Official Free ______ Referral Thread (II) - All Referral solications belong here

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I have an idea for future congas. The one's we have going right now can stay the same, unless everyone wants to change them.

anyway, I think the next conga's that are started should only get everyone 2 or 3 referrals. So for the ps3, for example, whenever the top person gets 2 or 3 referrals, he is taken off. I think this would be a better way since we don't have too many users in this thread. It will also encourage others to join the conga as well. Because, as of now, if a conga already has more than about 3 or 4 people on it, I don't even consider joining just because the chances of me benefitting are slim. Not trying to put down anyone's conga though, just throwing out an idea. It's just an idea. Let me know what you think.
Sry if this sounds to novice like, but i was wondering if anyone could tell me how congos work. I would be happy to contribute if i knew how to do everything. Thanks
Me and one of my friends just won a movie ticket through blingo (i won one because he signed up under me). Check it out in my sig.
[quote name='firebird77']Sry if this sounds to novice like, but i was wondering if anyone could tell me how congos work. I would be happy to contribute if i knew how to do everything. Thanks[/QUOTE]

sure thing. I will use mine as an example. Basically, all a conga is, is someone starts a line of users. The conga starts with just one user, the creater. If someone wants to join the conga, they must sign up under the person who is at the top at the moment.

[quote name='dpatel']

[size=+2]OFFICIAL 12DAILYPRO[/size] conga:
1. H-Town Info (2nd round)
2. Richter (1st round)
3. dpatel (3rd round)
4. jimbo12457 (1st round)
5. mbush27 (2nd round)

So, in order to join the 12dailypro conga, you would have to sign up using 'H-Town Info's' referral link. Once you do that, it gives him a referral, and adds you to the next available spot on the conga (which would be spot number 6 in this case). Anyone who wants to join after that, still signs up under the top user and is added to the next available spot. When the person at the top has enough referrals, he is taken off the conga, and the person below him (Richter) will be the next top user. Every user who wants to join will have to sign up under Richter.

So, its basically a way to try and benefit everyone. The earlier you join in a conga, the better chance you have at getting your referrals quicker.
For those out there who haven't signed up yet for the gratis ps3 site, I would highly recommend doing the repocar offer. Although it costs $6, you can cancel it online which is a huge benifit in my opinion. I paid the $6 and literally cancelled it 15 minutes later. I received credit the next morning. Just something to consider...
Conga update by FreePay™

Gifts offered:

Sony PS3 (8 Referrals)

If you want to join a conga you must sign up under one of the two active links and complete a offer. Then post in this tread the following information:

1. Username of who you signed up under
2. The email you signed up with
3. The offer you completed
4. Your own referral link

You will then be placed on the waiting list and once the person you signed up for confirms that you went green you will be added to the conga. If you are inactive and don't update referrals who have signed up under you I will remove you from the conga to a list of non actives. You need to respond to be put back into the conga. You can't just dissapear in thin air and leave your referrals waiting

You must come back often to update your status so no referrals are wasted

Active links: Sign up under the top person to join the conga!
kmg9000 (2/8 )1 pending
dpatel (0/8 )

Next pair in line:
jimbo12457 (0/8 )
Waiting List: People waiting to go green:

mykevermin (0/8 )

Completed: Woohoo!

Post updates here.
[size=+1]*PLEASE PM me FIRST if you want to join, if you don't, you CAN'T join*[/size]


[size=+2]OFFICIAL 12DAILYPRO[/size] conga:
1. H-Town Info (2nd round)
2. Richter (1st round)
3. dpatel (3rd round)
4. jimbo12457 (1st round)
5. mbush27 (2nd round)

Since there is no limit to how many referrals you can get on this site, I have decided to limit it to 1 referral to speed things up. However, instead of being kicked off the list after completing referrals, on this one, you just get bumped to the bottom. This way everyone gets a chance at a few referrals.

1. You must sign up under the top user in order to join the conga
2. [size=+1]Before you sign up under the top person, PM them and PM me (dpatel)[/size], to make sure that someone doesn't already have a pending transaction with them.
3. A completed referral means you sign up using their link and upgrade your account (in other words, invest some money.. minumum of $6).
[quote name='dpatel'][size=+1]*PLEASE PM me FIRST if you want to join, if you don't, you CAN'T join*[/size]


[size=+2]OFFICIAL 12DAILYPRO[/size] conga:
1. H-Town Info (2nd round)
2. Richter (1st round)
3. dpatel (3rd round)
4. jimbo12457 (1st round)
5. mbush27 (2nd round)

Since there is no limit to how many referrals you can get on this site, I have decided to limit it to 1 referral to speed things up. However, instead of being kicked off the list after completing referrals, on this one, you just get bumped to the bottom. This way everyone gets a chance at a few referrals.

1. You must sign up under the top user in order to join the conga
2. [size=+1]Before you sign up under the top person, PM them and PM me (dpatel)[/size], to make sure that someone doesn't already have a pending transaction with them.
3. A completed referral means you sign up using their link and upgrade your account (in other words, invest some money.. minumum of $6).

i have been paid 5 times (u can only see 4 in the pic). the program is just great.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but there's this site called and as far as I can tell... you don't actually have to pay anything on it (potentially) to get what you want. All I had to do was complete a whole bunch of Yes/No responses to different offers for other free stuff, until eventually it said I was finished.

The problem is that the referrals needed are rather steep. The upside though, is that, you don't have to pay anything! At all! I think... let me know if I'm correct. If so we could setup a conga for this, and no one would have a reason not to sign up![email protected]
I'm giving away Crimson Skies(Xbox - slightly used) or Eyetoy Play 2 game (PS2 - sealed) to the next person who signs up for freePSP and completes their offer
[quote name='mykevermin']And I'm giving $20 to everyone who signs up under my PS3 referral (see sig).

DJSteel, might you be interested in swapping referrals?[/QUOTE]

for the PS3??
[quote name='beanman25']need more referrals only got 2 yellows

please help me out[/QUOTE]

please just help brotha out
[quote name='beanman25']please just help brotha out[/QUOTE]

please just 1 more. please thats all i ask in return i will do an offer for one of you but you do yours first or pm me and well figure something out
Hey all,

In short, 12dailypro is the best autosurf program atm, it lets you earn 144% return in 17-21 days. :w00t: The minimum to invest is 6$, but you can create a free account just to see how things works first. I spent a whole week researching this stuff before I jumped in, so I wanted to share the main stuff I found about this program and save you the trouble of hours of tedious research.

If you sign up under me of course, I will hold your hand through the whole starting process and after, even if you live outside Canada & US. I will share with you everything I find. I wont let you down. I always answer my emails everyday, but thats not all!

If you somehow end up loosing any of your money for any reason before making a profit, although you followed all of my advices, I will REFUND you what you lost up to 50$ USD. Thats how sure I am. If I was richer I will have promised more, but Im not (yet lol), and I dont like to make empty promises.

Even if that wasn't enough:

1-When you are done setting up your egold account (keep reading), contact me for the referral link
2-Then register under the referral link I will send you (do this ONLY from your HOME PC, and make sure no one else in your house is already in 12DP and make sure no other 12DP member uses it in the future). When you are done, contact me again with your egold #
3- I will send you 12$ right away, you must upgrade 6$ right away, the other 6$ do what you want with it!!, but condition 4 must holds. So I recommend you save that 6$ for the next cycle if you don’t plan to put in any of your own money.
4-Your account must remain upgraded at all times, I have already given you the means to do that: : if you just keep putting at least 6$ every 12 days then your account will always be upgraded.
5- 0 spots left (I will keep this updated). First come first serve. People from Singapor very sorry you cannot join, because the referrals system is disabled for Singaporians.


ZERO RISK FOR YOU. Even if you put in more my 50$ USD guarantee also holds!! I am bound to these conditions, because if I don’t honor my words then you can always report me and I will lose my 12dailypro account along with all my current deposits!!

Heres my MSN: [email protected]
PM or email me and Ill also send you all the nice bookmarks I found to make your research easier

There are THOUSANDS of pay scans to prove that it is working out there: There and all over the net. Ok, well is really hard to explain everything in one shot, so take a look at this link to have a rough idea what the hell im talking about:

Anyways this is what you have to do to get started: (sign-up is free, and you get to see how the program works for free, then after 7 days you must "upgrade" a minimum of 6$ or else your account is deleted) The choice of using Stormpay or Egold is yours. Those are the only two payments processors you can use in this program. Egold is better because of WAAY less fees, Stormpay is supposedly more secure. I use Egold. In the long run Egold is much more profitable. BUT, Stormpay is also much simpler for people outside the US, and you should start with Stormpay if you invest less than 500-600$ USD. (skip step 1 & 2, just open a stormpay account and follow instructions) Stormpay is easier to use with a credit card but you dont have to.

1-Open egold.comaccount (this is where you hold all the gold you purchase, this is also where the program pay you back in gold)
Make sure you pick a very good paswrd, sumthing like: By3by3mi55@mericanpi3andyultrasecretp@ssw00t
And change the pasword of your email too to be extra secure.
Also, DO NOT type the pasword, ALWAYS click on the SRK icon and use the keypad that popups. That way no hacker can get ur pasword through a keylogger.

2-Buy some egold from an exchanger (no need if you only want to use my money)
For Montrealers there arent a lot of choices. I used Icegold, but had to pay 45 CAD for Desjardins bank wire fees. You pay 25$ + 0.5% if you have a Bank of Montreal account.
Feel free to use any other exchanger in my bookmarks, but make sure the one you use is AT LEAST accredited here:

3-Register at 12daily pro (contact me for the referral link). Again, do this ONLY from your HOME PC, and make sure no one else in your house is already in 12DP and make sure no other 12DP member uses it in the future

4- Last step (about 15 min). Click on Upgrade, follow instructions to put in some egold, THEN click on start surfing. Let the autosurf do at least 12 credits, click on Open Account. See your first 12% right there.

5- Surf everyday, reinvest, cashout whatever. MAKE MONEY!! Btw to cashout you sell your gold to the exchanger and they put money in your bank or send a check or whatever you choose. Wait for the gold price to go up first


Dont forget to autosurf everyday for 12 credits. (takes like 5-15min) Everyday you forget, less profits.

Dont break any rules, if you break a rule, all your current deposits are lost.

All the RULES are here:

1 IP per account means: DONT surf at work. To be extra safe, use only your PC at home. Make sure no other 12daily member uses it. This means 1 account per house to be extra safe. Even if you have a router and three PC at homes, all those 3 PCs will still have the same external IP, so dont try to set up 3 accounts under one roof. (unless you have static IPs which is a different story)

You are not allowed to post your referral link directly on any forums.

To avoid fake sites, always type to access the site, and look for NetIBA certification ID on the bottom left, which is 649242X.

Read this

Any other questions just PM or send me an email. Remember to sign-up as my referral if you appreciate my info. Just email or PM me for the referral link and your 12$.

Happy autosurfing! :bleh:

---------------------- OFFER UPDATE ------------------------

There are now 0 places remaining. I will post again when the shop opens :bouncy:

To protect my investment, I feel obligated to add another condition to my offer. USD money is a very strong international currency and many people tried to take advantage of me because of that. The additional condition is:

1- You MUST put in 48$ USD of your own pocket into the program before the end of this month (31st December 2005, midnight GMT -5, 12dp server time). If you don't then I have to report you and you will lose all your earnings, not to mention a ban for life from 12dp. Those who have some kind of proof will get priority over the others.

Remember, my guarantee of 50$ USD still holds, so that is still ZERO RISK for you...

Of course, everyone who joined in already can ignore all this new condition. I was happy I could help.

ok, now not really a condition, but some notes:

2- Also, the offer is VOID for those who joined in WITHOUT contacting me first for my referral link and approval!! I did not post my referral link anywhere, so the chances of you being a scam are very high.

3- Finally, those who only want to use their Stormpay account are free to do so. But I cannot send you any money, as I only have egolds. So no 12$ for Stormpay, only 50$ USD guarantee.

As always, every email will be answered in less than 24 hours at:
[email protected]

Thanks to all the honest people who joined me so far!

Cheers! :D
[quote name='dpatel']^^^

we already have a conga going.[/QUOTE]

Sorry Dpatel, but your Conga haven't been moving for weeks. Else I would have joined. (Dpatel is a honest guy) People, feel free to choose the offer you trust most & like best.
that's fine. you don't have to apologize. that is fair.

I really recommend that everyone join this program, whether it be on my conga or wiseman's offer. It is a great program that is much easier to do than freepay. It also pays much more than freepay and requires no referrals.

edit: by the way wiseman, were you able to get that ipod referral?
[quote name='dpatel']

edit: by the way wiseman, were you able to get that ipod referral?[/QUOTE]

No, I gave up on the Ipod when I found 12dailypro :lol: All you have to say is credit card and people run away screaming through the traffic :cool:

Btw, if anyone in your Conga is using Uniclear but not in the US watch out. They might charge you 3% to buy gold which looks good, but they dont tell you that they grab an extra 5% just by converting your currency to USD. Thats 8% to fund egold yaouch.. So I've heard..

oh yeah although I am a man, I like wisechild better... Wiseman sounds just like some lame superhero :robot:
Just a psuedo bump as I need a lot more people for the offers in my sig. :) I would be happy to do something for anyone who signs up for one of mine!
[quote name='wisechild']No, I gave up on the Ipod when I found 12dailypro :lol: All you have to say is credit card and people run away screaming through the traffic :cool:

Btw, if anyone in your Conga is using Uniclear but not in the US watch out. They might charge you 3% to buy gold which looks good, but they dont tell you that they grab an extra 5% just by converting your currency to USD. Thats 8% to fund egold yaouch.. So I've heard..

oh yeah although I am a man, I like wisechild better... Wiseman sounds just like some lame superhero :robot:[/QUOTE]

whoops, for somereason I kept reading wiseman. my bad. wisechild does sound better now that you mention it.

Thanks for that uniclear info. I don't use them but good to know.

Also, I know what you meant about freeipod referrals. It's hard getting people to give credit card info. 12dp is a lot easier to refer people and gives better payout. Did you hear about the convention they are having? It sounds pretty interesting. Sure does give me confidence about the program. If it was within driving distance, I might've gone, but it is too far for me.

edit: by the way. did you try the forums? You might find someone to sign up for free ipods there. You would probably have to pay them, but if its your last ref, it might be worth a little money. There are other sites like that too like .
[quote name='dpatel'] Did you hear about the convention they are having? It sounds pretty interesting. Sure does give me confidence about the program. If it was within driving distance, I might've gone, but it is too far for me.

edit: by the way. did you try the forums? You might find someone to sign up for free ipods there. You would probably have to pay them, but if its your last ref, it might be worth a little money. There are other sites like that too like .[/QUOTE]

Sure did. I heard a lot of people call to verify the reservations and indeed, the tables, hotel rooms and stuff are already booked. All legit! :cool: 90$ its a bit too much for me though, some people just wanna see Charis in person, me I think that's her on the front page of the website? :whistle2:k

Yeah I know about those links, but the only one who became green so far is myself :bouncy: Theres 2 others I trust, but I wont make them sign-up til I get all 5. That Ipod is still miles away hehe
[quote name='dpatel'] Did you hear about the convention they are having? It sounds pretty interesting. Sure does give me confidence about the program. If it was within driving distance, I might've gone, but it is too far for me.

edit: by the way. did you try the forums? You might find someone to sign up for free ipods there. You would probably have to pay them, but if its your last ref, it might be worth a little money. There are other sites like that too like .[/QUOTE]

Sure did. I heard a lot of people call to verify the reservations and indeed, the tables, hotel rooms and stuff are already booked. All legit! :cool: 90$ its a bit too much for me though, some people just wanna see Charis in person, me I think that's her on the front page of the website? :whistle2:k

Yeah I know about those links, but the only one who became green so far is myself :bouncy: Theres 2 others I trust, but I wont make them sign-up til I get all 5. That Ipod is still miles away hehe
Yea, I thought that was her on the front page too. Someone made a topic in the forums asking about that though. Turns out that's not her.
[quote name='mykevermin']So, about that much profit have you guys netted yet? Also, how many people referred under you do you have?[/QUOTE]

i had invested $1050 and i made back $1396.5 (profit of about 350 bucks). i have only one referral as right now. the program is terrific, u should join up.
Over what period of time is your $350 earned? A few weeks, a few months?

Also, you invested $1050. What is the probability that you could earn nothing, or even lose money?

Thanks for the advice.
well u could get it in a few weeks or a couple of months. it took me a couple of months to invest 1050 bucks. u can choose to invest 1050 bucks at one time or 6 bucks at a time. well the program looks like its going to be there for a while since they're having a convention in late feburary.
[quote name='mykevermin']Over what period of time is your $350 earned? A few weeks, a few months?

Also, you invested $1050. What is the probability that you could earn nothing, or even lose money?

Thanks for the advice.[/QUOTE]

As long as the site is going, you will get paid every 12 days. Whatever you put in, you end up with 144% of that after 12 days if you surf their site for literally 5 minutes a day. Each of those 12 days you get 12% of what you invested. So technically, you could miss 3 of the 12 days of surfing and still come out with 108%.

You can put in as little as $6 or as much as $6000. If you are a little skeptical, I would recommend starting out with $6 just to see how it works. Then you can upgrade with more after your first payment.
Sorry, I have already done the PSP offer. I have done most of them already actually. Are there any others you need? The ones in your sig I have already done.

IF you would like, I have a conga running. I believe H-town info is in the top spot. You can join my conga, but that is about all I can offer you. I really recommend you give the site a shot regardless, but I understand if you really need that last referral.
[quote name='dpatel']As long as the site is going, you will get paid every 12 days. Whatever you put in, you end up with 144% of that after 12 days if you surf their site for literally 5 minutes a day. Each of those 12 days you get 12% of what you invested. So technically, you could miss 3 of the 12 days of surfing and still come out with 108%.

You can put in as little as $6 or as much as $6000. If you are a little skeptical, I would recommend starting out with $6 just to see how it works. Then you can upgrade with more after your first payment.[/QUOTE]

True, just to clarify. The earning period is 12 days, but you need to wait 5-7 business days before they actually pay you back. So its always 17-21 days (if you add-in the weekend) til payback for the first cycle. Each cycle after that, if you always keep your account upgraded, the cycle payment varies from 6-12 days depending on your upgrade strategy.

The fun part is that there are two upgrades unit available, so you can split the investment with the 3x3x3 system (search for that in the 12dp forum or look at the previous post Dpatel made) and get a pay every 6 days!

Btw, for those who didnt notice, I updated my offer on the previous post. I now give away 12$ USD to get people started with 12dp. See post #419 here:

And for reference, Dpatel conga is #402 :D
I'm considering dropping my offer for completed referrals for my PS3 freepay list to $10, but with a catch.

I have a complete copy of PSOne Bust a Groove that I bought about a month ago. I don't much care for the game, but I do know that it is in demand among game collectors. The disk is not perfect, but the case and insert are in excellent shape, and the game in better condition than most used PSX games these days (and it works perfectly). I'd like to raffle it off to the 8 people who complete under me (whom I will list here as they complete).

Is anyone interested in a chance at a copy of Bust a Groove, in addition to a guaranteed $10 for a completed referral?
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm considering dropping my offer for completed referrals for my PS3 freepay list to $10, but with a catch.

I have a complete copy of PSOne Bust a Groove that I bought about a month ago. I don't much care for the game, but I do know that it is in demand among game collectors. The disk is not perfect, but the case and insert are in excellent shape, and the game in better condition than most used PSX games these days (and it works perfectly). I'd like to raffle it off to the 8 people who complete under me (whom I will list here as they complete).

Is anyone interested in a chance at a copy of Bust a Groove, in addition to a guaranteed $10 for a completed referral?[/QUOTE]

Do I count since we traded referrals? If so, I'm in!
Well, you won't be getting the $10, of course, but to make it fair, certainly. I also swapped referrals with mcwilliams, so thus far it's you two (I have three "yellows," but I'm confident that you and mcwilliams will go green in due time).
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