Official Goozex Thread - Goozex is Hiring!

[quote name='jaysapathy']Because while I may have a problem with how Goozex is going to continue to do business, at its core, Goozex is still a gamer community, and I want to help benefit that however I can. Did you forget that?[/QUOTE]

Between your constant posts of "Goozex is dead" and "I'm in talks with a few other members about the possibility of starting a similar site" to compete with Goozex, yeah, I might have forgotten that. My god man, who in their right mind would believe that you are trying to help either Goozex or its community?

[quote name='jaysapathy'] Nobody wants Suikoden II if it's got a sticker on the top. [/QUOTE]

And Earthbound? And EVO? You could leave Earthbound outside in the dirt for a year and as long as it still worked it would sell.
[quote name='Shuffles']Between your constant posts of "Goozex is dead" and "I'm in talks with a few other members about the possibility of starting a similar site" to compete with Goozex, yeah, I might have forgotten that. My god man, who in their right mind would believe that you are trying to help either Goozex or its community?[/QUOTE]

Well, the point's moot now anyway. It wouldn't have mattered if I took a picture of the games, the games going into the package, the packages being mailed, and the packages arriving. There would have been fault somewhere. One person picks up on it, and the rest of the pack goes "OMG, let's rip him to shreds!"

You've taken a trader with good credentials both here and on Goozex, analyzed one "suspicious thing," and ripped his reputation to shreds because you're defensive over a website. I've had several trades go south because of traders with zero feedback list something -- I don't see you jumping on them. But hey, whatever, enjoy the website. I'm done a little faster now, because thanks to everyone yelling fire, the admins disabled the account. *shrug*

Nitro won't be getting his HDDVD after all I guess :p
[quote name='jaysapathy']Well, the point's moot now anyway. It wouldn't have mattered if I took a picture of the games, the games going into the package, the packages being mailed, and the packages arriving. There would have been fault somewhere. One person picks up on it, and the rest of the pack goes "OMG, let's rip him to shreds!"


...but you said you already spent the points. Will you be sending back the games you have been shipped with the points you received from these committing to ship the rare games? Or will you be reimbursing Goozex for those points? Your tone sounds a whole lot like "I just got bailed out."


[quote name='jaysapathy']You've taken a trader with good credentials both here and on Goozex, analyzed one "suspicious thing," and ripped his reputation to shreds because you're defensive over a website.[/QUOTE]

Do you remember me disagreeing with a single other user that has been critical of Goozex on here? No? That's because I didn't. In fact I even said everyone is entitled to their opinion, and leaving Goozex is completely their call. There have even been some ridiculous, sky-is-falling posts on here which I think are a joke, but again that's their opinion.

What I don't put up with is complete and utter BS, and you are full of that. Just stop with it already.
Wow that Goozex post exploded. And they wonder people are quitting. Make sure we post that link to show all potential new users how much Goozex users are douchebags.
[quote name='Shuffles']...but you said you already spent the points. Will you be sending back the games you have been shipped with the points you received from these committing to ship the rare games? Or will you be reimbursing Goozex for those points? Your tone sounds a whole lot like "I just got bailed out."

Points were never spent, as far as I know. Just a lot of "Match found! Waiting for confirmation." Because the account is suspended, I could (if I wanted to be a prick) attack Goozex for a refund because I didn't receive services rendered. But it's just not worth the effort. I've already put a lot more into this thread than I should have.

Actually, it looks like one may have confirmed, but that doesn't really matter now, does it? And think about this: if I was going to scam the site, why would I list them as anything but full package? There's always a longer line of people waiting for a FP than there are disc only.. The logic surrounding your witch hunt isn't making a lot of sense.

This situation got out of control in a hurry, based on one tiny little thing. I hope this gets a lot of exposure, because I think it'd be good for people to see how the Goozex community reacts when something they deem as "out of the ordinary" happens.

Since the account's disabled now, there's no reason for me to follow through on the trades, because I'm getting nothing in return. Fantastic -- you've made me out to be the villain you wanted me to be.
[quote name='GizmoGC']to show all potential new users how much Goozex users are douchebags.[/QUOTE]

See, that's the stuff I'm talking about. Can't we have an intelligent conversation without calling an entire userbase names? You make this forum look worse when you do that, not Goozex. And yes, I've read Goozex users saying similar things about CAG. Both statements are idiotic, and one doesn't excuse the other.
I don't understand the situation. Goozex admins disable accounts based on the speculation and suspicions put forth by its members? I wasn't aware Goozex was a democracy we could all equally participate in. If that's the case, I wanna disable the assholes who sent complete GBA games in unpadded mailing envelopes.
Goozex users have been ripping us for days. How dare we have an opinion! Reading posts, it appears several users are on the verge of tears because we are saying their precious site is near death. If they acted like adults and not 8 year olds it wouldn't be a problem. But if admins are really closing accounts for having an opinion, well, screw em.

If Blockbuster doubled their rates would everyone be cheering? No. It's obvious Goozex needs some serious cash flow and is looking to pump numbers for a potential sale. Or they are going to squeeze every penny before shutting the site down. All those points will be as useful as paperclips. Trades will take a major hit once the "spend before I close my account" stuff ends.
The irony of posting that the goozers are such douches is that, of course, the vast majority of those active on the goozex forum are *gasp* CAGers as well.
I'd care if I cared. In referring to the ones attacking members here. They are the ones members see the posts. And they refuse to stop. Just gonna end up with more users leaving Goozex which means less items.
We were all having a discussion before the "#1 trader" showed up and call us chicken littles and such. Which allowed others to come over and start the harassment. They mentioned CAG, they posted the link.

And they wonder why people are bailing. What a horrible, nasty community. I'd expect more from the "#1 trader", which is a big representation of the community as a whole.
[quote name='Maskim']The irony of posting that the goozers are such douches is that, of course, the vast majority of those active on the goozex forum are *gasp* CAGers as well.[/QUOTE]


On the internet, everyone is entitled for their opinion, but must take responsibility for it as well. If you feel you must either admonish, expose, sabotage or by whatever other means detract business away from Goozex, that is your prerogative.

I've only been a member since this March, and I'm already more than halfway to the standard token price. Considering that I've only 4 tokens left and few thousand points, I stand at a crossroads: do I make the minimum investment at another 20 or so tokens and hope that carries me to +500, or take the plunge and buy 90 at the best available price? I have several hours to make that decision.

Either way, I plan to remain a member as long as it remains a viable avenue for me to get good value on games and movies.
[quote name='jaysapathy']Points were never spent, as far as I know. [/QUOTE]

More lies.

[quote name='jaysapathy']I've run into that myself -- the tokens vs points dilemma. After I send out my last packages, I'm going to have 200 left.[/QUOTE]

You just said you'd have 200 points left (from shipping out the two hd-dvds). Since you were a good user, you got points on confirmation, and you confirmed at least 4600 points worth from those games I listed. That happened several days ago, over the weekend I believe. So when you look today at your point total, and see "200" that means you've spent 4400 points that you have not and now apparently will not earn. You're telling me not a single of the 7 games that you financed this way was or will be shipped to you? Very doubtful.

In other words, you've scammed 4400 points. That is over $200 worth. Maybe you think some people at Goozex are blowing it out of proportion, but I'm shocked by the "meh" response that I feel like it is getting on this forum. I thought no matter the website, we all hate BS'ers and scammers. Right?

[quote name='jaysapathy']And think about this: if I was going to scam the site, why would I list them as anything but full package? There's always a longer line of people waiting for a FP than there are disc only.. The logic surrounding your witch hunt isn't making a lot of sense.[/QUOTE]

Because those were all rare games with no offers and many disc only requests. You didn't have to wait in line, so there would be no difference no matter which condition you listed in.

[quote name='jaysapathy']I hope this gets a lot of exposure[/QUOTE]
I know I haven't done anything here, but I certainly wouldn't trade with you after learning about this. Kind of odd that you would want a lot of people to see this.

[quote name='jaysapathy']Fantastic -- you've made me out to be the villain you wanted me to be.[/QUOTE]

You did it all yourself, I just pointed it out.

I'm almost insulted by how full of it you are. You seriously expect someone to believe that you, after declaring that you are done with the website and actually working on creating a competitor:

1. Were "cashing out" by adding rare games worth over $200 to the site.

2. Thought listing those games on Goozex was the best bang for your buck, when you could have more value and hard cash elsewhere.

3. Had the best interest of Goozex and/or the community in mind the whole time.

This isn't a Goozex vs. CAG issue. This is an honest user vs. scammer issue. I doubt any reasonable person can look at all the evidence and decide you are the former in this case.
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Reading their latest posts (being a clown, raping my dog) it's easy to see why calling them douchebags was well warranted. They are. Their members are attacking us. Funny how they ignored G Nitros post gishing about how awesome he was and Goozex is the best. And CAG users are crazy.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Reading their latest posts (being a clown, raping my dog) it's easy to see why calling them douchebags was well warranted. They are. Their members are attacking us. Funny how they ignored G Nitros post gishing about how awesome he was and Goozex is the best. And CAG users are crazy.[/QUOTE]

Wow, you spin stuff more than Fox News. The exact quotes were calling you a clown for trashing on goozex now for days, well before G-nitro posted. And then someone said "Yeah, you'd almost think that the G-Team shot his dog, robbed his home, and made sweet sweet love to his sister." cause you seem to be on some personal holy crusade to post in any thread that the word goozex shows up in trashing both the site and its users. Maybe you should get off your high horse instead of turning this into a spin factory for your cause.
[quote name='GizmoGC']We were all having a discussion before the "#1 trader" showed up and call us chicken littles and such. Which allowed others to come over and start the harassment. They mentioned CAG, they posted the link.

And they wonder why people are bailing. What a horrible, nasty community. I'd expect more from the "#1 trader", which is a big representation of the community as a whole.[/QUOTE]For the record G-Nitro does NOT represent the community as a whole! ;)

I'm a CAGer and a Goozer and so are many others (as Maskim pointed out). This whole thing is ridiculous.

Goozex isn't going anywhere... it will continue to be the best trading site available and will only keep getting better.

Eventually the point increase threads on here and Goozex will die down and everything will be business as usual. A few people will leave, a few people will threaten to leave but won't and the vast majority will stay and Goozex will continue to grow just as it has year by year.

I can't believe all of the nonsense that has gone on on both sites! Sillyness.

People can post their opinions. Exactly what we did here. Goozex decided to turn it into a witch hunt. It only helps clarify how immature and scared they are. Writing is on the wall for Goozex.
If there's any more whining in this thread, someone's going to have to make a run to walmart to pick up another case of pampers.
So you are saying your opinion is better than anyone at goozex's? Cause that is what you are basically saying, in a form that sounds better to you. Cause you know, all we at goozex are doing is voicing our opinion of both the trade token issue, and our opinion of the users here as well. If you don't like it, don't turn it in to a witch hunt on these boards either.
[quote name='dtp11']

I'm a CAGer and a Goozer and so are many others (as Maskim pointed out). This whole thing is ridiculous.

Goozex isn't going anywhere... it will continue to be the best trading site available and will only keep getting better.

Eventually the point increase threads on here and Goozex will die down and everything will be business as usual. A few people will leave, a few people will threaten to leave but won't and the vast majority will stay and Goozex will continue to grow just as it has year by year.

I can't believe all of the nonsense that has gone on on both sites! Sillyness.

Cheers![/QUOTE]That's about the most reasonable thing I've read in this thread.
Except Goozex members started attacking us first. We are allowed to have opinions and discuss it on CAG. But Goozex members are so scared they just had to attack. I hope it was worth it as it just exposes everyone to how poor of a community it could be. Shame since there ate likely 99% great people over there too. Oh well, the members quitting should be a nice wakeup call.
[quote name='Maskim']That's about the most reasonable thing I've read in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is, and I'm pretty sure the internet is about to implode now.

I see a lot of Goozex members attacking their own for having an opinion. Only $1 more. Boo hoo. Waaaa Waaaa. That's what's being posted. All new members should read that thread. Very eye opening.
[quote name='Shuffles']words

The problem is it's all circumstantial. Jay hasn't done anything wrong and you're assuming he will. You're not a fortune teller and there's nothing saying that a legit user who lists some games, no matter the circumstances unless he's outright stated his intent to scam people, has not done anything wrong yet.

Do you have any actual evidence? Like some recent transactions where people didn't receive their product from Jay? I'm confused how you're confident Jay is scamming people, let alone how the admins of Goozex feel this way.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Forum Moderators are now jumping in on the bashing. Hope all CAGers quit.[/QUOTE]

Seriously man, what is your problem? I disagree with the insults from both sides, but you definitely seem to be on a crusade against Goozex. People can have their opinions, (leave the site if they so choose, etc.) but it really discredits you when every single post you complain or say something negative.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Except Goozex members started attacking us first. We are allowed to have opinions and discuss it on CAG. But Goozex members are so scared they just had to attack. I hope it was worth it as it just exposes everyone to how poor of a community it could be. Shame since there ate likely 99% great people over there too. Oh well, the members quitting should be a nice wakeup call.[/QUOTE]

Hello Michael Moore. Wanna make a documentary about it? All I see so far is G-nitro called you guys Chicken Littles. If you see this as an attack at your site, then you have serious issues. Whoops, better not say that, as I just now attacked your character as well. Point is, I have yet to see a person on goozex or here say "boycott/leave CAG" now have we? That's all you are doing. Basically you are leading an attack at goozex by insulting users and the site in this thread and other threads.

But since you're doing it, it's ok right? I guess that's the fine line of "discussing". I'm done feeding your troll like nature, good day.
[quote name='EdgeCrusher36']Hello Michael Moore. Wanna make a documentary about it? All I see so far is G-nitro called you guys Chicken Littles. If you see this as an attack at your site, then you have serious issues. Whoops, better not say that, as I just now attacked your character as well. Point is, I have yet to see a person on goozex or here say "boycott/leave CAG" now have we? That's all you are doing. Basically you are leading an attack at goozex by insulting users and the site in this thread and other threads.

But since you're doing it, it's ok right? I guess that's the fine line of "discussing". I'm done feeding your troll like nature, good day.[/QUOTE]

All I see is a bunch of Goozex members attacking people here for not liking the $1 fee increase.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']
Do you have any actual evidence? Like some recent transactions where people didn't receive their product from Jay? I'm confused how you're confident Jay is scamming people, let alone how the admins of Goozex feel this way.[/QUOTE]

First of all I'd ask you to look at everything and ask, which do you think is more likely?

Second of all, yes I know more. He confirmed shipped those items over the weekend, since you get points on confirmation, but did not ship them. Classic scammer behavior, and an action a veteran trader should know is wrong. Why would he confirm shipped when he didn't ship them? Hmm...
How do you know he didn't ship them? Do you work for USPS? Not trying to get caught in the middle of this, but you've produced nothing more than speculation and accusations.
[quote name='Shuffles']First of all I'd ask you to look at everything and ask, which do you think is more likely?

Second of all, yes I know more. He confirmed shipped those items over the weekend, since you get points on confirmation, but did not ship them. Classic scammer behavior, and an action a veteran trader should know is wrong. Why would he confirm shipped when he didn't ship them? Hmm...[/QUOTE]
How do you know the product was not shipped? Did Jay state this? Do you have a time machine to determine that the products were never shipped? Remember, providing a DC# is optional and even if one is provided, it can take a while to update especially if Media Mail is used.
I also don't need to think about which scenario is more likely when I operate on fact. Right now, I don't have any facts to "convict" Jay like you have.
[quote name='polly']GizmoGC, sit down & shut up. You don't speak for all CAGs.

jaysapathy, for shame dude.[/QUOTE]

Another angry Goozex member?
[quote name='GizmoGC']Another angry Goozex member?[/QUOTE]
Or perhaps he's just a Cheap Ass Goozer like myself sick of your constant bashing on this site about Goozex. We all get it, you aren't happy and you are leaving the site. But you do not have to CONSTANTLY go on and on here about how WE should all leave the site also. There is also absolutely no reason for you to post in the token reminder thread for people not to buy tokens. That has happened twice today, and it is completely uncalled for.

So I will throw my vote in along with Polly. Sit down, and shut up!
I'm a Goozex member, although not an angry one, but that's irrelevant to the fact that Gizmo is nothing but a broken record. He's been dumping on Goozex for weeks now. We get it, you don't like Goozex, you've made it abundantly clear. Since you hate the site so much and no longer use it, why are you so obsessive about continuing to rant against it? Time to get over yourself and let it go.
[quote name='myl0r']Or perhaps he's just a Cheap Ass Goozer like myself sick of your constant bashing on this site about Goozex. We all get it, you aren't happy and you are leaving the site. But you do not have to CONSTANTLY go on and on here about how WE should all leave the site also. There is also absolutely no reason for you to post in the token reminder thread for people not to buy tokens. That has happened twice today, and it is completely uncalled for.

So I will throw my vote in along with Polly. Sit down, and shut up![/QUOTE]
But If I act like Glen Beck, and constantly bitch. Eventually I'll get something right! It's only been 6 to 8 months now of me saying how Goozex is doomed!
Because this has spun out from being just about Goozex and now about me, I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear. Call me a scammer if you want, but this can all be verified:

The games were confirmed as shipped, but not shipped. The reason for that is because I received an email from the guy who wanted EVO. He wanted to know about the condition of the cart, if it had stickers, etc. I hadn't considered that, and so I put everything on hold while I sent each person an individual message explaining the condition of the cartridge, and invited them to cancel the trade if they weren't happy with it. THAT, and only that, is why they were confirmed but not shipped.

And you can whine to your Goozex admin to verify it. That actually happened. As I've said before, one guy turned me down, and I sent an email to feedback@ to cancel the trade.

This has been blown way out of proportion, and even if I *was* going to stay on Goozex, this would have scared me off completely. The debate has gone from "Wow, goozex is really raising the price by $1? Not cool" to "He's offended our people, WE MUST HAVE A SACRIFICE." So great, you crucified me. I'm out. Gone. And my reputation has been tarnished a little. You can think that over while you stare in the mirror and jerk yourself off while you tell yourself how great you are for "outing" a scammer.

I don't like lowering myself to your level, but I'm going to for just a few seconds.. Just long enough to say fuck you and the horse you rode in on. This whole experience has been enough to put me off both sides of the community, as the behavior from both sides has just been embarassing, my attitude included. Time to drop it and send this on its way.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Oh don't worry, I'm done. I'll continue posting of course, but I'm pretty sure the posts over there speak loud enough.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jaysapathy']Because this has spun out from being just about Goozex and now about me, I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear. Call me a scammer if you want, but this can all be verified:

The games were confirmed as shipped, but not shipped. The reason for that is because I received an email from the guy who wanted EVO. He wanted to know about the condition of the cart, if it had stickers, etc. I hadn't considered that, and so I put everything on hold while I sent each person an individual message explaining the condition of the cartridge, and invited them to cancel the trade if they weren't happy with it. THAT, and only that, is why they were confirmed but not shipped.

And you can whine to your Goozex admin to verify it. That actually happened. As I've said before, one guy turned me down, and I sent an email to feedback@ to cancel the trade.

This has been blown way out of proportion, and even if I *was* going to stay on Goozex, this would have scared me off completely. The debate has gone from "Wow, goozex is really raising the price by $1? Not cool" to "He's offended our people, WE MUST HAVE A SACRIFICE." So great, you crucified me. I'm out. Gone. And my reputation has been tarnished a little. You can think that over while you stare in the mirror and jerk yourself off while you tell yourself how great you are for "outing" a scammer.

I don't like lowering myself to your level, but I'm going to for just a few seconds.. Just long enough to say fuck you and the horse you rode in on. This whole experience has been enough to put me off both sides of the community, as the behavior from both sides has just been embarassing, my attitude included. Time to drop it and send this on its way.[/QUOTE]

Very well said.

Shame we can't have an actual discussion on this matter. But it's clear Goozex is going to cater to a certain type of people. I'm out. Taking my 100 games and 300 movies to
Oh, I see, thanks for clearing that up Jay. Nevertheless, I have confirmed items shipped the night before mailing them when I have them boxed up and ready to go, especially when I'm low on points. Does that automatically make me a scammer until the items arrive?
[quote name='GizmoGC']Mature.[/QUOTE]

After your weeks of ranting you actually have the gall to play the "mature" card? Oh, that's rich. Your hypocritical post got the appropriate response, nothing more complex was necessary.
[quote name='jaysapathy']Because this has spun out from being just about Goozex and now about me, I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear. Call me a scammer if you want, but this can all be verified:

The games were confirmed as shipped, but not shipped. The reason for that is because I received an email from the guy who wanted EVO. He wanted to know about the condition of the cart, if it had stickers, etc. I hadn't considered that, and so I put everything on hold while I sent each person an individual message explaining the condition of the cartridge, and invited them to cancel the trade if they weren't happy with it. THAT, and only that, is why they were confirmed but not shipped.

And you can whine to your Goozex admin to verify it. That actually happened. As I've said before, one guy turned me down, and I sent an email to feedback@ to cancel the trade.

This has been blown way out of proportion, and even if I *was* going to stay on Goozex, this would have scared me off completely. The debate has gone from "Wow, goozex is really raising the price by $1? Not cool" to "He's offended our people, WE MUST HAVE A SACRIFICE." So great, you crucified me. I'm out. Gone. And my reputation has been tarnished a little. You can think that over while you stare in the mirror and jerk yourself off while you tell yourself how great you are for "outing" a scammer.

I don't like lowering myself to your level, but I'm going to for just a few seconds.. Just long enough to say fuck you and the horse you rode in on. This whole experience has been enough to put me off both sides of the community, as the behavior from both sides has just been embarassing, my attitude included. Time to drop it and send this on its way.[/QUOTE]I've been avoiding the subject of Jay, specifically, because I've always found Jay to be a decent and courteous trader. As he mentioned, and I've personally experienced, he's the kind of trader who will go out of his way to make sure you not only get the game you asked for, as it was listed, but in the condition you want, such as no stickers etc.

Because of that, I've been reserving judgment so to speak. To use a legal comparison, I would have preferred he have a chance to defend himself and for all the evidence to be put forward before he was sentenced, and had his account closed.

That being said, with the evidence submitted so far, be it circumstantial or not, I can't fault the probable cause to lead to an arrest.

So basically, I'm not saying Jay's guilty, and his character has always been of a high calibre in the past. However, it looks bad, and certainly warranted some concern, at least.
In any regards, I personally have no ill will towards the man. I think you'll find that the vast majority of goozers hold no ill will against CAGs either. Even the ones that seem to have a personal vendetta.
So if there's a lesson to be learned here, it's that you don't list 4 "hard to find" games in succession. Thank God I didn't list my other copy of Lunar or Xenogears. They might have flown to my house to beat me up. :x

The Goozex charge takes effect tomorrow. Can we get back to arguing about that? :p
[quote name='jaysapathy']So if there's a lesson to be learned here, it's that you don't list 4 "hard to find" games in succession. Thank God I didn't list my other copy of Lunar or Xenogears. They might have flown to my house to beat me up. :x

The Goozex charge takes effect tomorrow. Can we get back to arguing about that? :p[/QUOTE]

Your now guilty of a crime! LOL
Really, GizmoGC, just stop it or post something meaningful. At first you were just a guy speaking your mind, but you're beyond annoying now; you've derailed this thread into a GizmoGC hates Goozex thread and its pointless. Fine, we get it, you're leaving Goozex, but we don't care anymore. Such trollish behavior is contributing nothing to this thread and just makes you look like an immature goofball.
bread's done