Is there a Zelda for Dummies type of website out there? I've never played Zelda but bought it after all the hype and incredible reviews. I also bought the Gamecube Zelda titles too. My thinking is that I should play some of the earlier games to learn the backstory. Like I said, I've never played Zelda and as you can see by my sig it's not the typical game I play.


[quote name='rscaramelo']Is there a Zelda for Dummies type of website out there? I've never played Zelda but bought it after all the hype and incredible reviews. I also bought the Gamecube Zelda titles too. My thinking is that I should play some of the earlier games to learn the backstory. Like I said, I've never played Zelda and as you can see by my sig it's not the typical game I play.



The funny thing about the backstory for Zelda is that it seems to be operating on two separate time lines. If you want a really interesting look at the series, take a look at these videos that were done up by Gametrailers. They do a complete retrospective of the series.

Here's the first one, if you search their site, you can find the whole 6 part run. It's very interesting look at the series.
[quote name='psunami']The funny thing about the backstory for Zelda is that it seems to be operating on two separate time lines. If you want a really interesting look at the series, take a look at these videos that were done up by Gametrailers. They do a complete retrospective of the series.

Here's the first one, if you search their site, you can find the whole 6 part run. It's very interesting look at the series.[/quote]I'll second that. I watched that whole retrospective (hype machine? ;) ) in the weeks leading up to the Wii's launch and really enjoyed it. It filled in some of the gaps for me (I've played only a select few Zelda games to the end) and was really enjoyable.

TP does stand on its own, but borrows a good chunk from OoT as well.
[quote name='Tybee']You guys make me sad. Rush rush rush. I'm at 32 hours and I'm just about to start the fourth dungeon. Meanwhile, I've been having tons of fun exploring. I've collected 10 bugs, about 15 Poe souls three bottles, wallet upgrade, etc. etc. and I'm having a great time exploring leisurely.[/quote]

I'm with you. I just passed 31 hours and I'm still in between the 4th and 5th dungeons
(I don't even know where the 5th dungeon is yet). The 4th dungeon and the boss were so sweet - and the weapon! - so creative. I'm trying to explore a lot on foot instead of warping around so I can get to know the lay of the land. I've also been stumbling onto caves and pieces of hearts by doing this.
I LOVE this game.
[quote name='Tybee']You guys make me sad. Rush rush rush. I'm at 32 hours and I'm just about to start the fourth dungeon. Meanwhile, I've been having tons of fun exploring. I've collected 10 bugs, about 15 Poe souls three bottles, wallet upgrade, etc. etc. and I'm having a great time exploring leisurely.[/quote]I'm saving "completing" Zelda for a game drought. Even as I think about it I want to just start running around like a goon looking for stuff. :)

But, I was so into the story I just wanted to know how it all worked out!
Well I wouldnt play TOO many of the old games. I've heard some people say that playing TP felt like they were playing OOT all over again and it took away some of the experience...or something like that. But for Zelda games, isn't it usually just its own game with little reference to others? Except the triforce part of it and stuff like that.
[quote name='Spades22']Well I wouldnt play TOO many of the old games. I've heard some people say that playing TP felt like they were playing OOT all over again and it took away some of the experience...or something like that. But for Zelda games, isn't it usually just its own game with little reference to others? Except the triforce part of it and stuff like that.[/quote]

To start out, here is the list of essential Zelda games everyone should play and finish:

1. The Legend of Zelda
2. The Adventure of Link
3. A Link To The Past
4. Ocarina of Time
5. Majora's Mask
6. The Wind Waker
7. Twilight Princess
8. Link's Awakening DX
9. Oracle of Ages
10. Oracle of Seasons

Skippable games:
1. Minish Cap
2. Four Swords Adventures

1. The Legend of Zelda
8. Link's Awakening DX

2. The Adventure of Link
3. A Link To The Past
6. The Wind Waker
7. Twilight Princess

9. Oracle of Ages
10. Oracle of Seasons
1. Minish Cap
2. Four Swords Adventures

None of the above:
4. Ocarina of Time
5. Majora's Mask

I guess I have my work cut out for me.

You forgot about Four Swords for Cube, which would probably also be skippable.
[quote name='Tybee']You guys make me sad. Rush rush rush. I'm at 32 hours and I'm just about to start the fourth dungeon. Meanwhile, I've been having tons of fun exploring. I've collected 10 bugs, about 15 Poe souls three bottles, wallet upgrade, etc. etc. and I'm having a great time exploring leisurely.[/QUOTE]

I was at about 29 hours when I started the 4th dungeon. There's much less to stuff in between dungeons in the latter half of the game, with the exception of between 6 and 7, so it goes by faster.

But I didn't do much exploration, I like to save that for after beating the game. I get locked into the main quest and just want to resolve it. Then I can go back at my leisure and do all the side quests etc.

I doubt I'll finish all of them though as I'm not too fond of tracking down shit like bugs and poes.

But then again there's nothing else on the Wii that interests me, and nothing comign for a while. There's WarioWare, but there's no way in hell I'll pay $50 for a WarioWare game.

So I might not buy anything else until Mario or Metroid comes out, and just catch up on some DS/PC/PS2 games along with exploring Zelda more.
Ah well I've played Ocarina a bit and a bit of Majora as well. Wind Waker is the only one I've beaten. Although why are those Zelda's essential? I understood Wind Waker perfectly I thought... and even knew about how some of the stuff fit into Ocarina and such.
To me, it just makes more sense to explore and find the stuff while it will still be useful to me in the game. Big chests of rupees, pieces of heart, bugs, and poes will be of no use to me after I beat the game. But finding them along the way means I'll be a little less stressed looking for hearts in a dungeon or can afford to buy that cool armor, etc. etc.

Heck, I spent an hour fishing yesterday just for the halibut. *drumfill*
[quote name='Tybee']To me, it just makes more sense to explore and find the stuff while it will still be useful to me in the game. Big chests of rupees, pieces of heart, bugs, and poes will be of no use to me after I beat the game. But finding them along the way means I'll be a little less stressed looking for hearts in a dungeon or can afford to buy that cool armor, etc. etc.

The game's so damn easy, I actually prefer not having all that stuff so I get at least a bit of a challenge. I still beat the last boss in only 2 tries, but I did have 14 hearts as I did make sure to get the 2 pieces in each dungeon and did some side stuff here and there.

But to be fair, I"m not a completist and don't give a shit about finding everything in games. Too many great games to play to spend too much time doing monotonous fetch quests and treasure hunts IMO.
I used to be a completionist... now not as much anymore, I dont have the patience. Although for some games I am if I REALLY enjoy them...or am just bored and have no other game to play, I might go for 100% completion.
Currently about to head into
Goron Mines (not sure if this is a spoiler, better safe than sorry).

This is the first 3D Zelda I've played (Beat Minish Cap and got through a large chunk of LttP).

I plan on buying OoT and Wind Waker soon for the GCN.

Great game thus far.
Okay, I need a bit of help to advance:

I just got Epona back and need to go to Ordona to get the Iron Boots. However, all the paths from Hyrule Field are blocked by boulders. How do I get back?
[quote name='javeryh']To start out, here is the list of essential Zelda games everyone should play and finish:

3. A Link To The Past
IMO the best game in the franchise and one that should definitely be played all the way through. It's in my top 3 all-time games.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Okay, I need a bit of help to advance:

I just got Epona back and need to go to Ordona to get the Iron Boots. However, all the paths from Hyrule Field are blocked by boulders. How do I get back?
You're missing a path. It's open, you want to go pretty much due east from Kahkiro (sp?) village and then south when you get into the second part of Hyrule Field (the spot in HF that you first walked into. That should bring you to the oil guy and you'll be on your way from there.
[quote name='daroga']
You're missing a path. It's open, you want to go pretty much due east from Kahkiro (sp?) village and then south when you get into the second part of Hyrule Field (the spot in HF that you first walked into. That should bring you to the oil guy and you'll be on your way from there.
Oh, okay, it would seemed there's two Hyrule Fields.

There's an exit from Kakariko on the north end of town, and right to the west of where to pond is and the spirit appeared. The one near the pond is where I was supposed to go- I went to the other one, which had a bridge kind of like the one you had to warp to find, which confused me. D'oh!

[quote name='sixersballernum3']Oh, okay, it would seemed there's two Hyrule Fields.

There's an exit from Kakariko on the north end of town, and right to the west of where to pond is and the spirit appeared. The one near the pond is where I was supposed to go- I went to the other one, which had a bridge kind of like the one you had to warp to find, which confused me. D'oh!


There's a bunch of areas on the map labeled Hyrule Field - it's absolutely huge.
[quote name='javeryh']
There's a bunch of areas on the map labeled Hyrule Field - it's absolutely huge.

Don't scare me! ;)
[quote name='moiety']IMO the best game in the franchise and one that should definitely be played all the way through. It's in my top 3 all-time games.[/QUOTE]

I was with you until I finished Twilight Princess...I'm pretty sure TP is the best Zelda now. Oh well, now I have two games to go on and on about. :)
Beat the 3rd Temple yesterday after a week+ off for finals.

Today I played again and got
The Master Sword.

That puzzle to get to it was a bitch. I gave up and used a FAQ after 20 minutes.
So I was reading EGM's review of TP and two of the guys said it takes over 60 hours but I've been hearing around 30 hours. Is it 60 if you get 100% or what?
I'm at 44 hours with 18 hearts, max quiver + bomb bag, all bottles, a few fish and big wallet, you'd probably be able to finish the game much quicker, but i like to relax and play some minigames here and there for fun :) and just beat
[quote name='mrchainsaw']So I was reading EGM's review of TP and two of the guys said it takes over 60 hours but I've been hearing around 30 hours. Is it 60 if you get 100% or what?[/QUOTE]

I'm in the 45 range and I've just finished the 6th dungeon. There have been people just flying through the game and finishing it in 30 hours, but they haven't really checked out much of the world... from what they've said.
[quote name='psunami']I'm in the 45 range and I've just finished the 6th dungeon. There have been people just flying through the game and finishing it in 30 hours, but they haven't really checked out much of the world... from what they've said.[/quote]Yeah, I did 36ish I think, but I did very little exploring. The game is massive and there's a ton to do that's not just a collecting spree that I haven't even touched.
i beat it in 45hrs with 17 hearts, 60 arrow quiver, 1000 rupees wallet, the stupid magic armor that i never used, and some other stuff. it seemed like a waste to spend a few more hours to just get those upgrades that really didn't make a difference. well im not a fan of the series so it was just another game-- well the only game i would play on wii until Q1 next year...
I just finished it the other day at around 42-43 hours with 14 hearts, 60 arrow quiver, 600 rupee wallet, and almost half of the bugs.

I really loved this game, really the only problems were the fishing, it took a little while to get going, and the last 2 dungeons are small.
Finished the third dungeon the other day and it's not nearly as good as the second dungeon. The abundance of rupees and nowhere to spend them is really annoying and a poor game design choice.
Finished it today. 24 hours and 12 minutes to beat the game. Not sure where people got 60 hours from. Maybe if you left the game on pause for 2 days.

Good game, I found myself to have had more fun playing Okami and Wind Waker.

Midna is awesome though.
[quote name='zewone']Finished it today. 24 hours and 12 minutes to beat the game. Not sure where people got 60 hours from. Maybe if you left the game on pause for 2 days.

Good game, I found myself to have had more fun playing Okami and Wind Waker.

Midna is awesome though.[/quote]Probably the people like me who are just over 25 hours halfway through the 4th dungeon.
[quote name='zewone']Finished it today. 24 hours and 12 minutes to beat the game. Not sure where people got 60 hours from. Maybe if you left the game on pause for 2 days.

Good game, I found myself to have had more fun playing Okami and Wind Waker.

Midna is awesome though.[/QUOTE]

Probably the people that got everything themselves without any help.
[quote name='Blind the Thief']Probably the people that got everything themselves without any help.[/quote]There's nothing wrong with playing a game while another person reads the GameFAQ for that game outloud. ;)
i just finished the
Yeti House level
so far its my favorite dungeon. Probably because its so much different than the normal dungeon. Got really pissed off after the
snowboarding race, kept on getting bumped at the end or screwing up, and I ended up getting nothing for all my trouble, not even a damn rupee.
Oh well at the next dungeon already, might take a break tomorrow, to keep the game going as long as possible
[quote name='crazytalkx']I just finished the
Temple of Time
. How many more dungeons to go? Such a great fucking game.[/quote]where are you heading to next? if its the
Gerudo desert
you got about 4 more from there, if its after you got about 2 (sorry don't recall exactly)
[quote name='crazytalkx']I just finished the
Temple of Time
. How many more dungeons to go? Such a great fucking game.[/QUOTE]
3 more.
Just finished it last night at approximately 50 hours with a 100 arrow quiver, 17 hearts, about 1/3rd of the bottles, 2/3rds of the Poes.

What a great game.
[quote name='smalien1']Does Oocoo stay if you leave him, leave the dungeon, and save? When I turn the game back on, will I be able to warp to where I was?[/quote]That's pretty much his sole use. Warp out, save, and then you can warp back to the room you were in originally when you start again.

I was so excited that I finally found him in the 4th dungeon that I forgot to actually warp before saving and quitting, so I still had to walk back through half the thing.
[quote name='botticus']That's pretty much his sole use. Warp out, save, and then you can warp back to the room you were in originally when you start again.

I was so excited that I finally found him in the 4th dungeon that I forgot to actually warp before saving and quitting, so I still had to walk back through half the thing.[/QUOTE]

I never used it. I rock!

On a sidenote, did anyone catch that damn
27 inch loach? I can't land him with my sinking lure, and rollgoal 1-8 is nigh impossible.
I looked through quite a few pages and didn't see an answer, but I have this question about the end....

Does anyone know the meaning of what looks like Zant showing back up and Ganon getting his neck snapped?

As far as the game goes I thought it was great, but as a few others have said I thought too easy. At least as far as actual battling goes. I don't think I ever died during a fight until the end. I can't remember how often I died in Ocarina, but I know Link to the Past kicks my ass more. Puzzles were challenging at times and I was impressed I made it through the whole game with minimum strategy guide help. Took me about 45 hours.
It's official the only thing (well so far) I can't fucking stand about this game is fishing. It's not even that it is hard but I wish there were more fish biting. Yeah it wouldn't be realistic but who gives a poop?
I am slowly but surely plugging through this thing... broke the 26 hour mark just around the time I was finishing up the fourth dungeon and locating my next destination.
[quote name='botticus']I am slowly but surely plugging through this thing... broke the 26 hour mark just around the time I was finishing up the fourth dungeon and locating my next destination.[/quote]I have about half of the hours you have and just got to the third dungeon, but I am moving at a similarly slow pace considering I've had this game for over a month.
Finally beat the game today, no I am sad that I am prob done with it besides a few side quests. About the ending though
You would have thought they would have had Link show up at his place and meet Ilia at the end or at least a hidden message or gift from Midna. It kinda just leaves you hanging on all fronts with Link. Still a great game though
bread's done