~~~Official dv8mad Lowball Sale Repository~~~ New location starting August first

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[quote name='rmb']OMG LOOK HERE!

My new favorite site for lazy internet forum posters! Used you for it btw, nice 4 pages of results. LOL Got your own corner of the cyber world going on. Almost famous! click me[/QUOTE]

Man I want that Advent Children LE, but if I bought it, I'd definitely open it.. I'll wait for one to come through used.

It has english subtitles, right?
Next buddy to post in my thread will have the honor of being the victim special guest CAG in my next blog.

EDIT FOR BELOW: OK, you asked for it! ;) Blog incoming!
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Darn just missed it. Hey, if I provide some pics can you keep an eye out for some figmas during your travels? Free bump.
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[quote name='gr8asianman']Darn just missed it. Hey, if I provide some pics can you keep an eye out for some figmas during your travels? Free bump.[/QUOTE]

Sure, post 'em up!
well, your package has officially left my place and is in the care of the US postal service! Wonder how long this one will take, I predict you get it on the 30th.
those ghaspons things, is that stuff you already had and your just selling off or did you pick them up for cah selling? if so id like some Kingdom Hearts stuff if you can find any LMK, if you cant its all good. Thanks!
[quote name='dinobot']just checking to see if my gashapons are on hold for me from a few posts back. :)

thanks! and bump![/QUOTE]

Oh, he's holding them for you.

and fondling.


punisher - LInking in 1 minute.

DBJ - A mixture of both. I'll keep an eye out, but I don't think it's too likely.

dino - Yeah, they are on hold, but since I have multiples, I don't put the hold face next to them unless I don't have more. ;)

everyone - More stuff listing within the next hour or two depending on my motivation.

EDIT: OK, got up the Gundam gashapon, the Haruhi cards and a not quite for sale yet HRAP3SE.
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Little help?

Wasn't there supposed to be a Phantasy Star game out that was closer to PSO style rather than the failure that was PSU?
I remember hearing something about it and, since I loved PSO, I would probably like to get it if it's similar.
What game was it?
[quote name='dv8mad']Little help?

Wasn't there supposed to be a Phantasy Star game out that was closer to PSO style rather than the failure that was PSU?
I remember hearing something about it and, since I loved PSO, I would probably like to get it if it's similar.
What game was it?[/QUOTE]

Was it phantasy star portable? Im not too sure, I hated universe but loved PSO me and seganet had some goodtimes back in the day
[quote name='dv8mad']Little help?

Wasn't there supposed to be a Phantasy Star game out that was closer to PSO style rather than the failure that was PSU?
I remember hearing something about it and, since I loved PSO, I would probably like to get it if it's similar.
What game was it?[/QUOTE]

Only Phantasy Star game i could think of that's recent in the one for PSP, and thanks for the link.

You'll play MGS one day, even if i fly to japan and force you to ;).
I got the page 4 blues...

EDIT: :cry: A pending sale was canceled.

I have to re-take a picture I had since edited, so it's missing at the moment. Also I need to take pics of the new items and get them uploaded as well.
So, within the next couple of days, keep an eye out for pics for Code Geass gashapon, Excel Saga gashapon, Evangelion gashapon keychains and one more Negima gashapon series.
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Damn you ebay. DAMN YOU!

EDIT FOR BELOW: No, I just had to resort to ebay for the HRAP3SE sale.
Didn't want to do it, but it's not a cheapass stick. LOL
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:ps3: Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 SE = :drool: The thing that kills me is that I really enjoy fighting games, but none of my buddies do and I can't play any over PSN/XBL since I've only got dial-up :cry:

So, about those figmas...

I'm looking for (柊 かがみ, Hiiragi Kagami), (柊 つかさ, Hiiragi Tsukasa), (泉 こなた, Izumi Konata) and (高良 みゆき, Takara Miyuki). Primarily the Hiiragi sisters. If you happen to see them at at decent price please let me know. Thanks!

Oh, and was I too late in purchasing the Hiiragi Kagami & Hiiragi Tsukasa keychains?
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Oh no, you got all three of them gr8. You do know that they are straps and not keychains right?
Anyway, I'll take a look for the figma. It's tough because Lucky Star is still really popular here now, so even some of the secondary market stuff is overpriced. But don't worry, anytime I see anything cheap and popular (Lucky Star, Haruhi, etc.) I pick it up if I can.
[quote name='dv8mad']Oh no, you got all three of them gr8. You do know that they are straps and not keychains right?[/QUOTE]

Typo on my part. I meant straps. Thanks for keeping an eye out, and you'll have to let me know when they finally start selling some K-ON! related stuff ;)
[quote name='adriley313']Hey quick question Dv8mad?
What would it take to get the new Pokemon Heart Gold when it comes out in JPN.[/QUOTE]

My best guess? craploads of money as software prices are ridiculous new over here. You should probably wait.

[quote name='refusedchaos']:wave:[/QUOTE]

Just kidding!:lol:

[quote name='Link927']Ca va?[/QUOTE]

Can't say as I have ever been to California or Virginia. Thanks for asking though!
[quote name='Link927']Ca va?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dv8mad']
Can't say as I have ever been to California or Virginia. Thanks for asking though![/QUOTE]:applause: Nicely played, sir!
I can't fucking believe it.

Well, I had hoped to just make it through this month without any kind of negative financial situation as next month is our saving grace, but of course that was too much to ask.

Without going into too many details, somehow a bill was not taken out of Ai's bank account the last 3 months and it's all now due, well, today.
Somehow, that money is gone now. I'm guessing that she was just not keeping track and thought that it was extra and spent it over the past few months.


Same as always!

Expect a revamped sale when I get home tonight and I REALLY, REALLY, need to make some sales ASAP!
Less than 12 hours from now the RED sale begins. That's right, one step above yellow!

I'll be changing all prices in my haves to discount prices -some discounts BIG!- tomorrow morning (less than 12 hours from now).

If any of you friendly people want to help me out in ways other than buying, links on your pages, in your sigs or even in your blogs are appreciated!!!
[quote name='dv8mad']Eh, tried to get some Kingdom Hearts gashapon for you, but the auction ended way too high...[/QUOTE]

I appreciate it sir. :D Are you still looking for mighty muggs? I travel to different locations between august-devember for work when my job slows down and work desks jobs for people while there on vacation, a lot of the other stores i work at are out in the boonies and there wal-marts, targets etc also have rare items(my dad is a big hot wheel collector, I find those treasure hunt hot wheels all the time for him). LMK and ill keep an eye out for you
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