Official PixelJunk Thread - 4/20: PixelJunk 4AM out May 15, Beta for PS+ Begins May 1

Got a chance to play a bit more. For those curious, you have to re-unlock your special items. I got the faster walking speed, and life is so much better now.
Eden info from the official site. Interesting that it directly mentions trophy support which is rumored for FW 2.4.

Key Features

* Visual Appeal in Full HD
* Dynamic Animations and Effects
* DUALSHOCK®3 Support
* Trophy Support
* Up to 3 player co-operative play
* Online Support - Players can track single-player and co-op high scores on the online leaderboards
* Remote Play - Supports Remote Play for PSP® system
[quote name='dallow']Eden info from the official site. Interesting that it directly mentions trophy support which is rumored for FW 2.4.

Is that a miss print? 3 Players?
The other was only 2 right?

A great trailer for Eden showing off the 3-player co-op. I can't wait to see more of this game.

Screens (large ones):





"Special" PJ news tomorrow!

Dylan has emailed us to say we've to keep an eye on the Official PlayStation Blog tomorrow for an important Pixeljunk announcement, which is supposed to be something quite special. We quizzed Dylan on what this might be, but he's keeping tight lipped, and wouldn't even give us the first letter...

21/05/2008 13:00:00
That's pretty cool news. The music is one of my favorite aspects of the game and I was actually searching around for more info on it and Otograph back when the game came out. $3 sounds like a steal, although I'm wondering how complete it is, and what format it will be.

PSBlog also posted a quick interview with Otograph.
[quote name='metaly']That's pretty cool news. The music is one of my favorite aspects of the game and I was actually searching around for more info on it and Otograph back when the game came out. $3 sounds like a steal, although I'm wondering how complete it is, and what format it will be.

PSBlog also posted a quick interview with Otograph.[/quote]
From the comments:

@stevelak: 24 tracks, all full-length, no DRM protection, MP3 format.
yeah, this game was screaming a soundtrack release from the time it was released. also, I want to get this game, but I'm waiting on a bundle or sale. I'm in no hurry to get it since it's a bit harder to play on a SDTV than a widescreen HDTV.
[quote name='blueweltall']I just played the demo for the first time with my nephew and niece tonight and it was a blast! I can't believe it took me this long to try the the demo out. Can't wait to download the game and encore pack.[/quote]

Same here. I remember the Shipwrecks recommending it and I just got around to testing out the new PSN store and snagging the demo last night. I played through the demo and loved it, and my girlfriend had a blast watching.

I will most likely be downloading the full version tonight, now I just need to get a DS3 so she can play along with me.
Just wanted to bump this up with the news that PixelJunk Eden will be the first upcoming game to support trophies, but it also seems like it's almost ready to be released from the preview 1up just put out, which also has a nice gameplay video in it, too:

That Eden will be the first game released with Trophies (read: achievements) after the 2.4 XMB update is something I consider a minor motivation.
I'm hoping for a release during the week of E3.
finally played monsters on an HDTV and could actually see what I was doing. I will definitely buy it when I get more cash... eden is an immediate purchase as well once I heard the developer talking about it.
Loved PJ Monster more than any other PSN game yet.
But I got to say PJ Eden ZZZZzzzzzz
I watched in on the 1up Show and On the Spot last week and I couldnt see any reason to even play a free version of it.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I'm seriously considering buying pixeljunk monsters after playing the demo. Just hesitating to pull the trigger.[/quote]

The full game has so much more depth with the variety of enemies and how stages are set up. I enjoyed the demo but absolutely love the full game.
Eden looks like it is going to be a lot like Everyday Shooter for me. At least in regards to finding a certain level that has a pleasing design and background music that I'll play over and over.

I didn't really think about that until I saw those videos at how different the areas will be. I really wanted online multiplayer as it is usually hard to get anyone to join in around here.

Though now I am leaning over the fence a bit further now, so the demo might tip me all the way onto the purchasing side.
Pixel Junk Eden's controls are really getting on my nerves. Sometimes I want to just jump to a new stem but I end up fucking up. I start twirling, then I fuck up again and start spinning flying past the stem and landing on the ground.

I wouldn't feel so rushed if there wasn't a fucking timer. What the hell? Echochrome had one and so does this game. Maybe if I could play at my own pace then I wouldn't be fumbling over the controls.

I am assuming the game is going for some mellow calm feel. The visuals and the music really hit that but I am constantly haunted by that damn timer.

I have failed the demo twice so far, maybe I'll beat it on the third try?
It takes some getting used to, but it's not hard. You just have to collect time crystals along with pollen, where you can find big ones that refill about 25% of your time bar.
The first attempt through Garden 1 I was insanely mad at the game. But after finishing Garden 1 I finally realized what the heck I was supposed to be doing. I don't think it's as cracked up as some people lead it to be though. But I need more time with it.
Alright I am a lot better with the controls now. So far the timer hasn't been a problem anymore. I guess you could ask the question: Then why have it in there in the first place? Oh well though.

Yeah the game is pretty cool. I just wish that they didn't have it so that you have go back to each garden to get spectra that you have already gotten and more. It seems like the game might get boring after a while.
So I'm guessing none of the special features that are in the final version are in the demo? Like uploading? I also wonder how that'll work since I sign onto youtube with a google account.
It's in the how to play section of the menu, which just says that you need a youtube account, so if google accounts work with Youtube, it should work with PJE.

The question I have is whether you can upload from the XMB or not? The directions says it only gives you the option to save to your hard drive or upload directly to Youtube, which doesn't let you save it to your hard drive, as well.

If you're wondering, youtube uploading's not supported through Remote Play.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I think there's a five Spectra limit to the demo, which sucks because I think you could get to the third garden, as well.[/quote]

The third garden introduces some of the enemies you can't kill by just touching them - you need to spin to break it up first.
It reminds me of the pie-piece holder from Trivial Pursuit, as the individual pieces break apart and are then regular enemies.

Also, the missus and I played for a little bit. It was cool how we could grab each other then jump and swing together.

I'm really impressed by the demo and will be picking this up day one!
I just played a little, got two spectra, and I'm not sure how everything works yet, but I finally understand what everyone has been talking about, it really is incredible. Can't wait for the full game next week.
I figured out some more bad news about the demo. It actually saves your progress, so once you reach five spectras, you can't play it anymore. At least, not until you delete your save file for the game.

I did find the spot for the fourth garden though, so I'll be trying to get to it now.
just played eden and have to say it's beautiful. The controls were hard and are hard to get use to, but I know I'll like it when I play the full version.

jsut started Monsters today and played the 3rd easy level... probably the best $5 I've spent on a PSN title even though I never liked this genre.
Some good impressions here. Honestly not too impressed by videos, but I loved PJM, and I'm willing to give it a shot. I like the art style and music, but game doesn't look all that fun to play. Probably one of those that has to be played to be enjoyed. I'm a big fan of offline multiplayer (something this gen is sorely lacking), so that alone puts this game quite high up. Also really anticipating that dungeon crawler from PJ.
Game is absolutely beautiful.
Takes a bit to get used to the controls but once you do you feel like you're flying.

Presentation is top-notch.
I really love PSN games. This game has SOUL!
bread's done