Official NHL Not 15 (14) Discussion/CAG Team Thread - Headsets On Pants Off! New Team!

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(in regards to offline live the life, not drop ins)

For the position and handedness, it shouldn't ever change once you start, so that's weird. You'll have to restart if you want to change it because you can't change it once you start. As for the number, it will change yours if it's already taken by someone on the team. Fairly sure you can change to another vacant number, but I don't think you can make someone else give theirs up
What it sounds like is that he set his guy up from the "Create Pro" screen...which basically just "pre-sets" your player and your different positions. Then, when he started Live the Life, he probably didn't notice that it defaults to Center (#14 is just the default number if you haven't set up that position...and if you haven't set up that position, it'll have a default handedness as well), and you have to scroll down and change it to the position you want to play. For that, yeah, you'll need to start your Live the Life over to get your desired position.

As for drop-ins (online team play), they are a very very mixed bag depending on if you get matched up with people who care to play as a team at all. But if you get into a lobby where all that's left are positions you don't want to play, just back out and look for another game.

There's always Friday night's. ast night I think we lost two, maybe three and OT as well. It's amazing how we outplay teams this year and win. With the awesome D we have and Alan being goaltender here and there, we are going to rock it tonight. AI was also playing well as I mentioned to Nate and Alan last night. Sure you have to call for the puck sometimes, but other times, just let them skate in or dump it. They really made AI good this year. Let's hope EA doesn't change it.
All right, got this thread all converted over to being the Flying Vegan thread, haha. It took


to clean up the OP with CAG's new spoiler system. The regular spoilers just look like ass. But the custom spoilers don't always work well with videos and links. I had do a lot of "shift-enter" for line breaks to get it to work right. It's crazy how much info is in that first post though...years worth of memories.

Anyway, of course, discussion can continue in here as normal. We talk about all kinds of random stuff in this thread. From movies to stand up comedy to PC games. I'm fine with keeping this thread as basically a "hang out" like the NHL 12 club thread turned into. Obviously, NHL 14 discussion can continue as well.

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It must have not changed when I changed it or thought I did. I ended up just going back to center so now I have started all over again.
How do I play as my own team once I created it? Also how do I play a full season as the Bruins.
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For your own team I'm not sure but for the bruins go to career.

EDIT: HUT is starting to piss me off and all I have done is played one game off line. I keep getting that notification about an update in the store only to find nothing. Today I see a special pack for the next 48 hours and the notification icon. That was till I put some stuff on the auction house. Now I have no notification and I see no packs other than the normal ones. Also nothing about a double the points weekend.
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I can play for a little while, but I'll need to call it a night around midnight. Tomorrow night and Tuesday night I should be on late though.

I just played the game, was really only interested in the 94 anniversary mode and i'm kind of disappointed. It just feels like the modern games with a few sound effects sprinked in, was hoping for true 94 gameplay with updated graphics and rosters and it's not like that at all.

I just played the game, was really only interested in the 94 anniversary mode and i'm kind of disappointed. It just feels like the modern games with a few sound effects sprinked in, was hoping for true 94 gameplay with updated graphics and rosters and it's not like that at all.
No, it definitely isn't. Most of us have been making fun of it since EA announced it. It's a graphical overlay combined with a control scheme that has been in the game for years and old jerseys that have been in the game for years. Calling it a "mode" or anything that took them longer than 30 minutes to throw together is a joke.

No, it definitely isn't. Most of us have been making fun of it since EA announced it. It's a graphical overlay combined with a control scheme that has been in the game for years and old jerseys that have been in the game for years. Calling it a "mode" or anything that took them longer than 30 minutes to throw together is a joke.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking, I've seen them hyping up across the net for a while now so I just kind of figured there would be more to it.

I've been playing the Sega Genesis hockey games with my pops for as long as I can remember. I recently found a fan made 2013 roster update for the 94 version, and think it's a lot more fun than what's offered here. They should have just done something like that for the anniversary mode.

Not sure if you guys are familiar with / interested in the 94 update, but if you are you can find it over at

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Noticed a bug in season mode the other day.  I'm not sure how long it has been an issue as I just noticed it in November.  So I'm not sure if it has been there or if it starts in that month, but when you go to select a different jersey some of them are replaced with duplicates.  This seems to happen mostly with the team you are using and only has happened a few times with the opposing team.  I was scrolling through The Blues jerseys to select one for the game and instead of having the 06-07 home/away, 67-68 home/away, current home/away and the alt, I had the 06-07 replaced with the 67-68.

It also seems like the longer you go into the season the more the AI takes a dump. First part wasn't bad the passing was good, didn't over skate the puck and players were at the net going for a deflection/up close rebound shot.  Now I can skate to the puck to get a dump in and it goes right by me like I wasn't even there.  Players seem to want to spin around instead of skating in the direction I have the analog stick going.  That one I'm not sure if it is an issue with the game or not.  The controller I'm currently using is starting to wear out.  I should have a new one tomorrow so I will find out if it is the game or the controller.  Hell it could just be me.

I doubt I'll get to play with you guys tonight, but I've been powering through Live the Life to get those boosts unlocked. I finished my first season today, playing the final 5-7 minutes of every other game. You really can unlock the majority of the slots/boosts in that one season if you just make sure you average 1.0 goal per game (which you can constantly view in your career tracker...if you play 41 games, you need to actually score 41 goals), get 70 points in the season, and win the Stanley Cup in your first season.

And if you play a little more than every other game (or just all the playoff games), you can easily obtain your Veteran card in that first season as well (which unlocks another equipment slot). I'll probably play through another season because there are a few slots/boosts for playing in at least 40 games for 2 seasons and making the playoffs in 2 seasons. Also, I didn't get the 70 points or 200 hits boosts because I wasn't really paying attention to those in my first season. But yeah...if you just keep track of where you're at, probably 85% of stuff can be unlocked in one season.

Also, there's one of these again this year.

And that thing is especially great because if you click on the "Share" tab, you can see builds that others have posted according to the card level they're at. I'm not really 100% convinced that one player type is significantly better than another (So far, I've read people arguing for Playmaker, Power Forward, and Two-Way Forward), but it is nice to see how people are distributing their points and utilizing their boosts to get the best results. Apparently, you can make a 75+ OVR forward using any of the player types I listed above with just your Pro 3 card.

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You have to utilize the boosts though
Yeah, there's like 3 or 4 that I don't have right now and had to use +5's or a different boost instead. I still have my guy up to a 69 OVR. Even if you don't have all the boosts right now, it's still a good tool to play around with to see what you can do. I always like seeing what others are using too, since it gives us an idea of how other teams are getting their results.

Yeah, so punch punch punch punch punch and blocking it lowers your health bar. GREAT fight night engine. Pathetic.

Yup, so the difference between 65 fighting and 95 fighting is a matter of who can spam the right stick the most. Sigh. Thank god GTA is out now.

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I doubt I'll get to play with you guys tonight, but I've been powering through Live the Life to get those boosts unlocked. I finished my first season today, playing the final 5-7 minutes of every other game. You really can unlock the majority of the slots/boosts in that one season if you just make sure you average 1.0 goal per game (which you can constantly view in your career tracker...if you play 41 games, you need to actually score 41 goals), get 70 points in the season, and win the Stanley Cup in your first season.

And if you play a little more than every other game (or just all the playoff games), you can easily obtain your Veteran card in that first season as well (which unlocks another equipment slot). I'll probably play through another season because there are a few slots/boosts for playing in at least 40 games for 2 seasons and making the playoffs in 2 seasons. Also, I didn't get the 70 points or 200 hits boosts because I wasn't really paying attention to those in my first season. But yeah...if you just keep track of where you're at, probably 85% of stuff can be unlocked in one season.

Also, there's one of these again this year.

And that thing is especially great because if you click on the "Share" tab, you can see builds that others have posted according to the card level they're at. I'm not really 100% convinced that one player type is significantly better than another (So far, I've read people arguing for Playmaker, Power Forward, and Two-Way Forward), but it is nice to see how people are distributing their points and utilizing their boosts to get the best results. Apparently, you can make a 75+ OVR forward using any of the player types I listed above with just your Pro 3 card.
Thank, I was looking for something like the link you posted. I'm guessing in the Live the Life mode you start out as an armature and you can work your way up to the legend status? If so then I just adjusted one for a sniper to be an 80 overall. Only thing is it is by legend 3 status.

Unfortunately, I won't have much time to play tonight.

As frustrating and awful as we've seen NHL 14 still is, I still say we've gotta buckle down and level up our skaters. There were plenty of shitheads in NHL 12 too...but we got good enough where we could mostly suffocate them and impose our game. It's hard to do that right now because we mostly suck and just don't have the skillset to execute. Like I was saying last night, just play through this first month like a zombie. Don't even look at the damn score. Laugh about it. At this point, it's obvious EA has no fucking clue how to make a hockey game. The game plays exactly as they think it should. It is by no means a good game of hockey. The best we can do is tolerate it and do what we can to make it serviceable.

The only glimmers of hope I've seen are that we can still score on basic shots (slapshots or whatever), and that hitting does seem possible (somehow, last night, using the new 2 way forward build I found in that link, I was laying people 6'0", 180lbs with 69 body checking and 84 strength). We just gotta find what the right mix is and get past this initial grind. We didn't really make it past this with last year's it's basically been two years since we worked past this level. And yeah, maybe it wasn't as bad in 12, but I don't think 12 had an early release where the douches could get an extra head start. Seriously, there are people with their Legend cards already. That's what we're going up against. It's not surprising that we're taking losses.

I'm definitely getting my legend card no matter what. I'm ready for a season of hockey, and I'm not going back to 12 (and sure as hell not 13). So, these assholes can enjoy their drag wrister bullshit while we're not fully capable of flattening them yet. But their day is coming.

I also think you have to recognize the Ai for what it is. It's competent in the offensive zone if you know how to utilize them, much more so than in previous games.
n8, is only for your online build? The numbers seem way off for it to be for live the life.
Well, I think it generally works the same way, but I'm pretty sure the scale for Live the Life is different. In Live the Life, the XP seems to be worth less (ie. there's more of it...but attributes also cost more to raise). I haven't ever really looked at the two side by side to know if what you get for each card level is comparable though. But in general, you should be able to use that site to at least see what attributes are valued the most. Then, you can model your offline guy in a similar fashion (ie. most builds don't put any points into durability, but put a good amount into strength). I can't say that it'll match up exact number for number, but it should still give you a blueprint you can follow.

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More off-topicness, but this is just how we roll, lol.

The Ship Simulator Extremes Collection (which includes the cruise ship, ferry, cargo vessel. offshore vessel, etc DLC) is on sale on Steam for $7.49 (75% off) until 9/23 ...and it has multiplayer. Who's with me??? :D

EDIT - It actually has a demo too so you can try it out first.

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Yeah, it actually seems like a pretty cool game. Lots of different boats and locations (especially with the DLC). And yeah, you can "Titanic" your cruise liner and crash it into an iceberg and sink it, lol. And you can dictate weather conditions for the freeplay and put yourself in a hurricane. Good times.

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Listening to the lightning and blues game. I have learned two things. The first being the announcers will put you to sleep and the second is that the lightning must have no fans. The blues score and everyone cheers and the lightning get a penalty and they cheer again.

Anyway in the drop in games do you have to play the full game to level your player?
Listening to the lightning and blues game. I have learned two things. The first being the announcers will put you to sleep and the second is that the lightning must have no fans. The blues score and everyone cheers and the lightning get a penalty and they cheer again.

Anyway in the drop in games do you have to play the full game to level your player?
To get credit for playing the game, no. But quitting out will hurt your skater grade. It was learned a long time ago though that your skater grade actually only averages your last 20 games though. So, it is possible to just power through some games relatively quickly. The only hitch is that the game has to complete for it to count toward your total (meaning, if your entire team quits and the game just drops, it won't count).

And there were some weird issues with multiple games at the same time counting (ie. you quit out of a game, and immediately jump into a new might not get credit for both games). There are a lot of weird inconsistencies with online, and we've tried all kinds of tricks to level up as quickly as possible over the years. There's not really a definite "shortcut", but it is helpful to know that you don't really need to worry about your skater grade unless you're within 20 games of earning your next card.

Lightning fans don't really care about the pre-season because it isn't played played at the Tampa Bay Times forum. Listen to it when it's a regular game and you'll be amazed.

I'm only listening to it now because St. Louis isn't playing it. The announcers sound so damn Dull they put me to sleep at one point. I don't plan on listening again.

Edit: in be a pro when it says get all A's as a sniper what are they taking about. I have gotten all assists and had all A's for markings and the stuff is still not unlocked.
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So looking at the EA Forums for HUT and apparently they really screwed something up.  There must have been code left in the contracts and player cards from NHL 12 so people are getting a message saying that a player's career is up and has retired.  Oh EA! Luckily, there is a workaround for it.

So looking at the EA Forums for HUT and apparently they really screwed something up. There must have been code left in the contracts and player cards from NHL 12 so people are getting a message saying that a player's career is up and has retired. Oh EA! Luckily, there is a workaround for it.
Truth be told I liked that about HUT in 12. I felt like there was a real reason to get those young players. I remember getting Evander Kane, who I think was somewhere from 74-80 when it came out and training him up to like 93. I wound up with a beast whose career lasted 100+ games.

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