Official 2011 Yard Sale Thread

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All this board game talk reminded me of a tip (for flippers). These are four items I've sold this season.

I buy new (sealed) stuff when I can find it cheap (these are Amazon stock photos because I didn't take pics before mailing these):

The Barbie sets were sealed together as a combo pack and I split them and sold them for just under $40 each . . . paid $3 for the pair.

The Geotrax sets sold for $72 and $70 and I paid something like $5 for the pair. In retrospect, I may have messed around with some open ones . . . but sealed has such a premium.
[quote name='slowdive21']That's what I thought at the time, but when I got home and looked them up, they are still available on amazon for under $10 each. doh! #-o[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but for $1 each . . . they're pretty cool. I do know the feeling when what you think is a hit turns out to be a miss . . . I've been there.
I found a sealed copy of Judge Dredd for the SNES at a thrift store for $2 a couple of months ago, thought it'd sell a lot, but only ~$12 bucks sealed. Now I gotta wait to see if its value will increase.
I've been ridiculously busy both on the weekend and this week, but I did get out to a few sales early Saturday and Sunday. The only thing major I scored was a complete Chrono Trigger...which is a great score but every other sale was just about a bust. I did get a large box full of original He-man and the MOTU with a couple of Thundercats mixed in, all loose and played with, for $20. I'll have to clean and catalog everything then take pics.

In regards to Chrono Trigger, the cart is perfect, maps are excellent with very light wear, the manual has a little light wear and the box has wear (one inner small flap missing). Found it at a sale advertising "old tapes" near my home Saturday morning, it and a about 4 other complete -but-garbage SNES games were mixed in with a ton of garbage VHS. They were asking $1 each and wouldn't take $.50, so a buck it was.

Backstory: This one was advertised on craigslist as a "downsizing the nest sale" but didn't describe much in detail of what they were selling, just general items like books, desk and chairs, some furniture, household electronics, old tapes, knick knacks. Since it was so close to my house, in one of the best and most affluent areas of LA/the planet, I figured I'd give it a shot and hit it right before they opened on Saturday at 8 am. I specifically asked the older couple running the sale about video games, board games, "game tapes and the 'old tapes' they mentioned in the ad" etc. and the lady told me all the tapes they had were in a couple of huge boxes that had nothing but VHS tapes piled up. At least, that's what I thought.

In any case I figured I'd start to dig and see if there were any Disney or rare/high value VHS tapes at the very least, and low and behold I came across a Top Gear complete in box for the SNES. That got me a little excited that I might find more, or at least be able to show them a game or two and see if that jogs their memory if they have any others. So I go through the rest of the box as a couple of people are going through the other box, and I find a T2 the Arcade box with the manual, insert, and no cart. I'm still hopeful but now almost at the bottom when I hit the jackpot with Chrono Trigger. I pull it out, flip it open and confirm the contents, then start digging and finish up the box with nothing else. Turn to the other box, wait a minute for the couple to finish looking, they had no clue and weren't looking for what I was looking for, and move on to my box. So I go through the other box and the only other games in that box were Last Action Hero and one of the crappy NBA games (not NBA Jam), I think it was NBA Live '95. Now that I think about it, I probably should've bought Last Action Hero at least, just for the hell of it.

I ask the couple how much for this tape, and they say $1. I offer $.50, but they say no, unless I want to buy some more because they really just want to clear the old tapes and other stuff out. I ask if they have any other tapes like these, and show them a couple of the other SNES complete games (I'm not letting Chrono Trigger out of my hands at this point). They say their son took some tapes with him when he moved, but they found these after he left, called him to let him know about them, but he didn't want them. I'm guessing they told him they were just old VHS tapes, which is the only reason Chrono and the others were left behind. In any case, score for me.

I'm taking it now to my collection to upgrade any parts as necessary with my CIB copy.


EDIT: okay, photobucket is being stupid, but I managed to get one of the pics uploaded with both copies. This copy allowed me to upgrade my maps and cart (both carts still save). Also took the insert and dust cover and put them with other games in my collection that were missing them. Paid $.50 more than I wanted to :lol:, but I think I might just make my money back and then some on this one ;)...

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[quote name='karkyco']I've been ridiculously busy both on the weekend and this week, but I did get out to a few sales early Saturday and Sunday. The only thing major I scored was a complete Chrono Trigger...which is a great score but every other sale was just about a bust. I did get a large box full of original He-man and the MOTU with a couple of Thundercats mixed in, all loose and played with, for $20. I'll have to clean and catalog everything then take pics.

In regards to Chrono Trigger, the cart is perfect, maps are excellent with very light wear, the manual has a little light wear and the box has wear (one inner small flap missing). Found it at a sale advertising "old tapes" near my home Saturday morning, it and a about 4 other complete -but-garbage SNES games were mixed in with a ton of garbage VHS. They were asking $1 each and wouldn't take $.50, so a buck it was.

Backstory: This one was advertised on craigslist as a "downsizing the nest sale" but didn't describe much in detail of what they were selling, just general items like books, desk and chairs, some furniture, household electronics, old tapes, knick knacks. Since it was so close to my house, in one of the best and most affluent areas of LA/the planet, I figured I'd give it a shot and hit it right before they opened on Saturday at 8 am. I specifically asked the older couple running the sale about video games, board games, "game tapes and the 'old tapes' they mentioned in the ad" etc. and the lady told me all the tapes they had were in a couple of huge boxes that had nothing but VHS tapes piled up. At least, that's what I thought.

In any case I figured I'd start to dig and see if there were any Disney or rare/high value VHS tapes at the very least, and low and behold I came across a Top Gear complete in box for the SNES. That got me a little excited that I might find more, or at least be able to show them a game or two and see if that jogs their memory if they have any others. So I go through the rest of the box as a couple of people are going through the other box, and I find a T2 the Arcade box with the manual, insert, and no cart. I'm still hopeful but now almost at the bottom when I hit the jackpot with Chrono Trigger. I pull it out, flip it open and confirm the contents, then start digging and finish up the box with nothing else. Turn to the other box, wait a minute for the couple to finish looking, they had no clue and weren't looking for what I was looking for, and move on to my box. So I go through the other box and the only other games in that box were Last Action Hero and one of the crappy NBA games (not NBA Jam), I think it was NBA Live '95. Now that I think about it, I probably should've bought Last Action Hero at least, just for the hell of it.

I ask the couple how much for this tape, and they say $1. I offer $.50, but they say no, unless I want to buy some more because they really just want to clear the old tapes and other stuff out. I ask if they have any other tapes like these, and show them a couple of the other SNES complete games (I'm not letting Chrono Trigger out of my hands at this point). They say their son took some tapes with him when he moved, but they found these after he left, called him to let him know about them, but he didn't want them. I'm guessing they told him they were just old VHS tapes, which is the only reason Chrono and the others were left behind. In any case, score for me.

I'm taking it now to my collection to upgrade any parts as necessary with my CIB copy.


EDIT: okay, photobucket is being stupid, but I managed to get one of the pics uploaded with both copies. This copy allowed me to upgrade my maps and cart. Also took the insert and dust cover and put them with other games in my collection that were missing them. Paid $.50 more than I wanted to LOLOL, but I think I might just make my money back and then some on this one...


LOL if I found chrono trigger for $1 I definitely wouldn't have the guts to ask for a discount, its pretty amazing that you did!
I can't even find Chrono Trigger at the overpriced game stores around here. You guys are pulling them out of boxes for a buck. This makes me very angry. I will now commence with the shooting spree, please take cover. :twoguns: :whee: :whee:
I don't think any of the overpriced game stores here have chrono trigger either, I am betting if they get copies in they sell them all on ebay to make more money on it.
[quote name='SaraAB']LOL if I found chrono trigger for $1 I definitely wouldn't have the guts to ask for a discount, its pretty amazing that you did![/QUOTE]

LOL, I think it's just instinct or a reflex reaction at this point for me. Plus I had a bunch of change in my pocket so I figured I'd pull it out and see if that would work...loose change doesn't work too well with the Cash in Face method though :lol:. I would have paid $20 or maybe a little more for it if I had to, as I'm sure most of us would have. Thankfully the purchase price was extremely reasonable.

[quote name='ZombieToast']Goddammit, you people really make me hate this shit town.[/QUOTE]

To live and die in LA, baby. Of course, the competition here is incredibly stiff, given there are close to 15 million people in LA County alone and over 20 million in SoCal. Plus with so many out of work or earning very little, there are many out there hustling...and many out there with plentiful resources to send prices up as well.

This will probably be my score of the year...I tend to get one or two major scores every year either at yard sales or craigslist, or extremely rarely at flea markets/swap meets or thrift/pawn shops.
Just joined this site, what a wonderful place. :p

Reading through this thread makes me wanna go out to some sales, wish I'd have started reading earlier in the year. Maybe I'll pick up a paper and see if there's any going on this weekend nearby. Only video game item I've ever found at a yard sale was an NES Power Pad with the (smushed) box for $2. Can't even tell if it works (no cart >_>). But hey, I've never really gone to too many yard sales before. Definitely will go next year, and maybe this weekend if any are going on this late in the year.
[quote name='C0dy']Just joined this site, what a wonderful place. :p

Reading through this thread makes me wanna go out to some sales, wish I'd have started reading earlier in the year. Maybe I'll pick up a paper and see if there's any going on this weekend nearby. Only video game item I've ever found at a yard sale was an NES Power Pad with the (smushed) box for $2. Can't even tell if it works (no cart >_>). But hey, I've never really gone to too many yard sales before. Definitely will go next year, and maybe this weekend if any are going on this late in the year.[/QUOTE]

Welcome! Not sure if it's going to be an Indian summer this year out in Michigan, but hopefully you'll get at least a week or two of opportunities! Be sure and check your local craigslist, too! And just because a sale doesn't advertise games or anything else you're looking for, you should still stop in where ever you can and be sure and ask if they have any of the things you're looking for.
[quote name='karkyco']To live and die in LA, baby. Of course, the competition here is incredibly stiff, given there are close to 15 million people in LA County alone and over 20 million in SoCal. Plus with so many out of work or earning very little, there are many out there hustling...and many out there with plentiful resources to send prices up as well.[/QUOTE]
The main problem here is that 90% of the population (a slight exaggeration, of course) consists of illegal immigrants who sell nothing but rugs, piles upon piles of children's clothes, and furniture from the 1960's. The rest of the population consists of rednecks who just sell car parts and broken electronics from two generations ago. Oh, and boots. Lots and lots of boots. Both groups are still convinced that VHS is valuable. The only people selling video games are either folks like us who know to sell them online or "vatos" who usually think that everything is valuable just because it's old, regardless of its condition.

L.A. County is about a 20-minute drive from here, but that would put me in Gormon, which doesn't really help much. Heh. I miss living in Oxnard. We used to find the best sales down there. Every month or so, one neighborhood would have a big block sale and I would just load up on pogs and slammers (bought my OJ Simpson slammers there one summer), Legos, action figures, and old games. That's how I started my Atari 2600 collection; I bought the console with 25 games, 2-4 joysticks, 2-4 paddles, and the necessary cables...all for $5. I'm still bitter about my mom throwing it all away. I remember also buying Double Dragon, Harlem Globetrotters, and a few other games/programs on 5.25" floppies (that's what my computer used at the time, back before eventually upgrading to Windows).
[quote name='ZombieToast']The main problem here is that 90% of the population (a slight exaggeration, of course) consists of illegal immigrants who sell nothing but rugs, piles upon piles of children's clothes, and furniture from the 1960's. The rest of the population consists of rednecks who just sell car parts and broken electronics from two generations ago. Oh, and boots. Lots and lots of boots. Both groups are still convinced that VHS is valuable. The only people selling video games are either folks like us who know to sell them online or "vatos" who usually think that everything is valuable just because it's old, regardless of its condition.

L.A. County is about a 20-minute drive from here, but that would put me in Gormon, which doesn't really help much. Heh. I miss living in Oxnard. We used to find the best sales down there. Every month or so, one neighborhood would have a big block sale and I would just load up on pogs and slammers (bought my OJ Simpson slammers there one summer), Legos, action figures, and old games. That's how I started my Atari 2600 collection; I bought the console with 25 games, 2-4 joysticks, 2-4 paddles, and the necessary cables...all for $5. I'm still bitter about my mom throwing it all away. I remember also buying Double Dragon, Harlem Globetrotters, and a few other games/programs on 5.25" floppies (that's what my computer used at the time, back before eventually upgrading to Windows).[/QUOTE]

People still think VHS is valuable here, and the prices on CRT TV's are a complete joke. Now mind you the salvation army sells CRT's for like 8.99 each for small ones yet there are still tons of people who think their 12 inch TV is worth $40. THE SA here looks like a TV store from 1986 there are so many TV's in there. I don't think I saw any TV under $20 this year. I have even seen old half-broken TV's going for $25 or more here when they are clearly worth nothing. Its totally ridiculous.

But on the other hand I did run into a big free pile at one yard sale which included, a free CRT TV, it was a decent size too and had front inputs, a video camera, amongst other things. None of it was being taken. I grabbed the video camera.

The community sales are completely overdone here, if you find one that is packed with sellers they are mostly flea-market type sellers who want an arm and a leg for their stuff. If you find one where the houses participate you will find that the good stuff was picked a long time ago and that people want more money for their stuff just because its a community sale and there is tons of traffic.

I went to the same rummage sale 2 years in a row, same stuff from the same sellers. The same guy was hauling around the same PS3 that he was trying to hock last year, there is no way that system worked, and who knows how many years he has been hauling it around for.
[quote name='slowdive21']mini jackpot! I thought my season was over, but the garage sale gods smiled on me today. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

You got me in suspense! what you got? what you got?:whee:
[quote name='CAG90210']You got me in suspense! what you got? what you got?:whee:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='doodmandood']I always look forward to your posts slowdive.

Hopefully I can see them before I leave work.[/QUOTE]

Sorry guys! Hopefully I will get my pics done tomorrow! I fell asleep and now it is too dark!
[quote name='CAG90210']You got me in suspense! what you got? what you got?:whee:[/QUOTE]

He does this every time . . . teases us and then leaves us hanging.

I'm glad he found something because I think this is going to be a poor weekend and its not going to get any better around here until next June :whistle2:(
[quote name='schultzed']He does this every time . . . teases us and then leaves us hanging.

I'm glad he found something because I think this is going to be a poor weekend and its not going to get any better around here until next June :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

I think I will try yard saling here again this weekend...I've been out of the game for months now...

I'm not too discipline enough to wake up that early :cry:
Pretty much dead here. Going to try a flea market about an hour north of me, and make that pretty much the end of my season.

Been a good run this year, though. Mass Effect CE, GB Micro, Black label SOTN...and that's just a piece.

Guess I'll just have to rely on CL and an auction house near me for the winter.
Just got home, today was mostly a bust. I found out that my competition got a NES, N64, PS2, and Atari yesterday. It was a sale that was late listed, so I missed it. The guy running it told me the same guy bought all of it and that the guy said he repairs games systems. I figure it was my nemesis, but the guy didn't remember what he looked like.

On a related note, I have seen a trend of $10 DS games at multiple sales. I don't really bother since, I don't want to risk buying a dud.

I will start working on my pics soon, so hopefully I will have post 1 of 2 up tonite.
The only DS games probably worth buying at $10 each yard sale prices are the big Nintendo Titles like Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros etc. and only if they are complete in box.

Some DS titles are very cheap at Gamestop, under $10, so you have to watch out for shovelware titles as you may be able to get them cheaper at GS, if you really want them that is.
[quote name='slowdive21']Just got home, today was mostly a bust.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know the feeling. When I see DS games, I cherry pick and negotiate. Sometimes you can get those $10 games to $5 . . . but, as Sara said most aren't worth much.

I need to rant a little. My Fridays are tough now with getting my daughter on the bus.

I was running late (due to the family to begin with) but I have this plan of getting my daughter off and hitting this church sale at 9 am (for books). Plus there was a sale on the way. Alright, I'm winning the battle of getting her ready and I'm printing off my map and list. But then the printer fights me, I realize I should get her on the bus and come back to print but struggle on. And I look at the clock 8:40 . . . crap.

But it should be OK, her bus is scheduled for 8:40 but is usually there (down the block) at 8:45. So, I see a bus heading down the street ahead of us. But there are other buses that come first. We wait and the other 2 buses (usually ahead of hers) go by. Sure enough, my fucking around means that I have to drive her to school . . . not a biggie because its about 8 mins away.

I get to the church sale at 9:10 and sure enough there is the elderly book rival ahead of me. It didn't look like he had much but it just burned me. I still bought 2 books (worth $20) for $1.50. So, I head out to the other 20 sales on my list (I didn't see any non listed sales . . . there would've been tons of them a month ago).

I only bought one game (a crappy copy of RE3 PS1 for $1) but I did score some nice DVDs . . . including a set that might fetch $90 but only cost $3. I had to head home early because the kids have early release from school today.

And the sale that I was going to hit on the way to church sale . . . I skipped it at the start and instead hit it at the end. It was a house that has had sale earlier in the season. I stop anyway and see 2 big boxes of books (half empty) that had not been there before. I dig through and pull out 5 books with a good $60 in listing value but they are older books that others might pass over. Sure enough, the woman says they "sold a bunch of books at the start." This was probably the best sale of the day and I skipped it until the end . . . NOOOOO!

fuck I fucked myself this morning.
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Found nothing today except a new Atari flashback ($1). There were a few books at the same sale, but they were too proud of everything else, so I decided not to even ask.
Hitting the huge church yard sale tomorrow, hopefully it'll be as big as it was last year.
It's raining like a shower stall outside, but I see a sizeable PS2 lot on craigslist north of me. Something like 150 games for $350 and a fair amount of better titles (Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and Wild Arms Alter Code F) being sold individually. I contacted the guy but I'm expecting MNAVintage or some of the other collectors up that way to gangrape it.
[quote name='Crchingtigr']

Late post from labor day. Got lots of good stuff, best day ever. All of the SNES stuff was $10 (CIF), I got: One system in pretty good shape(some cleaning needed), 2 first party controllers, both required cords(one is the older r/f, but whatever), SNES mouse (didn't work with mario paint when i tried testing :cry:). The games are listed below.

Aladdin(old blockbuster copy, had to goo-gone the stickers, etc. off of it)
Super mario world
Legend of Zelda Link to the past:D, (its a million seller edition, but I don't care)
DK Country
DK Country 2:)
Mortal Kombat 3
Mario paint
Pocky and Rocky
Mario's time machine (same story as aladdin)
Tetris Attack
Dr. Mario/Tetris

I also got some N64 games, a controller, GBC and Conker's pocket tales from an earlier sale. (paid too much due to lack of smaller bills, I won't even say what i paid:roll:)
But I am very happy with the N64 games listed below.


StarFox 64
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Bros.
Pokemon Stadium
Diddy Kong racing
Mario Party

All are in great shape with a little bit of marker written on the tops but i can fix that.
diddy kong racing does have a label tear, though.

Pocky and Rocky is going for $25 or so on eBay so thats a plus if i decide not to keep it.
I just got to college, so everything for here on out is going to be mostly thrift/goodwill finds.

[quote name='FOnewearl']

Sega Genesis 2, Nomad, Hookups, Controllers (Including A "Z" Buttonless 6 Button Controller!!!) & 17 Cart Only Games - 10
3 Game Boy Games - 5
PS1, 2 Games (All Complete Except For Spyro YotD Disk Only) - 5
Lemmings Revolution, Lemmings Paintball (CIJ & Disk Only) - 1
Yattzee Handheld - .50
Pokemon Stadium (Everthing But The Game Itself) .25

The Genesis I got at the first sale which I showed up to about 30 minutes early as it advertised "electronic games/systems" or something like that. Ended being games from the DS and every other current system (minus 3DS) but with different prices & high. Asked about older games and the Genesis stuff was brought out tested out the Nomad and it wasen't working after some BSing I wasen't feeling very optimistic with the high priced newer stuff and from talking to the guy but he took my offer of 10. GBC with 3 games for 20 When I told the guy I was mostly interested in the games and was thinking more like 5 for the bundle he showed his hand at 10 being the best for everything but offered to sell the games for 5. The Playstation stuff was marked 8 total and took 5. Lemmings Revolution, Paintball was asking price, Yattzee wouldn't turn on and took .50 from a buck and I was asked to make an offer on the gameless Pokemon Stadium when I showed intereast.

9 SNES games, 2 Controllers, GBC System & PSOne With (Not Pictured) Hookups & 3 Controllers (1 1st Party & 2 Generics) - 7
6 Playstation Games (Last 2 Missing Manuals, the rest complete) - 2
4 GBA Games - 1
NES With 14 Games, N64 With 4 Games (Not Pictured) 2 Controllers & Hookups For NES & Just The Hookups For The N64 - 60
Nintendo DS Soft Case - .50

Lucked out with my first sale Saturday that I got to just a hair before 8, not sure if they had a price in mind for the GBC & SNES controllers but I do know that the PSOne was 5 and the SNES games were .50 each. I paid 10 total including a shelf marked 5 so I'm figuring about 7ish for the game stuff if you break down the discount evenly. Playstation games totaled up to 3.25 and took 2. GBA games were actually .10 each, it was a younger kid so I gave him a buck and told him I didn't need the change. DS case was asking price. The NES & N64 stuff was a tough one, asked about video games and the guy brought this out and a Game Gear with 2 games I ended up passing on for 15. The guy ended up wanting 50 for the NES stuff and 20 for the N64 stuff. I tried 40 for the NES stuff and he didn't want to budge (he was on the fence about even selling it and getting nostalgic about it as we were talking) not sure exactly how I feel about it but figured fuck it yardsale season is almost over and tried 60 for the N64 and NES stuff and got him to agree on that.

Got to 18 sales Friday & 19 Saturday, I actually only had a list of 10 sales for Saturday but didn't realize that the one neighborhood was having it's town wide sale Saturday which did help with the total sales I got to. This is the same one that had a map with about 30 sales last year. They did a poor job of advertising as I saw an ad for a flea market type setup at the park but figured that was it, wasen't very clear that it was the whole town wide deal along with that. They had maps this year but only 9 sales on the map 3 I knew were repeats and a 4th that I ended up remembering from last year so 5 on the map were new to me. I was rather lucky this weekend and I think I ended up finding video games at the highest ratio of sales this year, friday found something at the first 4 sales I went to and Pokemon at the very last (not including the Yattzee thing as a game) and lucked out Saturday getting to a pile of SNES games right away since I changed up my route a little because of a no early birds sale with a later start time.

The only thing I was told about missing was one of the houses on said map mentioned DS games, it was the same house I got the PS1 games at for 2. I did BS with them for a minute or two and was told that the DS games were all gone when I asked about video games and that they were 2 each, don't remember but it was probably all or mostly one person that cleaned them out.

The 60 dollar bundle was a tough one unfornately the Game Gear with X-Men & a Goerge Forman boxing game was 15 as I would have picked it up for 5 since the system worked great when tested. After testing it out I told the guy I was mostly interested in the NES stuff and his reply was he wasen't even sure if he wanted to sell it and it was from when he was a kid etc etc with the whole nostalgic feeling but he finnally did spit out how much it would take him to part with it. I could sense that this was going to be one of these awkward deals as things were progressing hence the reason I didn't shoot out an offer in the 5-20 range to kick start the negotiations. Not exactly sure how I feel about it but I did want the case for the games since I didn't have one and while it wasen't on my radar I was happy to get Command & Conquer for the N64.

Most of the other standard little non find stuff this weekend that everyone hears/deals with when they ask about video games at yardsales. One in particular that was a little more colorful. I asked about games and they didn't have anything but out of curiosity the guy checked with me as in exactly what I was interested in and said they had IIRC all of the older Nintendo systems "packed up" and started talking about Bubble Bobble. They were selling a fair amount of furniture so I'm guessing it was a moving sale and the systems were making the move hence the reason they were packed up.

The house I got the Lemmings games at a lady who lived elsewhere hinted at some older game systems and games on Friday (it's usually somebody that doesn't live at said sale that is telling you about some old video games they have in a tone that sounds as if they would run right in to get it if they were at home). On return Saturday as always they weren't found/rounded up for one reason or another. I'm not 100% sure but I think this was the same house that had Genesis, Saturn & Dreamcast systems all boxed up but expensive with games that were high priced so many years back and didn't want to budge much if at all on prices but didn't have them out this year. The lady that lived at this house actually mentioned what sounded like an NES with about 50 games but didn't seem serious about bringing it out and made a comment about after getting rid of some of the stuff out for sale and maybe next sale so I didn't bother asking about it at all or trying any friendly prodding.

Most of this stuff I've mentioned so far is fairly typical or not far from but I figured I'd do a non find BS this week mostly with the first sale I went to Friday in mind. I see the newer stuff and notice a Batman Arkham Asylum GOTYE (360) marked 25 and know it going to be one of these sales. I ask about older games and he mentions (IIRC) a mint in box Genesis so I'm expecting a boxed system and high price. He also mentioned an Atari which he didn't know where it was. He said he'd look around that night and I could come back. When I came back he couldn't find it and even said he thinks his dad threw it out. I was thinking about getting Silent Hill Shattered Memories for 5 (PSP) on Saturday which I was thinking about Friday and a DS game marked 10 (was gonna try for 5) that I can't remember the name of but it's a side scroller like Metal Slug if I'm correct. I only see 360 games on Saturday and I asked as they were still bringing stuff out and he told me that some old lady bought all of the DS & PSP games. When I was talking to him on Friday he mentioned at some point that last yardsale he sold a DSi system right at the start of the sale for 150 smackers so yeah I suspect that he's full of it. I only remember so many but I'll list some of the other games besides Batman that I remember with prices.

Fear 3 (PS3) - 40
Devil May Cry 4 (360) - 15
Metroid Prime 3 - 15
One of the PSP God of War Games - 15ish
New Super Mario DS & The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass - 20 each
Final Fantasy IV (DS) - 17
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia - 15
2 other Final Fantasy Side Games On The DS (A2 & I think Echoes of Time) - both priced in the teens

Not out yet on Friday but he was going to be selling an old model 360 system and Wii, 200 and 100 respectively.

[quote name='Floopy']
I'm still going out every weekend, though it's been a couple weeks since I last posted. The season is indeed dying down, but I find just enough every weekend to keep me going out the next weekend. This is sort of a greatest hits post of the last few weeks.


Price: $7 total for all on 9/3/11, and was basically all I found all day. Initially asked $20 for the lot, I countered with $5, settled on $7. The Nomad has a scratched screen and has no hookups, but I mainly bought the lot for the Gameboy games, though I know Ristar for Genesis isn't a bad find. Was also kind of annoyed by missing on a GBA SP and bag of about 8 games for $5 by about 30 seconds at an earlier sale, and at another sale had a lot of a few n64/GB games (Pokemon Red/Yellow and Mario 64/Mario Party among them) taken off the selling table by the seller's kids, saying they didn't want them sold. Boo hoo.


Total paid: $6 on 9/10/11. Was about 8am at a community yard sale, asked the seller if she had any old video games. She goes inside and comes out with an xbox and playstation with some shovelware initially. Goes in again and comes out with a box containing all of this. Both SNES games are complete; the manual on DK3 is kind of wrinkled but not terrible. The SNES and controllers are immaculate. Offer $5 for the box, seller counters with $10, I say I'll go $6 but this stuff is old. Works like a charm. Keeping everything in here. Bada boom!


Total paid: $15 on 9/10/11. Asked a family around 11am at a community yard sale if they had any old video games. Dad goes in and comes out with a garbage bag containing all of this a few minutes later. Always like finding various colors of n64, this is my first smoke gray n64 find (which was in great shape, both system and controller). Also my first sealed n64 game. Note Conker's Bad Fur Day (wish it didnt have that awful BB sticker junk on it, which is about impossible to remove without damaging the label art). The dad seemed like he couldn't be fooled too hard, so I didn't try to play games and make a sub $10 offer and risk losing all respect. Offered $15 which was accepted with minor hesitation. Also got Super Mario Galaxy for Wii for an additional $3, of which I forgot to take a pic. Was a nice day-ending find.

Had a so-so 9/17/11, will get some pics up eventually. Found a box of 10 n64 games and a couple of guides, overall nothing major. The gf had much better luck with CDs/DVDs and clothes. I was happy for her, since she usually tags along so faithfully and doesn't complain. :applause:

[quote name='schultzed']

I bought this because its the kinda thing that Slowdive buys ;-)

I paid .10 . . . looks like it could get $5 on ebay . . . ho hum.

What's up Slowdive? Did you make it to Milwaukee?


Nice because I have one with artwork and could make a nice color photocopy of the art and keep that one for myself and flip the other.

I was thinking I'd get them for $1 each (based on how little the guy cared for the games). But as I come up to talk he wants $4 each . . . I offered $4 for both but ended up paying $5.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I would (and) have bought the snap crackle pop records...But mine I bought when I lived in England. I know there are multiple pressings, but promo items usually sell. :)

I did make it to Milwaukee, but I didn't spend the night, so no sales for me. My cousin from Ireland was playing Turner Hall, so I went out to visit and to see him play.

Somehow I missed a bunch of posts. Now my mini-jackpot seems a lot more "mini" and a lot less "jackpot!"

[quote name='C0dy']Just joined this site, what a wonderful place. :p

Reading through this thread makes me wanna go out to some sales, wish I'd have started reading earlier in the year. Maybe I'll pick up a paper and see if there's any going on this weekend nearby. Only video game item I've ever found at a yard sale was an NES Power Pad with the (smushed) box for $2. Can't even tell if it works (no cart >_>). But hey, I've never really gone to too many yard sales before. Definitely will go next year, and maybe this weekend if any are going on this late in the year.[/QUOTE]Spring and Autumn sales are usually the best around here, since not too many people want to host a sale in the heat of summer.
There's a big townhome sale tomorrow, but my overall saleing is going to get cut short due to family issues. There's also the possibility of rain (in So Cal omg wut) and falling satellites.
No jackpot for you! That will be post #2.

Bought this from my 8th grade music teacher (now a retired principal) for $1. I think she convinced me to be a substitute teacher until I find a full time corporate job again.


Paid $3 total


$1 It is in pretty nice shape and it is kind of video game related.


.25 each. I was hoping the Thrill Kill Cult CD would be worth something since it is an original wax trax pressing. The flask is one of the bonuses from a gift box, but it is stainless steel and brand new.


Misc stuff $2.50. The Benny and June DVD is sealed, as well as The Pixies CD, and the pink Ps2 wireless controller is also sealed.


I paid $7 total for the next 2 pics.

Pilates DVDs are good sellers (thanks schultzed). I also got a pilates metal support ring that is not pictured. I think this is what I bought:

I figured the books would be worth something because of the subject matter and age (even though they are not old by book standards)


Both of these are complete!


Next post will be the mini jackpot NES lot. I should clarify it is a jackpot in terms of what it is wroth to me. It may not necessarily be a high dollar value lot, but most of it is going in my permanent collection. :bouncy:
[quote name='slowdive21']No jackpot for you! That will be post #2.

Bought this from my 8th grade music teacher (now a retired principal) for $1. I think she convinced me to be a substitute teacher until I find a full time corporate job again.



picked this up for $0.50 at a Salvation Army last month. i'm hitting up a community sale before work tomorrow, hopefully i have something to show for it tomorrow night!
[quote name='ROB64']Spring and Autumn sales are usually the best around here, since not too many people want to host a sale in the heat of summer.[/QUOTE]
I'm hoping that's the case around here. Our summers average around 113°F, so hopefully that's the main reason for crappy sales.
Well fellow CAGs, I bring to you a sad sad tale of what happened to me yesterday, for I missed out on what quite possibly could have been the best find ever for me, and it's keeping me up late at night so I figured I should make use of my time and tell someone about it. It's not exactly a yard sale story - it happened in an independent game store some friends and I visited after some unsuccessful yard and garage sales - but this seems like an appropriate place to tell it.

Story in the spoiler:

My two friends and I had no luck at the few yard sales we went to yesterday. My friend suggests we hit up the game store in the mall nearby. I say "why not, after all, it can't hurt to look." (Oh how wrong I was.)

So we get inside and I quickly spot a nice looking rack of games containing NES, SNES, and assorted Atari 2600 and 7800 games. I browse the NES games - most are overpriced and there were none I really felt like paying for. I decide to look at the Atari games, even though I own no Atari console. Most were priced from $2-5, but some had no price tags. My eyes landed on a single cart in a row on the far end - it had no end label, which was curious. I pick it up. The front displays a simple black label with white writing. The top of the label read "Loaner Cartridge". Having always been an Nintendo child I had no idea what I was holding in my hand, and I thought it might have been a peripheral of some sort - until I read the rest of the label. There were two sections on the label - the top said "Title" and was completely blank. The bottom read "Return to" and had three lines of text. I can't even remember the bottom two lines because the top one made my eyes bulge: "Prototype Lab". And the Atari logo in all its glory was stamped at the bottom.

Now even with my limited knowledge of Atari I knew I was holding something special in my hands, and my friends did too. But I quickly saw the problem here; this particular cart was not marked with a price tag. Had the cart been labeled with a simple $3 like the carts around it' I'd be singing an entirely different song to you all. The only option available to me was to take it to the counter. I said "I'd like to buy this." The clerk was baffled. He had no clue what the cart was and quickly turned to his PC and rapidly brought up Amazon, eBay, the like. I knew then I was never in a million years going to walk out of that store with that cartridge. But suddenly he looked at me. "These sites have nothing on this. Guess we'll have to see for ourselves."

I watched longingly as he hooked up an Atari 2600 Jr. console, turned on the TV, and plugged in a controller. Then the moment of truth: he flipped the switch and on the screen came: Phoenix for the 2600. He played for a few seconds then switched it off. I had a small bit of hope that I might still get to make a deal, but he went back to his PC, and when someone came up to purchase a Mario Paint cart, he even to my shock was asking the guy about it. I heard the guy feeding him words and my heart sank. "Rare." "Possibly a development cart." "Might be worth something." The clerk looked at me and said "sorry, there's no way I can sell this to you. I'd have no idea how to price it." I left empty-handed.

I may be asking for punishment, but does anyone know how much this might have actually been? My friends and I had never seen such a thing before.
someone came up to purchase a Mario Paint cart, he even to my shock was asking the guy about it. I heard the guy feeding him words and my heart sank. "Rare." "Possibly a development cart." "Might be worth something."

Quit snitchin'!

LOL Mario Paint....
[quote name='C0dy']Well fellow CAGs, I bring to you a sad sad tale of what happened to me yesterday, for I missed out on what quite possibly could have been the best find ever for me, and it's keeping me up late at night so I figured I should make use of my time and tell someone about it. It's not exactly a yard sale story - it happened in an independent game store some friends and I visited after some unsuccessful yard and garage sales - but this seems like an appropriate place to tell it.

Story in the spoiler:

My two friends and I had no luck at the few yard sales we went to yesterday. My friend suggests we hit up the game store in the mall nearby. I say "why not, after all, it can't hurt to look." (Oh how wrong I was.)

So we get inside and I quickly spot a nice looking rack of games containing NES, SNES, and assorted Atari 2600 and 7800 games. I browse the NES games - most are overpriced and there were none I really felt like paying for. I decide to look at the Atari games, even though I own no Atari console. Most were priced from $2-5, but some had no price tags. My eyes landed on a single cart in a row on the far end - it had no end label, which was curious. I pick it up. The front displays a simple black label with white writing. The top of the label read "Loaner Cartridge". Having always been an Nintendo child I had no idea what I was holding in my hand, and I thought it might have been a peripheral of some sort - until I read the rest of the label. There were two sections on the label - the top said "Title" and was completely blank. The bottom read "Return to" and had three lines of text. I can't even remember the bottom two lines because the top one made my eyes bulge: "Prototype Lab". And the Atari logo in all its glory was stamped at the bottom.

Now even with my limited knowledge of Atari I knew I was holding something special in my hands, and my friends did too. But I quickly saw the problem here; this particular cart was not marked with a price tag. Had the cart been labeled with a simple $3 like the carts around it' I'd be singing an entirely different song to you all. The only option available to me was to take it to the counter. I said "I'd like to buy this." The clerk was baffled. He had no clue what the cart was and quickly turned to his PC and rapidly brought up Amazon, eBay, the like. I knew then I was never in a million years going to walk out of that store with that cartridge. But suddenly he looked at me. "These sites have nothing on this. Guess we'll have to see for ourselves."

I watched longingly as he hooked up an Atari 2600 Jr. console, turned on the TV, and plugged in a controller. Then the moment of truth: he flipped the switch and on the screen came: Phoenix for the 2600. He played for a few seconds then switched it off. I had a small bit of hope that I might still get to make a deal, but he went back to his PC, and when someone came up to purchase a Mario Paint cart, he even to my shock was asking the guy about it. I heard the guy feeding him words and my heart sank. "Rare." "Possibly a development cart." "Might be worth something." The clerk looked at me and said "sorry, there's no way I can sell this to you. I'd have no idea how to price it." I left empty-handed.

I may be asking for punishment, but does anyone know how much this might have actually been? My friends and I had never seen such a thing before.

old, but relevant.
[quote name='yourlefthand']old, but relevant.[/QUOTE]
That person is a liar. He apparently lives in the same town as me and I know damn well that there is nothing good to be found in this forsaken place. You just don't find cool shit like that in Bakersfield.'s not fair... I'll kill him...

Anyway, on a similar note...does anyone know if Xbox 360 green discs are worth anything? I'm not even sure why they're called "green" because they're actually silver (they look just like CD-R's) with "CONFIDENTIAL" stamped on the front. Perhaps it's just a reference to being "greenlit". Anyway, all I know is that they are test copies and Aksys Games sent me one of Agarest War Zero not too long ago. Before then, I had never even heard of these things, so I'm just a bit curious to know if they're actually valuable to anyone or if that won't happen until after the 360 is dead and gone.
[quote name='slowdive21']I should clarify it is a jackpot in terms of what it is worth to me. It may not necessarily be a high dollar value lot, but most of it is going in my permanent collection. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

For me, these are the best finds!

I only found a few new sales listed today. One mentioned VGs and was on the other side of town. I picked up KOTOR 2 (minty complete for $3) but this was their second sale. I already cleaned them out back at the end of May:

post #642

There were only 2 other new sales that I noted --probably others but I'm weary :)

So, I come back for a 9am that listed "lots of books" . . . I stop at 8:30 and there is my book rival (the 70-something guy) already there. WTF. I rarely see this guy when there are tons of sales but when there are just a few . . . we constantly run into each other.

A really crappy rainy morning.

On the positive side, I was at the most electric baseball game I've ever seen. A month ago, we bought tickets for the Brewers last Friday game . . . never thinking we would see them clinch.

A thunderous chant of "MVP" was going on just before Ryan Braun cracked a 3-run HR to win the game. Then as they closed out the ninth we saw on the scoreboard that the Cubs had overtaken the Cards. They put the end of the Cards loss (that game running about 30 min. behind) on the Jumbotron . . . we all just went nuts.

So cool.
[quote name='C0dy']Well fellow CAGs, I bring to you a sad sad tale of what happened to me yesterday, for I missed out on what quite possibly could have been the best find ever for me, and it's keeping me up late at night so I figured I should make use of my time and tell someone about it. It's not exactly a yard sale story - it happened in an independent game store some friends and I visited after some unsuccessful yard and garage sales - but this seems like an appropriate place to tell it.

Story in the spoiler:

My two friends and I had no luck at the few yard sales we went to yesterday. My friend suggests we hit up the game store in the mall nearby. I say "why not, after all, it can't hurt to look." (Oh how wrong I was.)

So we get inside and I quickly spot a nice looking rack of games containing NES, SNES, and assorted Atari 2600 and 7800 games. I browse the NES games - most are overpriced and there were none I really felt like paying for. I decide to look at the Atari games, even though I own no Atari console. Most were priced from $2-5, but some had no price tags. My eyes landed on a single cart in a row on the far end - it had no end label, which was curious. I pick it up. The front displays a simple black label with white writing. The top of the label read "Loaner Cartridge". Having always been an Nintendo child I had no idea what I was holding in my hand, and I thought it might have been a peripheral of some sort - until I read the rest of the label. There were two sections on the label - the top said "Title" and was completely blank. The bottom read "Return to" and had three lines of text. I can't even remember the bottom two lines because the top one made my eyes bulge: "Prototype Lab". And the Atari logo in all its glory was stamped at the bottom.

Now even with my limited knowledge of Atari I knew I was holding something special in my hands, and my friends did too. But I quickly saw the problem here; this particular cart was not marked with a price tag. Had the cart been labeled with a simple $3 like the carts around it' I'd be singing an entirely different song to you all. The only option available to me was to take it to the counter. I said "I'd like to buy this." The clerk was baffled. He had no clue what the cart was and quickly turned to his PC and rapidly brought up Amazon, eBay, the like. I knew then I was never in a million years going to walk out of that store with that cartridge. But suddenly he looked at me. "These sites have nothing on this. Guess we'll have to see for ourselves."

I watched longingly as he hooked up an Atari 2600 Jr. console, turned on the TV, and plugged in a controller. Then the moment of truth: he flipped the switch and on the screen came: Phoenix for the 2600. He played for a few seconds then switched it off. I had a small bit of hope that I might still get to make a deal, but he went back to his PC, and when someone came up to purchase a Mario Paint cart, he even to my shock was asking the guy about it. I heard the guy feeding him words and my heart sank. "Rare." "Possibly a development cart." "Might be worth something." The clerk looked at me and said "sorry, there's no way I can sell this to you. I'd have no idea how to price it." I left empty-handed.

I may be asking for punishment, but does anyone know how much this might have actually been? My friends and I had never seen such a thing before.

I wonder what the best way to go about this would have been?

Include it in a lot of other 2600 games so the clerk wouldn't think anything of it?
(not saying I condone this questionable behavior, but) Take a price sticker from another 2600 game and put it on?

On the plus side it seems like you only missed out on about $50 of resale value. (according to that forum, most common "same as released version" loaner carts only go for around $50-$75) Unless you've got a hard on for 2600 memorabilia, I wouldn't let it keep you up at night. And I certainly wouldn't have gone to the trouble of trying to scam the store by switching price tags. Maybe if it was like, an NES Championships Gold Cart or something, lol.
My finds at the church yard sale for today (and yesterday):

Yamaha Flute - $20
A bit tarnished, but definitely worth it. Tried to talk the guy down to ten, though I was willing to pay twenty for it.


Casiotone Mt-220 - $2
In decent condition. I like to snag these things hen I can find them.


N64 games - $5
The kid selling them only wanted $7, so I offered him $5 and he took it. Probably could've got away with offering $3 though. :p


Atari Flashback (with all cords, not pictured) - $1
Figured it was worth it as a novelty item.
[quote name='jer7583']I wonder what the best way to go about this would have been?

It sounds like the only thing he could've done to make certain that he got it would be to pocket it. I think this would've been very bad for his karma (not to mention the risk of getting caught).

Luckily, he did the right thing and has to just let it go.

ROB64 . . . last year I sold a Flashback 2 (in box) for $55 (I think I paid $3).
Duplex sale today didn't have shit. Only one house was selling overpriced PS2/XBox games. Only pickup today was Robot Chicken Season 1 for 50 cents.
It's funny how many people still think their PS2 sports games are worth $10 each.
Haha I know what you mean about sports games, they're usually priced higher than anything else! I went to a town-wide yard sale today that had a list of about 150 participating homes (nowhere near that many set up because of the looming rain). Anyway, I got out there early and by 8:30 I would be walking up to houses, just looking, and people would immediately tell me "We don't have any video games." I was stunned... as I normally ask. Turns out there were about a dozen or so other people soley out looking for video games!

I did manage to get some good records. Other than that I got an Ocarina of Time skateboard. I'll post a pic later if I get a chance. Make us proud CAGs! My area seems dried up for the season :(
Found my first find in weeks today. No pictures, but...

PS2 phat with all cables, two controllers, and 14 games, 11 of which were sports. 1 GTA type game that's nothing, GTA : Vice City, and thrown in Call of Duty 4 for 360. - $10

KOTOR II no manual - $1
Thought I had a bust when I came back from a Christian school sale:

Dora the Explorer: Journey to the Purple Planet PS2 - $2 (going for $3 on eBay)
Theme Park Roller Coaster PS2 (no manual) - $2 (going for $1)

Then I hit a strange bright spot:

Care Bears: Care Quest GBA (cart only) - $1 (seems to go for at least $8)
F-24 Stealth Fighter GBA (cart only) - $1 ($5-7 maybe?)

Couldn't get to anything else, had to run out & pick apples before the storm (got almost 30# for $20 - haul includes Fujis, Cortlands, & HoneyCrisp!)
Well after that unsuccessful day yesterday, friends and I agree to hit up a sale we saw on Craigslist, man did our luck turn around!

NES Stuff - stopped at this sale on the way to the big one we were planning on hitting up. Asked the woman if she had old games, she brings this stuff out in a cloth bag. We paid $20 - functional system, three standard controllers, NES advantage, Zapper, eight games, all hookups. Also had a random Batman Tiger Electronics game - funny :p

Then we arrive at this sale (about 20 minutes early but they let us grab stuff) - they had advertised games on the Craigslist ad, but little did we expect to find BOXED ones.

The N64 and Dreamcast were marked $15 each, and we quickly jumped on it. I know by some of your standards we're overpaying for this stuff but hey, we wanted it and were willing to pay. Manuals, everything is present, however Dreamcast has no styrofoam and we had to steal a cable from his PS1because the power cord was not present. (The Dreamcast games were $5 - but my friend picked up three. The web browser is factory sealed.) The N64, man is that thing pristine. Looks practically untouched. The Donkey Kong cart had one save file with EIGHT MINUTES of gameplay. The rest of the games were all sports and racing, but I don't think they had been picked over, we were the first ones there. The owner must have really enjoyed his sports. There was originally no power cord, but we went back later and the lady found it for us- nice! (She couldnt find the Dreamcast one, which was less of a loss considering the PS cord worked.)

I then on the boxed Gameboy games, picking up Pokemon Red, Mario Golf, and the Gameboy Camera. Boxes in nice shape, manuals present. $4 apiece. Tried to do 3 for 10 - she wouldn't budge. Her son had strictly told her not to, I guess. She said she was told by her son to sell these games on eBay - but she wanted the money quicker instead, I guess. She said she was already going to be in trouble with him for selling that 64 for $15. :p

Funniest thing then happened, when others showed up. A guy with a Blackberry in his hand was rapidly scanning the Gameboy games, looked at our haul and gave me a venomous look - guess it pays to come early. Haha! (He did grab a copy of Sonic Shuffle for DC we had missed under some of the other games - D'oh)

EDIT: Forgot to mention the two games to the right side are DOS games my friend picked up for a buck at Goodwill. They are also MIB.
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[quote name='slowdive21']No jackpot for you! That will be post #2.

Bought this from my 8th grade music teacher (now a retired principal) for $1. I think she convinced me to be a substitute teacher until I find a full time corporate job again.


Paid $3 total


$1 It is in pretty nice shape and it is kind of video game related.


.25 each. I was hoping the Thrill Kill Cult CD would be worth something since it is an original wax trax pressing. The flask is one of the bonuses from a gift box, but it is stainless steel and brand new.


Misc stuff $2.50. The Benny and June DVD is sealed, as well as The Pixies CD, and the pink Ps2 wireless controller is also sealed.


I paid $7 total for the next 2 pics.

Pilates DVDs are good sellers (thanks schultzed). I also got a pilates metal support ring that is not pictured. I think this is what I bought:

I figured the books would be worth something because of the subject matter and age (even though they are not old by book standards)


Both of these are complete!


Next post will be the mini jackpot NES lot. I should clarify it is a jackpot in terms of what it is wroth to me. It may not necessarily be a high dollar value lot, but most of it is going in my permanent collection. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Your stop thief board game is definitely worth something, or at least it was the last time I checked.
Went to a community yard sale today and it was mostly a bust. The only video games I saw today were all last gen systems with sports and shovelware games, and seriously overpriced. ($10 for Madden 2003 and $85 for a PS2?!? Come on!) So if there was anything worth buying, someone got to it before me.

The only gaming related find of the day was this Assassin's Creed II tin for $1, which was apparently from the collector's edition of the game that included an artbook and a figurine. If I would have know that, I would have asked if they had the rest of it or looked at the box of action figures.

[quote name='jer7583']I wonder what the best way to go about this would have been?

Include it in a lot of other 2600 games so the clerk wouldn't think anything of it?[/QUOTE]

This sounds like a winner to me; make an offer for the lot. If the clerk says anything about that particular cart, mention how it looks like a bootleg but you'll take it anyway. :lol:

Then again, maybe it's not a good idea to deal with a store that can't price their wares; the whole "let me run online and check" strikes me as lazy and unprofessional. That should be done before the games hit the floor instead of wasting a customer's time.
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