Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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Another one bites the dust...

My 360 Elite just got RRoD. I had just downloaded Carcassone and was playing it when it froze. I restarted the console and tried playing again. Five minutes later it froze and finally showed the red lights.
Well, I guess it just had to happen right before Thanksgiving break.
My Xbox360 premium from last Christmas started giving me the RRoD about every time I start it up about 3 months ago. But if I just turn it off and turn it back on, it usually works fine until I turn it off. Never had any other freezes or crashes. I don't play it that much though, and I think I will keep doing the turn-off and try again thing until it won't start up for me at all anymore. I figure the longer I wait to send it in, the more likely they will send me a newer, HDMI version as a replacement.

Do the problems usually start with the RRoD and no other symptoms?
[quote name='scottman']Do the problems usually start with the RRoD and no other symptoms?[/quote]
For me, not a single issue until lastnight when I finished downloading Carcassone and decided to play TF2. It had just started to load the game when I saw a checkerboard version of the load screen. Game froze and sure enough, when I restarted the 360, I got the 3 red lights. I've had my console since OCT '06
I think It's more along the lines anyone that purchases the next XBox is *almost guaranteed* to purchase a warranty, whether from Microsoft or a retailer, so MS will make more cash next round from all the warranties if they manage to have little problems next time around.

See, I tend to think a lot more people will just sit on the sidelines and take a wait-n-see approach than would hastily "Jump In" again with the added expense of a PRP or extended warranty. Or maybe they'll pass altogether. If Microsoft senses that another console won't make them profitable, why would they even go ahead with it? Their primary advantage is that the PS3 really hasn't caught fire...yet.

I don't believe too many people here would dispute that as the life cycle of the 360 goes on, the failure rate will approach 100%. It will be interesting to see how they assuage the fears of gamers, both hardcore and mainstream, if and when the next console approaches. It would be a big help to start the turnaround NOW.
Well my toweling has come to an end. No warm blankets can save it anymore. Hopefully the box arrives soon and I don't get screwed by doing the online form instead of calling.
[quote name='jollydwarf']I think It's more along the lines anyone that purchases the next XBox is *almost guaranteed* to purchase a warranty, whether from Microsoft or a retailer, so MS will make more cash next round from all the warranties if they manage to have little problems next time around.

See, I tend to think a lot more people will just sit on the sidelines and take a wait-n-see approach than would hastily "Jump In" again with the added expense of a PRP or extended warranty. Or maybe they'll pass altogether. If Microsoft senses that another console won't make them profitable, why would they even go ahead with it? Their primary advantage is that the PS3 really hasn't caught fire...yet.

I don't believe too many people here would dispute that as the life cycle of the 360 goes on, the failure rate will approach 100%. It will be interesting to see how they assuage the fears of gamers, both hardcore and mainstream, if and when the next console approaches. It would be a big help to start the turnaround NOW.[/QUOTE]

It's kinda sad that people see the extra expense unnecessary when it only costs $18 and up to protect the system for another 2-3 years, and by then the system is a lot cheaper (and perhaps has more added "features") that make it easier to swallow.

I severely doubt MS is going to pull the plug. They already posted a profit the last quarter despite the extended warranty cost, and they obviously want to this in the long run for market domination. If they can grab second place ahead of Sony without much issues it would be a sure success, on the other hand nothing is going to top the Wii, that will have to wait till next gen.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']it only costs $18 and up[/QUOTE]

$18? What place was selling a warranty for that, and for how long?

Although the 360 is my favorite console and gets far more playing time than my Wii or PS3 (or any of the other 10+ systems I own), I think that MS needs to get their shit together. There is no excuse for such failure rates, and when I see people with Elites in this thread, it makes it even worse.

All other manufacturers need to take a page from the Book of Nintendo regarding hardware reliability. Say what you want about their games, but their hardware is pretty damn bulletproof.
Yeah, I'd like to know where an 'extended warranty' (i.e., two years or more) on a $300-$400 console could be legitimately had for under a twenty-spot. Hell, my Gamestop 1-year extended warranty on my 360 was $40. The "blue shirt" at Best Buy just the other day told me the PRP on the Elite is currently $79.99.

All other manufacturers need to take a page from the Book of Nintendo regarding hardware reliability. Say what you want about their games, but their hardware is pretty damn bulletproof.

There's certainly no disputing that, and hasn't been for at least the last three generations (N64, Gamecube, and Wii). Ditto for the handhelds, of course.
I've had my second system back now for 5 days now and I just got another error code and this time google tells me it's a hard drive related issue. I did all the steps and turned on the system without the hdd, worked. Powered off and plugged in the hdd, system was fine. Why the hell and man is this going to plaque me for the rest of my 360's life!? hdd is 120 gig btw and a month old. Hopefully it was just a fluke.
I know this is a predominately RRoD topic, but does getting "disk read errors" enough reason to return the console? I had my 360 for 2 days and it only has less than 2 hours of non-consecutive play time. Or does Dead Risings cause the DREs?
My XBOX is in for the RROD. I've been checking the status on and it states "Device at service center". Do they really update the status on the website quickly or is it best to call them up. They got my box back on Tuesday 11/13. Does it really take this long to determine how to fix the box, or are they overloaded with RROD's
[quote name='PocariSweat']I know this is a predominately RRoD topic, but does getting "disk read errors" enough reason to return the console? I had my 360 for 2 days and it only has less than 2 hours of non-consecutive play time. Or does Dead Risings cause the DREs?[/QUOTE]

If it's only with one game, I dunno what to tell you: return it if you would feel better.

If multiple games DRE, get that thing back to the store asap.
Had a 360 for 9 months, with intermittent Disc read errors. Finally, I said let's RMA it. After 4 weeks, got a replacement. 2 days in and I get the RRoD. I called the service center, and they'll be sending me a coffin in the mail.

I can't limit myself to playing a console only 2 days a month. Does Microsoft ever cross ship? I'm considering buying a 360 core (or equivalent) and then returning it after I get my 360 back within the 30 day return policy. Kind of a jerky move, but this is ridiculous.
Correction. It's $24.88 for two years and covers "Normal wear and tear" at Wal-Mart. The Wii is $17.88. The Wal-Mart warranty covers shipping to. It's unbeatable outside of the exchange instore warranties.

BTW this covers *AFTER the MS 1 year warranty. So Basically for $24.88 your covering yourself for THREE years with the 360 console. Beat that.
Interesting. I'll have to look into that - where would you send a unit that needed repair? Does it go straight to manufacturer or via Wal-Mart?

If it looks good, Wal-Mart may get my future console purchases. Thanks for the info, MM.
Beat that.

What can I say? I can't, and who can? However, that's irrelevant to me, because I fucking HATE Wal-Mart and have been boycotting them (for reasons much greater than games) for at least four years and plan to do so (save absolute 'last resort' emergencies...and I mean emergencies) as long as I live. But for those that don't have the fundamental disdain for them...rock on.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Interesting. I'll have to look into that - where would you send a unit that needed repair? Does it go straight to manufacturer or via Wal-Mart?

If it looks good, Wal-Mart may get my future console purchases. Thanks for the info, MM.[/QUOTE]

It's sent out and through someone else besides MS. I'm guessing they would send it to MS directly anyways considering It's a console, but who knows. I've had a friend deal with it and the turnaround seemed around the same as MS, but your saving more money. They also replace the console fully if unable to repair/fix.
[quote name='dcv2002']My XBOX is in for the RROD. I've been checking the status on and it states "Device at service center". Do they really update the status on the website quickly or is it best to call them up. They got my box back on Tuesday 11/13. Does it really take this long to determine how to fix the box, or are they overloaded with RROD's[/quote]

Well I noticed my Serial number for my xbox at has changed from my original to a new number. So I guess I'm getting a new box. Wonder when they sent it out. Maybe I'll get it before Thanksgiving, hopefully on Friday.
I got mine back on Friday. Manufactured in 06 (blah) but on the plus side, it's quiet and it's only kicking out low end heat compared to the space heater I sent back to them.
I just bought an xbox 360 (refurbished) from Micro center roughly two weeks ago. Yesterday, while playing Halo 3 online, the system spontaneously quit. I turned it off and on again and everything seems normal.

Should I be worried? Is this a precursor to RROD?

"Do you hear that sound coming from your 360? That, Misss-terrr Twenty-Seven, is the sound of Inevitability."

(Seriously, you kind of can't worry too much from day-to-day, just enjoy it while it lasts and be ready for that day. I got some 'red ring' message once over a year ago, can't remember if it was three lights or four, turned it off, and didn't have a problem again until a week ago. But who can say?)
What the fuck? I am tracking my Xbox 360 (sent it to Microsoft on 11/13). It says:

TN, US 11/18/2007 4:13 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN

TX, US 11/18/2007 11:27 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN

TN, US 11/17/2007 12:05 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN

Is that supposed to happen? Why did it go from Texas back to Memphis? Or did someone just screw up the order?
[quote name='ananag112']What the fuck? I am tracking my Xbox 360 (sent it to Microsoft on 11/13). It says:

TN, US 11/18/2007 4:13 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN

TX, US 11/18/2007 11:27 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN

TN, US 11/17/2007 12:05 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN

Is that supposed to happen? Why did it go from Texas back to Memphis? Or did someone just screw up the order?[/quote]

UPS has been wierd lately for me. They started this new shit where it says where it's going next, not that it's actually there, and then tells you that it's really there. Maybe just some overlap from that.
Well my new serail numbered XBOX now has been shipped back to me. I have a non-active UPS shipping number, plus my XBOX is now In-Warranty versus being Out-Of-Warranty (except for RROD), so maybe that's a plus. Now in warrant till next nov 08.
Does MS relabel old 360s? I shipped back my 360 and the new 360 I got says it was manufactured on 10/30/2007. So that means either I got a new 360, or they are sticking new dates on old systems.

I'm asking because this new system doesn't have HDMI and I thought all new systems did.
[quote name='Justden']For me, not a single issue until lastnight when I finished downloading Carcassone and decided to play TF2. It had just started to load the game when I saw a checkerboard version of the load screen. Game froze and sure enough, when I restarted the 360, I got the 3 red lights. I've had my console since OCT '06[/QUOTE]

Your dead... I had my from 12/26/06 and it's died already too. I really wish MS would make a permanent fix. says they my 360 was delivered to McAllen on 11/16. Shouldn't be more than a week till I get it back now.

EDIT: Oh yeah, it only took one day for the package to get from here to the repair center. :D Living in Austin rocks.
got my xbox back... manufactured 2-8-07. hopefully this one lasts more than a week unlike the supposedly new one, manufactured 9-27-07, i got back the first time. for anyone interested i'll post my timeline. im in central PA btw.

xbox broke october 31st and i called right away for a box.
got my coffin november 8th, sent off same day at ups drop off center
arrived at mc allen november 13th
recd xbox back november 19th

1 day before mass effect \\:D/
[quote name='GeneralJenkins']got my xbox back... manufactured 2-8-07. hopefully this one lasts more than a week unlike the supposedly new one, manufactured 9-27-07, i got back the first time. for anyone interested i'll post my timeline. im in central PA btw.

xbox broke october 31st and i called right away for a box.
got my coffin november 8th, sent off same day at ups drop off center
arrived at mc allen november 13th
recd xbox back november 19th

1 day before mass effect \\:D/[/quote]

That sucks I live in Texas and still havent gotten my box back yet and its been gone 3 weeks. How do I speed up the process?
Got my "coffin" today (one day less than the estimated 7-10), dropped it off at UPS at around 5 (EST). Let's see if we can't get this taken care of in less than the 3-4 projected weeks. (I wonder how much the Thanksgiving weekend will impede things for my console.)

Then again, I got my Lion Games Super Mario Galaxy preorder today, too, so not a bad 'consolation prize'.
Anyone else think it's a good move to go ahead and call for a coffin as soon as you get ur box back from them? Just incase so you dont have to wait when it breaks down again? =P
[quote name='dacool561']Anyone else think it's a good move to go ahead and call for a coffin as soon as you get ur box back from them? Just incase so you dont have to wait when it breaks down again? =P[/quote]The repair reference number they give you expires after some amount of time, so you just can't sit on it.
[quote name='popemogoth']That sucks I live in Texas and still havent gotten my box back yet and its been gone 3 weeks. How do I speed up the process?[/quote]

u really dont... not sure why urs is taking so long, perhaps theyre having trouble diagnosing ur system.

and to the guy that asked if its a good idea to get a coffin as soon as u get urs back id have to say yes. i got my xbox back and it broke within a week and that has happened to 2 of my other friends.
Mine is coming back with a new serial number, now am I the only person that wants MY console back, original serial and all? I mean I bought the console NEW and I'm being sent one that isn't the same serial, so one must assume that it is a refurb. I didn't pay the new console price only to end up with one that I don't know it's history.
[quote name='BigDirty']Mine is coming back with a new serial number, now am I the only person that wants MY console back, original serial and all? I mean I bought the console NEW and I'm being sent one that isn't the same serial, so one must assume that it is a refurb. I didn't pay the new console price only to end up with one that I don't know it's history.[/quote]You're not the only one. Worst case, I would've liked a recently built console (past month or so) rather than a console with components that date back to May of 2006.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']You're not the only one. Worst case, I would've liked a recently built console (past month or so) rather than a console with components that date back to May of 2006.[/quote]

Or get one back that has been being cooked with the towel trick.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Or get one back that has been being cooked with the towel trick.[/quote]There really needs to be some sort of investigative reporting on what MS actually does with these consoles. If they're just replacing certain parts and with people possibly causing other harm by doing other tricks to get it to work temporarily, the consoles they're sending out are bound to fail once again. I certainly hope they're replacing all the parts, but I highly doubt that.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Got my "coffin" today (one day less than the estimated 7-10), dropped it off at UPS at around 5 (EST). Let's see if we can't get this taken care of in less than the 3-4 projected weeks. (I wonder how much the Thanksgiving weekend will impede things for my console.)

Then again, I got my Lion Games Super Mario Galaxy preorder today, too, so not a bad 'consolation prize'.[/quote]
UPS won't ship anything on Thursday, and will only be shipping Air packages on Friday and Saturday (2 Day and Next Day, not 3 Day).
[quote name='BigDirty']Mine is coming back with a new serial number, now am I the only person that wants MY console back, original serial and all? I mean I bought the console NEW and I'm being sent one that isn't the same serial, so one must assume that it is a refurb. I didn't pay the new console price only to end up with one that I don't know it's history.[/quote]

Call me paranoid but I always worry that one day something will happen and the feds/cops will blacklight all my stuff and find out that some blood from a murder was on the xbox at one point, then I would get blamed for it. Or cocain or something hidden deep inside the components.
[quote name='Surferflames']Call me paranoid but I always worry that one day something will happen and the feds/cops will blacklight all my stuff and find out that some blood from a murder was on the xbox at one point, then I would get blamed for it. Or cocain or something hidden deep inside the components.[/quote]

wow..just wow....:roll:
My box is in town, I recieved many missed calls from a unfamiliar long distance number. But I did trace the number and listened to my voicemail. I have a delivery tomorrow and someone needs to be home to sign. Im glad it's like that. Cause if you have a neighbor who steals its good to know that your shit isn't just sittin on the porch looking like a treasure chest from the sidewalk. Now I only hope that it will last a long while because the stories that I've read on here man I don't wanna deal with that BS.
[quote name='JJSP']UPS won't ship anything on Thursday, and will only be shipping Air packages on Friday and Saturday (2 Day and Next Day, not 3 Day).[/quote]

This part is pissing me off since my 3rd Day for delivery is Thursday, so I won't get my XBOX back until next Monday.... If they just shipped the damn thing off last Friday instead of Monday....

I have an unopened box of Rockband waiting for me to break (I mean use)
ever since my repair, MS still hasn't properly updated which console I have registered under warranty. My original serial # is gone from the site, showing I have no registered devices, and the box I received back has a completely different number.

[quote name='dcv2002']I have an unopened box of Rockband waiting for me to break (I mean use)[/QUOTE]

I had to open mine even though all I can do is look at it for the next week or so. Originally, I had planned to give it a go on my nephew's or brother in law's 360. Due to unexplained circumstances, both of their systems got the RRoD within a week of mine!
i just got my console back after waiting for more than a month and after playing mass effect for an hour, the console broke when I put in Halo 3. it wouldnt close and then after talking to support it closed but it wont read discs now. I have had enough though, I am going to go buy a new console.
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