Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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I just got mine back today. However, I only got in 10 minutes (I didn't even finish fully setting up my 360). Before a checkerboard pattern appeared and it froze. Restarted it and got the RROD. AGAIN. Ugh, gues I have to wait another 3 weeks. I just went to CC and got a DS. (I know they have nothing in common, but I don't want a PS3 or Wii.)

Oh, and I can tell the repair staff is mexican. They left the checklist for shipping back the console in my box, and the entire thing was spanish. I'll scan it later.
Like I said, if--excuse me, when--it happens again, I'm off to Best Buy to get another one plus the PRP. It sucks, it really, really sucks, but I've invested too much damned time and have too many games to start/finish.

P.S. I remember an "EGM Live", I think, from this past summer where they talk about using Google Earth to determine that the repairs area was actually just across the border. I'm tellin' you, this shit is going to bite them in the ass hard for the next gen...assuming for the moment that there is one.
got my box today, 05/26/2006, i hope it will last for a while. I need to know how to connect my xbox to a laptop so i can use the wireless to connect to xbox live. If you know of a link for me to learn how to do it please post.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I can't wait to see what kind of shit console I receive back in a couple of weeks. Reading all these stories makes me worried :)[/quote]

Got mine back yesterday, manufactured 11/1/07. There's always a chance
My refurb (roxorz!) sounds like a fucking jet engine about to take off whenever it runs things from the disc. I just wish the damn thing would red ring so I can get it fixed.
3rd one went out today. It was a "replacement console" that I received just 2 days ago. It made it two freakin' days! What a piece of crap. I'm gonna try and bitch on Monday to get a new premium.
Mine shit the bed tonight :( right in the middle of GH2. Thank god I have a PS3. I filled out the form on the xbox site so I'm expecting the coffin soon.

Nov 16 2007

Xbox wont turn on

called CS and they are sending my coffin

Nov 27 2007

still no god damn coffin

whats up with that?
My original Xbox (I purchased a Halo 3 box when the OG broke) came back yesterday--two weeks after I sent it in. I'm thinking, hey not bad. It's a refurbished box, not my original, with an alleged manufacturing date of October 30! Plus they threw in a free month of Xbox Live. Yippie. I was debating whether or not to set it up on a non-HD TV, but decided against it. I tested it out, by removing the HD from my H3 box and placing it on the refurb. Then, I plug in VF5, and I'm good to go....NOT. After about 4 minutes, I paused the game to hand the controller to my son, and it freezes up--the exact same thing that happened last time. I knew what was coming. I turned the unit off, counted to 30, bet my wife a dollar, and bingo--RED RING 'O DEATH! The call to MS couldn't have been funnier. I was calm, almost too calm. The CSR handed me off to a supervisor, who told me she was making it her personal mission to get me a box that works. Seriously--that's what she said. Naturally, this was in the middle of the canned "I understand your frustration" speech. But heck, the broken Xbox is MS's fault, not the folks in India. She says she's sending out a new box for me to pack in the broken Xbox, but it's gonna be bigger this time, because I have to ship back my power cord and power supply. (Has anyone had this request?) Oh, and generous MS is throwing in a copy of Kameo--wow. She even took my cell phone, since she wanted to keep me posted every step of the way. Two minutes after the call, she called back to verify my address. Get this, the caller ID on my phone says "NCO Group." I looked it up on the interneck, and NCO Group is a collection agency! So folks, we have the same people handling our broken Xboxes that are calling people who are behind on their bills. Anyway, thankfully, the H3 box plays on. When I get the fixed Xbox back (assuming I do), that's going to be my backup.
I just want mine to die. When playing Marvel UA Gold and now Assassin's Creed I get disc read errors. Only when I get them the games have been new with not scratches on them. Odd thing is it has just been them two games and I bought them both from the same store and are the only two that I have bought from that store. Both were from a new best buy in my area that I don't go to that much. After Marvel started doing this when I click on the friends part of the dashboard it goes really slow and some times locks up on that. Also it is starting to take longer and longer to log me into live, tell me the number of friends I have that are on and tell me if I have a message. Anyway to make this die faster so MS wont know I dr. kevorkianed my 360.
Noooooo, just got the RROD for the second time. As has happened to others, mine was babied and this shit pisses me off so bad. Never had a system break down on me and I have owned them since the Odysey around 75. Ugh...
Just called the 800#, they did want the power supply and cord this time. I wonder if that is part of the culprit? I haven't read anywhere anything about that possibility though.
argh this stupid thing where my system REFUSES TO PLAY HALO 3 is pissing me off (almost a month now, even with a new disc!).

I feel like turning my system off and on to eventually trigger a red ring. It's all a matter of time right?
So my xbox 360 got ROTD after just over one year.. It started to make funny reading sound from COD4

Man.. and I thought I would never get ROTD as all my previous consoles had ZERO problems.

Reading at the posts, it takes about 3-4 weeks from day you send in?

One quick question though.. Do you need a purchase receipt??
I am sure I threw it away..

Thanks for help, my fellow CAG's!
[quote name='harunim']So my xbox 360 got ROTD after just over one year.. It started to make funny reading sound from COD4

Man.. and I thought I would never get ROTD as all my previous consoles had ZERO problems.

Reading at the posts, it takes about 3-4 weeks from day you send in?

One quick question though.. Do you need a purchase receipt??
I am sure I threw it away..

Thanks for help, my fellow CAG's![/QUOTE]

No they will ask you for the serial number. 3-4 weeks sounds right but they will give you a free 1 month live gold card to make up for the lost live time... now people are getting free microsoft games as well? damn. I already got Viva so oh well.

At least your 360 doesn't make a "CLANK" sound when it boots.
WTF! MY xbox works again.. *good news? or bad news?

At first, it gave me ROTD about 3 times time to time when booting up while playing COD4. But turn it off and back on usually solved the problem.

Just tonight, I got a ROTD and it didn't go away even w/ restarting!

After about 4 hours, I gave it another shot and it's working!

Damn.. This is making me paranoid.. Is this normal??
[quote name='harunim']WTF! MY xbox works again.. *good news? or bad news?

At first, it gave me ROTD about 3 times when booting up while playing COD4. But turn it off and back on usually solved the problem.

Just tonight, I got a ROTD and it didn't go away by restarting!

After 3-4 hours, I gave it another shot and it works!

Damn.. This is making me paranoid.. Is this normal??[/QUOTE]

from what I have read, its gonna perma rrod anytime now.

I haven't heard of anyone un rrod other then the towel trick.
[quote name='harunim']WTF! MY xbox works again.. *good news? or bad news?

At first, it gave me ROTD about 3 times time to time when booting up while playing COD4. But turn it off and back on usually solved the problem.

Just tonight, I got a ROTD and it didn't go away even w/ restarting!

After about 4 hours, I gave it another shot and it's working!

Damn.. This is making me paranoid.. Is this normal??[/quote]

File the claim if you haven't already. My perma dead box miraculously worked for a few hours after being RROD'd and towel tricked for a few days off and on. Then it died again after about 6 hours of play.

I'm just hoping for a refurb back asap. Last time they kept my box sitting in the damn rep center for a week and still sent me a furby.
So my 360 died again. Ordered the coffin. I was thinking of buying the 360 Arcade unit and just selling my repaired 360 when I get it back. My thinking is if I get a new unit I might get out of the loop of having a 360 work for 6 months, die get another one for 6 months etc. I guess I'd probably be out $80-$100, but the (possible) upside would be a quiet 360 that will last..... Any opinions or advice on possibly gettng out of the dead 360 loop? Oh, I haven't heard of anyone with the 360 Aracde system getting the RROD, but that hardly means it is also not a ticking RROD bomb.
Thanks for the advice.

If I send it as is now? (Not officially broken..) would they still fix it or replace it?

I mean it's miraculously working fine now. Would they just send it back??
opened mine up and ripped some parts of my brothers pocketbike (brake calipers) to repair the GPU no problems since, well expect my brother trying to stop.
Anyone know of a way that I can make the RRoD happen faster and MS still fix it? I have had mine lock up on me and give me disc read errors for about 2 months now. When I log on to live it takes about 5 minutes and then another 5 to 10 for it to tell me if I have friends on and if i have a message. Some times I will have a game in and it reads as though I dont have on.
I got one that worked for 6 months.

As sad as it is to say, if my imminent repair/replacement console gave me that long, I'd be ecstatic, based on this thread's* voluminous anecdotal evidence to suggest that such a duration is the exception.

*--And pretty much everywhere else on the Shaq-Fuing Internet.
[quote name='sendme']Anyone know of a way that I can make the RRoD happen faster and MS still fix it? I have had mine lock up on me and give me disc read errors for about 2 months now. When I log on to live it takes about 5 minutes and then another 5 to 10 for it to tell me if I have friends on and if i have a message. Some times I will have a game in and it reads as though I dont have on.[/quote]

Im not following what so ever..

Just give it time.. the disc read errors arent related though to the RROD, thats just a bad drive.. itll happen.
my refurb that i got as a replacement some time ago just rrod'd on me. called customer support, they asked what I had done to try and fix it, I gave them the same list of suggestions they gave me with the first lemon, and they said "ok, we'll send you another box, you know the drill?"

it was almost funny. almost.
Sigh. Well, I'm going to return Xbox 360 number two to Best Buy due to disk drive issues.

I just don't trust the hardware much any more. Especially since I've had two die on my /just/ when I buy a few new games. It's going to be hard to lay down cash for games for it from this point forward... as I don't think I'll go through the hassle to get a /fourth/ one.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Like I said, if--excuse me, when--it happens again, I'm off to Best Buy to get another one plus the PRP. It sucks, it really, really sucks, but I've invested too much damned time and have too many games to start/finish.[/quote]

Yeah. There's one really bad thing about the PRP, though.

So... here's what happened to me.
Sorry if this is really long...

My first Xbox360 Premium died right before Halo 3 came out.
It was a launch console. That's actually a pretty long life span (unfortunately).
Well, I'm a huge Halo fan, so while waiting for a refurb/replacement, I bought an Elite at Best Buy. I got the PRP, too.
I got my replacement premium back a while later, which I decided to keep as a "just in case."
The Elite worked flawlessly. Never froze, very quiet, etc. 5 stars.
Well, on Thanksgiving morning my Elite RROD'd.
They weren't open Thanksgiving, but I went down to the store on BLACK FRIDAY.
Yeah, bad idea, I know. Here's the problem.
I know, technically, you're not supposed to bring back the merch when you're trying to use the PRP.
But, I thought, it's around the holidays and I only had the Elite for under 60 days, so it was worth a shot. Maybe they'll just let me return it and I'll get lucky.
So my fiance waits in line while I go to grab a replacement.
There weren't any. No Elites. Not a one.
I ask a guy nearby if there might be some in back or some at a nearby location, if they can order any, when they're getting some, etc.
He says the closest is Plano and to go to the returns to see if they can ship one or tell me when they'll be getting more.
So I ask him what I can do.
He says, "all you can do is call us back every day and see if we get any in."
That's weak sauce. Like... Taco Bell mild sauce...
I bought your merchandise and your replacement plan, I'm a loyal customer and you are the only B&M store I really shop at, and you shaft me pretty hardcore.
He says they can't ship Xbox's store to store (Plano was showing 13 in stock) even if it was from another store in town.
Uh... ok... is that supposed to make me more confident when you tell me you can't even move merchandise from one store to the next in the same town?
They can't put me on a waiting list, let me know when one comes in, etc.
I am thrown into the same category as any random person trying to score one for their kid in this hectic season.
Oh, and when they do have them?
They will NOT let me switch out the hard drives.
He gave me some BS reason about how M$ says it's policy because the harddrive & console are linked.
Well... at this statement... words were exchanged (unlike my Xbox).

I basically told him... I understand you have policies, but please don't lie to me or give me misinformation. Just tell me the truth or tell me you don't know the answer. Don't blame that part on Microsoft. Believe me, my console broke, I already blame them enough. You may or may not know the technology of the Xbox, but that is incorrect. They are NOT linked. If they were, why would you sell harddrives and why would there be a version of the console that comes with no harddrive? I'm not asking you to answer that, but... if you don't know the answer to that question, don't give me wrong answers for questions and then play dumb when I ask you follow-up questions.

Keep in mind that he was rather rude to me up to and following this point, even though until the above paragraph I was being pleasant.

Sorry about the long post... I'm still pretty upset.

I apprecaite anyone who actually gets through that whole mess up there. ^_^
Quick question:

Is Best Buy's product replacement plan still the same policy as it was previously (where you could exchange your broken 360 for a brand new 360 in the store)?

Also, since I paid $399 for the 360 when I first got it, would I get the $50 difference back as well?
That is very unfortunate and unfortunately not surprising, Timmy. Believe me, there is no smile on my face when I think about the prospect of having to buy another 360 and giving Best Buy more money. I know what evil lurks within the heart of, oh, two out of three managers there. And the only thing more rampant than sheer shadiness at Best Buy is mis/disinformation.

The 'good news' for me is that the sweat shop on the border just got my "coffin" on Friday afternoon, so I would imagine I won't get my rewhatever back until early-to-mid December. With any luck, I'd like to think it'll take me up through the holiday-and-return season. (I'm a dreamer deep down inside, I know.) Still, the HDD issue is a fucking pain in the ass, regardless.

And speaking of that...I think I'm just going to go with the Arcade pack, assuming it's still available when the time comes. This a.) saves me money, b.) avoids the HDD issue altogether, and c.) gives me a memory card...just in case.

I can't say it enough...I'm going to gnash my teeth and do my best to ride out the 360's lifespan, but I will NOT be "jumping in" to the next least not until an outstanding hardware track record has been established. I would urge others to do the same, and given the stories in this thread (like buying one in late October and having it crap out less than a month later), I don't think that's a particularly tough sell.
[quote name='deadite76']So has anyone recieved a working console after sending theirs in?[/QUOTE]

Yes I got a working console. It's even got a manufacture date of 10/30/07
My box, my box, how could you do this to me ? I got my box 12/06. About 4 months ago, after not playing it for weeks, it started up with red rings and gave me an error code. Someone had written on the net that if you unplug everything it sometimes fixes the error so I did. It worked! Then, one day I got a disc read error trying to play Bioshock, no red rings. I put in some other discs and was finally able to finish Bioshock. Finally, I bought Halo 3. The drive made a funny noise when I started it up (I had left Bioshock in the drive). I tried putting in Halo....cannot read disc error. Every disc I had played before (about 5 games) now gave me a cannot read disc error. The tech has me unplug everything etc. etc. Then he tells me to NEVER EVER try cleaning the drive with any cleaner--which I never did. Then, from out of nowhere, he says, "do you leave your discs in the drive?" I said yes. It is habitual. Everything I've always played ps etc. I've left the game in the system to play later with no problems. He said the engineers don't recommend it. What ? I can't believe it. My box was starting up fine, no red rings, no freezing, just cannot read disc & the drive made a funny sound. He said they would send me a coffin (ups) & to write down the tracking # & absolutely do not write xbox anywhere on the outside box being shipped back to them. I'm really not a poster, just a reader, but I thought maybe this might help someone.. Maybe it's something else, but I will never leave the disc in the drive again when I'm finished playing.
I'm getting blue artifacts like a 3Dish effect and it's struggling to draw items. I'm assuming my GPU is almost on its way out. I'm glad to see Microsoft now allows you get a coffin from online.
If mine dies again once it comes back, I am resorting to the X-Clamp mod. If that doesn't work (or I break it even more), then I am just screwed because I don't have the cash to buy another Xbox 360. Are the "new" Xbox 360's having this problem? My friends Halo Edition Xbox is so quiet, but that doesn't mean it isn't slowly burning up inside.
Is there any anectodal evidence that you might get a better (newer) system back if you use the online repair function or if you call it in? I'm guessing they all go to the same cave...
Regarding replacement consoles.. Sold my launch console August 06. Bought a new one 8/8/06. It died right after Thanksgiving. Christmas 06, they announce the year warranty. I send mine off. I get it back in January. It's been working fine ever since, butttttt it doesn't read burned CD-R's. It'll read burned DVDs, occasionally, which sucks because I like to make old cartoons on DVDs (series of X-Men on DVD FTW!).. doesn't read burned audio CD's. I'll take the tradeoff. I expect it to die on me every time I turn it on, though.
[quote name='scottman']Is there any anectodal evidence that you might get a better (newer) system back if you use the online repair function or if you call it in? I'm guessing they all go to the same cave...[/quote]

I think it's the same pool. The advantage of the online method is you don't have to listen to some jackass try and convince you that unplugging things will fix it after you've done that. Plus you don't have to say "AGENT" over and over until you get a person.

So far the time for them to get the coffin to me has been the same with both methods. You don't get a Reference # though, so hopefully that won't slow down the actual repair/replacement process.
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