Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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[quote name='ITDEFX']Don't ever listen to the outsourcing csr. They will tell you to do a bunch of stupid things to your 360 and NONE OF THEM will work. Instead of wasting your time, just call them, tell them you got the 3 red lights (Red Ring of Death) and want the UPS label sent via email and YOU mail it yourself. If you tell them you got the RRoD, they will ask you if you got the 3 red lights which is the same damn thing.
Just get the label and pay some extra to get that thing off to Texas faster.[/quote]

Yeah, they are sending a box.
They said I can't pay to get it back faster. I will call and bitch that I want something for free tho. This is just stupid...not even a year old.

- I'm a casual gamer, so "playing a lot" didn't ruin my machine. It just sucked from the get-go.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']yes! my 2nd 360 just got the RROD! well, guess im going to call microsoft tomorrow.[/quote]

Your happy about this?

I am not mad, just bummed out that my 360 dies, then a few days later Bungie announces the map pack for free in the next few days :whistle2:(
[quote name='Veronica Mars']Yeah, they are sending a box.
They said I can't pay to get it back faster. I will call and bitch that I want something for free tho. This is just stupid...not even a year old.

- I'm a casual gamer, so "playing a lot" didn't ruin my machine. It just sucked from the get-go.[/quote]

Even if your a casual gamer, the RRoD will hit you sooner or later.
i rarely play my 360... a few hours a week, if that. and my 2nd one still bit the dust, at least this one lasted longer than the first, a little over a year. my first one only went a few months before it crapped out on me, i was able to exchange that on in the store still it was so new. im not too upset because like i said, i dont play it much, a little guitar hero here and there, thats about it.

now if my ds broke....
I have a question. Someone had this plan:

Say you buy a red-ringed 360 for $100. You call Microsoft, they send you the box, you send it to them for fixing.

You get a fixed 360 back. Can you take that fixed 360 and sell it for $150, essentially making $50 profit? And repeat this process?
[quote name='Perfect*Ending']I have a question. Someone had this plan:

Say you buy a red-ringed 360 for $100. You call Microsoft, they send you the box, you send it to them for fixing.

You get a fixed 360 back. Can you take that fixed 360 and sell it for $150, essentially making $50 profit? And repeat this process?[/quote]

No worth the trouble as you would have to wait 2-3 weeks PER I think Microsoft will catch on when you start sending them several units within a small period of time and wonder where the hell are you getting these units.
[quote name='Perfect*Ending']I have a question. Someone had this plan:

Say you buy a red-ringed 360 for $100. You call Microsoft, they send you the box, you send it to them for fixing.

You get a fixed 360 back. Can you take that fixed 360 and sell it for $150, essentially making $50 profit? And repeat this process?[/quote]

Thats alot of work just for $50. I think getting a job might be a better option.
[quote name='Veronica Mars']Yeah, they are sending a box.
They said I can't pay to get it back faster. I will call and bitch that I want something for free tho. This is just stupid...not even a year old.

- I'm a casual gamer, so "playing a lot" didn't ruin my machine. It just sucked from the get-go.[/quote]

They'll send you a sub card for a free month ANDD if you remember to take the faceplate off before sending the xbox, they'll send a fixed xbox back with a faceplate.
[quote name='soxfan30']They'll send you a sub card for a free month ANDD if you remember to take the faceplate off before sending the xbox, they'll send a fixed xbox back with a faceplate.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get a new faceplate with my first repair and I sent it in without one on.
I'm pretty sure my 360 is about to die. The screen flickers and gets dim at times when I'm playing and I've had it go completely black a couple of times. The first time it happened I restarted the 360 and didn't have any problems the rest of the night. The other time it went black when I was playing Frontlines and moving around made it come back on. I think the worst part about it is knowing it's about to break, but it always seems to work again. I thought about just requesting a repair from the website, but I don't want them to get my 360, not be able to reproduce the problem and just send it back. The strange thing about it is that I played Mass Effect for about 6 hours straight one day and didn't have any problems, but I played Call of Duty 4 for less than an hour and it did it.
I just got mine back from repair.... is this sticker normally there?

I called can take up to a week for the box to come, and 3-5 weeks for it to be returned. Last guy told me 3 months.
When I asked him why other people got controllers...hard drives..(My brother got a HD or so he says)
The guy said "No Comment."
I'm mad :/ I think they should be more apologetic.....
[quote name='Veronica Mars']I called can take up to a week for the box to come, and 3-5 weeks for it to be returned. Last guy told me 3 months.
When I asked him why other people got controllers...hard drives..(My brother got a HD or so he says)
The guy said "No Comment."
I'm mad :/ I think they should be more apologetic.....[/quote]

I think their support staff have become apathetic, and less courteous than they should be, due to the volume of cases. Poor guys, I bet they spend their entire eight hours with the phone glued to their ear. Like, literally glued to their ear, and stuffs. If only they had their own support staff, then, maybe, they might be more friendly. ;)
Here is my Red Ring of Death Diary that i wrote on another forum.

Welcome to my RRoD Diary. I decided to make a diary to record the events and how long it takes during the process. This is the second time i had to send in my xbox 360. This time for a different reason. The first time was because my 360 wouldnt read any games or dvds. Now its on to the next chapter.

February 29, 2008

I was pwning some noobians in Halo 3 team slayer, had 8 kills, 4 assists, and 10 deaths in that match. About halfway through, my screen went crazy with little squares all around. I couldnt see shit, probably how i got those 10 deaths... or at least thats the excuse im sticking with. I thought at first my HDTV was the problem, fuck! Then i thought, you know its probably Microsoft's shitty game console. So i decided to keep playing and finish the game despite my disadvantage. We lost the game 50 to 47. I go back into the halo 3 main menu and dont see the distortion as much. So i start a single player campaign and right away its distorted again.

First Signs of death

Later that day i decided to try some other games. Crackdown and Gears of War all had the same issues. I checked my Nintendo Wii just to make sure that it wasnt the tv, but that looked fine. My last effort was to switch the VGA cord i use with the component cord that the 360 came with to see if that was the problem. After i was done hooking it up, i fired up the console and still was in trouble. Damn! Time to call Microsoft.

March 3, 2008

After leaving my system go a few days, i fired it back up just to see if it was still doing the same things. I read on the net how some people had this happen, and soon after they got the red rings of death. In my situation, i didnt have them yet. So i turned on the console and put in Bioshock, i thought that would be a cool game to have in my gamertag background while i wait for my system to be fixed. Same old shit, this time big red vertical lines went down my screen, i could hardly see the beautiful world of rapture. I was going to call Microsoft, but let it go another day.

City of Rapture ruined.

March 4, 2008

Today was the big day, the day i call Microsoft and tell them that my system was broke. I turned on my tv and console just to see if it was still doing it, but this time i didnt even get to the blades screen. I got an error screen that gave me the code E74. Finally i got RRoD like the rest talked about after having my problems in game. My xbox 360 only flashed 1 red light, not 3, but i think that still counts as the RRoD right? I call the number, get lost in the voice activated menu's, but finally go to repairs > new repair. After i told the guy my situation he told me to try to start it up without the hard drive and see if i still get the error screen. So i did and ended up at the same place, E74 error screen. He quickly told me that my system would have to be sent in for repairs. I thought damn, that was fast. I thought i would have to test a few things out before he would come to that conclusion, but i didnt.

After he got all my info and told me the box would be shipped, he told me how my warranty was up on April 4th. Wow that was pretty shocking to hear. I had thought all xbox 360 systems had a three year warranty, but i guess that is not the case. He told me how i could extend the warranty for one year for a little less than 30 dollars. I could even upgrade to a two year warranty but he didnt tell me how much that would cost. Right now i would suggest all 360 owners to call 1-800-4MY-XBOX and find out when your warranty expires. Yeah its shitty, but 30 bucks for an additional year could save you some serious cash, and probably will. I am actually happy my 360 broke now so i didnt have to pay out of my pocket for repair if it broke after April, which isnt that far away.

So after that shocking announcement, he told me that i would receive one month free of xbox live gold, 90 days added to my warranty once i get it back, and it would take two to three weeks for it to be fixed...a month at most. So now i just have to sit and wait for the box to come. I plan to call Microsoft up once i get my system back and add one year warranty to my system. It would probably be cheaper than selling the one i have and buying a new one.

E74 Screen does not look next gen.

March 5, 2008

As i was checking my email today i noticed a couple letters from Microsoft. They were both from yesterday, the newest one says that they shipped me a box. Gave me a tracking number, which i checked and it says that the billing information has been sent to UPS.

March 7, 2008
Today i got the box from Microsoft. Inside was instructions, a plastic bag to put the 360 inside, two styrofoamish padding to put on the ends of the 360, a long piece of tape, and an address sticker to send it to the repair center. Now if you never done this before, make sure you dont damage the box. You use the same box that holds the items i described above to put your 360 in and send it back in. Also you dont want to send any cables, games, or the hard drive with it. Just send the console.

Packed in a ready to go!

March 8, 2008
Really quick update for today. I havent sent my 360 off yet due to me coming down with the flu. I probably wont be able to send my 360 off until Monday. Ill keep updating after that.

March 10, 2008
Finally i was feeling well enough to go to the UPS store and send it out. So thats what i did today. It says on the slip that they will pick it up today too, so that is good news. On a funny note, when i was walking out of the store some guy was about to walk in. So he held the door for me and i said "thanks" and in reply he said something that i just thought was pretty funny. He said "no problem bro" back at me. I dont know why, maybe i just thought of "dont taze me bro"? Whatever, i got a good laugh. But now all i can do is wait for my xbox 360 to get to texas.

March 13, 2008
Well it looks like it finally has arrived to Texas, or so i think. They still didnt deliver the package. On the online tracking information page it says "THE RECEIVER REQUESTED A HOLD FOR A FUTURE DELIVERY DATE. UPS WILL ATTEMPT DELIVERY ON DATE REQUESTED". I can only assume that UPS is holding the package until a certain date that was given by where it needs to go. I dont really know.

March 14, 2008
The package has been delivered today. For those keeping track of how long it takes. It took 3 days from the day i called to the day i got the box. Add another 4 days from the day i gave the box to UPS to the day they delivered it. Not that bad, even though last time i think it took only 3 days to deliver it. Im not really complaining about it though. So thats about a week so far if you look past the few days i wasnt able to send it out because i was sick. Now i have to wait to see how long it takes for them to fix my 360 and send it back out to me.

March 21, 2008
Today the door bell rang and i didnt get the door because i figured it was someone who wanted to shovel our walk, since its been snowing. Then later i saw that it was UPS who tried to deliver my Xbox 360, they left a sticker on the door that says they tried to deliver it. Which is odd, because i never thought it would be this fast, and i never got an email saying they were sending my system back. So i wasnt even expecting it to be shipped to me. Last time i sent it in i got an email saying they were shipping it back to me. Oh well. Next time they will try to deliver is on Monday. So i guess ill have to wait for that.

So if you are keeping track, it took them 11 days from the day i sent it for repair to the day i got it back....or was supposed to get it back if i answered the door. 14 days if you add in the 3 days it took to get the box. Last time it took me 9 days i believe from the day i sent it out, to the day i got it back.

March 24th, 2008
Finally got my Xbox 360 back. The UPS slip said it would come between 10:30am and 2:00pm, ended up coming around 2:30pm. Oh well that doesnt really matter. So i opened the box and saw the 1 month free of Xbox live gold on top of the Xbox 360. I took it out and unwrapped it. First thing i noticed was some tape by the faceplate, and some black marks on the bottom of the xbox 360 case. So i checked the Serial Number and it was the same. But then i looked at the Product ID and the first three numbers were different. So i got a different console back. I plugged it in and it worked fine. The cd tray did sound a little strange while playing crackdown, like it was scratching my disc, but i checked and it was fine. Maybe im just not used to what the 360 sounds like since ive been playing my Wii. I fired up Double Dragon to check if my XBLA games would work and at first it said play trial version or download full version after i had already paid for the full version. But i downloaded it again for free and it was fine after that.

I dont know, but personally at the moment i feel like switching over to the PS3. I dont know how much more i can take from a system that is constantly going to break. Maybe its the fact that i personally dont like getting back someone elses system. I dont know how they treated the system. Unless im wrong about the Product ID, but i think im correct about the change in numbers. Whatever. The issue is over and this diary is done. So until next time my xbox breaks, which hopefully isnt soon.

It's Baaaaaaack!
When I dropped it off at the UPS Store they said they don't give reciepts for pre-paid packages. Was the lady lying? Should I be worried?

And the tracking still says billing info recieved, how long does take to update?
I compared the one I received after sending the broken one in, and they had different serial numbers. I guess sometimes they send a different one and sometimes send the one you sent them?
yeah i think it just depends what is wrong with it that determines if you get your system back or a refurb.i got my system back in a month from shipment to re-hookup
I think either my 360 is stuck in Illinois because of that snow storm OR its been driving down to Texas. It suppose to be there by tomorrow 3/25/08 but I am worried about hold until message on the web site.
[quote name='braindeadalive']When I dropped it off at the UPS Store they said they don't give reciepts for pre-paid packages. Was the lady lying? Should I be worried?

And the tracking still says billing info recieved, how long does take to update?[/quote]

I'd worry when they stare at your 360 when talking to you and say "We will take care of it" when the box is left opened.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I think either my 360 is stuck in Illinois because of that snow storm OR its been driving down to Texas. It suppose to be there by tomorrow 3/25/08 but I am worried about hold until message on the web site.[/quote]

Mine was the same way. Didnt really update on the site and then bam it was in texas.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Did you say your Serial ID number was the same (the bar code) but the product id was different?[/quote]

Yeah the serial number and bar code were the same, but the product id number was different from the xbox i sent in. (the first 3 numbers)
[quote name='braindeadalive']When I dropped it off at the UPS Store they said they don't give reciepts for pre-paid packages. Was the lady lying? Should I be worried?

And the tracking still says billing info recieved, how long does take to update?[/quote]
Nevermind, i'm just paranoid. It's in transit now.
Awww I finally lost mine today. Luckily I had a spare sitting around due to the high volume of wheeling and dealing that I do. My call to MS support took exactly 12 minutes, my coffin's on the way, and I'm happy as a clam.

The fact that I needed to have a spare 360 sitting around for a situation like this is a bit disconcerting, but whatever. The timing was okay and I don't really have many complaints...I just can't sell the extra unit for a few weeks and have to watch my spending until then. Could be worse.
[quote name='braindeadalive']Nevermind, i'm just paranoid. It's in transit now.[/quote]

With the stories I have heard about UPS employee's grabbing 360's...I'd be worried to. Espicaly when that UPS lady kept on staring at my 360 when I was talking to her...then saying "We will take care of this for you.."when the box was left open so anyone can grab and go :(

[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah the serial number and bar code were the same, but the product id number was different from the xbox i sent in. (the first 3 numbers)[/quote]

Oh good, if this one fails on me, it's going BACK to MICROCENTER and I am going to raise all hell with them.

[quote name='TahoeMax']Awww I finally lost mine today. Luckily I had a spare sitting around due to the high volume of wheeling and dealing that I do. My call to MS support took exactly 12 minutes, my coffin's on the way, and I'm happy as a clam.

The fact that I needed to have a spare 360 sitting around for a situation like this is a bit disconcerting, but whatever. The timing was okay and I don't really have many complaints...I just can't sell the extra unit for a few weeks and have to watch my spending until then. Could be worse.[/quote]

It takes so long because you have to go through Call center reps check list of what to say "I am sorry to hear you are having problems with your SEXBOX treesixdy.."

I want an American damn it!!!!
I always enjoy the old-fashioned American names that all their obviously foreign reps have. Amazing how many Indians are getting named Jerry, Patrick and Jonathan these days.
[quote name='ITDEFX']yay my 360 has arrived at Dallas, TX at 9:30pm!

so if anything it should be back in my hands by next monday. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Don't count on it.. takes 12-15 days to fix. Mine took 13. They received it march 7, I will be getting it March 26th.

Edit: My package weights 4 pounds less.. fuck. Now I gotta see what happened to my power supply.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Don't count on it.. takes 12-15 days to fix. Mine took 13. They received it march 7, I will be getting it March 26th.

Edit: My package weights 4 pounds less.. fuck. Now I gotta see what happened to my power supply.[/quote]

You sent the power supply? It says not to.

Yay i got mine back and was playing crackdown and it froze. Well i was playing for about an hour. But still. :roll: 360 now has UNREADABLE DISC ERRORs!!!!!! I've trieda couple different 360 games on it...some brand new...and it still doesnt work. I am about 1 month past the 1 year warranty period.

I know this is a bit shady....but what do u guys think of just buying a new 360 at walmart, and taking the broken one back for a refund thru walmart? Do they track the serial numbers of the consoles they sell? How would walmart know if i pull this?

i know i am gonna get bashed for this post....but i figure walmart will just send back the defective units to micrsoft so no harm there to walmart.

update: well...looks like my xbox360 is working again.... i turned it off...then woke up this morning and tried it again...and its reading all my discs. WTH!!!? Is this a precursor to the RROD? strangely, i am hoping that mine gets the RROD soon since I still have the 3 year warranty on that and i am just 1 week over the 1 year general warranty.
[quote name='cheapbrass'] 360 now has UNREADABLE DISC ERRORs!!!!!! I've trieda couple different 360 games on it...some brand new...and it still doesnt work. I am about 1 month past the 1 year warranty period.

I know this is a bit shady....but what do u guys think of just buying a new 360 at walmart, and taking the broken one back for a refund thru walmart? Do they track the serial numbers of the consoles they sell? How would walmart know if i pull this?

i know i am gonna get bashed for this post....but i figure walmart will just send back the defective units to micrsoft so no harm there to walmart.

update: well...looks like my xbox360 is working again.... i turned it off...then woke up this morning and tried it again...and its reading all my discs. WTH!!!? Is this a precursor to the RROD? strangely, i am hoping that mine gets the RROD soon since I still have the 3 year warranty on that and i am just 1 week over the 1 year general warranty.[/quote]

Careful of this...

[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Don't count on it.. takes 12-15 days to fix. Mine took 13. They received it march 7, I will be getting it March 26th.

Edit: My package weights 4 pounds less.. fuck. Now I gotta see what happened to my power supply.[/quote]

Bah... oh well..
Btw, looks like it had a DESTINATION SCAN at 10:29am, but it still says still in transit. Ok, does that mean it is now at the repair center?
[quote name='ITDEFX']Bah... oh well..
Btw, looks like it had a DESTINATION SCAN at 10:29am, but it still says still in transit. Ok, does that mean it is now at the repair center?[/quote]

No. it will say delivered or something. In transit means its still in the truck.
[quote name='Veronica Mars']They are going to send me a different system?
The guy said they would repair mine and send it back....[/quote]

April Fools! Get it? No? Bagel?


But yes, I just cannot wait until my 360 red rings. I'll probably return it to Wal-Mart/Hobo-Piss-Entrance-Fest and use up one of my three "no receipt"returns for the year. Is that bastardly? Sure, but consider the source.
[quote name='chasemurata']April Fools! Get it? No? Bagel?


But yes, I just cannot wait until my 360 red rings. I'll probably return it to Wal-Mart/Hobo-Piss-Entrance-Fest and use up one of my three "no receipt"returns for the year. Is that bastardly? Sure, but consider the source.[/quote]

First off, you should know better than talk about Walmart returns. That aside, it won't work anyways. Even if you have a receipt, they still run the serial # on the console. If they didn't sell that unit, they won't take it.... or so I'm told.
[quote name='sp00ge']First off, you should know better than talk about Walmart returns. That aside, it won't work anyways. Even if you have a receipt, they still run the serial # on the console. If they didn't sell that unit, they won't take it.... or so I'm told.[/quote]

It was a joke, but thanks for the information, Mr. sp00ge. ^_^

It's just sad that things make it a "when" and not an "if" situation. I'm not paranoid, but I'm not going to be pleased when my 360 flips me a red-emblazon middle finger. :bomb:
Okay, very quickly a summary of my interesting situation:
3/2/08 - 360 dies after 18 months of life, lives again due to towel trick.
3/16/08 - Dies again, and sent via UPS from Seattle to Texas.
3/23-3/25 - I'm on a small vacation away from home, come home and status says it's on the way back.


I sent it within the 30 day limit, and sent it without a faceplate (I only had a custom one, long story). So did I just break a US repair record by getting it repaired in only a weekend? Or did something bad happen? I'll call them up tonight, but I'd like to see what you guys have to say about it.
[quote name='The 7th Number']No. it will say delivered or something. In transit means its still in the truck.[/quote]

Hmm, it's still on the truck...

I just checked my status on

Device: Xbox360 Hardware
Warranty Status: Out of Warranty
Warranty Type: Standard
Warranty Start: 12/12/2006 4:18:00 PM
Warranty Expiration: 12/12/2007 6:59:59 PM

What the fuck!?!?!?! Please tell me that I am not going to pay for this red ring shit. Mr. Indian guy never told me that I was out of warranty. If I have to pay, I am going to make them send it back to me and I am giving Microcenter hell for this shit.:bomb:
[quote name='ITDEFX']Hmm, it's still on the truck...

I just checked my status on

Device: Xbox360 Hardware
Warranty Status: Out of Warranty
Warranty Type: Standard
Warranty Start: 12/12/2006 4:18:00 PM
Warranty Expiration: 12/12/2007 6:59:59 PM

What the fuck!?!?!?! Please tell me that I am not going to pay for this red ring shit. Mr. Indian guy never told me that I was out of warranty. If I have to pay, I am going to make them send it back to me and I am giving Microcenter hell for this shit.:bomb:[/quote]

Don't worry, I freaked out the first 10 minutes myself. Mine was out of warranty, too. The 3-year thing covers RRoDs only. So you're fine, don't worry.
[quote name='TiE23']Don't worry, I freaked out the first 10 minutes myself. Mine was out of warranty, too. The 3-year thing covers RRoDs only. So you're fine, don't worry.[/quote]

phew...this is some scary shit reading that online.
[quote name='The 7th Number']You sent the power supply? It says not to.

Yay i got mine back and was playing crackdown and it froze. Well i was playing for about an hour. But still. :roll:[/QUOTE]

No man, they told me too. It was the third time the SAME system died, so they said to ship it. Even the instructions said to on the mail they sent me.

So I had to call them back AGAIN, and now I have to wait for the fucking power supply to come in 5-10 days.

I hate microsoft.
My xbox 360 is about 1 month out of warranty. But now I am having an "unreadable disc error" on my unit. The first time this happened was while I was playing PGR3, and now my 360 doesn't even load any games up and either returns the "unreadable disc error" or doesn't seem to recognize that there is a disc in the drive. I do not have the RROD

My discs are in mint condition, and it doesn't matter which new disc i put in it, they all don't read. Even regular dvd discs. I am PISSED off at Microsoft. I only play my 360 about an average of 2 hours a week…so over the course of my ownership, I’ve played a total of maybe 110 hours. I purchased this unit in Feb of 2007. now, its broken in March of 2008, 1 year and 1 month past the warranty date. I was thinking of the following options:

1) Call MS and try to convince them to repair my console for free since its only slightly 1 month past general 1 year warranty date. Anyone knows the likelihood they will do this?
2) Induce a RROD situation by blocking the vents and leaving the xbox360 on for a couple days while its looping a demo playable from the HD.? Then it would be covered under the 3 year Red Rings of Death warranty.
3) ----- Removed for Fraudulent Discussion -----
son of a bitch


It arrived but someone at the repair center probably said come back some other day.:wall:

I am calling UPS in a few minutes to see what the fuck does that mean and when is the next time it's going in.'s been like 4 days....still no box :/
I wanna get this shipped out soon....
Any tips...besides..watching out for the UPS people so they won't jack my stuff..?
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