OMG!!11! Ninja Gaiden is teh rawxzor!1


Devil May Cry was a hard game... but it was still fun and possible.

I don't think I can say the same for Ninja Gaiden. I don't think its hard as in challenging, but moreso hard as in unfair.

For starters, the camera is horrible. You can't change the direction. You can push R to put it behind you, but that isn't always helpful, nor practical when you're already trying to dodge 7 people. I thought the Hurricane packs were supposed to fix the camera... I went online and downloaded them... did I not do something right? Does just downloading it install it or did I miss something?

I just got to the second boss. Its some quimby on a horse and two guys that teleport. You can't block the guy on the horse, he just plows over you. The teleporting guys also shoot really fast green balls at you. If you try to attack them, you'll probably get hit in the back by the other guy or run over by the horse. If neither of those happens, he'll probably just disapear and hit you in the back himself. If you try and dodge the green balls you'll get hit with them anyways because they move so rediculously fast... or you'll roll infront of the horse guy as he's tearing ass up and down the bridge.

I know this game is supposed to be hard... but it seems near impposibly unfair... is there some kind of trick I'm missing? Dodging sends you into another guy. Blocking doesn't work unless you arent moving, you'll do a very unhelpful roll if you're moving. If you're attacking one guy and see another guy behind you, hitting block wont do anything until you're done attacking... which sounds like it makes sense, but you can be waiting 2-3 seconds to actually start blocking. I think hitting block should cancel out your current attack.

Maybe I just suck?
the hurricane packs make the game a lot harder. You should play the game pre hurricane pack before trying to play the harder versions.

I spent like 3 or so hours today playing it, and I love the game. I had had the game before, but I had gotten rid of my Xbox shortly after playing the game. Also you get a lot more moves later on, which makes things a little easier
You attempt at trying to be funny was "teh suck!1"

I also didn't like ninja gaiden... good thing I only bought the demo.
I hated Ninja Gaiden. Most people will say "well, its FUN because its so hard!" Good for you that you enjoy frustration and aggrivation. Most people don't. Once I realized that I COULD play the game but just didn't WANT to, it went back to the store.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']this topic is teh sukc1!11[/quote]
[quote name='help1']You attempt at trying to be funny was "teh suck!1"

I also didn't like ninja gaiden... good thing I only bought the demo.[/quote]

I wasn't trying to be funny... I don't think the game is fun... I think it looks cool... but the difficulty is just too unreasonable.
[quote name='mmn']I hated Ninja Gaiden. Most people will say "well, its FUN because its so hard!" Good for you that you enjoy frustration and aggrivation. Most people don't. Once I realized that I COULD play the game but just didn't WANT to, it went back to the store.[/quote]

I definitely agree- although I like it better when people claim that it's not at all hard and everyone who thinks it's unfair and excessively difficult is somehow "bad at gaming" or some nonsense.
I never got the praise of that game. It's really really really hard. Anything else to its credit? Its got some nice graphics and maybe some cool fighting moves, but what else. No well designed story to grip you. No characters that you're dying to learn more about. It's hard, woopee. Why the hell was this game praised, unbelievable.
I too hated Ninja Gaiden and recently sold it to a friend.

Honestly, the game would be incredible if the camera wasn't STUCK UP RYU'S ASS THE ENTIRE TIME!

I got to the 3rd or 4th boss (the fat guy with a gatling gun on top of the plane or whatever) and just lost interest. Devil May Cry 3 is probably harder, but its just SO much more fun that I don't mind the difficulty as much.
It does get frustrating but I think it's worth it to see the whole thing throught. You might think that an ememy is impossible and then suddently you try a new approach and you figure out how to beat them.

Try jumping off the wall (by the non crushed gate) and slashing down from above repeatedly on the horse guy.

Also, start a game normally to play w/o hurrican pack.
Start a game from Master Tournament (must be online) and then save to have a Hurricane Pack save file that you can use to play Hurrican Pack offline.
I loved Ninja Gaiden. It was hard, but I guess I'm just good at it or something, Because I beat It in a rental. I also had no problems with the camera, not even once.
A large part of the reason why the game was so difficult for me was that the camera angles drove me crazy. Maybe with alot of time and dedication I could have beat it, but I'd rather play something I enjoy rather than force myself to like it.
[quote name='Skylander7']I thought it was easier than Shinobi, but that's just me.[/quote]

thats not saying much though. Shinobi is pretty fuckin hard
Ninja Gaiden ruled!

I played it through twice just to get all the goodies. It was a blast all the way. Sure I got pissed at certain spots (damn worms!), but that didn't stop me.

It's not a button masher - so if you hate NG because you're a button masher and didn't bother to learn the moves...that's your problem. I'm no expert at it but I recognize that there's a ryhme and reason to the moves. can't block most bosses - that's why they're called "bosses". You have to beable to find an alternate way of defeating them...the horse boss isn't that tough - wipe out a few floaty dudes, charge up your ki and lay into the horse.

For me, NG will go down as one of the best Xbox experienses I've ever had - I'm trying to get though on Hard mode now but I'm stuck on Alma with not much health.

Huricane packs were only available off of Live but once you got to a save spot you can continue off-line. To change to "new camera mode" just click the right thumb-stick. I didn't use it too much but resetting the camera when in a tough spot was enough for me. It's not a deal breaker for me.

Maybe I-Ninja's more some people's speed...
Only played it for a rental period, but it was fun. Hard, but fun. I can remember using arrows on the horse guy, they seemed to make it easier.......or maybe I'm thinking of something else. Anyway, it's a fun game.
I thought Ninja Gaiden was hard when I first got it, but eventually you learn a few tricks that makes the game MUCH easier. Keep Moving, standing at one spot for too long=death and every enemy has a way to kill them, you just need to find it. It may not be as easy as gamers have come to expect recently, but its no harder than games a few generations ago.
What's funny is, most of the games ppl are naming & saying they're "as hard" or "harder" than NG, I don't really have a problem with. DMC3 is tough, but it's fair - whenever I get hit, I know it's my fault. Shinobi was very hard, but you had to learn how to play it. Once you figured out the point of the game, it wasn't nearly as hard.

Ninja Gaiden is just old-fashioned cheap. The camera does suck - if you didn't have a problem with it, congratulations, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the time you're fighting enemies off-screen. Maybe you're psychic. And what the OP was saying about not being able to interrupt your combo to block is true as well, and also very cheap.

I recently traded to get NG back, and after playing it some I'm remembering why I got rid of it. I thought after playing DMC3 I'd be better prepared for it, but it's kinda done the opposite - I've seen how much better a game DMC3 is. I think this one will be leaving me again soon.
You are da suckz, for not being able to play Ninja Gaiden! JK

It is a hard game, but if you stick to it, you'll have bragging rights. I actually started very hard mode but have stopped because of new games I've gotten. Hurricane packs are just overrated. It's more for just competition play, especially since you can't even play without internet connection.

What difficulty level are you playing against the horsemen? I hope it's normal, because Very Hard takes forever, and really forces you to be patient...and use corners to sort of....take advantage of AI. Even then, it took me about close to 10 min to kill all the horsemen.

And the camera isn't bad at all. What's bad is that the game is guaranteed to take you 20 hours+ to beat the first time in bad ass!!!!!!! An action game, taking 20 hours? HA! It's like 30 hour Turok 2! I love suprises
I'm about halfway through Devil May Cry 3, and although its hard, it's nowhere near as punishing as Ninja Gaiden. At least in DMC 3, you can keep replaying levels to get more $$ so you can power up your character and get a fighting chance. NG forces you to be at the top of your game ALL the time, even against the first scrubs that show up in the game, which got kinda old to me. I beat Shinobi, Nightshade, DMC 1, and hopefully DMC 3, but NG just whipped my ass.
These kinds of games just don't appeal to me. I'm all for a challenge, but I tend to play video games to relieve stress. If I played these kinds of games, I would be one angry motherfucker all the time.
[quote name='redgopher']Whatever you do, don't play Devil May Cry 3.

Because you are a pussy.

Devil May Cry 3 is not for pussies.[/quote]

:lol: I'm gonna try to rent this game some time next week. Looking foward to the challenage. :wink:
I'm sorry to say it Kayden but you just suck. The second boss was just not that bad, sounds like your main problem is depending on block for everythen when jumping out the way works just as well if not better in some cases.

You say the guys in the corner keep shooting green balls at you, from what I remember it wasn't like they were doing this at random, if you see them start timing how long it takes them to charge and fire, when they do simply jump or dodge. I thought that fight was hard my first time around too but NG is the type of game that forces you to get better. I replayed it after beating the game and beat that guy without even thinking about it.

Personally I think the main problem is you're already convinced you suck at the game and it just isn't the attitude you want to take going in .
I loved Ninja Gaiden, but I happened to be going through the college application process at the time of owning it, and the two stresses did not mesh, so I traded it in for a nice RPG.

I have every intention of picking it up again if it ever gets down to 20-25 dollars.
Ninja Gaiden is a great game, and you suck if you think its too hard, I beat it and I suck at games, you just have to learn the tricks. The 2nd boss, as stated before, is very easy to beat when you kill the other guys and then unleash a charged attack on the horse guy. The biggest favor you can do to yourself is find a combo you like, and learn how to counter attack. Once you master counter attacks you can handle the enemies easily... well most of them. By the end of the game its very fun to switch between weapons for different enemies, buying and finding all the goodies, and when you finally beat the game its very rewarding. So, just stick with it, dont get discouraged and don't get DMC3 (its easier and not as pretty) until after youve beaten NG
It took me forever to beat the first boss. After that, I beat most of the bosses the first time I played them. This was definately one of the harder games I have ever played (on normal). Not for the average gamer. Must be gung ho.
Well, i like ninjas and NG is the best ninja game out there. Once a better one comes along, i probably won't find it to be worth playing anymore. Now all i need is a decent pirate game... i hope Pirates! doesn't get completely f'd up.
[quote name='iheartmetal']Ninja Gaiden is a great game, and you suck if you think its too hard, I beat it and I suck at games, you just have to learn the tricks. [/quote]

Ahh there you are "I beat it and I suck at games" guy. I was wondering when your cocky ass would show up. Thanks for attempting to make all of us NG haters feel like shit since, y'know, YOU beat it and you SUCK at games. Must mean we're just piles of shit. Kudos to your self ego boost.
Some are not cut out to follow the path of the Ninja.

I liked it. You have to approach it with the attitude that every problem has a solution. It's the same with video games. There is some pattern/sequence of moves that done correctly will be your just have to figure it out. With Ninja Gaiden it is more like you have to find that sequence and psyche yourself mentally to keep from breaking down and crying at times. Try ninja meditations, eating sushi, and walking on hot coals.
think about how hard and unfair it would actully be if a countless number of random bad guys attacked you on the gaiden seems pretty easy now, dosent it?
it was fun at 1st..but the novelty wore off when i felt my blood pressure skyrocket..
the graphics were freakin sweet tho...i gotta give it that
[quote name='manofpeace20']These kinds of games just don't appeal to me. I'm all for a challenge, but I tend to play video games to relieve stress. If I played these kinds of games, I would be one angry mothershaq-fuer all the time.[/quote]

Amen. You'd think that with my username, I'd love Ninja Gaiden, but after playing the demo, I decided I didn't want to break any more controllers and decided not to get it. I just don't have the time to invest in repeating sequences of games over and over until I perfect them. If I want stress, there are plenty of other ways to get it.
I have Ninja Gaiden and I think it is a fun game. I'm about to start a whole new game though because I missed a scarab at the beginning of the game.

Having the original ninja gaiden games makes it even better.
This is all I hear in this thread:

Waaaa! I suck at games! Waaaa! Ninja Gaiden isn't cakewalk! Waaaa!

I didn't find NG that hard at all. Once I figured out how to beat the second stage's boss, the rest of the game was relatively smooth sailing, with only minor bumps here and there. You guys are making it out to be impossible, I found it to be a very stress relieving game, not a stress creating one.
[quote name='redgopher']Whatever you do, don't play Devil May Cry 3.

Because you are a pussy.

Devil May Cry 3 is not for pussies.[/quote]


Ninja Gaiden Wasnt insanely difficult. If you need help refer to guides, most are free. I had to repeat some bosses over and over but if you get/do everything you are supposed to it shoudlnt be that hard, you're just missing things.
[quote name='NegativeZero'][quote name='redgopher']Whatever you do, don't play Devil May Cry 3.

Because you are a pussy.

Devil May Cry 3 is not for pussies.[/quote]


Ninja Gaiden Wasnt insanely difficult. If you need help refer to guides, most are free. I had to repeat some bosses over and over but if you get/do everything you are supposed to it shoudlnt be that hard, you're just missing things.[/quote]

I don't think a guide would help with NG. people just need to spend some quality time fighting black ninjas(or better yet, the fucking cat ladies!) and before they know it, they'll be kicking some major ass.
it's hard as hell at first, but once you get good at it, it's pure gaming bliss!
Nothing better than taking out a crowd of enemies with the lunar!!
damn...i might have to go play it right now.

(and yes, if you think NG is bad, don't even look at DMC3)
[quote name='Apossum'][quote name='NegativeZero'][quote name='redgopher']Whatever you do, don't play Devil May Cry 3.

Because you are a pussy.

Devil May Cry 3 is not for pussies.[/quote]


Ninja Gaiden Wasnt insanely difficult. If you need help refer to guides, most are free. I had to repeat some bosses over and over but if you get/do everything you are supposed to it shoudlnt be that hard, you're just missing things.[/quote]

I don't think a guide would help with NG. people just need to spend some quality time fighting black ninjas(or better yet, the shaq-fuing cat ladies!) and before they know it, they'll be kicking some major ass.
it's hard as hell at first, but once you get good at it, it's pure gaming bliss!
Nothing better than taking out a crowd of enemies with the lunar!!
damn...i might have to go play it right now.

(and yes, if you think NG is bad, don't even look at DMC3)[/quote]

Ninja Gaiden is one of my favorite games this generation. It perfectly captures the feeling of old NES games where you had to master the patterns of the game and occasionally play parts over to find the best way to tackle a situation. NG is beautifully done as it's a game based on patterns that are hidden because most people want to try and hack & slash their way through the game. It's the right amount of challenge for me and I'm glad their are games of this difficulty for those times I don't just feel like playing the 85% of the games that offer very little challenge. Dead To Rights was another game that got complaints similar to NG. Hopefully, they don't tone down the difficulty for the sequel.
I liked team ninjas comment on the difficulty. I forget the exact quote but they pretty much said that if you think the normal game is too difficult then you're a pussy and shouldn't even bother with the other modes or the HP.
I didn't think it was that difficult honestly after getting over the initial "shock" and learning curve. I usually start off pretty crappy for the first couple of hours, but after that I don't have any problems. I thought getting the Infinity Face Paint on MGS3 was harder :p
[quote name='Apossum'][quote name='NegativeZero'][quote name='redgopher']Whatever you do, don't play Devil May Cry 3.

Because you are a pussy.

Devil May Cry 3 is not for pussies.[/quote]


Ninja Gaiden Wasnt insanely difficult. If you need help refer to guides, most are free. I had to repeat some bosses over and over but if you get/do everything you are supposed to it shoudlnt be that hard, you're just missing things.[/quote]

I don't think a guide would help with NG. people just need to spend some quality time fighting black ninjas(or better yet, the shaq-fuing cat ladies!) and before they know it, they'll be kicking some major ass.
it's hard as hell at first, but once you get good at it, it's pure gaming bliss!
Nothing better than taking out a crowd of enemies with the lunar!!
damn...i might have to go play it right now.

(and yes, if you think NG is bad, don't even look at DMC3)[/quote]

Yeah I think Guides will help because they will be able to tell you which weapon is best while you could have previously been using the worst weapon. Knowing is half the battle!
bread's done