Official 2008 Yard Sale Thread

I'm quite envious of you guys right now.
Nice haul snotknocker.
Haven't seen much of moiety yet this year... one of these they'll have a crazy haul though.
Really cold & windy today - highs 30s-40 while yesterday was 70....

Big yuppy community sale and get started around 7:45 with start at 8...most opened late with the cold/wind....

First games...
Driving slowly past a sale with 2 youngsters, lil guy hollowered, I got video games for a $1!!!! erkkkk I stop to see.
lol well a couple were marked a $1 ...
For $20 - DS Zelda Phantom (complete), wii Super Paper Mario (complete), GC Kirby airride (complete), GBA Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (cartridge), GBA Mario Luigi Saga (cartridge) & Gameboy SuperMarioLand (cartridge)...not great but he was cute as a button and thrilled! with my $20 offer...(marked $33 ttl)

For $2 - GH God of War (complete)

For $9
PS1s all with manual but no case -
Breath Of Fire III (finally)
Sesame Streets Sports
Air Hockey
Saltwater Sportsfishing
Spec Ops Ranger Rlite
Burstrick Wake Boarding
Pinball Big Race USA
Firm on $1 each...I know should've just taken the first 4 but hit so many sales and found nada....

PS1 - both for $1.50
Twisted Metal Small Brawl (complete)
Twisted Metal III (disc)
Good call on the condition. Didn't really look too hard, but they aren't in the best of condition. Should play, but already found one broken one. Thankfully one that doesn't have a big resell value.

As far as the sale goes, I just asked if how much he would take. He gave the old, "I don't know", and his dad got on him for being such poor businessman. I then asked $5, he was a little stunned but accepted.

I am wanting to take them in to either GS, GC, or maybe even take in these plus some of my other weekend finds to the local game dealer.
[quote name='willc23']^^
Good call on the condition. Didn't really look too hard, but they aren't in the best of condition. Should play, but already found one broken one. Thankfully one that doesn't have a big resell value.

As far as the sale goes, I just asked if how much he would take. He gave the old, "I don't know", and his dad got on him for being such poor businessman. I then asked $5, he was a little stunned but accepted.

I am wanting to take them in to either GS, GC, or maybe even take in these plus some of my other weekend finds to the local game dealer.[/quote] I wish there was a local game dealer here. >.>
Need some advice. As I am going through the aforementioned PS1/PS2 discs I am wondering if it would be worth getting a disc spinner to clean some of these things up. Why someone ditches the boxes for magazine holder . . . So I am debating whether to just dump these things in for trade, or should I try to buff them and maybe get a little more return on my "investment". Instead of getting maybe $20 back on trade and still have to pay 1/2 on a new game, maybe I should get a buffer, clean 'em up, ebay them, and be able to afford a new game and a little more.

I know that w/o cases this is probably a dead end, but I have several other complete disc games that could stand a little help. Does anyone have any input/experience/suggestions with buffers for use at home?
I picked up on something today while I was out. Maybe it will work for you. My usual method is to approach the person running the yard sale and ask if they have any old video games/systems. Lots of times it is an instant "no". What I have been doing lately is just continuing to throw out my line after the "no" with, "you know like Nintendo or Playstation games." I think that all of my finds today were after the person said no. As soon as I said "Nintendo" or "Playstation" the light bulb went off over their heads. Example

Me: How are you doing? How is the traffic?

Them: Good (Usually)

Me: Do you happen to have any old video game stuff . . .

Them: No

Me: . . . like Nintendo or Playstation games/systems?

Them: Now that you mention it I have a Nintendo system and games that I was thinking about putting out, but didn't. Are you interested (incredulously).

Me: That is exactly what I am looking for . . . (Continue transaction)

That is what happened today on the SNES I got. It is a subtle technique. I try not to be overbearing, it is just a slight pause after the initial question, but still making it sound like it is part of the question. Just like Snotknocker's suggestions it is all part of a routine. The more you do it the smoother it gets.

Hope this might help you all. Keep the stories coming.
Good call with that technique. I would have worded the "That is exactly" part slightly differently, but on the spot I probably would have said the same. I always try try to remain as calm as possible, and not express TOO much interest, but it's hard :p
Hopefully some people have sales tomorrow, and I'll be hitting up the flea market, too.
"Exactly" is probably a bad example. I do try not to show any hyper excitement, more like a "yeah sure". Feigned disinterest. Thanks for pointing that out.
I typically say "Do you have any videogames like nintendo, sega, playstation, atari that kind of stuff? I usually get some kind of story of how they used to have it and sold it or their kids still play it , or "where is that box of nintendo stuff" Probably 75% of the time I give out a card with my number and tell em if they find it or know anyone that might have games to give me a call
Fairly crappy day but considering I am in MA instead of NJ not surprised

Genesis with hookups/controllers
Sonic 2 in box
asked and paid $2

Dreamcast Complete in Box
Web browser
3 Sports Games
asked $20, paid $5

Game Gear
Sonic Triple w/case
Sonic w/case
Last Action Hero w/case
Jurassic Park w/case
asked and paid $5

Resident Evil 4 PS2 Non-GH Complete
Darkwatch PS2 complete
Asked and paid $3

Mario Teaches Typing 2 Complete
asked and paid $0.50
[quote name='snotknocker']I typically say "Do you have any videogames like nintendo, sega, playstation, atari that kind of stuff? I usually get some kind of story of how they used to have it and sold it or their kids still play it , or "where is that box of nintendo stuff" Probably 75% of the time I give out a card with my number and tell em if they find it or know anyone that might have games to give me a call[/quote] Wow, that's alot better than what I do. Maybe I should try bringing cards.

Here's what usually happens:

me: Do you guys have any video games or DVDs?
Them: No/I used to have an nintendo/Yes, what systems are you looking for?

I've found that the people who you actually have to ask for games have better games than the ones who put them out at the yard sale.

Also, I know moiety said he says about $.25 for a common cart. How much should I offer for a common PS1/PS2/XBOX etc game?

Went to about 45 yardsales total today

Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly with case - $1

This sale had Beavis & Butthead for the Genesis marked at $1 along with a Brick GameBoy with about 5 games, only decent one I left behind has I had it being TMNT Fall of The Foot Clan. It was marked $10 for all of the GameBoy stuff, I asked about only buying one GameBoy game and the guy running the sale said I could have it for a buck.

Area 51 with manual (PSX) - $1
Mortal Kombat Trilogy with manual (PSX) - $1
Pitfall The Mayan Adventure (PC) - .25

All as marked

Doom complete (PSX) - $1
Spyro The Dragon complete GH (PSX) - $1

Was asking $3 per a PSX game offered a buck each.

Playstation 2 1st party controller - $1

Marked $5 offered a buck. I've had a Playstation 2 since the day they came out and oddly enough the only 1st party PS2 controller I've had all these years is the one that came with my system.

NES 1st Party AC Adaptor - .25

This was found with a GameCube steering wheel as the people running this sale though it went with the steering wheel. Asked about it said a buck countered with .25

Fighter Stick SG-6 (Ascii) (Genesis) - $1

Dennis The Menace (GB)
Killer Instinct (GB)
Mortal Kombat II (GB)
Mario Golf (GBC)

3.90 for the 4 GameBoy games

Donkey Kong (GB) - Free

I found a few controllers at this sale and the Fighter Stick SG-6 had a "make offer" sticker on it which I offered a dollar for and was taken. This was at a community sale and I was on foot and when I walked back by this house on the way back the lady called me over has I asked about video games and her son found about 20 GameBoy to GameBoy Color games that they just put out along with a GameBoy Color system marked $6. I tried out a few of the games on the system and picked out a few went up and asked how much and was told that their son wanted $5 each to which I said I was thinking they'd probably want a dollar a game and was just going to put them back at that starting price. The kid that owned the games was across the street but was coming right back and he ended up saying that a dollar was ok when his parents asked him about it. As I was looking the games over an older lady walked up and was interested in them for a younger family member. When she told the lady that was with her that they were a buck each the other lady said to buy them all since they were only a buck each so the lady buying pondered over it and ended up buying the rest of the games along with the system except for Donkey Kong since who she was buying the games for already had it. She even bought all of the sports games! I would have grabbed a few more if they were cheaper but didn't really need them anyways as realisticly I'd never play them. The games I ended up putting back 720 (GBC) Tony Hawk Pro Skater (GBC), Grand Theft Auto (GBC), ESPN Track & Field (GBC) & Jurrasic Park (GB) if I'm remembering them all. I probably shouldn't have bothered with the fighting games but I mostly picked them up as a gag for their older brothers that are better ROFL and I though I'd give Dennis The Menace a try since I'm hoping it's a decent 2D game. I was almost out of money and was .10 short which was ok with them. As I was leaving the lady running the sale picked up Donkey Kong and gave it to me as to be rid of the last game :)
The local 4-H club is having a HUGE rummage sale in a building that was an antique shop next weekend.
Time to pop my CIF cherry :twisted:
[quote name='darkslime']
Also, I know moiety said he says about $.25 for a common cart. How much should I offer for a common PS1/PS2/XBOX etc game?[/quote]

[quote name='snotknocker']I pulled up and saw a milk crate under a table with the SNES stuff.....[/QUOTE]

Haggling isn't really a problem for me but all of your tips are really good and seem to go deeper psychologically into the whole haggling process then I usually think/realize afterwards. Even on a few amazingly good deals I've gotten I tried to set the anchor low by starting out low with a $5 offer with the poker face look and tone to which I usually get told a solid "that it's too low" but then get them to settle on $10 rather easily.

I find the hard part being finding these golden oldies that you seem to find every (or almost every) week snotknocker lol I'm lucky to find a SNES package of that calibur that you found on your first sale today once a year. That's why I believe (after a few years of following this thread) that how well you do yardsaling/hunting in the wild for video games is very regional.
Yeah, my local market for video games at yard sales is just crap. It's a real small town area, you have a stretch of about 10 small towns then you hit Evansville, IN. About 90% of the yard sales don't have any video game items. Another 5% are the people that think they know everything that is more than 5 years old is rare and worth $50 bucks. The last 5% are the ones who think they can get eBay prices in the real world and spot off, well it goes for this much on eBay. I normally reply with a "put it on eBay then." and leave. I try not to be rude, but when they get this snotty attitude about eBay prices, I just get really pissed off.
[quote name='jp0213']Yeah, my local market for video games at yard sales is just crap. It's a real small town area, you have a stretch of about 10 small towns then you hit Evansville, IN. About 90% of the yard sales don't have any video game items. Another 5% are the people that think they know everything that is more than 5 years old is rare and worth $50 bucks. The last 5% are the ones who think they can get eBay prices in the real world and spot off, well it goes for this much on eBay. I normally reply with a "put it on eBay then." and leave. I try not to be rude, but when they get this snotty attitude about eBay prices, I just get really pissed off.[/QUOTE]

I probably saw enough baby & toddler clothes to clothe half of the kids in town today. I seem to see a lot of yardsales that are all or mostly geared towards young kids clothes & toys with a fair amont of sales with older people with a lot of knick knacks. Around here you really have to go to the flea market to even see a better chuck of stuff for sale that would go under the antiques catagory. I see newer video game stuff over priced from people who I would think don't know any better (example I saw an xbox for $100 with a Need For Speed game and about 4-6 controllers) or maybe used eBay to gauge a price. Luckaly (sp?) I've only actually had someone mention eBay to me once at a flea market around here in the last few years when they had a SNES in box with a few games for about $60.

Certain things I remember from years ago also make sense to me as to why old games ain't as plentiful around me as they are for some other people...

1 - I remember my one friend bought Mega Man 7 for the SNES when it came out he though that it was kind of funny that the copy he bought the only copy EBgames got in and that's all they were sent! Because of this I would take an educated guess that it would be tougher for me to find some of the more uncommon to rare SNES games in the wild then someone in a bigger area.

2 - EBgames was the only store in my area that carried TG-16 and NeoGeo within 30-45 minutes of me so I'm sure that's less per so many houses sitting around collecting dust then in a bigger city area.

I also think that small town snydrome makes yardsaling tougher as around me I have a few areas I could hit up but with 5-10 sales in each area it does kind of make a multi town route rather spaced out and possibly even not worth the trouble with raising gas prices topping it off :(
Not much video game wise, but video game related:


$2 for everything.
[quote name='willc23']I picked up on something today while I was out. Maybe it will work for you. My usual method is to approach the person running the yard sale and ask if they have any old video games/systems. Lots of times it is an instant "no". What I have been doing lately is just continuing to throw out my line after the "no" with, "you know like Nintendo or Playstation games." I think that all of my finds today were after the person said no. As soon as I said "Nintendo" or "Playstation" the light bulb went off over their heads. Example

Me: How are you doing? How is the traffic?

Them: Good (Usually)

Me: Do you happen to have any old video game stuff . . .

Them: No

Me: . . . like Nintendo or Playstation games/systems?

Them: Now that you mention it I have a Nintendo system and games that I was thinking about putting out, but didn't. Are you interested (incredulously).

Me: That is exactly what I am looking for . . . (Continue transaction)

That is what happened today on the SNES I got. It is a subtle technique. I try not to be overbearing, it is just a slight pause after the initial question, but still making it sound like it is part of the question. Just like Snotknocker's suggestions it is all part of a routine. The more you do it the smoother it gets.

Hope this might help you all. Keep the stories coming.[/quote]

I go to so many that go like that, or like the one i went to today and asked for video games and the 25-30 yo lady said no we dont, and a 70+ year old man poined at soem PS2 games and she siad no those arent video games. I have no idea what some people think videogames are.
[quote name='jp0213']Yeah, my local market for video games at yard sales is just crap. It's a real small town area, you have a stretch of about 10 small towns then you hit Evansville, IN. About 90% of the yard sales don't have any video game items. Another 5% are the people that think they know everything that is more than 5 years old is rare and worth $50 bucks. The last 5% are the ones who think they can get eBay prices in the real world and spot off, well it goes for this much on eBay. I normally reply with a "put it on eBay then." and leave. I try not to be rude, but when they get this snotty attitude about eBay prices, I just get really pissed off.[/quote]

Where do you live I live 45 min south of Fort Wayne, and we have tons of games here, but there are tons of McVans stickers on everything, in the last 6 years we have had several local game stores come in to some of the local small towns and they seem to boost the GS game numbers.
I live in Evansville now. Originally from Tell City, then moved to Indianapolis, then my company moved me to their Evansville office. If I'm off on the weekends or going back to the hometown area I'll stop at yard sales I see, but they are almost always a bust.

The only places I have found for games non-yard sale are Book & Music Exchange, Book Broker, and McVans. McVans and Book & Music Exchange have a tendency to be higher priced, and when I have found those games with their stickers on there, people want close to what they paid for them. "Well I paid $xx for it and I can't take much less than that." Book Broker seems to have the best prices, but they also don't put in the same quality control on catridge/disc conditions that the other places seem to do.
The ones I get a kick out of are the ones that just hear "video", and they guide you to the VHS tapes. I had that happen at least 5 times today.
[quote name='jp0213']I live in Evansville now. Originally from Tell City, then moved to Indianapolis, then my company moved me to their Evansville office. If I'm off on the weekends or going back to the hometown area I'll stop at yard sales I see, but they are almost always a bust.

The only places I have found for games non-yard sale are Book & Music Exchange, Book Broker, and McVans. McVans and Book & Music Exchange have a tendency to be higher priced, and when I have found those games with their stickers on there, people want close to what they paid for them. "Well I paid $xx for it and I can't take much less than that." Book Broker seems to have the best prices, but they also don't put in the same quality control on catridge/disc conditions that the other places seem to do.[/quote]

McVans is terrible about prices, and they have some weird excuses about why they are so high. when people act like the games are woth so much, I look for flaws on the cart and point them out, that is how i got my Clay fighter 64 1/3 today.
[quote name='Sinnbox']I go to so many that go like that, or like the one i went to today and asked for video games and the 25-30 yo lady said no we dont, and a 70+ year old man poined at soem PS2 games and she siad no those arent video games. I have no idea what some people think videogames are.[/quote]

I have gotten that quite a bit -- it's usually older people that don't quite understand it or don't understand what they are selling or what they are selling there. I guess they think NES carts when they think of video games, not compact discs or DVDs. I have asked a middle-aged woman about videogames, to be told 'no' and to only see a Playstation sitting there a couple of feet away.

I had no luck today but I did come across those X-Box/X-Box 360 Burger King games today that I passed on (just not a fan of those really).
So, how much cash do you guys take with you when you go out yard sale shopping?

I'm so used to using my debit card that I rarely carry much cash on me at all.
[quote name='tominator89']So, how much cash do you guys take with you when you go out yard sale shopping?

I'm so used to using my debit card that I rarely carry much cash on me at all.[/quote]

1 - $100
1 - $50
5 - $20
10 - $10
10 - $5
40 - $1
[quote name='Sinnbox']What were the N64 games you got?[/quote]

Last summer I got a box of N64 games , the notable titles being Zelda OoT, Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Wave Race 64, 1080 Snowboarding, and Paper Mario. Other games were junky racing and wrestling ones, but all of the games came with manuals and Zelda and SM64 even came with strategy guides! So I was happy. All of that plus Time Crisis 2 complete with box and gun and Time Crisis 3 nearly complete (missing the disc itself of all things - argh:bomb:) for only $10, which was great.

And yeah, it kills me how so many people just hear the word "video" and start off in another direction. Once when I was just starting garage sailing, I got super excited at a sale when some people misinterpreted what I said.

Me: Good morning, do you guys by any chance have any video games you're getting rid of?

Them: Yes! Geez, we're really hurting for someone to take them off of our hands! We've got too much that we need to get rid of!

Me: Really? Great! Which ones are they?

Them: Oh man, I don't know, we've got so many... they're all inside, let me go get them. No one's asked about these, we're glad you actually want to buy these things. Yeah, we've got like 70 or 80 that we need to get rid of. Oh, this is great!

Me: :O Seriously? That's fantastic! Uh, what systems are they for?

Them: Systems... wait wha...?

Me: ...What systems are the games for?

Them: Games... oh, uh, no, I've got tapes. Video tapes.


Them: fuck you muthabiotch! Immo keewyaw!

Seriously though, can't really blame them. You're average garage sailor buys tapes more often than games I suppose. I now always mention Nintendo or Sega or whatnot.
It amazes me how dumb people are.

First they don't associate video games with yard sales. Then they don't associate video games with Playstations. And then they associate video games with VHS'.

Key syllable: associate. It's not like video games are that obscure. Anyone with common sense should know these things for the most part.

Oh, and is anyone else pissed off by the "we just sold all of them" line? I hate it. It's cruel and they say it just to watch your face become contorted with pain and agony.

Note: I might be exaggerating just a bit.
[quote name='Samus']

Oh, and is anyone else pissed off by the "we just sold all of them" line? I hate it. It's cruel and they say it just to watch your face become contorted with pain and agony.

Note: I might be exaggerating just a bit.[/quote]

I get more pissed at "We sold all of them at Gamestop" than "someone else came and bought them." At least if someone else came by and got them, hey somebody's looking too. It's about as bad is "We are going to put them on ebay" or "My son has some, but we didn't put them up for sale/didn't know we could put them up for sale."
[quote name='guyinga']I get more pissed at "We sold all of them at Gamestop" than "someone else came and bought them." At least if someone else came by and got them, hey somebody's looking too. It's about as bad is "We are going to put them on ebay" or "My son has some, but we didn't put them up for sale/didn't know we could put them up for sale."[/quote]

I hear the GameStop line all the time also. It's like these people are working off of a script.

But I don't get as mad at the GameStop line considering I was hoping to rip them off just as much as GameStop does. When I hear that another person bought them, it makes me go nuts because I keep thinking like "I should have came to this yard sale first".

What do you guys think about people who have games, but they're all crappy last gen games? Should you ask them if they have anything like Playstation, Nintendo, Sega, etc or just thank them and be on your way?
Yah Samus, I would have to agree about being pissed about people saying that they "Sold their games already". But what pisses me off the most is when they give me a detailed description on what they sold, and I feel jealous of the person who bought it. Seriously, why the hell would they give off all the information on what they sold, its pointless.

But anyways, my area has a ton of games, but this mostly due to a store nearby called "Game Xchange" which sells vintage games for a decent price. On many (most I should say) consoles I buy, there is a "Game Xchange" sticker on there, and it leaves an annoying "VOID" thingie on there. I have gotten all my cheap consoles from people who bought them there, and it is awesome.
[quote name='Derrick1979']Had a little tip from a birdie about a yard sale having some games.. so today I got there when they opened and got me a regular Xbox and 14 Games for $50.. the only negative to the purchase was the controller was a gamestop controller and not an Xbox one... oh well it was $50 :D

Here is the list of games: (all are complete and most in great disc condition)

Gun Valkyrie
Oddworld:Strangers Wrath
Phantom Dust
Advent Rising
Bloodrayne 2
Deus Ex
Metal Gear Solid 2:Substance
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Burnout Revenge[/quote]

[quote name='Samus']I hear the GameStop line all the time also. It's like these people are working off of a script.

But I don't get as mad at the GameStop line considering I was hoping to rip them off just as much as GameStop does. When I hear that another person bought them, it makes me go nuts because I keep thinking like "I should have came to this yard sale first".

What do you guys think about people who have games, but they're all crappy last gen games? Should you ask them if they have anything like Playstation, Nintendo, Sega, etc or just thank them and be on your way?[/quote]

I hate it when I hear someone just bought them becasue that means that the guy is ahead of me. I prefer being the first game buyer out the door.
[quote name='Sinnbox']I hate it when I hear someone just bought them becasue that means that the guy is ahead of me. I prefer being the first game buyer out the door.[/quote] Here you have to get up at 4 am to get anything good because hundreds of people come up from Mexico in huge F-150s and buy everything that they can fit in the truck.
When my grandma had a yard sale there were people lined up in front of the house at 4:45 in the morning honking for her to come out and start the sale. lol
[quote name='darkslime']They have sales on Thursday?[/quote]

The nationwide garage sale day has always been Thursday, but in the last 10 years or so, people have been starting on Fridays or later.
^ I have lived in 3 states and all my life Friday has been the day to start a sale. some show on thursday, but not many.
i found soulblade (non gh) sealed along with that samurai cowboy game on the psx also sealed ( i can't remember the name but it came out on xplay on the weird games sketch)
[quote name='devildr1ver']i found soulblade (non gh) sealed along with that samurai cowboy game on the psx also sealed ( i can't remember the name but it came out on xplay on the weird games sketch)[/quote]

Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman. Great game, IMO.
[quote name='Samus']What do you guys think about people who have games, but they're all crappy last gen games? Should you ask them if they have anything like Playstation, Nintendo, Sega, etc or just thank them and be on your way?[/QUOTE]

Yes I'd say ask them if they have any other video games (probaby even throw in some keywords as others have mentioned like Sega, Nintendo & or Atari) I remember one of my best finds at a yardsale only had Warcraft III out marked at $5 or $10 before I asked about video games. Some people might bring out something like a few PS2 games they have sitting around the TV that they never play but may not consider digging out an older system they have in the attic or basement that they may not mind parting with.
[quote name='slowdive21']The nationwide garage sale day has always been Thursday, but in the last 10 years or so, people have been starting on Fridays or later.[/QUOTE]

In my area, it's been consistently Saturday, followed by Sunday and Friday. I've never seen anything on other days.
If I ever hold a yard sale, I may wait until someone comes looking for games and just for shits and giggles mention every 'zomg rare' or sought after game(Intelligent Qube, Silent Hill, MVC2, etc) I can think of off the top of my head and say that 'I just let those all go for like $5'. Then ask what that person would've offered me.

Hopefully, it'll be one of you guys and you'll come on here and rant about 'how some idiot sold all these great games for $5'.
It would be even funnier to put rare games like those in a box labeled 25 cents.
Then when they come up with all of them, say oh, that's the price for the box. These are $200 each.
[quote name='darkslime']It would be even funnier to put rare games like those in a box labeled 25 cents.
Then when they come up with all of them, say oh, that's the price for the box. These are $200 each.[/quote]

That would be cruel and sounds like something I would do, especially if I saw the drool coming from their mouths upon seeing such games in one box together.:lol:
Today I got 2 Snes super scopes w/ receivers for $5
Is this awesome [Y/N]


only been able to post anything here like once or twice since my finds usually suck

some other deals i came across:
Summoner for Ps2 - $2
old RPG strategy guide-thing - $0.50
Decent finds on Sunday

Castlevania Bloodlines Complete
X*Perts Gen Sealed
asked and paid $6

Super Mario All Stars
Tetris 2 Complete
Gradius 3 Complete
Super Caesar's Palace Complete
Asked 15, paid $10

Dragon Warrior VII Complete
Dawn of Mana Complete
Star Ocean PS2 Complete with Guide
asked 22 and paid $16

Pokemon Colloseum Complete
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire Complete
Asked 16 and paid $12

Risk Gen Complete

2 X Zelda Gold Cart
Zelda 2
Mike Tyson's Punchout
Castlevania 2
Marble Madness
Ikari Warriors
Exodus Ultima
Asked $25 and paid $20
Well, I got a bunch of random crap (some board games, some ribbon, a shirt, some herb pots, and a teeny tiny vase), but my husband made a cool find, as follows.

So we find a sale in a neighborhood, and he finds a boxed copy of SimFarm. I am talking about a 3.5" disk version. It is priced at a quarter. Well, we remember from last summer, when we sold my CD-ROM copy of Sim Classics (which included SimFarm), that SimFarm at least used to fetch a really nice price, and last fall we found another CD-ROM copy at a pawnshop and turned that around too.

He checks the box, and everything is in the box - the manual, the registration cards, the Maxis catalog, the card you could send in to get free 5.25" disks if you needed them, everything - except the disks. Oops. Sale was run by an older lady who didn't even realize what the game disks were, so, whatever. I buy a tiny heart-shaped vase for a dime, and we continue through the neighbor.

Two blocks away, still in the same neighborhood, I'm offering a woman a dollar for her set of herb pots, and Aaron notices a small stack of boxed PC games - SimFarm and SimTower. $2 each. This time, they had the disks, and pretty much everything in the box - but the box itself was a little crappy, some tape on the box, a coffee stain on the manual, etc.

He offered a dollar, but it belonged to her kid, so he paid the full $2.

Then we turned around, went back to the other, bought the disk-less copy for a quarter, and I switched the disks into the non-crappy box, which we'll now resell.

And I kept the box and manual from the crappier copy, and put it on our PC games shelf, because I still have SimFarm installed on one of our machines and the manual is actually pretty useful.

Edit: And geez, how are you people finding Super Mario All-Stars, seriously, I want to find it.

Edit for funny moments: the house asking $4 each for PS1 Tiger Woods '00 and a bunch of N64 wrestling games; the house with a burned copy of Win98SE for $1 (which we would've gotten if it weren't burned).
[quote name='Sinnbox']I live 45 min south of Fort Wayne,[/QUOTE]
Where exactly? I'm from Michigan, but I went to college in Marion, and my husband grew up there. We live in Greenwood now.
bread's done