OFFICIAL Final Fantasy XII thread

Ya, they definitely did some things in FF12 that are pretty annoying, but they got much more right than wrong, IMO. I really like most of the changes.
The game really is a blast to play, and I've never spent so much time on a game, trying to uncover everything that I can. I am definitely missing a lot of espers though, I've only tracked down 6 or so.
[quote name='Backlash']You can get those spells and at least one Bubble Belt from the clan shop at the Bazaar in Rabanastre, provided you've killed enough marks (16?). I got them as soon as they were available (when I was maybe only 1/2 though the game or so?) and they helped a lot. If you're already at the end, I don't know if they'll really help that much.[/QUOTE]

Ok wait. There's a clan shop in the Bazaar? Maybe if I did some hunts I would have known that....

Yeah, I think the game is fantastic, and I love the battle system, but I think the way items and gear are dropped/aquired/made is fucking autistic. I wish thats the one thing they would have left old-school.
i actually didn't stumble across the clan shop until i was completing some of the requirements to go get it's not exactly an eyesore. It was sweet when i discovered all the cool stuff I could get at that point (i had finished 24 marks, so everything was available)
I knew about the clan shop early on because I really wanted the Nihopalaoa. Nihopalaoa + Remedy = easier mark hunts/bosses. The cat-ear hood is good too.
[quote name='depascal22']Montblanc tells you about the clan shop when you sign up in the clan.[/quote]

yeah, but i never actually looked for it...
[quote name='depascal22']Montblanc tells you about the clan shop when you sign up in the clan.[/QUOTE]

Reading is for sissies, Poindexter. ;)
Man, the
Light house
is annoying. Nothing I hate more than a huge end game dungeon. My gaming time can be limited, so not knowing when I can save is pure frustration.
Well, I guess that wasn't the final dungeon...I have more to do yet. I absolutely destroyed the last few bosses. I can't imagine how easy the game would be with all the best equipment.
Just beat
. I'm only missing one spell, and don't have any uber equipment yet. I should just go finish the damn game already, but I still have 5 or 6 hunts to complete, and they're all annoying.
I'm feeling the same way now. I've never been big into trying to defeat the super impossible bosses. I don't have a very good track record on beating games, I typically quit right around the end :p
I'm trying to still play it, but I've gotten myself sidetracked playing more of FF3 and FF6 Advance lately. Last I played I was trying to get past the second fight with Gilgamesh and getting my ass handed to me.

God, I really am SquareEnix's little bitch. I'm playing three Final Fantasies at once, what the hell is wrong with me?
[quote name='daschrier']Gilgamesh was very easily once the dog is out of the way.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't doubt that, but I can't even get that far on him right now. I might have to get some better equipment/better gambit setup once I get back to it.
I am still playing it. I follow the plot for awhile, then I run around and explore and do hunts for awhile. I think I'm playing it really slowly. I'm at 72 hours or so and I've finished around 24 hunts and I'm only at
just picked up Reddas as a guest and I'm supposed to go to that island but instead I am doing sidequests :)
YES! Just beat Gilgamesh! It took me till my 3rd try when I started again, I didn't even have to do any extra leveling or buy any extra equipment. The only thing I really changed was that I gave Vaan a Bubble belt and Basch a Ribbon and made sure to cast dispel on that fucking dog and hammered on it till it was almost dead then finished him off with a quickening chain, used a megalixer on the party and worked on Gilgamesh slowly until I got to the 4th and 5th parts and stole the rest of the Genji set and then took him down.

Man, its stuff like this that keeps me coming back though. It was great just going back and forth on him with half my party dead one minute and my only living character on the brink of death, just to heal myself and bring my party back and continue the attack. The whole battle just felt EPIC. I mean, I know that gambits do a lot of the work for you, but I tend to keep my lead character's off so I still feel a bit more involved in the battle and I just felt like I was scrambling to stay alive the whole way through and it was damn satisfying kicking his ass after having trouble with him before
[quote name='daschrier']He has the genji equipment??? All I got was a stupid potion or something from him.[/quote]

:lol: Yeaup. Every time he talks in a cut scene you can steal from him. You fight him twice and can steal from him 5 times each (every 20% of his life). The first two times of each fight is money or some crap. The 3, 4 and 5 times are genji items.
Its actually just the 4th and 5th stages that give you the Genji stuff. Took awhile getting em too. The Thief's Cuffs(that is the name right?) helped speed up stealing in the first fight, but in the second I didn't want to risk equiping them in place of an accessory I needed to survive.

Also went ahead and got through the Pharos last night. I just have to go to the Bahamut to finish the game now.
All I have left is the Bahamut as well. Haven't gotten around to actually going there though. I never end up finishing games, dunno what it is about the games end sequence that uninspires me.
I have to admit that I'm not sorry I sold this game. I liked it, but I've decided it's my least favorite "Final Fantasy"-thinking about it, I'd actually rather replay FF2 than this I think.
[quote name='daschrier']All I have left is the Bahamut as well. Haven't gotten around to actually going there though. I never end up finishing games, dunno what it is about the games end sequence that uninspires me.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean; I've got way too many games where I'm just about at the end and just haven't gone and finished the damn thing. The worst part is that by the time I get back to try and finish I gotta go back through the whole game again because I forgot what the hell I was doing last before I stopped.

I'm pretty sure I'll at least get through this though. I'm just working on collecting Espers right now(I think I just need Chaos, Ultima, and Zodiark), then I'm gonna finish as many hunts as I can stand and move on to beat it.
Can anyone help me figure out why the brightness of this game is killing my eyes/head? I have used PS2 w/ S-Video on my 20" Wega for years and this is the first time it's bothered me.
I didn't notice anything strange about how it looked on my Sony KDL 32s2010 (I think that's the model).
I just started this game. So far so good. One question. How do you use gambits? All I can do is turn them on and off.

Right now I just got back to the city after doing something to a rock.
I had the same question - keep playing and the game will show you how to modify the gambits. All you can do at first is turn them on and off.
To be honest with you, the Gambit system sucks major ass. They tried to make it seem like your party could fight without you but sometimes there are grey areas in fights where you don't want your party to follow the chart exactly. They're good for simple fights that just require attack but I found my party wasting too many magic points or potions when they could've waited a minute for the fight to be over. The other crappy part is when guests come to "help" out. It makes fights go faster but it sucks that they just use potions whenever and NEVER use their own magic.

That all being said.....the game has actually grown on me. After trying to get into Dragon Quest VIII, it seems like I can't go back to regular turn based RPGs.
I thought the gambit system worked well for random battles, but poorly for regular battles (and overall was one of the worst in the series, if not the worst.)

I love turn based combat if it's done well. Dragon Quest 8's isn't anything special at all...if you've played Final Fantasy ONE, let alone the rest of the series. So I wouldn't judge by that...
I really liked the gambit system. I generally took control of a magic-user, and then set up gambits for my tanks and just manually cast spells with my magic-user. Worked great and was much better than constantly telling the tanks to fight. I basically created my party such that I had 4 tanks (sort of) and two main magic users, and it worked pretty well.
I've only got 20 hours in this game and I've had it since it came out. I need to start investing some hours into it again.
I'm finally getting back into this. I hit the 45 hour mark tonight (just beat Cid and finished up some hunts), so I figure a couple more weeks at my current pace should take care of it. This will probably be the first game since Final Fantasy Tactics that will actually motivate me to complete all the side quests--the problem is, I have Odin Sphere and Rogue Galaxy just begging to be played.

More things to do, and less time to do them. Ah, the joys of being an adult.
[quote name='defiance_17']I'm finally getting back into this. I hit the 45 hour mark tonight (just beat Cid and finished up some hunts), so I figure a couple more weeks at my current pace should take care of it. This will probably be the first game since Final Fantasy Tactics that will actually motivate me to complete all the side quests--the problem is, I have Odin Sphere and Rogue Galaxy just begging to be played.

More things to do, and less time to do them. Ah, the joys of being an adult.[/QUOTE]

I did a bunch of the side quests, but if you want to do the harder marks and optional dungeons, my understanding is that it can double the playtime and involve lots of level grinding :(
[quote name='Backlash']I did a bunch of the side quests, but if you want to do the harder marks and optional dungeons, my understanding is that it can double the playtime and involve lots of level grinding :([/QUOTE]

I really don't mind grinding in this game. I've probably spent more than half of my time so far just wandering around fighting. I'm assuming it will take me around 120-150 hours to completely finish the game, but it's possible it could take even longer.
I clocked in at 125 doing everything except Yiazamat and Hell Wyrm.

[quote name='defiance_17']I really don't mind grinding in this game. I've probably spent more than half of my time so far just wandering around fighting. I'm assuming it will take me around 120-150 hours to completely finish the game, but it's possible it could take even longer.[/quote]
For those of you who have finished it, what level were you on? My main three characters are at 55, and the other three are in the mid-40s. I'm trying to decide if I should just plow through and finish it this weekend, or play around with more side quests/hunts before moving on. I'm at
the part where Reddas joins as a guest
[quote name='defiance_17']For those of you who have finished it, what level were you on? My main three characters are at 55, and the other three are in the mid-40s. I'm trying to decide if I should just plow through and finish it this weekend, or play around with more side quests/hunts before moving on. I'm at
the part where Reddas joins as a guest

I finished the game with my 3 main at level 70ish and the other 3 around level 11.

My friend beat it with all 6 around 51... so if you want to just plow to the end you can no problem.
[quote name='Magehart']I finished the game with my 3 main at level 70ish and the other 3 around level 11.

My friend beat it with all 6 around 51... so if you want to just plow to the end you can no problem.[/QUOTE]

I was going to finish, but I figured this would be a great opportunity to do some more hunts...four hours later, I'm still teleporting around taking on new ones. :lol:

This is really an incredible game.
I finally got around to finishing this tonight, right around 66 hours. I only have five or six hunts left, and a few Espers, but I didn't do a lot with the other sidequests. I think I'll wait a few more weeks to get more information on the Zodiac version before going back to everything.

Now I'm torn between starting Odin Sphere, Rogue Galaxy, and playing through Persona 1 and 2.
66 hours? 125 hours? I'm like 2 hours in and it feels so overwhelming already. I haven't played a Final Fantasy since VIII and I'm so out of touch. Played the demo for this and thought, "Wow, it's just like Knights of the Old Republic."

Heh...I was so wrong.
Oh yuck. Final Fantasy 9 and 10 are way better. 10-2 is way better. 12 is a good game, but it's worse than any of the "Final Fantasy Guy's" Final Fantasy games.
bread's done