Official 2011 Yard Sale Thread

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[quote name='SaraAB']I can't seem to find a decent priced yard sale, everyone wants huge amounts of money for junk around here. The few decent priced sales I have been to have nothing but junk. I am not buying it and neither is anyone else. I have resorted to picking up cheap cellphones, as they are the only electronics I seem to be able to find cheap, and most sell for pretty good money on ebay.

The $40 CRT TV's prevail around here, you can get a CRT for 8.99 at the Salvation army here, and they have almost the whole back of the store filled with TV's. Today I saw a kids flashlight priced at $10, who the heck thinks up these prices over here???

Our area is filling up with "permanent" yard sales, there are many houses here that just put tarp over their stuff and leave it on their lawn and uncover it every weekend. Other houses just keep all the stuff in their garage and bring it out every weekend.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I live in the MD/DC area. There was one place that had there stuff sitting out everyday. Looks like people from WV and they just pick up junk to resell.
I try to tell them the facts but it never works, I usually say that gamestop doesn't even take these games anymore or I tell them that the Xbox live service does not work on original Xbox's. For NES you could say that since they are 25 years old they almost always need repair before getting them to work, you could probably do that for any system. You could say that playstation disc drives burn out often. There are a million excuses to use. Basically if the price is too high try to point out any flaws, scratches, etc and use that as a bargaining point.

I have never seen a clean game come out of a yard sale, never in over 12 years of this.

Dirty (cartridge) games on ebay seem to sell the same as clean ones, but I do not believe in selling a dirty game. A non scratched disc will definitely sell better than a scratched one. I even go out of my way to mention any scratches or any damage at all since on ebay someone can come right back at you and claim item not as described if you miss something. You have to be very careful.

Its fruitless to cite ebay prices, they fall and rise so fast and are generally inconsistent, especially on old games. Prices do go up during Xmas time for old games, and I have seen that first hand almost every season. I have said it before but selling on ebay is a lot of work and you have to possess a paypal account and a bank account which not everyone has access too.

If I was selling at a yard sale and someone came up to me and told me my 50 cent item is worth $200 I would have a very hard time believing them. Just like I have a very hard time believing someone who says their item is worth $60 but I will let it go for $10 because its "collectible" when I am buying.

I tried to buy an Xbox bundle the other day, it was make offer so I offered $10 which was fair for what was there considering the live service does not work anymore and the fact that it was dirty but the guy wanted $25 and would not budge on the price. It had a few games but the games were discs in generic gamestop cases. I am not sure if I should have bought it or not, probably not a good pickup.
[quote name='desert_gold_hound']First off I am not saying its dishonest I am saying its NO MORE dishonest.

I don't tell them it eather. I can almost garenty that all of you have used the lines "I only have $$ on me" , "How much is this !!OLD!! Nintendo game".....

The money one is a LIE and I see it on here all the time. Is this lie any better then my price list? If so please tell me how one lie is ok and my list is not.[/QUOTE]

No, one's a blatant lie. It's fine that you don't agree, but it doesn't make it true.

And I never said the money lie was ok. Not sure where you got that from.

I used to feel bad about paying asking price when I know it's worth more. For many months, I felt bad. But it's ASKING price. I didn't lie to get it.
[quote name='Invicta 61']This is no longer the "yard sale" thread. This is the "what can I flip on ebay" thread.[/QUOTE]

It's in the bragging/discussions forum, so is there a problem?
[quote name='Invicta 61']This is no longer the "yard sale" thread. This is the "what can I flip on ebay" thread.[/QUOTE]

OK this one had me ROFLMFAO its true I know. Just to let you know I don't sell everything on e-bay I collect and also have a retail store. Oh and yes my half priced items are usually priced less then I could sell on ebay because I don't have all the hassles of shipping.

And I never said the money lie was ok. Not sure where you got that from.

I simply showed it because everyone mentions it here but no one says OH THAT'S A LIE THAT SHOULDN'T BE POSTED.

Now I like this group and most importantly I like that we can say how we feel. I am glad you feel you must be honest and I feel the same way. I believe I am being honest and you do not but that's ok. After all is said and done I would still go out and enjoy an evening with anyone of you.

So for now lets agree to disagree and have fun GS'ing.
[quote name='desert_gold_hound']
Now I like this group and most importantly I like that we can say how we feel. I am glad you feel you must be honest and I feel the same way. I believe I am being honest and you do not but that's ok. After all is said and done I would still go out and enjoy an evening with anyone of you.

So for now lets agree to disagree and have fun GS'ing.[/QUOTE]

Fine with me =P
I see no problems with bragging on what you find at yard sales since that's the title of the thread. I want to make others jealous about my finds (or be jealous of the finds others have).

It seems on the last few pages it's been nothing but discussion about amazon, ebay, ect. I'm just sayin' that's not really what this thread is about.
desert_gold_hound;8585363 I don't tell them it[I said:

Moral or not, I have to give this guy props for his creative spelling in a lot of the posts from the last day or so.

Anyway, I went to about twelve sales on Saturday (found a few little things here and there, but really nothing game-related), then, on my way home, found this lot at the last sale, which was unadvertised:


The final cost, you ask? $10, proposed by the seller. I've got some interesting odds and ends to sort through, but I was VERY happy to get all of this stuff for $10. I will trade in the copy of Kingdom Hearts PS2 I found rattling around in the bottom of one of the boxes to GS to recoup most of my 'investment'.

Besides that, came home with a a football helmet for my son to play with($2), a Seinfeld trivia card game ($0.50), and a sealed copy of Seinfeld Season 5 for $5 (already have this, of course, but it's just too good of a show to NOT purchase it for $5; will give to someone or sell).

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. Didn't have a ton of sales to hit, but conversely, that means I was also home earlier to hang out with my family before I went to work. Also, I still had some nice, profitable finds, so even the better!
[quote name='sgaldis']Moral or not, I have to give this guy props for his creative spelling in a lot of the posts from the last day or so.

Yea my spelling sucks and spell check doesn't always work. I had a hell of a time in college because of my spelling. Luckily tutors are allowed to help correct that :cool:. When I write stuff up for work I have to have my 13 year old nephew correct all the grammar and spelling errors he works better then Microsoft word. Of course at 13 he has a college level witting level but lacks on math and other courses. I don't mind my spelling though as at least I know business and have had very good luck with life and finances. Only lived on the street for half my life (JUST KIDDING)

VERY NICE FINDS I have been looking for SEGA portables. I have yet to find one worth what they want. Them PS1's sure seem to build up when GS'ing I cant even give them away anymore.

Can you list some of the games? We cant see all the labels.
Tsel sorry to hear about your Mom, hopefully everything is fine now.

Another Keyboard #-o CASIO CTK-100 No A/C, but works $1

Books 1.50. Audio book is SEALED. Just checked amazon. All duds. :oops:


$3 total. VHS is SEALED.


I saw one of the scanners approaching the sale, so I grabbed these and quickly got out of there.

VHS $2.50 total. audio book is SEALED.

I think the Ninja Queen Boxer is rare, but I am not sure. I think there was some type of controversy with it.


Sex in the City Trivia SEALED. Playmobil Three Wise Men complete.

$2 total.


Old viewmaster (late 40s-50s) with box and extra reels $1. It is Bakelite plastic. I am really happy about this. I love the box art too!

The only cool thing I found, that I over paid for was the Mario Galaxy pre-order bonus (coin). Great condition. I should have bargained to $2, but I was in a good mood and it was tired, so $5 for the vendor for being cool with other item pricing...
I did pretty good this weekend. This is the stuff I picked up today...

Final Fight CD
Shining Force CD
Fatal Fury Special
Eternal Champions
Power Stone 2
Sonic Adventure 2
Resident Evil Code: Veronica
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ninja Gaiden 2
Adventure Island 2
Castlevania Bloodlines
Blackthorne 32x
Kolibri 32x

I paid $24 for everything

My finds seemed better before I looked them up...

$1 SEALED game


$3 total. Chappelle season 2, Spyro GC, AC/DC box


$2 total Watchmen TPB, RE BB exclusive DVD, Gen x cops


Next 3 pics were $1 total! Manga, Disney, etc.

Lady saw me look at the FMA books, but I didn't want them at .50 each. Some of her other books were $1 for 10. She ended up grabbing the FMA ones and told me I could have everything for a buck.

Happy to have the FMA books!




Paid $3 for the next 2 pics. There is a gem in there!

The Hearts on Pilgrimage CD is SEALED. Cheapest on amazon is around $50!



Candy-land 50th anniversary tin SEALED.


Sells for about $40 on amazon.

Double post, where is everyone?

Wohoo! GC, Wii, DS junk games! $3 total


More junk GC games $5 total!


R2D2 3D puzzle, mini wizard with box, TMNT Tiger, The Shadow Tiger $3 total!



Some decent DVDs: Tranformers animated 20th, Pilates, Goosebumps, etc $5 total


$30 total Deadpool, X men, Batman, etc comics, wrestling DVDs.

Deadpool full run 1-39 with annuals other misc deadpool books (about 60 deadpool total)

2nd pic: non-deadpool KEY issues


[quote name='SaraAB']I try to tell them the facts but it never works, I usually say that gamestop doesn't even take these games anymore or I tell them that the Xbox live service does not work on original Xbox's. For NES you could say that since they are 25 years old they almost always need repair before getting them to work, you could probably do that for any system. You could say that playstation disc drives burn out often. There are a million excuses to use. Basically if the price is too high try to point out any flaws, scratches, etc and use that as a bargaining point.

I have never seen a clean game come out of a yard sale, never in over 12 years of this.

Dirty (cartridge) games on ebay seem to sell the same as clean ones, but I do not believe in selling a dirty game. A non scratched disc will definitely sell better than a scratched one. I even go out of my way to mention any scratches or any damage at all since on ebay someone can come right back at you and claim item not as described if you miss something. You have to be very careful.

Its fruitless to cite ebay prices, they fall and rise so fast and are generally inconsistent, especially on old games. Prices do go up during Xmas time for old games, and I have seen that first hand almost every season. I have said it before but selling on ebay is a lot of work and you have to possess a paypal account and a bank account which not everyone has access too.

If I was selling at a yard sale and someone came up to me and told me my 50 cent item is worth $200 I would have a very hard time believing them. Just like I have a very hard time believing someone who says their item is worth $60 but I will let it go for $10 because its "collectible" when I am buying.

I tried to buy an Xbox bundle the other day, it was make offer so I offered $10 which was fair for what was there considering the live service does not work anymore and the fact that it was dirty but the guy wanted $25 and would not budge on the price. It had a few games but the games were discs in generic gamestop cases. I am not sure if I should have bought it or not, probably not a good pickup.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel too bad, what you are describing is the typical tag sale experience for most of us. This thread makes it look otherwise, because people only post their one big score, not the two dozen other sales that stopped at which had nothing or in which the people running the tag sale wants a million dollars for their stuff. It's not like people go out every single week and find dirt cheap video games at every single sale, if you find one or two good scores during a tag sale trip, you've done really well. It's really completely hit or miss.
Wish I could Buy Elebits and The Ds game from you. For my sister. YOU FOOLS! She just got her DSi and has 4 games. Our Wii also has 4 games.....Sigh.....
[quote name='spmahn']This thread makes it look otherwise, because people only post their one big score, not the two dozen other sales that stopped at which had nothing or in which the people running the tag sale wants a million dollars for their stuff.[/QUOTE]

That's because this thread is for posting finds, not for posting every time you don't find something.
Speaking of finds...

This past weekend's stuff:

NES High Speed
NES Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, $3 for both

NES controller (x3), $1.50 for all

Digidesign Mbox 2 Mini w/USB cable and all software
PS3 Shaun White Snowboarding (no manual), $30 for all

GEN Jewel Master (complete)
GEN Junction (complete), $7 for both

NEC TurboGrafx-16 w/TurboBooster Plus, controller, power adapter
TG16 Bonk's Adventure
TG16 Victory Run, $10 for all

PSX Jumping Flash 2
PSX Pandemonium!
DC South Park: Chef's Luv Shack
DC Slave Zero
DC TrickStyle
DC Expendable
DC PenPen TriIcelon
DC The House of the Dead 2
DC SoulCalibur
DC Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (all complete), $25 for all

Yeah, I know, that last bunch of games doesn't amount to much, but for me, it was really the find of the week: anytime I can knock out a stack of DC games for my collection for $2.50 (down from $3 each) a game is a good day! Almost all the cases are in really great shape and the discs look even better.

The Mbox 2 Mini was a nice little pickup. I already have a rack-mounted firewire recording setup, but I've never used ProTools before, so this'll be fun to try. I paid asking price as the seller wouldn't budge, but I asked if he'd throw in the snowboarding game for free and he agreed. My friend bought PS3 Ghostbusters (complete) from the same guy for $4. I passed on it since I'd rather wait and pick it up for 360 eventually.

I always liked the cover art for Junction, so that was a fun little find, too. It was one of the first Genesis games I ever rented, way back in 90-91, and I remember being furious with the difficulty. We'll see if it happens again.
[quote name='allyourblood']

Digidesign Mbox 2 Mini w/USB cable and all software
PS3 Shaun White Snowboarding (no manual), $30 for all

Great pick ups. Finding an Mbox in the wild is pretty epic. The best piece of music equipment I've ever found at a yard sale was a Axiom 25. I paid $30 too
[quote name='slowdive21']. . . where is everyone?

Philadelphia . . . heading to DC next and then back home next week . . . out of the action for one more weekend.

About the ebay and flipping posts. Every year we have some of these discussions and they will flare up for awhile and people will even suggest we start a new thread and then it dies down.

I do want to see more pics of finds but I like reading the discussion too.
[quote name='Daw19yoyo']Wish I could Buy Elebits and The Ds game from you. For my sister. YOU FOOLS! She just got her DSi and has 4 games. Our Wii also has 4 games.....Sigh.....[/QUOTE]

Shoot me a PM, we can work something out for them. I would be happy to make a trade or sale. I don't have either system yet, though I saw a $15 DS that must have been in original because it was huge with a tiny flip up screen.

I also passed on a $15 Ds lite (I think that is the model. It was a 5 by 3 rectangle that was completely flat when closed. It had a slot for GBA and DS games) last week too, but it didn't have a power adapter.

Is that a good price?

EDIT: It may have been a dsi? I don't know can someone please explain the differences? I have only seen the boxes locked in cases in the store.
[quote name='schultzed']Philadelphia . . . heading to DC next and then back home next week . . . out of the action for one more weekend.

About the ebay and flipping posts. Every year we have some of these discussions and they will flare up for awhile and people will even suggest we start a new thread and then it dies down.

I do want to see more pics of finds but I like reading the discussion too.[/QUOTE]

isn't philadelphia close to where that ryan dunn accident was?
nevermind, I found this. I doubt anyone but me needs this!

I swear the first DS I saw was bigger than the original DS and I thought only the screen flipped up. Like it was a smaller area that flipped. It was about 8 inches long, trapezoid shaped and I thought only the screen area 3-4 inches flipped up. Maybe I had heat stroke or something.
I would have picked up a DSLite or DSi for $15, even if something was broken.

BTW, we were out of town for a baby shower and to meet GF's nieces, so we obviously didn't go out this weekend.
[quote name='elessar123']I would have picked up a DSLite or DSi for $15, even if something was broken.

BTW, we were out of town for a baby shower and to meet GF's nieces, so we obviously didn't go out this weekend.[/QUOTE]

It was working, (covered in stickers) but it did not have an a/c adapter. I guess I will pick one up next time. :dunce:

To be honest, I have never bought a handheld system new, so I have always picked them up at Garage Sales for $1-$15 (for a SP and a lot of games). I know some of these were on clearance at Target...

I know for certain it was a DSlite. The boxed one I saw for $50 was also a DSlite (that the vato got for $30 :bomb:).
[quote name='slowdive21']It was working, (covered in stickers) but it did not have an a/c adapter. I guess I will pick one up next time. :dunce:

To be honest, I have never bought a handheld system new, so I have always picked them up at Garage Sales for $1-$15 (for a SP and a lot of games). I know some of these were on clearance at Target...

I know for certain it was a DSlite. The boxed one I saw for $50 was also a DSlite (that the vato got for $30 :bomb:).[/QUOTE]

For DSLites, the tipping point for me is about $40. If it's more, I wouldn't pick it up myself. If it's less, it depends on the condition. If the main board works (powers on and charges), that's worth about $10. Broken screens on the DSLites are also relatively easy to fix. The wifi and cart reader are not too bad either, but the latter requires basic soldering skills, iirc.

It's a pain when the main board breaks, cause it's usually more trouble than it's worth to find the broken capacitor or whatever part and replace them, and surface mount soldering of small chips do need more than basic soldering skills. If you want to gamble that the main board is broken because a fuse is bad (usually what happens when it won't charge), then that's a cheap fix as well.

Edit: I usually look for adaptors at sales for like $1. I have a few extra normal DS chargers, for example.
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If I am looking for an original xbox, provided I can get one for a reasonable price and mainly because its something that I don't already have, what should I look out for? I know the systems had power cord problems, is there any specific model numbers I should look out for regarding this? I don't want to bring home something that will start a fire.

You can probably find a DS charger at Gamestop on the used racks for pretty cheap.

Doesn't a DS Lite trade in for like $25 at GS provided they don't have any promos? I wouldn't purchase one for more than $25-30. They also tend to break pretty easily in my opinion. The 3DS has made the value of DS Lite's plummet pretty bad, since just last Xmas before the 3DS came out I got $40 for a broken DS Lite on ebay (just be prepared to ship to Brazil if you want the most money for your old portable systems, lol).

What are the signs that the main board on a DS Lite is broken? What about a DS Lite that has suddenly lines like static on the top screen, which is what happened to mine. I do know that my friend who fixes almost everything will not work on DS systems since they are too difficult to fix, and this is someone who has extensive experience with electronics and who has lots of professional equipment.
[quote name='SaraAB']What are the signs that the main board on a DS Lite is broken? What about a DS Lite that has suddenly lines like static on the top screen, which is what happened to mine. I do know that my friend who fixes almost everything will not work on DS systems since they are too difficult to fix, and this is someone who has extensive experience with electronics and who has lots of professional equipment.[/QUOTE]

If the board is bad, the LEDs will work, the battery may charge, but out won't boot. You can still strip it for parts.

Not sure about the static on screen, but replacing the to screen isn't very hard, nor expensive. I think you can buy a replacement screen for about $5.

You do need some dexterity, because there are tons of little ribbon cables, including ones a few millimeters wide. I haven't broken one, but I almost broke one of the tiny tabs that keep them in place.

P.S. Something is wrong with either my phone our the mobile site. It keeps doubling my text.
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[quote name='elessar123']If the board is bad, the LEDs will work, the battery may charge, but out won't boot. You can still strip it for parts.

Not sure about the static on screen, but replacing the to screen isn't very hard, nor expensive. I think you can buy a replacement screen for about $5.

If the board is bad, the LEDs will work, the battery may charge, but out won't boot. You can still strip it for parts.

Not sure about the static on screen, but replacing the to screen isn't very hard, nor expensive. I think you can buy a replacement screen for about $5.

You do need some dexterity, because there are tons of little ribbon cables, including ones a few millimeters wide. I haven't broken one, but I almost broke one of the tiny tabs that keep them in place.

If the board is bad, the LEDs will work, the battery may charge, but out won't boot. You can still strip it for parts.

Not sure about the static on screen, but replacing the to screen isn't very hard, nor expensive. I think you can buy a replacement screen for about $5.

If the board is bad, the LEDs will work, the battery may charge, but out won't boot. You can still strip it for parts.

Not sure about the static on screen, but replacing the to screen isn't very hard, nor expensive. I think you can buy a replacement screen for about $5.

You do need some dexterity, because there are tons of little ribbon cables, including ones a few millimeters wide. I haven't broken one, but I almost broke one of the tiny tabs that keep them in place.

P.S. Something is wrong with either my phone our the mobile site. It keeps doubling my text.[/QUOTE]

The question was so good you answered it four times! :)
[quote name='SaraAB']If I am looking for an original xbox, provided I can get one for a reasonable price and mainly because its something that I don't already have, what should I look out for? I know the systems had power cord problems, is there any specific model numbers I should look out for regarding this? I don't want to bring home something that will start a fire.[/QUOTE]
Some of the early revisions of the Xbox would overheat or something and M$ offered a replacement power cord. Later versions didn't have that issue. All Xbox's power cords were interchangeable with Playstation/Dreamcast power cords.
[quote name='SlammedNiss']Some of the early revisions of the Xbox would overheat or something and M$ offered a replacement power cord. Later versions didn't have that issue. All Xbox's power cords were interchangeable with Playstation/Dreamcast power cords.[/QUOTE]

While the PSX and DC cords can be butchered (as in, have material cut from them) in order to fit, the Xbox actually uses a "figure eight" style plug at the system, so they're not immediately interchangeable.
Here are the best finds of my weekend as well as a little story ;):

Asked if she had any games.
I had a SEGA, but I forgot to bring it out.
She brings it out. How about $5
Me: Do you have the part that hooks up to the TV?
Gos back inside. I can't find it.
Me: Would you take $2?
Sure Why not

$2 total! Genesis, 2 Xmen games, cleaning kit, sonic 2


$10 NES lot. Wanted $24


$12 Atari lot/manuals lot. Wanted $3 per game.

I offered $10 for the box. She had a couple of controllers, paddles and an A/C adapter in the box too.

She countered with $30.

I explained I only wanted 4 of the games and the manuals (which was true).

I pulled out the controllers and A/C and offered $10 again.

She then countered with $15.

I said how about $12?

I mainly wanted the manuals/paperwork, but I thought the Coleco carts were worth something as well as Cookie Monster. I guess they aren't worth much, but I am okay with it since most of the carts are in nice shape.



NES games lot. I saw these sitting in a drawer of a dresser at a sale. There was a piece of tape that said "Games 50 cents each". I picked them all up and didn't bother bargaining. She gave me the gameboy game for free.

$7 total.


This next lot comes with a story: I think it is worth reading. :)

There are 3 other major characters involved.
The Lady running the sale, her Mother, and a familiar lady (that is a customer like me)

I asked about games and the lady said "I have some DS games, but I can't find them."

I start looking through stuff at the sale and I find the games. I picked them up as well as the guides and I am carrying them.

Meanwhile I see a Red Robosapien sitting on the driveway. I walk towards it and a woman steps in front of me and picks it up. I think to myself "She looks familiar..." I let it go since I was pretty happy with my DS games.

She asks the lady running the sale if she would take $2 for it. Apparently it was marked $5. The lady says It is missing the battery cover on the foot, that is why it is so cheap. She says "I guess I could go $3".

The familiar lady says. "I'm not sure I want it for $3" in a bitchy way and walks away with it in a huff.

I then turned to the lady at the sale and asked about the DS she had sitting by her chair. (This was the DSLite covered in stickers that she wanted $15 for without the charger).

As we are talking the familiar lady comes up and hands the woman $3, then walks over to me and says: "Are you going to buy those DS games or what?"

I smiled at her and said "I think I will take all of them" :cool:

She walks off in a huff again and apparently leaves the sale.

I ended up staying at the sale for a while since the lady was getting a charger to see if the DS works or not.

Meanwhile I am talking to the lady's mother who is also running the sale and she says "That one was a piece of work!" I agree and tell her that she looks familiar and I remember her because she also buys video games. At that moment I remembered where I knew her from: She is my Nemesis's wife!

(Now I know I have talked about a few people here, but this is the guy who purchased the xbox I was carrying for $10 in the past. I think he is related to the other guy that wronged me with the comic books).

As we are talking a little girl comes up and says "Look he has some DS games!" I thought to myself I better figure out what ones I want and I hastily went through them. I ended up leaving Mario Kart (no art or manual) brain age 1 and brain age 2. I offered the little girl and her Mom first dibs on the games. They were happy to get them and they ended up paying $10 for the 3 games (marked $4 each).

I then knew I could get a deal on my games and asked if she would go $13 on everything.

As I am walking away from the sale I look over and I see my Nemesis's wife standing by her SUV watching me.

Turns out she was waiting by her car to see if I left the games.

I ended up seeing her at 3 other sales. I beat her to all 3 and as I walked to my car I made sure she could see that I was carrying games and putting them in my trunk. I know- immature- but it felt good to piss her off. :D

Paid $13 total


Saw this box for $25 charmed her down to $15.

She really wanted to sell it and said she would take $20

I said I would be more comfortable at $15 and I asked if she would do $15 if I took out 1 game. She said that is fine and was happy to sell the system. I left NHL 2K3 or something. ;)

Didn't realize Godzilla was worth so much.




I saw a (platinum?) gamecube and asked how much? The lady said $25, but it comes with 3 games for FREE. She pulls out the games.

I ask "How much just for the system?"
$25. The games are free with it.
"OK. How much for just the games?"
$3 each.
"Would you take $3 for all of them?"


[quote name='slowdive21']This next lot comes with a story: I think it is worth reading. :)

There are 3 other major characters involved.
The Lady running the sale, her Mother, and a familiar lady (that is a customer like me)

I asked about games and the lady said "I have some DS games, but I can't find them."

I start looking through stuff at the sale and I find the games. I picked them up as well as the guides and I am carrying them.

Meanwhile I see a Red Robosapien sitting on the driveway. I walk towards it and a woman steps in front of me and picks it up. I think to myself "She looks familiar..." I let it go since I was pretty happy with my DS games.

She asks the lady running the sale if she would take $2 for it. Apparently it was marked $5. The lady says It is missing the battery cover on the foot, that is why it is so cheap. She says "I guess I could go $3".

The familiar lady says. "I'm not sure I want it for $3" in a bitchy way and walks away with it in a huff.

I then turned to the lady at the sale and asked about the DS she had sitting by her chair. (This was the DSLite covered in stickers that she wanted $15 for without the charger).

As we are talking the familiar lady comes up and hands the woman $3, then walks over to me and says: "Are you going to buy those DS games or what?"

I smiled at her and said "I think I will take all of them" :cool:

She walks off in a huff again and apparently leaves the sale.

I ended up staying at the sale for a while since the lady was getting a charger to see if the DS works or not.

Meanwhile I am talking to the lady's mother who is also running the sale and she says "That one was a piece of work!" I agree and tell her that she looks familiar and I remember her because she also buys video games. At that moment I remembered where I knew her from: She is my Nemesis's wife!

(Now I know I have talked about a few people here, but this is the guy who purchased the xbox I was carrying for $10 in the past. I think he is related to the other guy that wronged me with the comic books).

As we are talking a little girl comes up and says "Look he has some DS games!" I thought to myself I better figure out what ones I want and I hastily went through them. I ended up leaving Mario Kart (no art or manual) brain age 1 and brain age 2. I offered the little girl and her Mom first dibs on the games. They were happy to get them and they ended up paying $10 for the 3 games (marked $4 each).

I then knew I could get a deal on my games and asked if she would go $13 on everything.

As I am walking away from the sale I look over and I see my Nemesis's wife standing by her SUV watching me.

Turns out she was waiting by her car to see if I left the games.

I ended up seeing her at 3 other sales. I beat her to all 3 and as I walked to my car I made sure she could see that I was carrying games and putting them in my trunk. I know- immature- but it felt good to piss her off. :D

Paid $13 total



I read that story of yours and wow. Everyone seems to have a nemesis in their area. I normally would tell you to try to make peace with your rival but when ever I try to embrace gamers in my area it tends to get funky too. The whole scenario you painted reminded me of Ash and Gary from Pokemon, lol
[quote name='slowdive21']

This next lot comes with a story: I think it is worth reading. :)

As we are talking a little girl comes up and says "Look he has some DS games!" I thought to myself I better figure out what ones I want and I hastily went through them. I ended up leaving Mario Kart (no art or manual) brain age 1 and brain age 2. I offered the little girl and her Mom first dibs on the games. They were happy to get them and they ended up paying $10 for the 3 games (marked $4 each).

I then knew I could get a deal on my games and asked if she would go $13 on everything.


Paid $13 total


Great story...
Rather surprised you let DS Mario Kart go ... easily $20 TIV at GS but that was nice of you!
and $10-$15 for a working DS or DS lite (even without a charger...very cheap to replace and a great negotiating reason) is a great deal.
The original DS is a lil tank and remarkably holds an easy $25 value...

great posts and great stories, thank you for taking all the time to post!

Bought this group today for $74


Complete and pretty dog gone minty.
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[quote name='allyourblood']While the PSX and DC cords can be butchered (as in, have material cut from them) in order to fit, the Xbox actually uses a "figure eight" style plug at the system, so they're not immediately interchangeable.[/QUOTE]
Well, I knew it worked one way or the other. I guess I was thinking just the opposite.
Here are a few of my best finds of the past couple weeks. I hit about 30 to 40 yard sales every Saturday. Wanted to get some pics up before some of these go their separate ways...


Total paid: $20. All games were complete and mint or very close to it. Seller was a mom with the permission of her son who was at work. This was actually at a Friday afternoon yard sale that I scooted out to at lunch. Xenogears and Suikoden had not a scratch on the discs, and no cracks in the case (maybe a scuff or two). Those will be staying in my personal collection. Also included in the $20 was Street Fighter 3 Alpha Black Label (not pictured). Asking was $2 each, I suggested calling it $20 even, that was accepted.


Total paid: $13. All games were complete and mint. Halo Mega Bloks was unopened/new. Late 20's woman/mom/RPG fan was the seller; she said she played most of them once or twice and never again. They all looked that way. Her friend was suggesting she sell them on ebay as I was digging. Seller said no, she didn't want to bother. Everything was marked $2 each but I wanted to do a little better. She said she sold a couple of other guides before I got there; I never did ask which ones. Can't believe someone would buy the guides and not the games... I left a few crappy sports titles as well.


Total paid: $4. Missed a Gamecube and some games (not sure which ones) before I arrived. A teenage girl was the seller. Her father wanted "it all gone." This however, was still there. Also came with some Barbie GB Advance game (not pictured). DS was in solid working shape, only one small scratch on the lower screen. Cases on both games look like a dog bit the plastic, but for $4, I'm not complaining. Was my first DS, too. Will leave that in the bathroom for happy time. That's an original DS, by the way.
There is one dowside to this thread. It Takes FOREVER to get down to the bottom if you Scroll.
Or even press the center mouse button.
This isn't dumb but I think the reference is funny, made me laugh. FYI: Was classified as a freebie in the Free Stuff category.

Nonworking Sony DVD/CD changer

It does not work. I had to open it to get the DVD out. Someone posted a few weeks back looking for an item like this for staging a house. Maybe you want to smash it up a la "Office Space" style. In any case, it is yours. If no one takes it, I will dispose of it properly.

If you see the ad, it is still available. It goes to the first person willing to come to Norwalk to get it. Feel free to amuse me with requests that I bring it to you.

It is free...and it does not work.

[quote name='SlammedNiss']isn't philadelphia close to where that ryan dunn accident was?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, pretty big news here. My fave was a tabloid headline: "He Died the Way He Lived" . . . which I completed in my mind as a being total jackass.

Drunk and driving 140 mph . . . hard to have a lot of sympathy there.

Wow, some pretty nice finds by floopy and others. Gear up folks and hit the sales hard.
[quote name='schultzed']Yeah, pretty big news here. My fave was a tabloid headline: "He Died the Way He Lived" . . . which I completed in my mind as a being total jackass.

Drunk and driving 140 mph . . . hard to have a lot of sympathy there.[/QUOTE]

Ebert pointed this out day 1 and people jumped all over him. I wonder if those same people would feel that way if he had killed a family.
Hit up a yard sale about a half mile from my house. Saw the OG Playstation in great condition with cords and a controller, an asston of Crash Bandicoot games for $2 a pop and a memory card for $1. Passed on all of it as I have 2 PSOnes and a few memory cards already.

Ended up just snagging a copy of Kid Rock's Devil Without A Cause CD (DON'T JUDGE ME) for twenty-five cents. Not a single scratch on it.

There's yard sale signs pointing in the opposite direction I may investigate in a little bit as they're tearing up sections of the road right in front of my house right now.

EDIT: Just walked out to it. Turns out it was the house past my neighbor's (can't see in that direction for crap.) Saw some girly DS games for $10, Polar Express for PS2 for $5 and Open Season for the PSP for $10. Passed on all of it. Snagged two DVDs, Justice League: The New Frontier for 50 cents and Crocodile Dundee: Widescreen for $1 (still sealed).

Then picked up probably 100-ish Pokemon and Bakugan cards for my nephew for $2.50. All 2009-10.

And... there's a close to mint Mew Prime foil card in there which is apparently going for $10-ish on ebay.
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Went to a garage sale the second it opened this morning. The dude had a few old games (PS2 sports games, a DS Guitar Hero) but nothing else really promising. Also, apparently he either works at a Blockbuster or is a hoarder, cause there was an entire table covered in crap from the Blockbuster clearance sale. He was asking full price for most of it. PASS!

I was about to leave when I noticed this:

Considering how overpriced everything else was, I was expecting some ridiculous amount for him. Nope! The dude only wanted a dollar. I gave him the change in my pocket and that was that. :D I know it's a silly purchase, but I love the movie and if anything I can sell it; the thing is in pristine condition.

I'm about to head out to another sale in a few minutes. I'll update if I find anything good!

Update: Nope. 'Til tomorrow!
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[quote name='Luuc']Went to a garage sale the second it opened this morning. The dude had a few old games (PS2 sports games, a DS Guitar Hero) but nothing else really promising. Also, apparently he either works at a Blockbuster or is a hoarder, cause there was an entire table covered in crap from the Blockbuster clearance sale. He was asking full price for most of it. PASS!

I was about to leave when I noticed this:

Considering how overpriced everything else was, I was expecting some ridiculous amount for him. Nope! The dude only wanted a dollar. I gave him the change in my pocket and that was that. :D I know it's a silly purchase, but I love the movie and if anything I can sell it; the thing is in pristine condition.

I'm about to head out to another sale in a few minutes. I'll update if I find anything good![/QUOTE]

Your spoiler tag is broken.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Your spoiler tag is broken.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I noticed that after I got back... Was trying to use dropbox to host images, doesn't seem to work that way. Switched over to imageshack, the picture should be working now.

I know the suspense is killing you. :lol:
[quote name='Luuc']Yeah I noticed that after I got back... Was trying to use dropbox to host images, doesn't seem to work that way. Switched over to imageshack, the picture should be working now.

I know the suspense is killing you. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I was actually very curious to see what you got. Nice find.
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