't know what I would do without my daughter.
[quote name='kittie']I was adopted from Russia myself.

You're a very kind person.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? That's really cool.

Is that you in your avatar pic?
I hope I didn't come off sounding prickish - I was genuinely curious. I had recently read an article about how Americans are going abroad to adopt while many American babies are being adopted by Canadians and Europeans and I wondered why. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. It's not something you would ever consider unless you were planning to adopt.
Since you have already been through the process before, I'm sure you know that you can deduct adoption expenses off of your taxes. If not, well, save those receipts. Good luck!
[quote name='Machine']I hope I didn't come off sounding prickish - I was genuinely curious. I had recently read an article about how Americans are going abroad to adopt while many American babies are being adopted by Canadians and Europeans and I wondered why. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. It's not something you would ever consider unless you were planning to adopt.[/QUOTE]

It's cool, man. Like I said, I was assuming that it was a genuine question - but it's hard to tell someone's tone with typed stuff vs. verbal, you know?
[quote name='kittie']I was adopted from Russia myself.

You're a very kind person.[/QUOTE]

If thats the case, you may want a another boy OP. The girls turn into childish prissy bitches.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']If thats the case, you may want a another boy OP. The girls turn into childish prissy bitches.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='megashock5']

Quotes of Lina/Kittie:

"Someone should mention that they all look the same." - About Chinese people
"Gamers can never see beautiful girls in their life. " - About gamers
"All British people are ugly." - About British Women

At one time I stuck up for her and cheapy ended up PMing me to shut up about her being banned, but then she comes back and she's a completely different person. Not to mention a complete bitch. Thats all.
[quote name='megashock5']

Mooky didn't tell the full picture however. If you didn't know, it has been inferred that kittie = Lina. Lina was a previous poster who claimed she was a pr0nstar of some sort (don't remember if it was hard/softcore) and also caused a general ruckus in the off topic threads. She posted a pic of a pr0nstar and claimed it was her. She ended up being banned. Along comes kittie who as inferred that she is Lina. I personally don't know. Now you're caught up.
Congrats on the adoption. It takes special people to go through these processes. My sister adopted 2 children from Columbia for some of the same reasons you stated. Seeing her walk off the plane with her new daughter with tons of family and friends surrounding them at the airport was one of the most memorable events of my life.
[quote name='megashock5']Seriously? That's really cool.

Is that you in your avatar pic?[/QUOTE]

Yes... but unfortunately I had to be adopted twice.

I really want to go back to Russia, someday.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Quotes of Lina/Kittie:

"Someone should mention that they all look the same." - About Chinese people
"Gamers can never see beautiful girls in their life. " - About gamers
"All British people are ugly." - About British Women

At one time I stuck up for her and cheapy ended up PMing me to shut up about her being banned, but then she comes back and she's a completely different person. Not to mention a complete bitch. Thats all.[/QUOTE]

Oy... someone doesn't catch on to sarcasm well.

Well, except for the British people part... 99.9% of them are ugly. :(
[quote name='kittie']Yes... but unfortunately I had to be adopted twice.

I really want to go back to Russia, someday.[/QUOTE]

Peace! Have fun.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Quotes of Lina/Kittie:

"Someone should mention that they all look the same." - About Chinese people
"Gamers can never see beautiful girls in their life. " - About gamers
"All British people are ugly." - About British Women

At one time I stuck up for her and cheapy ended up PMing me to shut up about her being banned, but then she comes back and she's a completely different person. Not to mention a complete bitch. Thats all.[/QUOTE]

Quit being a, for the lack of a better world, child.
[quote name='megashock5']Thanks to all the well-wishers!

There are some great people here. :)[/QUOTE]

Good luck. by the way pick me up some of that Nice Vodka that have other their.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']If thats the case, you may want a another boy OP. The girls turn into childish prissy bitches.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='megashock5']Thanks, everybody!

I'll post un update a week from tomorrow when I get back.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure everyone would love to see that.
It has to be such a tremendously exciting thing for you and your wife.

I'd have to guess that even if you are trying to keep yourself occupied with games and books on the flight, that you're mind is still going to have to be spinning a mile a minute.

I'm sure that come the end of your little adventure, that there are going to be four very happy people.

I'm curious... do (will) your children know they are adopted, or have to gotten them before they can remember?
Awesome, Megashock!! Good luck to you with all that and have a safe and happy trip. I've never encountered someone who adopted a foreign kid. Let us know how this experience turns out!

P.S. If she grows up to be hot... give her my email address! :D
[quote name='Xtreme331']
P.S. If she grows up to be hot... give her my email address! :D[/QUOTE]

Geez. Not wasting any time I see. And I thought sub was bad. ;) :lol:

Good luck Megashock!
Russian girls are the best... every other Russian girl I know has a strong sense of marriage and family. But, be careful because we do tend to have bad tempers. :p
Wish you the best of luck Mr. Dreamcast Emblazoned Cube. You seem to have the best interests at heart with your endeavors.

Soda Popinski would like to thank you as well......
[quote name='JSweeney']I'm curious... do (will) your children know they are adopted, or have to gotten them before they can remember?[/QUOTE]

Our son knows, as much as a four-year-old can understand. I'm sure there will be many points along the way where he'll have questions, but we talk about it and show him on the globe and stuff. I think it's healthier that way, and it should be something that's discussed in the open and not hidden. That's how people get educated about things.
bread's done