Official 2011-12 NFL Regular Season Thread

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I believe Peyton is going to go whoever is strongest along with some money factor involved (obviously). I think he wants another ring before the Manning era has come to an end. Dolphins wouldn't be a bad pick, neither would the Cardinals, but I don't think he'd go with tennessee. Just would seem out of place, and the 49ers will surely not happen, I was just entertaining the thought of it in my head.
[quote name='bvharris']I haven't been playing too much attention to the situation, but my understanding was that it's a foregone conclusion he'll be released so they don't need to pay that gigantic roster bonus. I don't believe trading him is viewed as a viable option.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's true but that still puts them in the driver's seat in terms of the decision to release him or not. I'm not entirely sure how off season waivers work but I'd imagine we'll know more around the time of the draft about what Manning's future will be.
[quote name='DT778']He will be a free agent if released.[/QUOTE]

I get that, obviously, but my question is how do the mechanics of it work. Is there a waiver and how do they determine waiver order in the off season? What's the latest possible point they can release him without having to pay his bonus for the season? Like I said, lots of questions about releases in the off-season which will certainly affect their decision of how/when/whether to release him and from his standpoint whether he should just file his retirement papers and be done.
I believe the roster bonus was due sometime in Early March, so we should have a better idea by then.

There's no waiver period in the offseason, if he's released he's an UFA.
[quote name='Reo 15x']I believe Peyton is going to go whoever is strongest along with some money factor involved (obviously). I think he wants another ring before the Manning era has come to an end. Dolphins wouldn't be a bad pick, neither would the Cardinals, but I don't think he'd go with tennessee. Just would seem out of place, and the 49ers will surely not happen, I was just entertaining the thought of it in my head.[/QUOTE]

Matt Flynn will be starting in Miami next year. We can't use the franchise tag on him as a backup (and wee need it for Jermichael Finley), and Philbin wants him.
It's amazing how one injury is going to completely change the entire Colts franchise. They'll have all new coaches, GMs, and an overhauled roster without the best player in the entire history of that franchise. Nobody would've expected this outcome when word first came out about him missing time due to the injury/surgery.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's amazing how one injury is going to completely change the entire Colts franchise. They'll have all new coaches, GMs, and an overhauled roster without the best player in the entire history of that franchise. Nobody would've expected this outcome when word first came out about him missing time due to the injury/surgery.[/QUOTE]

Well before the season started most people thought he'd only miss a few weeks. And even after he was announce out for the season most people didn't think they'd have the worst record in the league.

The Colts need to sit down with Manning and convince him to restructure his contract. Tell him that he should mentor Luck for 2-3 years and thn guarantee him and OC position.
The Colts put way to much stock in him. Also last time I checked Manning said he was willing to change his contract in the first place. Someone fact check that though but I could have sworn the contract wasnt in the picture anymore.
^He still wants his $28 million bonus regardless, which isn't going to happen.

He's gone. I also think the Cardinals but the Redskins are going to give him whatever he wants if he'll go there.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']Well before the season started most people thought he'd only miss a few weeks. And even after he was announce out for the season most people didn't think they'd have the worst record in the league.

The Colts need to sit down with Manning and convince him to restructure his contract. Tell him that he should mentor Luck for 2-3 years and thn guarantee him and OC position.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Nobody expecting it to be that bad, but everything just spiraled down to hell as everybody gave up without Peyton at the helm. I guess Indy completely banked on him to always be there and when he physically couldn't, they had no alternate plan in place for an emergency situation. When your plan is to sign Kerry Collins out of retirement, you've got nothing.

I'd think that Arizona would be the best choice since he'd actually have good receivers to throw to and it's a good city for him. Plus, it'd make the NFC West a lot more interesting than it's been in years.
Jaws is gone from the Monday Night Football booth. Glad one of them was gone since he and Gruden were in constant competition on who could over hype whoever was on the field that day.
Huge mistake, IMO. They should have fired Gruden. I love Jaws. Unfortunately, his job was not to critique or break down the plays - it was just to hype whoever was playing, which is so lame, IMO. Gotta protect the shield I guess. :roll:
[quote name='Javery']Huge mistake, IMO. They should have fired Gruden. I love Jaws. Unfortunately, his job was not to critique or break down the plays - it was just to hype whoever was playing, which is so lame, IMO. Gotta protect the shield I guess. :roll:[/QUOTE]

They were both doing the same job. In love with every player currently on the field that week and a little side of breaking down the game. ESPN had them do shit like this
"When it was Jaworski's turn, he issued a stern proclamation. "Call me crazy, but I'm really excited for Tyler Palko tonight," he said, and a roomful of skeptical sports producers erupted in laughter. Jaworski had given himself the thankless task of building up the Chiefs, praising them as much as he could without putting his own credibility at risk. Perhaps viewers would buy into the idea, however far-fetched, that Palko would emerge as the night's underdog hero. Later that day, as Jaworski was making a cup of coffee in the ESPN bus, he tried the line again. "Call me crazy, but I'm excited about Tyler Palko," he said. He exhaled. "I've got to sell this," he said to himself."

Both dudes are smart and it would have been great if ESPN let them really analyze the game instead of doing the shit like that above.
[quote name='bvharris']So, the Saints are in some deep shit...

Turns out the NFL's learned they were running a bounty program under Greg Williams, the details are pretty damning.

Given the NFL's emphasis on player safety, I have to imagine the punishment here is going to exceed what the Patriots got for Spygate, although who knows with Goodell.[/QUOTE]

I fucking knew it! The way they go after QBs you had to know it was systemic. I hope they got their assess handed to them as this is much, much worse than Spygate because you're talking about players' health.
Wouldn't shock me at all to see them lose multiple picks (they already traded their 2012 first rounder to, ironically, the Patriots) as well as significant fines. Suspensions may well follow, you'd think at least Greg Williams is likely to get a lengthy ban. The GM is likely fired, and Payton may get disciplined as well.

Wouldn't shock me to see some players serve lengthy suspensions as well - if they suspend guys just for making dirty tackles, you'd have to imagine guys who get paid to deliberately attempt to injure opponents are going to do some hard time.
Deadspin is right, the hit that ended Kurt Warner's career sure looks different now that we know about Gregg Williams and his bounties.

And Peyton Manning's neck problems began after some high hits vs the Redskins, which at the time had Gregg Williams paying bounties for "kill shots". This guy might get a lifetime ban from the NFL.
[quote name='renique46']Saints are dirty? what else is new[/QUOTE]

It's not that they are dirty, but rather the fact that they were so far beyond dirty to incentivize causing injuries against opposing players. I wonder what their "bounty" was for Favre in 2009 NFC Championship, my bet is it was pretty high.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']It's not that they are dirty, but rather the fact that they were so far beyond dirty to incentivize causing injuries against opposing players. I wonder what their "bounty" was for Favre in 2009 NFC Championship, my bet is it was pretty high.[/QUOTE]

They were destroying Favre in that game but I don't remember any dirty hits on him.
[quote name='DestroVega']They were destroying Favre in that game but I don't remember any dirty hits on him.[/QUOTE]

Pardon the shitty quality:

This is bad for the Saints. Real bad. If the Pats got docked a draft pick for Spygate, I can only imagine this will be even worse with greater consequences. Sean Payton is a great coach but I remember his BS excuse for blitzing the Niners like crazy for preseason game 1. Hahah now this douche will be getting suspended. I see suspensions getting handed left and right while greedy little Brees screws his own team's cap.
[quote name='dafoomie']Why shouldn't Brees get his money?[/QUOTE]

Brees is elite and will get his due but his contract negotiations are going to cripple the Saints free agency plans if they are forced to franchise tag him. Brady accepted a more reasonable deal so that the Pats could use maximize their cap value to sign other plays. Brees already won his title so he doesn't care as so much.
[quote name='dafoomie']Now its come out that Williams had the same bounty system with the Redskins and Bills. He's fucked.[/QUOTE]

Damn. How many injured players will be suing the NFL in about 30 seconds?
Think it's a good move for the team and for Peyton.

Colts aren't going to be Super Bowl contenders the next couple of years with him anyway, so why spend all that money when Luck will get a huge contract?

And Peyton can pick where he goes and get on a team that has a much better chance to win a super bowl or two the next few years rather than languishing on a terrible Colts team that's rebuilding.
yeah - the Colts are saving like $25M by making this move. It's almost a no-brainer. They can get luck for around $4M I think and have some money left over to rebuild. If Luck is the real deal then the Colts could be good again very soon.

The list of teams seems to be the Seahawks, Redskins, Dolphins, Jets and Cardinals. Anyone else going to make a play for him. I'd add Cleveland but we all know he won't go there.
I think it is either the Cardinals (Larry Fitzgerald + warm weather) or the Seahawks (Marshawn Lynch = BEAST plus that team is pretty good already - they would need to add a receiver though like Reggie Wayne - there are tons of free agents). I don't see him going to NY where Eli is or even to the Redskins in the same division (plus the Redskins are a dysfunctional mess). The Dolphins aren't good enough to win plus they are in a really tough division.
I'm kind of hoping he heads to the Redskins. You know Dan Snyder will open the pocket book, and they already have a good defense and decent offensive line in place. All that would be missing is a receiver or two, and maybe Wayne could come along.

I'd consider that a better option than trading up for RGIII, since all it costs is money.

I'm not a Skins fan, but living in DC I obviously know many, and this place would go bananas.
Yeah, I just don't see Peyton going there and wanting to deal with all the dysfunction in that organization.

I don't see Eli being on the Giants being any deterrent to him going to the Jets. Hell, he may want the chance to live and play in the same city and play his brother once a year.

Cardinals might be his best chance to win right away. Especially if Wayne goes there too. Having Fitzgerald and Wayne to throw to would probably be even better than when he had Harrison and Wayne.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
I don't see Eli being on the Giants being any deterrent to him going to the Jets. Hell, he may want the chance to live and play in the same city and play his brother once a year.

The Giants and Jets only play once every four years. And they just played this past season.
Ah, I stand corrected. I thought they played every year for some reason.

So then yeah, no way that Eli being on the Giants would keep him from wanting to play for the Jets. He'd likely be retired when they played again in the regular season anyway.
This is gonna be the longest off-season waiting to see the product on the field and specifically, Luck getting into a uniform and making throws. It's a sad day in Indy for sure. Peyton's had such a huge impact on the community. The football side is just one amazing aspect that his new community will be getting.

Edit: Ok, I teared up watching that. I can't explain it. It's amazing how he really has turned this town around. This was basketball country. I remember when Reggie Miller left the league, I didn't have these emotions, but this one hit hard. It's been great watching him. Look forward to seeing the next chapter in Peyton's career.
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Everyone here in Kansas City seems excited to have Manning play here. I would rather he didn't. I would rather we work on fixing other areas of the team first. It doesn't matter how good our quarterback is if we don't have a line that's willing to protect him good enough.
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