Official (2015-2016) College Football Thread OSU#1

[quote name='dmaul1114']The other big on going news is whether expansion dominoes are going to start falling again.

Texas A&M wants to leave the Big 12 for the SEC as they're tired of all the crap with Texas and the Longhorn Network etc. They really should have just left last summer.

The latest on it this time was SEC presidents voted not to invite anyone last week but gave a very non-committal statement, and then a few days later voted not to invite anyone in the current conference footprint (not in any current states).

So all the murmuring on message boards currently is the first vote was just to avoid any law suits from other conferences that they were tampering (so A&M needs to work out their buyout and leave the Big 12 before they'll get an official invite). And the second vote was because teams like Florida, South Carolina etc. didn't want teams like FSU or Clemson to get invited in as the 14th team. After that vote the murmuring is pointing to Missouri and VT as likely 14th teams since they're not in the current footprint, with WVU as an outside shot (which I hope doesn't happen personally).[/QUOTE]
Was never going to happen anyways. SEC isn't expanding unless everyone else does and even then, they didn't make any moves when the Pac-10 tried their mega expansion or the Big 10 adding Nebraska last year.

The big fact is Texas A&M wants out due to the Longhorn Network. They pushed their way into trying to get into the best conference in college football. It was never happening. Florida State, Clemson, and Mizzou (i.e. the three teams rumored) have all been on record stating they were never contacted by the SEC. It blown way out of proportion by Texas A&M fans and then by ESPN.

The biggest news for me so far is the banhammer Miami should be receiving in a few months for players receiving Ponzi money and benefits.

Oh as for the polls... 3rd game in we will see how Oklahoma (#1) handles us, FSU, at Doak. They will be without star LB Travis Lewis and starting a new RB. Oh man, I can't wait until the season starts.
[quote name='blindinglights']Louisville has also been suggested by some journalists due to their profitable sports programs; however, I have a feeling that Kentucky would be unhappy about it. Whether or not they have the ability to block entry of Louisville is debatable.[/QUOTE]

That's out with the 2nd vote last week by the SEC presidents where they agreed to not take any teams in states that already have SEC teams.

Agree to disagree Opus. Unless A&M has some legal problems getting out of the Big 12 (to high a buyout etc.) they'll be out of the Big 12 and into the SEC likely by September from what I've seen on A&M boards, the vague SEC statement etc.

The SEC was making moves last summer when the Big 12 was looking to collapse. They wanted A&M and Oklahoma. Problem was Oklahoma wanted to stay with OK State and was opting for the "Pac 16" instead until ESPN and Texas managed to hold the Big 12 together. Main issues now are they don't want to look like they're raiding other leagues (hence the first vote, any teams that join will have to leave their current conference before getting an official invite) and probably some difficulties finding and agreeing on a 14th team. Hence the second vote which ruled out teams like FSU, Clemson, Louisville etc. by not adding teams in existing states. If they aren't planning on any expansion, then that second vote wouldn't have been necessary. That makes it pretty clear they've had discussions about who the 14th team to join with A&M should be.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Agree to disagree Opus. Unless A&M has some legal problems getting out of the Big 12 (to high a buyout etc.) they'll be out of the Big 12 and into the SEC likely by September from what I've seen on A&M boards, the vague SEC statement etc.[/quote]
Key word: A&M boards. We can talk again about this come next September when it doesn't occur. You told me last year Big East would be gone. Funny how they added TCU and offered to Nova to move up (who denied). Doesn't appear to be going anywhere...

The SEC was making moves last summer when the Big 12 was looking to collapse. They wanted A&M and Oklahoma. Problem was Oklahoma wanted to stay with OK State and was opting for the "Pac 16" instead until ESPN and Texas managed to hold the Big 12 together.
SEC making moves... it was all rumors. The Pac 10 was the only ones to offer for those Big 12 schools including OK, Texas, OK St, A&M, Tech, and Colorado. Only Colorado accepted to the Pac 10. The rest stuck with Texas in the Big 12.

Main issues now are they don't want to look like they're raiding other leagues (hence the first vote, any teams that join will have to leave their current conference before getting an official invite) and probably some difficulties finding and agreeing on a 14th team. Hence the second vote which ruled out teams like FSU, Clemson, Louisville etc. by not adding teams in existing states. If they aren't planning on any expansion, then that second vote wouldn't have been necessary. That makes it pretty clear they've had discussions about who the 14th team to join with A&M should be.
The SEC only had a vote on whether or not to allow Texas A&M to join. They stated they would not allow them in now and that they will keep their strong 12. That was it. All the rest is heresay. Again, FSU, Clemson, and Mizzou (all rumored team) stated on record that they were never contacted.

Note say anything did occur... Florida would block FSU (even though we would never go). South Carolina would block Clemson. Both has historically blocked them, except the one year FSU turned down the SEC. The SEC would never allow Mizzou and Louisville in just based on it would bring down the strength of the conference. So Texas A&M would be the only potential to renew rivalry with Arkansas. Thus who would they then go for... Virginia Tech? They just move to ACC. West Virginia? Getting too far away.

All that will eventually occur is if Texas doesn't fix the Longhorn Network situation, they will see the rest of the conference pushing Texas out. I see the Big 12 adding Houston and Tulsa sometime in the near future (a couple years).
The SEC did have a 2nd vote and passed a close vote to not add any schools in existing conference states--so that's not an issue of individual schools blocking others now. That happened after the first vote about not inviting A&M. And everyone (A&M insiders and SEC board insiders) seems to agree that first vote was to just cover their asses legally so they could say they weren't raiding other conferences. That first vote was publicly released to the media as it needed to be for the "cover your ass" purpose. The 2nd vote was kept private and not publicly confirmed, but I saw it mentioned on enough different SEC boards the other day that I'm pretty confident it happened.

But you're right that it's all rumor and things from "sources" inside various schools, so it's not worth arguing over. I think A&M to the SEC will likely happen in the next month or so personally based on what I've read. But it's far from a sure thing. Time will tell.

As for the 14th team if that happens. Missouri would be my guess. Doesn't matter that they aren't great, the league is damn tough already and the power teams probably don't want to make it any more harder than they have to. The main factor would be getting the St. Louis and KC tv markets in the SEC footprint.

If that doesn't work out, VT would be next in line. It's not too far out of the region--nothing like TCU going to the Big East (oh, and on that front apparently they've pulled the invite to Nova to move up). But they probably won't go since they'd have issues leaving UVA (who pulled a lot of strings to get them in the ACC when the conference really wanted Syracuse) and they have a good thing going in the ACC. After that your guess is as good as mine. I don't buy the WVU rumors--just not enough tvs in the state, and I don't buy the arguments about delivering the Pitt and DC markets in any significant way. Personally, I don't want WVU to go to the SEC. It's a boring basketball league outside of UK, and we'd never win a BCS bid (or future playoff system bid) in that brutal league.

In any case, you're right that this is all rumors and info from "inside sources" on message boards and being reported by some reporters etc. So it's not worth arguing over. I'm not going to waste any more energy on it as I don't really care about it beyond hoping some shake up eventually leads to a playoff system. I've lost a TON of interest in college football in recent years, and will never be diehard into it again unless there's a playoff started. I'll just watch WVUs couple big games a year, and spend my energy following the NFL, college basketball and the NBA.

So no more expansion posts from me unless there's real news! :D Already wasted too much time skimming through crap on team message boards earlier this week.
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Well here's some more on the A&M situation--it's official news rather than message board crap, but still not really anything new.

Texas A&M sent a letter to the Big 12 league office informing them they are considering leaving the conference and joining another league and asking the commissioner the procedures they should follow if they choose to leave.

Article here:

The full letter here:

So still nothing new really, but some more credence to the rumors that their move to the SEC is all but done and it's just a matter for legal maneuvering, negotiating buyouts etc. I suppose. Of note, is that the CNNSI article says the letter is very similar to the one Nebraska sent the Big 12 right before leaving last year.

The rumor mill now says that the SEC can now extend an invite without worries of being sued for tampering etc. since Texas A&M first stated their interest in leaving the Big 12 publicly. We'll see I guess. If those rumors are true, I'd expect things to happen in the next week or so to get it out of the way before the season starts.

The letter didn't burn their bridge to staying in the Big 12 down, but it certainly has that fire kindling.

Edit: A related blurb: SMU put out a statement expressing interest in joining the big 12.
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What about this LSU mess? Bar fights right before the season starts, starting QB and 3 others. Not to mention they're playing Cowboys stadium vs. #3 Oregon in their opening game.
Yeah, LSU is in pretty dire straights right now.

The QB and one other player just had arrest warrants issued for 2nd degree battery from that fight. And their star receiver Russell Shepard was ruled in eligible for an NCAA rule violation the other day.

They're going to get smoked by Oregon in the opener. Shame as I was hoping they'd be highly ranked and unbeaten when they play WVU as that was the only big game on the schedule this year.
[quote name='pimpster4183']What about this LSU mess? Bar fights right before the season starts, starting QB and 3 others. Not to mention they're playing Cowboys stadium vs. #3 Oregon in their opening game.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the reminder. I have to switch my pick on that game. Offense should be too stagnant with out them all. Well, Oregon lucked out. As with Jefferson and gang, they would have been belted.
Some details from the Big 12 Board of Directors Conference call today.

Texas A&M Close to Leaving Big 12

Texas A&M’s time as a member of the Big 12 is all but over. In a conference call Saturday that included the Big 12’s university presidents, R. Bowen Loftin, the president of Texas A&M, essentially said that the Aggies were leaving, and there was nothing the Big 12 could do to keep them, according to a person with first-hand knowledge of the call.

Multiple presidents on the call used the words “amicable divorce” when discussing the Aggies departure. That would seem to suggest that there will not be any protracted legal wrangling. Paramount in the negotiations to free Texas A&M from the conference is the university’s buy out, which is estimated in $15 million range. While no specific timetable was discussed, the feeling on the call was that it the Aggies’ departure could happen as soon as the end of next week.

The Big 12’s expansion committee has already spoken by telephone multiple times and has a wish list of Notre Dame, Arkansas and Brigham Young to replace Texas A&M as its 10th member. Notre Dame and Arkansas are considered long shots. Another name mentioned for the first time on the call was Pittsburgh, which is about 700 miles and 3 states removed from the nearest Big 12 school.

Once Texas A&M negotiates its way out of the Big 12, it will have to apply to join the Southeastern Conference, its new destination. Once the SEC is satisfied that they are in no danger of being sued by the Big 12, Texas A&M is believed to have enough support from the SEC university presidents to enter the league. If things go smoothly, Texas A&M’s first season in the SEC could be 2012.
Yeah, there's no way ND goes to the Big 12, nor Arkansas or Pitt.

It will almost definitely be BYU who comes in to replace A&M. They bring a big fan following, and they won't turn down the chance to be in a BCS league. Plus being an independent now they don't have to negotiate to leave another conference etc.
Here's the AP article on the Big 12 conference call that and other sites have up. Nothing much new really other than some quotes from someone who was on the call. Also, it mentions the prior SEC meeting and notes that they did discuss "criteria" for futur expansion--could be some confirmation of the rumor that they voted not to add any teams from current SEC states.

Report: Texas A&M set to leave Big 12
Associated Press

Big 12 officials expect Texas A&M to announce within the next week that it plans to leave the conference.

A person with knowledge of what was discussed during a conference call of the Big 12 board of directors Saturday told The Associated Press that Texas A&M officials talked about their anticipated departure.

"No major surprises," said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the talks. "A&M didn't say they were leaving, but certainly gave every indication that's what they plan on doing."

As for the timing of such a move, that person said, "it would not be a surprise that it would happen sometime this week" and likely the only thing that could keep that from happening would be if the 12-team SEC determines it is not ready to add any more teams at this point.

The Aggies have publicly expressed interest in joining the SEC and on Thursday formally informed Big 12 Commissioner Dan Beebe in a letter from school President R. Bowen Loftin that Texas A&M was exploring all of its options.

Among items discussed during Saturday's call was how much money Texas A&M would forfeit for leaving the conference and likely negotiations of that amount, which could be $20 million or more.

SEC presidents and chancellors met two weeks ago and reaffirmed their "satisfaction with the present 12 institutional alignment." But they also acknowledged the possibility of future expansion and discussed criteria for that.

If Texas A&M leaves the Big 12, the move could trigger another shakeup across college sport. Texas last year considered offers to join the Big Ten and the Pac-10 before deciding to stay in the Big 12. Nebraska (Big Ten) and Colorado (Pac-12) left the Big 12 in July.

Texas A&M would have to settle its membership with the Big 12 before it could apply for membership into the Southeastern Conference.

"The Big 12 Conference members have been and will continue to conduct meetings related to the situation with Texas A&M and conference membership," Beebe said in a statement Saturday. "There will be public statements as appropriate and necessary if and when action is taken."

It was unclear if Texas A&M would be able to move to the SEC as early as the 2012-13 school year. The Aggies will certainly play their Big 12 schedules in football and other sports for the upcoming season, as Colorado and Nebraska did a year go before their departures from the league.

The person who spoke on condition of anonymity said the other nine Big 12 members again reaffirmed the desire to keep the conference intact.

"Obviously now, I think there is a little more urgency to think about if A&M leaves, who's No. 10, or who's 11 and 12 as well," that person said.

SMU athletic director Steve Orsini said Thursday that he has had informal talks with Big 12 officials for some time to inform them of the school's improvements and growth. He said it has been SMU's goal to join a BCS conference since it wasn't included in the Southwest Conference's merger with the Big 8 that formed the Big 12 in 1996.

Texas A&M opens its season next Sunday at home against SMU.
That seems to be pretty much a done deal after the news conference yesterday. A&M wouldn't be so firm about their intentions to leave (with the Big 12 already discussing replacements) if an SEC invite wasn't a forgone conclusion.

Only question is who the 14th team is. I figure they'll just bring in A&M for 2012 and wait until this off season to get a 14th to come in for 2013.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Here's the AP article on the Big 12 conference call that and other sites have up. Nothing much new really other than some quotes from someone who was on the call. Also, it mentions the prior SEC meeting and notes that they did discuss "criteria" for futur expansion--could be some confirmation of the rumor that they voted not to add any teams from current SEC states.[/QUOTE]

I thought you were done with rumors...

[quote name='from source']...likely the only thing that could keep that from happening would be if the 12-team SEC determines it is not ready to add any more teams at this point.[/quote]
These sources are just reaching like alot of these Cags that try to PM two deals at stores. It just isn't happening. SEC already stated this year they are staying put. :roll:

The Big 12 core...
- Texas - not going anywhere. They have all the exposure they need and want.
- Oklahoma/Oklahoma St - not going anywhere without each other and Texas. Since Texas aint moving, these would say.

With the core, the rest of the conference will stick it out. The Big 12 has options to expand if they want. They could grab programs like Houston, Tulsa, and Rice.

All that would possibly happen is Texas A&M leaves the conference and essentially lose all the money as being part of the Big 12. SEC isn't taking them so they would essentially be independent. They were decent last year. The previous years they have been bottom feeders (2009 - 6 wins, 2008 - 4 wins). The SEC is about strength in football. Logically, what would the SEC benefit from possibly taking on this team?
[quote name='lordopus99']I thought you were done with rumors...

Done with forum rumors. The article has quotes from someone on the conference call yesterday. A&M is leaving. They will be in the SEC. The SEC vote was just to protect them from a tampering law suit. SEC benefit is Texas TV market and more recruiting exposure in Texas.

In any case, I'm done reading your posts. You're the new Wildpac. Full of bullshit, inflexibile opinions based on nothing and ignoring all evidence at hand. Not that I'd expect anything more from a F$U alum. And I'm sure you'll disappear and have nothing to say when A&M joins the SEC in the near future. :roll:
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Here's another blurb on the goings-on from WVU's Athletic Director:

"I'm hearing [Texas] A&M wants to leave the Big 12," said the Mountaineer athletic director. "I think that's pretty obvious. And that's significant because A&M has a big footprint in Texas."

The Aggies, you may know, seem headed to the Southeastern Conference. This week, A&M president R. Bowen Loftin sent a letter to the Big 12 announcing the school is "exploring our options" for conference movement. In other words, Step One.

"I'm hearing [the SEC] doesn't know the fourth school," Luck continued. "I'm hearing if A&M goes, [the SEC] will temporarily have 13 [rather than the projected 14] schools, which is disappointing. It kind of keeps everyone on edge. Does the SEC take Virginia Tech? Missouri? It creates a year or two of increased insecurity."
[quote name='dmaul1114']Done with forum rumors. The article has quotes from someone on the conference call yesterday. A&M is leaving. They will be in the SEC. The SEC vote was just to protect them from a tampering law suit. SEC benefit is Texas TV market and more recruiting exposure in Texas.

In any case, I'm done reading your posts. You're the new Wildpac. Full of bullshit, inflexibile opinions based on nothing and ignoring all evidence at hand. Not that I'd expect anything more from a F$U alum. And I'm sure you'll disappear and have nothing to say when A&M joins the SEC in the near future. :roll:[/QUOTE]

If it happens, be sure to remind me. The ACC and Big East still exist. I remember that was your assumption last year. The Pac-16 never happened either; another thing you bought in. Your track record isn't holding up too well.

I am the one that just sees it for what it is. Texas A&M wants out. They are upset that University of Texas runs the conference i.e. A&M is just a shadow. That's it. They leave, they lose Big 12 money. SEC doesn't want them hence their stand earlier. It was a polite way of saying no thanks. They don't want/need a school that had a 4 win season 2 years ago.

Footprint in Texas is complete bullcrap. University of Texas owns that state. A&M has always been a shadow thus them wanting to leave. Even leaving won't change that...

Lawsuit is a joke idea too. Did the Big East file a tampering lawsuit, when my conference stole your 3 best schools? No. How about Big 12 on Colorado and Nebraska? No. How about Mountain West on Utah and TCU? No. How about WAC on Boise St? No. You get the picture... If SEC wanted Texas A&M, they would have them at this point.

[quote name='ESPN']Among items discussed during Saturday's call was how much money Texas A&M would forfeit for leaving the conference and likely negotiations of that amount, which could be $20 million or more.[/quote]
Nowhere did the call state that the SEC would take them.
I doubt anyone cares, but here is my Louisville prediction:
Week 1- Murray State W
Week 2- FIU W
Week 3- @ Kentucky W
Week 4- bye
Week 5- Marshall W
Week 6- @ Cincinnati W
Week 7- @ UNC L
Week 8- Rutgers W
Week 9- Syracuse W
Week 10- @ WVU L
Week 11- Pittsburgh L
Week 12- @ Connecticut W
Week 13- @ South Florida L
Week 14- bye
Week 15- bye
Regular Season: 8-4 (4-3)
*Belk Bowl- UNC W

Some more A&M rumblings:

A&M receives letter from Big 12 confirming mutual waivers of legal claims, taking next step toward possible SEC move

Texas A&M officials received a letter today from Big 12 commissioner Dan Beebe, outlining withdrawal procedures according to the financial provisions of Big 12 bylaws and mutual waivers of legal claims.

The letter, received in response to A&M’s Thursday request for withdrawal procedures, should help expedite A&M’s apparent move to the Southeastern Conference.

In a statement released today, A&M president R. Bowen Loftin stressed that it is “not our intent to prolong our conference exploration for an extended period of time.” Sources at both A&M and the Big 12 have suggested that, because of the mutual waiver of legal claims in regard to a possible A&M move to the SEC, an announcement in regard to the school’s application for SEC membership could occur by the end of the week.

In Monday’s statement, Loftin said: “I certainly appreciate the discussion among the Big 12 presidents/chancellors (during Saturday’s teleconference) and the expression for their desire for Texas A&M to remain in the conference. We all agree that Texas A&M is an extremely valuable institution; thus, it is incumbent upon me, as the president of the university, to ensure that we are in a position to enhance our national visibility and future financial opportunity. While this is a complex and long-term decision, it is not our intent to prolong our conference exploration for an extended period of time.”

Texas A&M's withdrawal is official. They're out of the Big 12 effective July 12. Resignation is contingent on acceptance to the SEC or another league, but that's exact language that was in Nebraska's letter last year a day or two before they joined the Big Ten. So look for the SEC invite/acceptance to come in the next day or two most likely--early next week at the latest (if they want to wait until this weeks games are over) is the word around the net.

Edit: I just saw that A&M has a bye week after their opener this weekend, so it wouldn't surprise me if they stayed quiet on any more news to not distract the team this week and make any formal announcement about a move to another conference next week (their bye week).

It will be interesting to see if anything else happens with realignment. Have to think the Pac 12 will be putting out feelers to the Big 12 teams they wanted last year now that the league is a bit vulnerable again. Even more so if A&M does go to the SEC and they grab another Big 12 team to get to 14 members. Should be an interesting few days/weeks ahead seeing what shakes out from A&M's move.

My guess is nothing major really happens. A&M goes SEC, SEC grabs someone else to get to 14, those two teams just get replaced by their respective conferences and life goes on. Shake up only happens if Oklahoma or Texas decide the Big 12 is done with and jump on the Pac 16 offer. They didn't last year, so I don't see them changing their minds now just because A&M left.

I guess the other potential chaos would be if the Big 10 and/or ACC felt a need to "keep up" if the SEC does go to 14 as then you could potentially see the Big East get raided. Same if the SEC decides to go to 16 I suppose, but there haven't been much rumblings of that around the net.
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[quote name='blindinglights']This Baylor vs TCU game is great so far.[/QUOTE]

367 yards!? At half time? That's like more yards than TCU gave up all last year :lol: And they have only let up 34 points or more twice in the last 3 season.

EDIT: I think TCU will come back.
Nevermind what I said about TCU coming back (I fell asleep and missed the first half), but fuck, RGIII is an absolute BEAST. Those last two TD passes have been beautiful.
[quote name='blindinglights']RG3 is sick. Wonder how many performances like this he will have throughout the year.[/QUOTE]

If he can stay healthy, he could give be in the running for the Heisman.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']If he can stay healthy, he could give be in the running for the Heisman.[/QUOTE]

If Baylor wins at least 9 games (which is debatable).
Utah St about to down Auburn. There is another unexpected crazy game. Utah St up 31-28 in scoring position i.e. first inside the 5.

UPDATE: WOW... just WOW. Utah State was up 10 with 3 minutes to play. Auburn just came back and is up 42-38 with 41 seconds to go after getting a TD off a on-side kick.
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[quote name='lordopus99']Utah St about to down Auburn. There is another unexpected crazy game. Utah St up 31-28 in scoring position i.e. first inside the 5.

UPDATE: WOW... just WOW. Utah State was up 10 with 3 minutes to play. Auburn just came back and is up 42-38 with 41 seconds to go after getting a TD off a on-side kick.[/QUOTE]

Ugh... really wish Utah St. could have held onto the game.
That Utah State @ Auburn game was nuts.

Virginia Tech destroyed App State. If they hadn't stopped and taken knees for the last two minutes, their 3rd string RB would have bumped them over the 70 point mark.

Right now I'm watching Notre Dame show how much they don't deserve their bullshit preseason ranking.
[quote name='blindinglights']That Utah State @ Auburn game was nuts.

Virginia Tech destroyed App State. If they hadn't stopped and taken knees for the last two minutes, their 3rd string RB would have bumped them over the 70 point mark.

Right now I'm watching Notre Dame show how much they don't deserve their bullshit preseason ranking.[/QUOTE]

They never do.:)
[quote name='blindinglights']
Right now I'm watching Notre Dame show how much they don't deserve their bullshit preseason ranking.[/QUOTE]

As an Irish fan, I agree that they shouldn't have been ranked, but I the reason they go it was for dominating Miami in last years bowl game.

Also, I'm not a huge college fan and the real reason I watch Notre Dame is because of Rudy. Otherwise I probably wouldn't watch college football at all.

Although the TCU/Baylor game last night was great.
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LSU-Oregon game is really good so far. I wish they didn't schedule the UGA/BSU game at the same time....

EDIT: The Big East is 7-0 and will be 8-0 when WVU beats Marshall tomorrow :lol: :lol: :lol:
[quote name='lordopus99']San Jose St downs Oregon St... :lol:

USC barely survived Minnesota.

Pac-1012 is still a bad conference...[/QUOTE]

Sacramento state beat Oregon state, which is even worse.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Sacramento state beat Oregon state, which is even worse.[/QUOTE]

I guess I got the school they faced incorrect. Now you really know how bad that team is...
Well at least Notre Dame's defense was better than the past few years. Not to take anything away from USF but if Notre Dame didn't turn it over or miss a FG every time they were in the red zone they could have easily won that game As poorly as they played they should have lost by more than 3 pts.

I think coach Kelly is going to have a stroke by the end of the year :bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:
Let's make our predictions for the year:
Atlantic Winner: Florida State
Coastal Winner: Virginia Tech
Conference Champions: Virginia Tech

Big East:
Conference Champion: West Virginia

Big Ten:
Legends Winner: Nebraska
Leaders Winner: Wisconsin
Conference Champion: Wisconsin

Big 12:
Conference Champion: Oklahoma

East Winner: UCF
West Winner: Houston
Conference Champion: Houston

East Winner: Temple
West Winner: Northern Illinois
Conference Champion: Temple

Conference Champion: Boise State

Pac 12:
North Winner: Stanford
South Winner: Utah
Conference Champion: Stanford

East Winner: Georgia
West Winner: LSU
Conference Champion: LSU

Sun Belt:
Conference Champion: Florida International

Conference Champion: Nevada

Rose Bowl: Wisconsin over Stanford
Fiesta Bowl: Oklahoma over Ohio State
Orange Bowl: VT over WVU
Sugar Bowl: Alabama over Texas A&M
BCS Championship Game: LSU over Boise State

Heisman Winner: Kellen Moore
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[quote name='gbpackers94']Rose Bowl: Wisconsin over Stanford
Fiesta Bowl: Oklahoma over Oregon[/QUOTE]

Oregon wont get a BCS bowl if Stanford is in the Rose because that would mean that Oregon lost to the only two good teams on their schedule. They wouldn't have earned a BCS spot. If PAC-12 is going to swing 2 BCS teams, I would think Oregon would have to win out through the conference championship game and Stanford wins out except for one loss to Oregon.

Edit: Also, Boise won't make it to the championship unless the top teams in the Big 10, Big 12, and SEC have 2 losses. Boise might get in over 1 loss top teams from Big East or ACC though. Boise's schedule is too weak, especially with TCU losing to Baylor.
[quote name='blindinglights']Oregon wont get a BCS bowl if Stanford is in the Rose because that would mean that Oregon lost to the only two good teams on their schedule. They wouldn't have earned a BCS spot. If PAC-12 is going to swing 2 BCS teams, I would think Oregon would have to win out through the conference championship game and Stanford wins out except for one loss to Oregon.[/QUOTE]

Didn't even notice that, I really couldn't think of what team to put there against Oklahoma. I think I will change it to Nebraska (but now Big 10 has 3 teams which I don't think would happen), maybe A&M?
My predictions...
ACC Championship - FSU vs VT
ACC Champion - FSU

SEC Championship - Bama vs South Carolina
SEC Champion - Bama

Big 12 9 Champion - Oklahoma

Big East Champion - USF

Pac 10 12 Championship - Stanford vs Utah
Pac 10 12 Champion - Stanford

Big 10 12 Championship - Wisconsin vs Nebraska
Big 10 12 Champion - Nebraska

Conference USA - UCF
Mid-American - N. Illinois
Mountain West - Boise St
Sun Belt - ULM
WAC - Nevada

Championship Game: Bama vs winner of Oklahoma/FSU
Champion: Bama

Boise St is the only team undefeated at end of season and get snubbed in favor of 1 loss team.

Heisman: Andrew Luck

[quote name='blindinglights']Oregon wont get a BCS bowl if Stanford is in the Rose because that would mean that Oregon lost to the only two good teams on their schedule. They wouldn't have earned a BCS spot. If PAC-12 is going to swing 2 BCS teams, I would think Oregon would have to win out through the conference championship game and Stanford wins out except for one loss to Oregon.[/quote]
Oregon plays on same side as Stanford. If they lost to Stanford, there is little chance they would get into conference championship game.

Though, I have a feeling they lose 3.

Edit: Also, Boise won't make it to the championship unless the top teams in the Big 10, Big 12, and SEC have 2 losses. Boise might get in over 1 loss top teams from Big East or ACC though. Boise's schedule is too weak, especially with TCU losing to Baylor.
Boise St is in great position to bust the system this year. Their victory over Georgia was pretty convincing + they play Nevada in couple weeks.

The top teams this year have tough games away from home.
bread's done