Official Mass Effect: Andromeda Discussion (Hype/Speculation/Anticipation)

2 Days and Counting!
Yeah I checked out a few Nomad skins I got from playing the EA Access trial. I went with shiny, even though yeah yeah I know reflective armor gives away your position but come on it's cool! Lol
Also, Target better put up that damned exclusive ME: A Funco already, I refuse to buy it from eBay at 2-3x the price on principle. 

Apparently BB decided to make a joke and ship my two Nomads first before the games. :wall:

EDIT: Now my two SBs are being shipped out, by themselves. Oh lovely. :wall: :wall: Time to pray for no damage.
My sons regular edition shipped Friday who is in Austin at school. My deluxe coming to Dallas hasn't. But both steel books have
In case anyone wanted the Target ME: A Funco, they are street-dated for Tuesday and my local store has 8 of them.  They're limiting to 1 per person, so hopefully if you get there around opening, you should be able to get one.

The non-specific ones showed up today from Amazon, including the 6" Archon one that was mis-priced @ Amazon.   Just need the Target one to complete the set. 

I was playing more of the trial today, which opened telling me I had under 4 hours remaining!!!, debriefed my strike teams and did a few APEX missions myself. I finally got a good group that extracted on an APEX mission, bronze I think - it helps when you're not a level 1 lol. For a bunch of the rewards it said I can only access them in single player so I went back to my campaign and did that. Also decided to just dick around more as I had gotten most of the story in the trial done. Went back to the Galaxy map
and visited/scanned/probed all planets and anomalies to get to 100% in that system and then went back to the Nexus to finish up on some side quests - I want to say there's a lot of ME1 influence here, they've gone back to ME's roots. I've always wanted to have a first person perspective when the ship moves around or seeing the ship entering a new planet's atmosphere. Extensive loading screens of the last gen are gone, (one of the biggest perks of owning a Xbox One today) and replaced we have this uninterrupted first hand experience flying from one planet to another (super cool!). There's this little part in the back of my brain saying oh oh, oh man wouldn't this be cool in VR some day (I don't think I'd be able to stand it as as of now the camera moves a bit too fast for that, but you know that's just crazy to think about)!

Wow, I'm just in love with this game already; I think if you're a Mass Effect fan you're gonna love it. Can't wait to discover more of Andromeda, which I think is gonna feel pretty vast.

I bought all the books, 2 copies of the game for my son in college and me to play together, and the back pack. I'm not happy with the reviews, and didn't  like the character creation and some of the graphics on the xbone. I ordered them on the ps4 (pro) so I hope I can enjoy it.  I played the original trilogy multiple times over and I'll be really upset if it's bad. I buy a lot of games and have a huge backlog. However, this was going to be the head of the pack to play. My Deluxe edition still hasn't shipped either from BB

Yeah, reviews are decidedly mixed. It's one of those things-- There are games that get bad reviews from critics that I end up loving, and games that are critical darlings that I can't stand. It's a nice bonus when something you like is popular and gets praised in reviews, but it's not going to stop me from enjoying Mass Effect.

Hopefully BioWare takes the feedback on animation, lip syncing, etc., to heart and really knocks the next game out of the park.

I love Zelda but I don't get the whole critically acclaimed title Breath of the Wild. I think it's very good, not the best ever. No dungeons in that game is an absolute backhanded oh hey we're Zelda statement from the developer. What? I appreciate the open-world of the new Zelda but you gotta be kidding me, no dungeons!? They basically RDR-ed Zelda.

Ahh, I didn't seem to be overly sensitive to the issues critics were having. I noticed a couple of oddities a few times but it didn't "break my game's experience".I knew it wasn't going to be Mass Effect 4, it's titled Andromeda and I know we're working with new developers at this time. From what I've played, opened up the trial today and it said you have less than 30 mins left so I did some strike team debriefing and set them on their way for the next mission!!!, I've enjoyed my time and feel like Andromeda is a good spin off series of Mass Effect. Kind of like Stargate SG-1. Yeah that show was great, then they spun off with Stargate Atlantis which wasn't SG-1, it was Atlantis so it was different and there are things I liked and disliked about it compared to the original concept with SG-1. I think this is a good comparison as SG-1 was highly military as Atlantis was highly scientific focused, similar to the ME trilogy and now ME:A.

Last night I did a few more APEX missions, maybe that's why I have so much less time in the trial lol, with randoms and boy it's just as fun as ME3's multiplayer (and more with the new maps with the jump jet really opens things up. I was running and covering around but then shooting things above me. It then dawned on me that I could as well get up there and when I did there were some good fortified covering spots too. If you're not into the single player, I bet you can play the multiplayer a few months before you get bored with it as it's still a great multiplayer experience. Am I an apologist? No, I was just not hyping this game up like everyone else because I've seen it over and over again, it never pans out when you do that. This isn't ME4, this is ME:A. 1 Day Left.

Is that APEX HQ up yet?! Update: Yes, is up on the Play Store, iOS not confirmed by me but I'd assume so.
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Downloaded and browsed through the APEX HQ app and am quite impressed with what you can do in it. It's super efficient to get your characters up to speed before you jump into the battle. This is good because often times you'll be able to join an ongoing mission and you'll want to have your dude/dudet all ready to go to get in as soon as you can. Also I tried to debrief my strike teams but it doesn't let you, or I couldn't figure out how to, so it just let's you check up on their duration for said mission. Still, being able to change your loadout, acquire skills or upgrade ones and read what's what is super useful.

^ Nice! Yeah I'm really annoyed, Amazon only says it'll be there by 8PM, no shipping info or anything. "We're preparing your order. Carrier information will be updated soon." Gaaah

Mass Effect: Andromeda: Abilities Showcase, don't watch if you want to go in completely blind, (shows enemies/abilities/locations/etc).
But it's GLORIOUS!
Best Buy's copies are just now listed as being shipped as of the last 1-2 hours.   Pretty much guaranteed my physical copies won't be here tomorrow.  I assumed that once I saw that they didn't ship from Thu - Sat like the rest of my stuff did, so I bought the Super Deluxe digital version, so I'm good for when it unlocks tonight.  I took the day off tomorrow to do nothing except run to Target to get their Peebee Funco and then drive my couch to play ME: A. 

I'll read BB the riot act when they show up on Wednesday.  

^ Yeah I got an email from BB about my SB today being shipped too. It says it'll be here tomorrow so you might be good but I get why you went with the digital version too lol.

Shrike, post back if you find the Target variant PeeBee. I looked yesterday at my local Target w/ my wife and daughter - and no luck. Still isn't listed online either.
My BB preorder says shipped this morning as well.  I usually do in-store pick up.  This is my first shipped preorder so this is a test for me to see how the timing works out for delivery in my area.

If it doesn't get here tomorrow, I guess I'll spend the time doing my taxes instead of exploring Andromeda...

Edit: My BB preorder shipping status just updated.  Says estimated arrival is Wednesday, which probably means late Wednesday.  :( 

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Shrike, post back if you find the Target variant PeeBee. I looked yesterday at my local Target w/ my wife and daughter - and no luck. Still isn't listed online either.
I called my local Target yesterday when it still wasn't up on and according to the electronics rep, they're street-dated for tomorrow. They're supposedly limit 1 per person as well. The rep I talked with yesterday said he has one box of them with only 8 on-hand. I'm hauling ass to Target as close to open or before open as I can manage.

Anyone who is selling them or sold them on eBay had them from a store that broke street date, which is a serious thing. I posted the DPCI a couple of pages back, though this is it again (supposedly):

207 04 0151

I just double-checked one of my BB orders and it's supposedly Next Day Air Saver according to UPS My Choice, which means it could show up as late as 3-4PM. Other one is coming FedEx, though the FedEx website says it's 2-day with delivery by Wed 8PM. Still will have the riot act phone call with BB on Wednesday. :wall:

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My BB and Amazon orders shipped and supposedly say delivery tomorrow but this late in the game I'm not optimistic :(

Did get my steelbook tonight though, not bad for a free preorder bonus.

Notification on my phone stated my strike teams were ready so I booted up the remaining time of my Andromeda trial but then it doesn't load. I see Live is having issues now so that was probably it, at the time I was like ahh man I used all the time?! Lol, so there's still hope! So after I'm done watching APB I'll give it another shot lol. FYI, there's a sick RE bundle on Live atm, possibly people spamming the system or just went down coincidentally.

Hey, BB, claiming a "Carrier Delay" to FedEx isn't the case when you've printed the shipping labels and yet, FedEx doesn't have them. :wall: 

Hey Shrike and local target HAS the target exclusive Peebee funko pop in stock, but wouldn't sell it until tomorrow.  I'm going to stop by there on the way home tomorrow and if I can grab a couple of them, want me to snag one for each of you guys? 

I'm gonna swing back by Target tomorrow. Try my luck again. Thanks for the offer, hold off for now. I sincerely appreciate it, though.
Well this is odd. Contrary of the statement earlier that Bioware said they would not patch better facial animations, a Redditer found a Sarah Ryder that looks different now.

Day one patch different.
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Worth a read, if you're looking for a reasonably-minded review.

Hey Shrike and local target HAS the target exclusive Peebee funko pop in stock, but wouldn't sell it until tomorrow. I'm going to stop by there on the way home tomorrow and if I can grab a couple of them, want me to snag one for each of you guys?
My Target also has them as well, though like yours, won't sell them until tomorrow since they're street-dated. The rep I spoke with said 1 per person, so you might not luck out with a second.

I'm planning on being there are open and making sure I grab the one I need. If I can grab another one, I will in case anyone gets shafted. My store had one box with 8, so that might be just my store or everyone gets just 8 per store. Still not sure why Target didn't put theirs up and only has The Archon up there, unlike BB + GS which posted their exclusives and the common ones, as well as Amazon having all the common ones. BB + GS + Amazon all had them on pre-order, as well.

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Decided to check out the trial, hop on debrief strike teams & hop off, once Live stabilized tonight. I got a notification that an update is available, it's 774.72 MB.
Finally got Shipping Info from Amazon App on my phone, it's shipped and will be here tomorrow by 8PM(most likely the default saying)! I gotta drive my folks to the airport tomorrow, lol right, in the morning so hopefully it'll be sitting at my doorstep when I get back. My trial isn't loading, sniffles (if you play with subtitles you'll get this joke).
I would definitely be interested if anybody can snag an extra Peebee, won't be able to check my store until late tomorrow.
If I can pick up a couple I will. Just to be safe and a good CAG brother.

If you haven't yet, definitely download the APEX app. I'm sending my two strike teams out on missions and they're coming back, getting me some loot and mission points building up so I can buy a third strike team. This is a lot of fun to tinker with.

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I did instore pickup to avoid the shipping cost. Only one left at my store.
There were only two left at my store and as in-store pickup promises it within 2 hours, I thought there was a reasonable chance it would be out of stock by the time they picked it.

REDCard = no shipping charges, which is why I did a shipping order as well.

Spy, check the carrier tracking website for why there's a delay.
Yeah I guess it was a late UPS trailer arrival. Super bummed as I had to drive my folks to the airport today and then I was expecting the game to be on my front step when I got back. :wall:

Doing strike team shit with APEX HQ lol.

Well, I spent about 6 hours playing the full game, made it off of Hab7 and to the Nexus.    Playing it on Hardcore, the combat had kicked me ass in a few instances, though it's because I was good old level 1 or 2. 

Now that I've been in the real game and not the trial, I will have to say it does have a "DA: I wearing Mass Effect covering" feel to it. 

Lol, SB from BBY is delayed due to adverse weather conditions. That's probably what happened with my game too. The SB came from Florida lol.

Well my "Golf" strike team is at level 11 now and has all enemy specialist, kicking ass! My other strike team, not so much and has a negative trait. Doh!

Got my 3rd ST but I can't use them because all I have left to do is silver and bronze, lol which Golf can tackle bronze, Echo not so much.

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bread's done