Official 2011 Yard Sale Thread

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[quote name='C0dy']Well after that unsuccessful day yesterday, friends and I agree to hit up a sale we saw on Craigslist, man did our luck turn around!

NES Stuff - stopped at this sale on the way to the big one we were planning on hitting up. Asked the woman if she had old games, she brings this stuff out in a cloth bag. We paid $20 - functional system, three standard controllers, NES advantage, Zapper, eight games, all hookups. Also had a random Batman Tiger Electronics game - funny :p

Then we arrive at this sale (about 20 minutes early but they let us grab stuff) - they had advertised games on the Craigslist ad, but little did we expect to find BOXED ones.

The N64 and Dreamcast were marked $15 each, and we quickly jumped on it. I know by some of your standards we're overpaying for this stuff but hey, we wanted it and were willing to pay. Manuals, everything is present, however Dreamcast has no styrofoam and we had to steal a cable from his PS1because the power cord was not present. (The Dreamcast games were $5 - but my friend picked up three. The web browser is factory sealed.) The N64, man is that thing pristine. Looks practically untouched. The Donkey Kong cart had one save file with EIGHT MINUTES of gameplay. The rest of the games were all sports and racing, but I don't think they had been picked over, we were the first ones there. The owner must have really enjoyed his sports. There was originally no power cord, but we went back later and the lady found it for us- nice! (She couldnt find the Dreamcast one, which was less of a loss considering the PS cord worked.)

I then on the boxed Gameboy games, picking up Pokemon Red, Mario Golf, and the Gameboy Camera. Boxes in nice shape, manuals present. $4 apiece. Tried to do 3 for 10 - she wouldn't budge. Her son had strictly told her not to, I guess. She said she was told by her son to sell these games on eBay - but she wanted the money quicker instead, I guess. She said she was already going to be in trouble with him for selling that 64 for $15. :p

Funniest thing then happened, when others showed up. A guy with a Blackberry in his hand was rapidly scanning the Gameboy games, looked at our haul and gave me a venomous look - guess it pays to come early. Haha! (He did grab a copy of Sonic Shuffle for DC we had missed under some of the other games - D'oh)

EDIT: Forgot to mention the two games to the right side are DOS games my friend picked up for a buck at Goodwill. They are also MIB.

Nice picks, the Pokemon Fire Red CIB and n64 in box should be enough to easily cover your investments :bouncy:
[quote name='SaraAB']Your stop thief board game is definitely worth something, or at least it was the last time I checked.[/QUOTE]
I don't think it's worth more than $15-$20, but still a cool find. I'm actually trying to get my hands on one after seeing the pictures. Heh.

$1 - From earlier today. Saw the cases and was going to pass. Asked lady if there were any more games. She says no but picks up the Sims and opens it and I see the memory card. I ask about the memory card and she says 50 cents. I then open Ty and Crash Bandicoot is in there (in addition to the actual game being in there. She says just take everything for 50 cents. I just gave her a dollar because I'm nice like that... and because the change will just fall out of my pocket onto the floor of my car while I'm driving and piss me off.


$1 - Got up early yesterday and stopped at an indoor sale on the way to work. Mostly dealers selling matchbox cars and shit. This is in nice shape and is about 14 inches across. Funniest thing at this sale, I see a stack of 4 last gen sports games. A few are marked $20. As I'm putting them down a guy runs up to me and says "You can't even get these in stores, they're like 55 dollars".

and the money maker...


$9 - TI-83 plus and a TI-89. Took a little risk since one had no batteries and the others were dead. Tested and work perfectly.

I don't know if anyone remembers these but I checked the programs on the 83 and one stuck out named "Erin". I checked the code which consisted of one line: "FilthyTwat". I guess the previous owner wasn't too fond of Erin.
The season is truly dead around here. Took the hour drive to a pretty big flea market where I've had luck before. Barely anyone has games and it's all junk. $45 for a Genesis and sports games? Give me a break. Got my hands on a really nice PSP case, though, which I needed, but not worth the drive.

They're affiliated with another place further north, so I pick up more coffee and take the drive. BIGGEST MISTAKE OF THE YEAR. This indoor FM had two booths selling games. One was a woman who barely spoke English behind a few glass cases worth of games (Red Flag).

The other was something out of a bad episode of American Pickers, and if anyone else in the Chicago area has been to Wolff's Indoor, you know who I'm talking about. This guy had a s$&@-ton of games and systems...things I had never seen up close, like a Neo-Geo. NO organization whatsoever. Systems were strewn out everywhere, games were mixed together, and to top it off, he must have had a shelf collapse, because he was trying to fix it, muttering to himself the whole time. Everything was in chaos. I keep looking and find a Black Label FFVII, so I pick it up to check if everything's there. Before I could open the case, he snaps "oh, that's not for sale! All the ones I have for sale are back here.". He points to his beautiful collection of $15 sports games from 1998. Not even kidding, that was his average price for PS1 sports games. I didn't even want to ask about his other stuff.

I was convinced that the guy was a hoarder. I walked out (not before picking up a Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls guide for $1), and drove the hour and a half back home, deflated. There's always the auction house and Craigslist, but this yard sale/flea market season is dead for me.
[quote name='TheHeef']The other was something out of a bad episode of American Pickers[/QUOTE]

Did he have a hot, tattooed assistant?
[quote name='TheHeef']
The other was something out of a bad episode of American Pickers, and if anyone else in the Chicago area has been to Wolff's Indoor, you know who I'm talking about. This guy had a s$&@-ton of games and systems...things I had never seen up close, like a Neo-Geo. NO organization whatsoever. Systems were strewn out everywhere, games were mixed together, and to top it off, he must have had a shelf collapse, because he was trying to fix it, muttering to himself the whole time. Everything was in chaos. I keep looking and find a Black Label FFVII, so I pick it up to check if everything's there. Before I could open the case, he snaps "oh, that's not for sale! All the ones I have for sale are back here.". He points to his beautiful collection of $15 sports games from 1998. Not even kidding, that was his average price for PS1 sports games. I didn't even want to ask about his other stuff.

I was convinced that the guy was a hoarder. I walked out (not before picking up a Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls guide for $1), and drove the hour and a half back home, deflated. There's always the auction house and Craigslist, but this yard sale/flea market season is dead for me.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't me I swear! I haven't been there for a long time, but it is always unique.

[quote name='Survivalism']Did he have a hot, tattooed assistant?[/QUOTE]

She's not THAT hot. I mean I would hit it, but... On a related note, I saw some Suicide Girls at a recent convention and they were disappointing.
On to the games...

I paid $1 total for this stuff at a "former game collector's" sale.


OK, here is my mini jackpot lot. I paid $35 total. Two shoppers were already in a the garage when I arrived and I started to silently panic when I saw a guy looking at the video games. Luckily he only bought one n64 game (I couldn't see what it was) and he didn't even pay attention to the NES stuff.

Her cousin left this stuff when he moved out. I got there when they opened, so it was hard to deal, but originally she wanted $20 for the NES and $1 per game. I basically paid $1 a game and got the rest free. I wish I could have gotten it cheaper, but she wouldn't budge any more on price.

There are a few uncommon games in this lot like Dungeon Master (SNES), Color A Dinosaur (NES), and Mike Tyson's Punch Out.





These are what I wanted. ;)


Hey slowdive, you seem knowledgeable on these retro gaming things and saw that you picked up Temco Bowl for the NES.

I saw that at a goodwill here today, and was wondering if it's an uncommon/rare-ish game?

[quote name='CAG90210']Hey slowdive, you seem knowledgeable on these retro gaming things and saw that you picked up Temco Bowl for the NES.

I saw that at a goodwill here today, and was wondering if it's an uncommon/rare-ish game?


No, but it is a 'classic' game buyers usually want if I sell them a console (like the zelda games, punch out, mario bros, etc).

[quote name='Invicta 61']I think it's Temco Super Bowl, which was a later release, that is a little more uncommon though it's not difficult to find.[/QUOTE]

^^^ This is correct.

I also want to point out I bought all the NES games because I got a lot price. I could have just bought the boxed ones and some of the loose ones, but last week I posted about what happens when you hesitate. (I had missed out on a 50 cent copy of The Punisher for genesis while trying to get a group discount). There were more people approaching, so I wanted to get it wrapped up before anyone else saw the games and pulled a 'dick move' like offering more, than what I did. ;)
[quote name='slowdive21']It wasn't me I swear! I haven't been there for a long time, but it is always unique.

She's not THAT hot. I mean I would hit it, but... On a related note, I saw some Suicide Girls at a recent convention and they were disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Didn't think it was a CAG at all. This guy had zero clue how to price games. I wish the $10 PS2 sports game remark was an exaggeration. True gamers know better.

What I meant with the American Pickers reference is that this guy had such ridiculous prices that he probably doesn't want to sell them. Given the sheer volume and lack of organization, he needed to. Mike and Frank have run into several of those on the show. And no, Danielle's not bad at all. Too many tattoos in weird places, though.
[quote name='slowdive21']These are what I wanted. ;)


As you said--if its cool to you and something you want to keep, then its worthwhile.

For me, its not always about $ value (although I like that aspect of RSing).

A few weeks ago I stopped at a dud sale but there was a copy of Size Matters (UMD only) sitting on a table and I gave the guy a quarter for it.

Out of the blue last night I stumbled upon it ans was playing it for awhile (on the PSP I got a month ago that I'll probably flip). I've always wanted this Ratchet and Clank game and getting a chance to play it is worthwhile (even if the title itself has no value).
So I had to drop some stuff off at the Post Office and I noticed on Craigslist that there was a new sale starting at 10 AM on Saturday stating "no early birds". I figured it was either A: a college kid or B: a stoner if the sale was starting at 10 AM and scheduled for Saturday only. I think I was right on both accounts and my hunch that he would have games was also correct. ;)

It was 9:45, so I figured I would make it there right on time. I got there and no one was home, so I went to the PO and came back and the guy was just pulling into his driveway at 10:10.

He asked if there was anything I was looking for and as I started to say "Video games" I saw the 2 n64s on the table.

Long story short, I ended up paying $25 total.

Man this stuff was dirty!








I am just happy to expand my Saturn game library.
[quote name='lmz00']How do things get that dirty in the first place? Gross.[/QUOTE]

Storage in the garage or attic would be my guess.
Slowdive if you need to get rid of one of those vmus or some of those DC games I may be interested.

I may go out this weekend and see if there is anything still going on
[quote name='lmz00']How do things get that dirty in the first place? Gross.[/QUOTE]

My room is a dust magnet, even if they were stored in my room normally, they would look like that after just a couple months of being out in the open. I have to wrap all my consoles in plastic if I want to keep them dust free and clean.
A couple of months?! You're lucky! I just dusted Sunday night and most of my stuff already has dust all over it again. This is the absolute worst part of living in California. Stupid agriculture...

[quote name='kube00']Slowdive if you need to get rid of one of those vmus or some of those DC games I may be interested.[/QUOTE]
VMU's often go for next to nothing on eBay. The last couple of times I bought accessories for my DC, they came with free VMU's.
[quote name='kube00']Slowdive if you need to get rid of one of those vmus or some of those DC games I may be interested.[/QUOTE]
VMU's often go for next to nothing on eBay. The last couple of times I bought accessories for my DC, they came with free VMU's.
[quote name='ZombieToast']
VMU's often go for next to nothing on eBay. The last couple of times I bought accessories for my DC, they came with free VMU's.[/QUOTE]

Dude, why you cock blockin me? :razz:

Actually I got a couple of Pms about these. I am so far from testing my Dreamcast stuff, I probably won't have any of it up for trade for a loooooong time.

I have a lot of VMUs, but I haven't been able to turn any of them on. Do they need an inital charge with the controller or are these one time use batteries? (I assume they are the latter since they look like watch batteries).
Is there a topics for advice when going to Yard Sales? Or can I bother you here? I generally don't bother with them (since I never carry cash), but my local craigslist has a pretty decent ad right now

-Over 200 Video Games
- Xbox , Xbox 360 , Playstation 1 Playstation 2 Playstation 3 , Gamecube , Nintendo 64 ( N64 ) , Super Nintendo ( SNES ) , Original Nintendo ( NES ) , Sega Genesis , Nintendo Wii , Gameboy

And it's about 3 minutes off of my commute. So I wanna have a hand at it this Friday.
[quote name='ZombieToast']A couple of months?! You're lucky! I just dusted Sunday night and most of my stuff already has dust all over it again. This is the absolute worst part of living in California. Stupid agriculture...[/QUOTE]

Our apartment is perfectly fine... The last one had black dust, which was a pain, but our current apartment has the lowest dust I can remember in recent history. I got worse dust in 3 days before than I do now in a month.
Well I must say, this past week gave me some of the best finds I've gotten yet. Showed up to just ONE garage sale and this guy had a shelf filled with games. Nes, snes, genesis, ps1. Since it was late the games were marked down to only 50 cents each. I'm guessing nobody could find this sale because it was well past 3 and there were some sick finds. Including EARTHBOUND!!!!! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:


Highlights from the lot::applause:

Earthbound - SNES - Cart Only
Final Fantasy Tactics - PS1 - Factory Sealed (QUESTION ABOUT THIS AT THE BOTTOM!!!)
Dracula, Last Action Hero, Hudson Hawk - NES - Boxed
SMB 2 - NES -Cart
Equinox, Cliffhanger, No Escape - SNES - Factory Sealed
oh and they threw in the NES because the didnt think it would still work ;)

(Not Pictured)
Next day I picked up another NES system with a boxed Legend of Zelda (gold cart) and boxed Donkey Kong Classics and FF VIII for 12 bucks :)

So on the factory sealed FF Tactics, there is a small hole drilled into the spine. It doesnt look very noticeable, and it doesnt bother me at all, but anyone know why its there? I was thinking maybe the game was on display so they had to drill a hole through the case? Not sure :/
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Is there a topics for advice when going to Yard Sales? Or can I bother you here? I generally don't bother with them (since I never carry cash), but my local craigslist has a pretty decent ad right now

-Over 200 Video Games
- Xbox , Xbox 360 , Playstation 1 Playstation 2 Playstation 3 , Gamecube , Nintendo 64 ( N64 ) , Super Nintendo ( SNES ) , Original Nintendo ( NES ) , Sega Genesis , Nintendo Wii , Gameboy

And it's about 3 minutes off of my commute. So I wanna have a hand at it this Friday.[/QUOTE]

The person holding the sale is either a collector or a reseller, so the prices will probably be high (ebay). This doesn't mean you won't find something you want; with that many games and systems i'm sure you will find something in an agreeable price range.

1. Make sure you have enough cash for your purchases in small denominations. If you pull out a wad of large bills you'll never be able to talk them down in price.

2. When trying to negotiate a lower price, have the amount you want to pay in hand where the seller can see it. Some here have referred to it as the "money in face" tactic.

3. Research what games you are looking for and know what price they are selling at. If you see a game you have wanted it's good to know if they are asking ebay prices. This is a YARD SALE, the price should be lower than online.

4. Know the location of the sale and show up early. Most yard sales are set up in advance and are ready to go before posted open time. Since games are listed other collectors and some resellers will be arriving there early also.

5. Tell me where the sale is located. :D

Every person I talk to running a Y.S. says the games are usually the first thing to go. Get there early, know what you are looking for and move quickly because the good stuff will not last long.

Good luck!
[quote name='Eagle3ye']
So on the factory sealed FF Tactics, there is a small hole drilled into the spine. It doesnt look very noticeable, and it doesnt bother me at all, but anyone know why its there? I was thinking maybe the game was on display so they had to drill a hole through the case? Not sure :/[/QUOTE]

Excellent haul!

The hole is probably from being converted from retail to salvage. You will see CDs with a saw mark on the spine to prevent them from being returned or resold at retail.
[quote name='elessar123']Our apartment is perfectly fine... The last one had black dust, which was a pain, but our current apartment has the lowest dust I can remember in recent history. I got worse dust in 3 days before than I do now in a month.[/QUOTE]

No black dust here thankfully, only the regular dust, it probably takes about a week or a couple weeks to really get covered after you just dusted, ironically if you don't dust it seems that the same amount just stays there, this is probably better than spending an hour a week dusting.

The last sale I went to that advertised a large amount of games was a bust, this person was advertising 2000 games, now that is A LOT of games, I have about 1000 games in my collection, so that would be double of what I have, and what I have is already a lot for me to deal with.

There weren't nearly that many games there first of all, second of all prices were higher than ebay in most cases or right at retail prices, if a game was 19.99 at Target this guy had it priced at $20. if I want it I will go to a store and buy it, thank you.

Keep in mind that Gamestop sells a lot of games cheaply, mostly for the DS and Wii, many titles are worth almost nothing. Amazon has a lot of discounted DS games, so unless you are looking at first party Nintendo titles, probably stay away from DS games. Most of the Square games are now 19.99 each and Amazon has B1G1 50% off right now. I noticed many of the DS games at the sale I visited were titles that Gamestop was selling for $5 or less, but they wanted $10 per game. You can check by going to clicking on your desired platform and sorting by lowest price.

Watch the XBox 360 first editions, if there is a GOTY edition out of the game or a platinum hits with extra content on it, the regular one is worthless. A quick example is Fable II, gamestop sells the regular edition for $4.99, but the platinum hits with extra content is selling for 17.99. Finding the Fable II platinum hits for $10 would be a relatively good deal.

Most original Xbox games and PS2 games are worthless, definitely don't pay more than $5 for any of them as you can probably get a copy on ebay shipped for $5 unless you know its something really valuable. The prices on last gen stuff are really terrible, and yard sales should reflect that.
[quote name='Invicta 61']The person holding the sale is either a collector or a reseller, so the prices will probably be high (ebay). This doesn't mean you won't find something you want; with that many games and systems i'm sure you will find something in an agreeable price range.[/quote]

Yeah, he definitely looks like a collector of many sorts. And claims his or her father is as well.

Thanks for all the advice. I'll make sure to follow it.

5. Tell me where the sale is located. :D

My bad, should have posted this before. Here's the ad --

Wonder if there will be systems for sale too.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Yeah, he definitely looks like a collector of many sorts. And claims his or her father is as well.

Thanks for all the advice. I'll make sure to follow it.

My bad, should have posted this before. Here's the ad --

Wonder if there will be systems for sale too.[/QUOTE]
"-There will also be tons of Accessories and Video Game Systems"
I'd say so :p

From the list of stuff I'd say it's possibly someone from here :lol:
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Yeah, he definitely looks like a collector of many sorts. And claims his or her father is as well.

Thanks for all the advice. I'll make sure to follow it.

My bad, should have posted this before. Here's the ad --

Wonder if there will be systems for sale too.[/QUOTE]

I just finished. I wish there was a sale around here with SOME of that stuff. ;)
[quote name='RabbitSuit']
My bad, should have posted this before. Here's the ad -- [/QUOTE]

Hehe, though I was curious I was just kidding about telling where the sale is located. You're gonna have enough competition as it is without posting it here. You don't have to worry about me though, it's a four hour flight from here.
[quote name='Eagle3ye']
So on the factory sealed FF Tactics, there is a small hole drilled into the spine. It doesnt look very noticeable, and it doesnt bother me at all, but anyone know why its there? I was thinking maybe the game was on display so they had to drill a hole through the case? Not sure :/[/QUOTE]

From what I know it means it was a promotional item or a prize. Basically if it's marked like that it couldn't be sold as new. If you win a CD from a radio station it usually has the cut on the spine, the drill hole through it, or a stamp on the album art that says "promo only yada yada"
[quote name='Doomstink']Slowdive -

Congrats on finding Burning Rangers for Saturn, that's an extreme rarity right there![/QUOTE]

Wow thanks for pointing that out! I haven't had a chance to look anything up yet.

I knew Panzer Dragoon was good, but unfortunately mine is a demo disc. I also know Die Hard Arcade is good, but that is only because I found one earlier this year.

Burning Rangers appears to be the full version and it is not too heavily scratched. Hopefully it will work!

How do you guys clean disc only (non playstation) games? Is the soft cloth from the center out still the standard practice?
[quote name='Invicta 61']Excellent haul!

The hole is probably from being converted from retail to salvage. You will see CDs with a saw mark on the spine to prevent them from being returned or resold at retail.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh ok cool man thanks. Any idea what this will do to the value of the game if I were to sell it. I'm not one to usually sell my excellent finds, however i have my eye on a new computer ;)
The whole in the UPC could also mean it was purchased by an employee. They'll sometimes do that so the employee can't buy something with their discount, then return it for full price.

I can't imagine it degenerating the value THAT much. Obviously yours isn't "mint," but so long as the seal is otherwise intact it'll still bring in a nice premium.
[quote name='slowdive21']Dude, why you cock blockin me? :razz:

Actually I got a couple of Pms about these. I am so far from testing my Dreamcast stuff, I probably won't have any of it up for trade for a loooooong time.

I have a lot of VMUs, but I haven't been able to turn any of them on. Do they need an inital charge with the controller or are these one time use batteries? (I assume they are the latter since they look like watch batteries).[/QUOTE]

The VMUs should work as regular memory cards in a Dreamcast controller, just take the batteries out. As far as I know the batteries were only needed for the away-from-system BS functions.
[quote name='aptanor']The whole in the UPC could also mean it was purchased by an employee. They'll sometimes do that so the employee can't buy something with their discount, then return it for full price.

I can't imagine it degenerating the value THAT much. Obviously yours isn't "mint," but so long as the seal is otherwise intact it'll still bring in a nice premium.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I mean its still a damn nice looking game :D oh yeah, and the thing is the hole isnt on the UPC. It doesnt look like it was meant to cover or destroy anything. It's just....a hole......

Heres a pic
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[quote name='Eagle3ye']Yeah, I mean its still a damn nice looking game :D oh yeah, and the thing is the hole isnt on the UPC. It doesnt look like it was meant to cover or destroy anything. It's just....a hole......

Heres a pic

Yeah, that looks like the same sort of drill hole I've seen on CDs ordered from Amazon; I always thought they were advanced promotional copies or some such. Generally something like that would sell a little under the sealed price and probably a good bit more than Used - Like New. The last time I saw one of these on CAG it was an Einhander that went for $90-100.
^^^That is a old promo punch. Now they slash the UPC. Another old method was a complete horizontal cutout in the same area. I can probably post a pic tomorrow just for reference.

That Einhander hurts. It was the first thing I redeemed for with my SONY card. I opened it to play, but I should have kept it sealed. I sold a like new copy for $30 years ago that I should have just kept.

BTW: That is a dream lot Eagle3ye!
I am SO jealous of those Return Fire and Raiden Project longbox finds.

Two of the best and highest value longboxes right there.
[quote name='slowdive21']Dude, why you cock blockin me? :razz:[/QUOTE]
Ha ha, sorry, didn't mean to cock-block. Was just mentioning in case you weren't interested in selling/trading. I know I wouldn't want to just 'cause I think the VMU's are awesome. Heh.
[quote name='Eagle3ye']Highlights from the lot::applause:

Earthbound - SNES - Cart Only

Damn, I hate you . . . or I guess envy is a better word. Very nice finds.

Funny, I hated Earthbound (unfortunately because I sold it off back in day--say, 1996 before ebay) but really loved Equinox (which I still have today). I'm not sure how much I would like it now but I played a ton of Equinox.

The saddest part about Earthbound is that I had it in the large box with the players guide and sold it off for something like $40 :cry:
[quote name='schultzed']Damn, I hate you . . . or I guess envy is a better word. Very nice finds.

Funny, I hated Earthbound (unfortunately because I sold it off back in day--say, 1996 before ebay) but really loved Equinox (which I still have today). I'm not sure how much I would like it now but I played a ton of Equinox.

The saddest part about Earthbound is that I had it in the large box with the players guide and sold it off for something like $40 :cry:[/QUOTE]

oh man that's tough haha, that game is worth wayyyy more now. I'd love to try out Equinox, but "Unfortunately?" its factory sealed :-({|=
[quote name='Eagle3ye']

I'm jelly. I still need me a SNES console let alone games like Earthbound. Haven't been able to get my hands on a SNES in my area for some reason. Maybe that'll change tomorrow - going to drive around and try to hit a few.
Yeah, I don't think I'm cut out for this. I went at 9am, so at least 2 hours of selling occurred. The game selection wasn't small by anymeans, but it wasn't impressive. And if it was, the prices were outrageous. Specific items were also looked up on a phone when asked.

I just left.
lol if someone tried looking shit up on their phone before giving me a price I'd just walk away. If i'm going to pay online prices I better have a return policy, have you pay me back for the gas/time I wasted finding your fucking sale, and be able to use my credit/debit card.

Yard sales are a total tossup. Don't give up just cause you don't find gold right away. It's really 99% garbage, 1% awesome finds.
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