Offical Disney Movie Rewards Code Thread

BTW, DMR has a new promo. Enter 2 codes from Oliver, Robin Hood, and Sword in the Stone for a bonus 50 points. Enter all 3 for 150 points. seems there's more movies listed than I realized. i was just looking at those on the link.

edit: Alright I joined it but I'm confused. How do I meet my committment of buying a movie 29.95 when they're all showing as sale prices?
Buy only 1 DVD. The sales price kicks in after you by the first one.

Uh...I joined the Disney Movie Club with the 5 movies for $1 then added the 2 extra movies that should have counted as commitment titles and only one of them counted...

Pretty sure only the first one for $12 counts.  Then you have to order 2 more in the next 24 months.

What kind of discounts do the 'featured titles' get month to month?  And are they usually smaller stuff (like goof troop and tinker bell stuff) or bigger titles like Tarzan etc.?

Featured titles are, nowadays anyway, 2 big titles (last time was Robin Hood and Sword in the Stone) for $35, plus an optional 3rd title (last time was Muppet Movie and, I believe Frankenweenie) for $15. Featured titles only count for one commitment.
It was the Muppet Movie and Oliver & Company. I picked the Muppet Movie, and that completed my commitment, but I have to wait for The Little Mermaid to ship before I can cancel and sign up again. I also picked up the Ducktales movie for $11.XX. This is really the best way to buy Disney movies.

New Featured Title in Disney Movie Club. Little Mermaid Blu-ray/DVD/Digital copy set. Optional sets are SuperBuddies or Cinderella Blu-ray Combo Pack.
  • yah, not to thrilled with the featured title this month. I should of bit on the previous 2 pack of Robin Hood and Sword and the Stone bit money was an issue at the time.
Got my Disney Movie Club movies today. Inside with a whole bunch of junk mail pamphlets was a DMR code for "new disney movie rewards members only" but it worked on my DMR account for 50 points anyway.

Also, the discount doesn't apply until you meet the requirements. The first movie you add to your cart will ring up regular price, while the 2nd and onward will ring up the discounted price.

It takes far longer, but the best way to complete your commitment, especially if you sell stuff on eBay/Amazon, is to get the featured titles. You usually get 3 movies for $45-$50.
Can you explain this to me? I don't understand what you're talking about.

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It's simple. You pick one movie at $30 and knock off one requirement. Then, the sale price kicks in on all other DVD's bought.  So, you can only meet your requirement once per order.  So, if you buy 6 movies, only 1 meets the requirement. You still have say, 2 requirement DVDs to go,  Which will require 2 more, separate purchases from them.  You cannot complete your requirement in one go. However many you still must buy, is how many separate purchases you must make.

Does the movie have to specify that it counts as a commitment title?  For example, Monsters University has a coupon that takes it below 29.99 but in the description it says it would count towards the commitment anyway.  Then I looked at the 3d version of The Little Mermaid.  That one has a coupon and the coupon doesn't take the price below 29.99 but it still doesn't say that it counts towards the commitment.  I really don't understand the system that well.

From what I have seen, 3D titles tend not to qualify for whatever reason.

Also, I believe only percentage discounts disqualify titles from counting. Specific amount coupons and discounts are unaffected., I just ordered the Tron Legacy 3D from Disney Movie Rewards and they sent me The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos DVD. fuck YOU DISNEY! lol...what in the hell??? The packing slip even says "Tron Legacy" on it. Looking forward to sorting this "my word versus theirs" screw up out.

Got an email with 10 free bonus points for being a "Valued Customer". Wasn't the August newsletter as I only got 8pts. The 10 pts shows up as "Thank You Bonus Points" on DMR site after redeemed., I just ordered the Tron Legacy 3D from Disney Movie Rewards and they sent me The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos DVD. fuck YOU DISNEY! lol...what in the hell??? The packing slip even says "Tron Legacy" on it. Looking forward to sorting this "my word versus theirs" screw up out.
I've never really had problems with customer service where they wouldn't believe me like this with the exception of mom and pop local places where they just "know" they didn't screw up and that YOU are wrong. I really doubt you'll have a problem.

I've never really had problems with customer service where they wouldn't believe me like this with the exception of mom and pop local places where they just "know" they didn't screw up and that YOU are wrong. I really doubt you'll have a problem.
I hope so. I just fired off an email now to see if it can get resolved that way. If I have to call in, I'll handle it Monday. Hopefully, with a company as big as Disney, they won't assume I'm lying. Obviously, they can mostly prove it by asking me to send back the Flamingos DVD (though, that would depend on if they can send me a return label, since there wasn't one in the envelope). But it'll be interesting to see how apologetic they are about it.

Never had anything happen to me like that.

Though, TBH, unless you get the 2-movie set, it might be cheaper to get them via DMR than DMC.
I just joined earlier this week and when I look under the "commitment" portion of my account it says I need to buy three more movies even though I bought the extras when I signed up. For anyone that's joined lately, is that normal or do I already have something to worry about?
I just joined earlier this week and when I look under the "commitment" portion of my account it says I need to buy three more movies even though I bought the extras when I signed up. For anyone that's joined lately, is that normal or do I already have something to worry about?
If I remember correctly, the commitment takes a while to show up to your account. I wouldn't worry.

I'd also like to point out to anyone who's interested in the Studio Ghibli movies that the Howl's and Totoro Blu-ray combo packs are finally available through their online site. Going to sign back up now.

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I just joined earlier this week and when I look under the "commitment" portion of my account it says I need to buy three more movies even though I bought the extras when I signed up. For anyone that's joined lately, is that normal or do I already have something to worry about?
it won't show up until you actually get your movies in the mail.

If I remember correctly, the commitment takes a while to show up to your account. I wouldn't worry.
I'd also like to point out to anyone who's interested in the Studio Ghibli movies that the Howl's and Totoro Blu-ray combo packs are finally available through their online site. Going to sign back up now.
Thanks for the info! And the Ghibli movies were why I signed up. I was waiting to be able to get six instead of the four that had been on there for a while. I ordered Castle in the Sky from Amazon back when they had them on the DotD and hoped that the Disney club would add the two newer ones unlike Castle in the Sky.
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Heard back from Disney about their screw up sending me the wrong movie.

Dear Nate,

Thank you for your email regarding your reward.

We regret to hear you received the incorrect reward. Due to the popularity of certain reward items and limited inventory we are not always able to replace orders.

We are sending a return mail label to return the incorrect reward at our expense. Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. The label will come in an envelope with a return address of Buena Vista Home Entertainment Consumer Relations. Please apply the label to your package and return the incorrect reward, along with your name, address and a daytime phone number. *Please also include the original packing slip.*

We are currently researching the availability of this reward and when your return is received we will contact you regarding the status of your replacement order or refund.

We appreciate your membership and interest in the Disney Movie Rewards program. If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected].

The Disney Movie Rewards Consumer Relations Team
Not really impressed. 7-10 business days to send me a return label? And they "might not" be able to send me what I originally ordered? Gee...thanks.

It's because businesses use the cheapest method for stuff like that and they don't send them out during the weekend.

The whole "might be out of stock" thing covers them in case they do not have the product, but it concerns mainly exclusives and/or non-movies (toys, posters, etc.). I wouldn't worry too much about them not having your movie.
It's because businesses use the cheapest method for stuff like that and they don't send them out during the weekend.

The whole "might be out of stock" thing covers them in case they do not have the product, but it concerns mainly exclusives and/or non-movies (toys, posters, etc.). I wouldn't worry too much about them not having your movie.
Hopefully. Just seemed like a pretty robotic and unapologetic response (the closest thing to apologizing was "we regret"...and that can be interpreted a few ways). But yeah, talk about being cheap. A freaking stamp could get a return label to me quicker than 2 weeks, lol.
I don't think it was robotic. Most likely it was a form letter a human chose after reading the problem. That said, it doesn't seem like they are giving you any trouble with it. I really didnt expect them to fight with you over this. I'm sure this isn't the first time it's happened.
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I don't think it was robotic. Most likely it was a form letter a human chose after reading the problem. That said, it doesn't seem like they are giving you any trouble with it. I really didnt expect them to fight with you over this. I'm sure this isn't the first time it's happened.
Yeah, I think that's fair. Just annoying how slow as balls it is. 2 weeks for an envelope...then who knows how long for their cheap return shipping...then they have to process it...then they have to see if they can find a replacement...then they have to send the correct item. Soooo...maybe in a month, lol. Just amusing to me because it feels like a very outdated process.

But then again, I'm not a fan of the "2 pieces of cardboard glued together" packaging that both DMR and DMC use for their movies anyway. I've had several DMC movies arrive completely mangled because of this cheap, no padding packaging. And they don't use any kind of tracking either. So, if something gets lost, again, it's your word versus theirs. Just seems like they're inviting problems with things that have simple solutions.

Got my Kermit plush in today and I'm very impressed with the quality. Well worth the 950 points and the tag on it says $24.95.

I know this is the wrong thread, but I thought someone here might get a kick out of this (We were talking a while back about the Darkwing Duck, Talespin, Rescue Rangers ,and Ducktails DVDs). There's a pretty cool looking $10 Darkwing Duck/Batman Begins themed t-shirt for sale for the next 22 hours.

I love the design, but I hardly ever wear black shirts. Hopefully they do a lighter colored shirt variant this weekend.


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Wait, are you guys saying studio ghibli movies are available when signing up as choices for the 5 free movies? Or, are they available to buy full price to satisfy your commitment?

Some Ghibli movies are available for the initial sign up. I got Arrietty and Whispers of the Heart that way. When I signed up, most of the rest were DVD only since the Blu-rays had not been released, so no idea now.

They do qualify for the discount though once you sign up. I paid about $11 each for Totoro, Castle in the Sky, and Naussica.
Nice, if I could add howl, totoro and spirited away for the initial free movies, I would be all over it.
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I had a wrong order once. Apparently, they sold out and sent me an alternate title (Disney princesses?)  Got my return label in days, sent it back, and got my rightful DVD a week or so alter. Maybe 2 weeks tops.  Don't fixate on the timespan. Just a way to cover their butts just incase.  Far better to say 7 days and get it in 4, then say 3 days and not get it, and have an irate customer complaining again.

Do you happen to have a link? They aren't showing up for me.
Nope. I called it in. The selection on the website is far more limited than calling and signing up through a cast member.

That's the "best" way to get what you want - though you may still be denied on certain titles if they aren't technically eligible.

I'm thinking about taking part in the Disney Movie Club based on the positive experiences outlined in this thread. Just a quick question before I join: do Blu-ray/DVD combo packs ordered through the Movie Club usually come complete with slipcovers and all original packaging?

My Sword in the Stone didn't come with a slip, and looking at reviews of the transfer is making me sad I bought it. Hopefully it's not as bad as they make it seem.

I'm thinking about taking part in the Disney Movie Club based on the positive experiences outlined in this thread. Just a quick question before I join: do Blu-ray/DVD combo packs ordered through the Movie Club usually come complete with slipcovers and all original packaging?
All the Disney stuff I have got from them in my latest pick-up posts (Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Muppet Movie, Muppet Christmas Carol, Once Upon a Time S1 and S2, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, and Naussica) came with slipcovers.

BTW, this is a good time as any to mention, but kudos to Disney for some of their later slips. I have said many times before but I despise the stupid blue border on many Disney movies but the slips on Muppet Movie, Muppet Christmas Carol, and Once Upon a Time are great looking. Hopefully this will mean the eventual end of the blue border.
I just received my 2nd enrollment shipment. 

Monster, Inc.


Wreck It Ralph

Pixar Shorts Vol. 2

Meet The Robinsons

Gnomeo & Juliet

The Hunchback of Notre Dame I & II

All had slipcovers save MTR. It looks out of place on my shelf. 

I think these are the 6:

My Neighbor Totoro

Howl's Moving Castle

Nuasicaa of the Valley of the Wind

The Secret World of Arrietty


Whisper of the Heart

bread's done