OldSchool's former Sale/Trade list

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[quote name='twztid13']hey, bud, i noticed that the link to my trade page goes to my last page while the others go to their 1st page where their stuff is listed. also, DBM's link is to his old trade list. get on that stuff, would you? lol, jk.[/QUOTE]

It still bothers me that he says CAG'ers and not CAG's. :lol:
[quote name='deadbodyman11']It still bothers me that he says CAG'ers and not CAG's. :lol:[/QUOTE]
i did for a bit, as i saw other CAG's saying it that way. once i was reprimanded by a CAG newb, i knew i was wrong. when i played Uc2 w/ lots of veteran CAG's, everyone was saying "CAGers" as one word, not spelling out CAG. that's where i got it from.

man, my new med is NOT helping. i felt fine saturday for the 1st time, now i feel just as bad as i did a week ago. i will TRY to get the steam account set up asap, but you'll basically be babysitting me if i don't start on some of the campaign (which i have yet to do for 2 reasons, 1. la noire 2. wanted to finish the 1st portal and i'm on like chamber 16). hopefully i can set it up tonight.
[quote name='deadbodyman11']It still bothers me that he says CAG'ers and not CAG's. :lol:[/QUOTE]
i did for a bit, as i saw other CAG's saying it that way. once i was reprimanded by a CAG newb, i knew i was wrong. when i played Uc2 w/ lots of veteran CAG's, everyone was saying "CAGers" as one word, not spelling out CAG. that's where i got it from.

man, my new med is NOT helping. i felt fine saturday for the 1st time, now i feel just as bad as i did a week ago. i will TRY to get the steam account set up asap, but you'll basically be babysitting me if i don't start on some of the campaign (which i have yet to do for 2 reasons, 1. la noire 2. wanted to finish the 1st portal and i'm on like chamber 16). hopefully i can set it up tonight.

I'm sorry to hear that your new meds aren't working twztid, maybe they can prescribe something else? I saw the friend request and added you on Steam, next time you're on I'll I set a notification to pop up;)

I'm not sure skinkrawl, I'll have to think about it. I saw R6V for about $3 a few days ago but I need to see if the PC version has DRM.

I completely forgot about the rant dbm, I was trying to hurry up and get some stuff I sold on ebay packed up and shipped out:lol:
i do feel a bit better today. i was under the impression that the 2nd set of antibiotics would take over where the others left off, but the Dr. said they needed to get into my system, and still 3 full days left. i do feel incrementally better today, but had a bunch of crap to do. maybe if i rested like the Dr. reccomended, i'd be better, lol.

psn wouldn't let me sign in earlier. hope the store's up soon. good news on the steam add. thanks, bud. hope to play portal2 w/ you soon. i need to charge my headset tomorrow so i wont have the same problems i had playing KZ3 (charging the mic for 1 hour gave me about 15 mins of chat time, as i waited til last minute to charge headset).
saw you on last night, but i was just setting all the downloads up, so i could get them while i slept. haven't tried today, but it was full of bugs last night. can't wait for the free stuff (or at least what they OWE me in terms of my psn+ membership).

psn+ members get screwed in relation to non members. non members get 30 days psn+ free. i paid for psn+ while it was down for 5 1/2 weeks, and i get 60 days (which reimburses me my lost time & about 18 days bonus). to make it fair, they should have just given everyone a 30 day bonus, and reimburse the members for the exact number of days we couldn't use our psn+ account. i could care less about the free games. good on them for offering them, but i don't have the hdd space for the games i'd want to choose, so i'll get 2 of the psn titles. sorry, but that just irks me, the wat sony acts like they are giving 'extra' to people already members.

now they are trying to promo this uncharted3 beta early access when you buy infamous2. it's sad that most consumers don't realize it's a psn+ early access, also, and EVERYONE will be psn+ members on june 28th, lol.

Glad to hear you feel a little better, It's always a good idea to get plenty of rest when you're ill. I kept getting logged out with an error, I ended up adding everything to my cart and kept trying to check out. Eventually it worked and I left my PS3 downloading for a while. ;)

I was downloading as soon as I heard it was back up, I downloaded whatever free stuff there was as well as a few demo's. I thought you PS+ members were getting the shaft since you couldn't access your paid service. They should have given existing PS+ members an additional store discount lasting as long as the outage did in addition to the membership extension. I never did like the idea of a public beta or exclusive access, just finish the product with professional testers and release it on all platforms to everyone at the same time.
now days, most companies try to mask demos as betas (cough...Gears3 beta...cough). it's worst when they charge for them, since genuine betas are to help make the product better, whereas glorified demos like gears3 just allow players early access & doesn't have much impact on the final product. the gears3 beta will be the same multiplayer that's on the released product. it was far too polished w/ almost no bugs/ glitches like those expected from a genuine beta. that game was already finished, besides whatever kinect connectivity they decide to add last minute.

but the uncharted3 one, they are acting like you need psn+ or to buy infamous2 to get on early. if sony keeps their word, everyone that has an account will be a psn+ user at that time, so there is no need to buy said game, or buy a psn+ membership to get it. because that's what they are advertising, people don't realize they dont have to do anythiung to get early access, lol. i know the marketing was done before the outage, so then it would have mattered incrementally more, but it's sad to see the marketing of a product locked in so early with no flexibility to change it in case of emergency. i just wasn't aware it was that bad, i guess.
yeah that's exactly what i was/am doing. got LBP (to see the story, as i own LBP2 also), and Dead Nation. getting 2 psp games just in case i get an NGP down the road, and they're free. since they take up much needed hdd space, i won't d/l them until that day comes (as they will be in my account history now).

want to try & beat portal1 tonight or tomorrow so i'll be ready to go when you want to do some portal2 co op (which i am ready 2 go beyond getting all the freebies downloaded).

got my mic charged & all. again, no hurry for me, but i'm down whenever you are (i always forget you work til 5pm, and that's like 7pm for me. you are on pacific time, right?). that sucks cuz normally i go to bed by 11pm (as i have to be up early in case i get calls for a job or an interview). my bio-clock has been off since i've been sick, but i'll get back to normal soon. i have to be on the mend, as today is the second day in a row i have felt better than the previous day, and i have 1 & 1/2 days of antibiotics left after tonights dose.

coop campaign is like 5, maybe 6, chapters (w/ subchapters in between like 5.1, 5.2, etc.). i think people say it's about 3-4 hours worth of content (depending on how long the puzzles take), so it definitely won't be a 1 time thing like the goldeneye experiment was for us, lol.

Yup I get home late your time since I'm on Pacific Time twztid:cry: Since I have the game on Steam I'm not going to be trading it away:lol:. Whenever you feel up to portal 2 multiplayer let me know, I loved the original Portal what do you think it.

The last I heard Bioshock infinite comes out in 2012 buffdrew ;)
got 2 games from my UK account, too. too bad i didn't check that out 1st, as i could've done without wipeout HD (which i got from UK store, other was R&C:Quest for Booty). i would've gotten superstardust HD from US, instead of LBP, then gotten LBP from UK store instead of wipeout HD. as buggy as it was, i was just glad to get the UD downloads going. i did the UK ones yesterday.

i have the 80gb ps3 phat, and mandatory game installs on disc based games for ps3 suck. i have NO hdd space left. i want to d/l FF:Spirits Withing movie while it's free (rental. until 11:59pm on 6/7), but it's 6.5 gb for the HD version (which is what i want for an all CG movie). need to play the infamous2 & motorstorm demos & that should do it. heck i'm gonna need space for the uncharted3 beta, which sounds like it will be huge with all the content that'll be in it. can't wait though. you gonna try out that beta?

btw, sending pm.
Thanks for the bumps everyone ;)

I've seen a few unboxing vids so I knew it was just going to be some tiny LED's on that scale model gun. I really like CE swag so $40 was worth it for me, so far all of my recent purchases have been LE or CE games. Wait wasn't Halo: Reach the fourth Halo game 5of9? Anyway, I'm more excited about the HD rerelease of the original Halo, No more M$ GFWL games on my PC :cool:

I have way too many older consoles around that I don't use now, besides the older games look better on my TV when I can upscale them. I'll PM you about Lego SW in a few minutes skinkrawl. The Sony E3 presentation is still going, Uncharted for that new handheld looks awesome. My only beef is that the name is horrendous, maybe I can get something to cover that up:lol:
ODST wast the fourth entry. Reach was 5, but was a prequel. only the games which campaigns include the story of Masterchief are numbered in the halo franchise. what stood out to me in the halo4 announcement was "the start of another trilogy!" halo 5 on 360 or their next console you think? 6 there's no dout will be on next one, but it also depends if it's yearly or bi-yearly (which the numbered halo games have been).

I counted ODST as an addon for Halo 3, I haven't played anything past Halo 2 anyway so everything will be new to me ;) Kmart is going to be having a $60 GC soon so I plan to get the console anyway twztid.

I finally received my DS2 CE today! I had to put in two AAA batteries but once I did the LED's were surprisingly bright. Have you tried DS extraction yet? I hear it's almost exactly the same as the Wii version, if it's similar I might just sell the code :lol:
im kinda interested in two of your guides.

Rise of the Argonauts
Zelda Spirit Tracks.

why dont you cml again if you are willing to trade them.
you got a code? mine's on my ds2 disc (extraction). never played the wii version, but not surprised if it's very similar. i love the game, even with a controller. i put off playing it until i got the ps move. lots better with move, but put it off as i plan on keeping DS2, and it's on the same disc.

I sent you Lost Planet on the 8th so you should be getting it soon skinkrawl.:D

Sorry buffdrew I'm not selling or trading any guides right now. you might want to check deadbodyman11's list, the link is at the top of my thread ;)

I thought the code was for extraction but I guess it was for online multiplayer twztid. I guess I'll just have to try it out to see if it's the same then:lol:
[quote name='OldSchool77']Bump...

So how is Ghost Recon:Shadow Wars, I played all the other Ghost recon games on my PC except for the advanced warfighter series.[/QUOTE]
it's amazing in 3D, but unfortunately, it's not a ghost recon game. they could've left that out of the name, lol (besides everyone having the blue monicle like thing on one eye). it's a turn based strategy game, and has no relation with anything ghost recon.

i didn't plaw the GRAW games, either (although i owned pt 1, then traded it when amazon was offering 40$ free credit when trading in 60$ worth of games - about august '09?). a friend of mine just recently bought & played through both just because he liked the 3DS game so much (but he knew the clothes they wear were the only similarities, but he had nothing to play until LA Noire came out, lol). the new one looks SICK if it plays like the showing at E3.
Me thinx it's only a matter of time before the Wii U is called the Pee-u.

PM me if you want to play halo 2 BTW. i'll send you my copy. still one of my Favorite games ever. (if u have a 360?)

man i was up w/o sleep for a long time when i saw that pic. she looked older than, i swear (as i just looked again, and she did look 11 or 12). even if she was 'older', still way too young for my tastes. i used to 'date' barely legal age girls, and man i wouldn't be able to put up with that now (they can't focus on a topic for more than 5 seconds, and they will do anything you tell them to, like pretty robots, lol). i need substance.

Thanks for the info twztid but I have some Kmart Gaming coupons that I have to use soon. I had fun with Portal 2 co-op, I think I fixed my headset settings so that now I can hear what GLADOS is saying :lol: I'll be on steam again in about an hour 6P.M my time, let me know if you want to play some more today ;)
definitely. i think i fixed my headset issues as well. was so easy i could've fixed then, but was trying to access the wrong options, so it wanted me to exit game (when i didn't need to when going to accessory settings instead of sound settings).
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