Open games as new, is there a "final" word?


Has there ever been any definitive legality/ethicalness of this, I mean.

The other day I stopped in a local EB to pick up a "new" game. Of the five copies behind the counter, all but one were open. The first one offered had fingerprints and something else smudging the surface... But it was "new" not used, and had only been used as "display" (I didn't see any of the other open discs, so maybe they were spotless- the one I was offered couldn't even be described as "like new" heh).

I remember a while back there was supposed to have been some suit against EB for selling used games as new and was under the impression that the practice had been stopped. In this instance, I felt bad for the clerk, he was polite, and almost overzealous that it really wasn't used (even tho a quick glance at the disc would infer otherwise), he repeated the "display" line over and over.

Now, personally, my take... If a game is open, it's not new. ANYTHING that comes with ANY component factory sealed that is no longer sealed is no longer "new" (Whether it be a video game or a microwave) Every major retailer seems to have discounts on "open box items", and "display/floor models", except for when it comes to video games and display copies...

I have on occasion been at a gamestop or an eb when they only have one copy left of a game which is the display, but when you have five of something and four are open?

So I'm just wondering if this is isolated or common or if there is any policy/standerd practice in the industry about this...
Well.. here is the official verdict. Or, an official opinion.

EB has always followed the business practice of opening a few of their "new" copies of each game for display purposes. This allows them to populate the new release wall with actual product, rather than using the crappy "For Display Only" boxes. They choose this relatively inexpensive option as opposed to spending money on sensormatic tags and security systems.

There has never been a lawsuit over selling used games as new, and EB does not sell used games as new - however it is up to you to decide what constitutes "new" or not.

It is not illegal for EB to open their games and sell them as new. They technically have not been played in a game system before. You technically do not have to buy that copy of that game in that store. Is it ethical? Perhaps not in the minds of some, but I don't see any harm in a company protecting their assets.

That being said, when I was an EB manager I would open (or GUT, to use the EB term) as FEW copies of a game as possible and PRIMARILY use our supplied marketing material to fill the walls. I am a born gamer, and coming from that mentality I realized that most of my regular customers would not bother to purchase an open copy of a game at a new price.

Take it as you will, but you don't have to shop there. You can always go get yelled at by the jerks at TRU. :p
We've already discussed this numerous times, but something that really bothers me is how most of the employees I've seen don't even see the difference.

I was at EB looking for 1080. The guy went into the case, took out an opened display case, rang it up and went into the drawer to get the game. Not a word was said about it being a display case. " you have any sealed ones?" And then I get a look like I just insulted him or something.

If I worked at an EB, I would be apologetic and up front about the whole thing. But they don't even say anything as they take out the open game with stickers all over it. That's the real slap-in-the-face-with-a-cold-fish.

Which is why I don't shop there unless it's absolutely necessary.
[quote name='evilmax17']We've already discussed this numerous times, but something that really bothers me is how most of the employees I've seen don't even see the difference.

I was at EB looking for 1080. The guy went into the case, took out an opened display case, rang it up and went into the drawer to get the game. Not a word was said about it being a display case. " you have any sealed ones?" And then I get a look like I just insulted him or something.

If I worked at an EB, I would be apologetic and up front about the whole thing. But they don't even say anything as they take out the open game with stickers all over it. That's the real slap-in-the-face-with-a-cold-fish.

Which is why I don't shop there unless it's absolutely necessary.[/QUOTE]
That's what pisses me off, too. One time, I go in to get Wild 9, and I ask if they have it sealed, and the guy says yes. He then proceeds to take an open copy and shrinkwraps it in front of me. I ask if they have any FACTORY sealed, as I'm a collector, and he just can't grasp why that would matter to me. That's why I don't like the employees at my EB.
they should at least be giving you a 10 percent discount on that game been open. That was supposed to be the practice in place cuz when they drop it 10% it would be at used price to begin with. I would have had a problem with the case you were in, I would have been like wtf? do you or your workers know how to handle games? Cuz that isn't how it is supposed to look.
Here's a link to the lawsuit everyone is always thinking about:

This is about games that were purchased new and returned (under the old return policy) which were being re-sold as new. This has NOTHING to do with display copies being sold as new. I say if it bothers you, don't buy it. Personally, as long as everything is in good shape it doesn't bother me to buy the display copy. You realize if you buy a new car it NEVER has zero miles on it - OMFG it's a used car, not new because somebody put 5 miles on it!!!!! (That's sarcasm FYI)
Some EB employees don't properly store the game discs when they're removed from the case for "display" purposes, and the end result is that the disc gets scratched, smudged, etc. Such discs basically doesn't appear new anymore (game manual is usually bent up and the case scratched/dinged as well), but the store still expects customers to pay full retail price for these games.

Policies such as this are precisely why I don't feel at all guilty for taking advantage of their trade-in deals where they give you $5 store credit for old PS2 JamPacks, and I absolutely refuse to pay full retail for any of their "nused" games. Consumers should approach EB Games with a "buyer beware" mentality. Take a good look at your "new" game prior to purchase, and if the case isn't factory sealed (or the tamper proof seal is missing), simply do not buy it. Sooner or later, they'll get the message.
I agree the should discount open box/ display items, Just like best buy does on all of their display items. It annoys the hell out of too; one of my neighborhood ebs doesn't stock more than 1 copy of any games that are not new releases.

edit: the point being that almost every new game for sale in the store is a "display"
[quote name='jennie25']they should at least be giving you a 10 percent discount on that game been open. That was supposed to be the practice in place cuz when they drop it 10% it would be at used price to begin with. I would have had a problem with the case you were in, I would have been like wtf? do you or your workers know how to handle games? Cuz that isn't how it is supposed to look.[/QUOTE]

That is.. misinformation. Or a lie. But it's not true.
To me, new is SEALED. I don't care if it's never been played. Would you buy a TV set out of box that had never been plugged in for a brand new price?? It's still new....just not in it's box. No I don't think you would. Unforunately, but saying no thanks and leaving the store, someone else will just buy it anyway, so they have no reason to change their practices. I try and buy games at BB or any similar store so I can have the case sealed.
[quote name='Machine']Here's a link to the lawsuit everyone is always thinking about:

This is about games that were purchased new and returned (under the old return policy) which were being re-sold as new. This has NOTHING to do with display copies being sold as new. I say if it bothers you, don't buy it. Personally, as long as everything is in good shape it doesn't bother me to buy the display copy. You realize if you buy a new car it NEVER has zero miles on it - OMFG it's a used car, not new because somebody put 5 miles on it!!!!! (That's sarcasm FYI)[/QUOTE]
To get a car to the dealership it has to be driven (to and from some cargo carrying vehicle). To get a game to the store you don't have to play it for a while.
[quote name='daschrier']To me, new is SEALED. I don't care if it's never been played. Would you buy a TV set out of box that had never been plugged in for a brand new price?? It's still new....just not in it's box. No I don't think you would. Unforunately, but saying no thanks and leaving the store, someone else will just buy it anyway, so they have no reason to change their practices. I try and buy games at BB or any similar store so I can have the case sealed.[/QUOTE]

Believe it or not a lot of stores do use this practice. If they are out of new TV's or computers and that's the last one they'll sell it to you at a discount or not tell you at all. BB does this as well as Costco, CC, and a bunch of other stores, but they do offer you a discount something EBgames should try doing.
A weird/stupid/true thing that my local Gamestop does is this. I go in to buy a new copy of say Champions Return to Arms. They have 5 sealed and 1 opened, so this guy goes to give me the open disc and display box, so I asked for a sealed copy and he eventually gave in after trying to persuade me it's fine and if it doesnt work in 7 days I can bring it back.
Anyways, what I'm wondering is this....if he gives me the last open copy, doesn't that mean he has to open a sealed one again and "gut it"?? I mean what kind of sense does that make?
If you're standing at the counter and can see you are being sold an opened display copy as new I have no problem with that. You can just say no thanks and leave. (I've done this, it works.)

Getting an open copy as new through the mail (from a .com) would be a whole 'nother animal.
I'm just applying the same logic to other circumstances. Sorry if you don't understand. Here's another one: as soon as somebody tries on a piece of clothing in a store, it should no longer be sold as new. I don't want to buy clothes that somebody else has had on - it might have cooties.
[quote name='wubb']If you're standing at the counter and can see you are being sold an opened display copy as new I have no problem with that. You can just say no thanks and leave. (I've done this, it works.)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and I do, but it still sucks when you call up before you leave and ask "do you have any new copies of BLANK" and they say "Yup! We have 2!", and then you drive there and they're both display. I have since learned to stress the words "factory sealed" on the phone, but I've been burned quite a few times.
I was getting one of these new opened copies and i asked for at least the edge card discount (but it was also at the used price when it was scanned because it was the last copy) so i got 20 percent off. i'd just ask them to give you at least 10 percent because it is not sealed. sometimes they will sometimes they won't but it never hurts to ask.
[quote name='Machine']I'm just applying the same logic to other circumstances. Sorry if you don't understand. Here's another one: as soon as somebody tries on a piece of clothing in a store, it should no longer be sold as new. I don't want to buy clothes that somebody else has had on - it might have cooties.[/QUOTE]

I guess, although they don't factory sealed cars (from your first example) or clothes. Clothes have tags when new, which are not removed until sold. Many/most people wouldn't want to buy clothes as new that had the tags removed.

A better analogy would maybe be a book store selling a book that dozens of people have flipped through as new. But really that isn't even the same thing because books generally aren't factory sealed like games.
[quote name='kill3r7']Believe it or not a lot of stores do use this practice. If they are out of new TV's or computers and that's the last one they'll sell it to you at a discount or not tell you at all. BB does this as well as Costco, CC, and a bunch of other stores, but they do offer you a discount something EBgames should try doing.[/QUOTE]
Yes I know, but they discount it as open box....
As far as cars go, I think there's a law that states how many miles a car can have on it before it's no longer new. Also, once a car has been registered legally it's no longer new.
[quote name='evilmax17']Yeah, and I do, but it still sucks when you call up before you leave and ask "do you have any new copies of BLANK" and they say "Yup! We have 2!", and then you drive there and they're both display. I have since learned to stress the words "factory sealed" on the phone, but I've been burned quite a few times.[/QUOTE]

Heh, when I typed my response that situation occured to me as well. That would be a pisser.

But, I can understand why the employees act as if there is no difference. I mean it's their company's policy to open display copies and sell them as new. I'm sure managers wouldn't like to see their employees agreeing that the display copies are way junkier than a new sealed one.
Most of the time I just decline unless it is something REALLY limited in release to find (Obscure for Xbox). No need to get that upset because there are usually alternative places to shop.
I just can't believe people get so worked up about this crap. There are plenty of really important things in life to worry about and people get completely upset about something as freaking pointless and stupid as this. Worry less about factory seals and more about starving children, shrinking rainforests and other important issues. Games are supposed to be FUN not an obsession.
[quote name='Machine']I just can't believe people get so worked up about this crap. There are plenty of really important things in life to worry about and people get completely upset about something as freaking pointless and stupid as this. Worry less about factory seals and more about starving children, shrinking rainforests and other important issues. Games are supposed to be FUN not an obsession.[/QUOTE]

You're probably one of those people who, when beaten at a game, says something like "Oh yeah, well at least I don't spend all my time playing this game. Maybe instead of practicing so much you should go outside and get a life."

I hate your kind.
[quote name='Machine']I just can't believe people get so worked up about this crap. There are plenty of really important things in life to worry about and people get completely upset about something as freaking pointless and stupid as this. Worry less about factory seals and more about starving children, shrinking rainforests and other important issues. Games are supposed to be FUN not an obsession.[/QUOTE]

Dude, no need to get so worked up.
[quote name='Machine']Really I just hate crybabies. If you have a complaint, don't cry about it on a message board - DO something.[/QUOTE]

The OP asked a question. S/he was unsure as to what the store's policy was, related an experience to the group, and asked for clarfication. If you don't want to read/respond people's questions, nobody is making you.
My only issue on the subject is....I hate the fact that they can sell you an open game as new but you can't return an open game as new for a full refund. They'll make exchange it for the same game or force you to 'trade' it in (for much less money, mind you) if you want to return it. It's a double standard and the main reason I avoid these places. EB and Gamestop aren't the only places that sell games. I can find any game I want without resorting to EB or Gamestop, and usually find 'em a hell of a lot cheaper. So for all you people who are complaining, get your games elsewhere and maybe they'll change their practices.
Gutting a copy of a game is the cheapest nessasary evil available to stores who can't put live product on the shelves. An EB may have several copies because of their marketing ways (which I don't agree with) a GS will generally have three tops (one for the shelf, two for the "top titles" display). It would be impossible to give 10% off every gutted game because sometimes a game will be the last copy, sell, the next day be restocked, gutted, sell again...multiply that 10% by a lot on a daily basis and again the bussiness would lose money. It's still considered a new game because no one has purchased or played it, it is Not the same thing as selling a used game for a new price. Shopworn does not equal last copy, shopworn, maybe a missing booklet or cracked case. If you don't want an open copy, don't buy it. Someone else will. If you want 10% off, wait a week and buy used, it will probably be in new condition and with a discount card you'll save at least 20%. The end.

I, personally, do not mind the display copies too much- considering that I intend to play- and therefore open- every game I own, so in the end none will be shrink-wrapped away.

Besides, wrapping does not guarantee a mint disc- just a few weeks ago I bought a Galaxy Angel DVD at a con, and opened it later (after con) to find the disc came off of the hub, and gotten seriously fucked-up bouncing around the case. (With the con being over, I had no method of return, so I did my last resort- I let my BF disc-doctor it. Oddly enough, it's the first disc we've done that too to get the spiral pattern.)

That said- I don't approve of how some stores store that disc/manual from the open copy (I HATE those paper sleeves, just don't trust 'em.) I definitely dislike having all the damn stickers on the case, too. I think a 10% open product discount would make it all better. Who's up for bombarding EB with emails?
^^ You can give a sealed game/DVD a little shake and generally tell if the DVD is bouncing around loose inside the case or not. Helps if there are more than one of the same thing so you can compare the shake sound of a few. (Assuming they aren't all loose!)
I think we're getting a little out of hand here. No need to insult each other.

“All software for video game consoles may have been used and returned in accordance with [store tradename]’s return policy.”

You'll find that posted on the return policy sign at all GS stores.

Anyway, here's my $.02: When you buy a new game, you intend to play it. That slippery barrier of cellophane is going to dissapear before you stick it in your console.
As long as the disk and manual are new to your liking, don't sweat it. If not, ask for another copy or shop elsewhere. Game stores don't cater to eBay-er's, so if you're trying to make an "investment", again go elsewhere.
[quote name='furor']My only issue on the subject is....I hate the fact that they can sell you an open game as new but you can't return an open game as new for a full refund. They'll make exchange it for the same game or force you to 'trade' it in (for much less money, mind you) if you want to return it. It's a double standard and the main reason I avoid these places.[/QUOTE]

No it's not a double standard, you went home and played that game, and if they did accept returns on open merchandise they'd be committing the sin everyone here hates, the one that gets companies sued.

You mean a display copy not being returnable? that is why it usually comes with a quick disclaimer and an offer to reseal at my store. Most people know when they buy a game that they are going to play and keep it. If it's a gift for someone where you don't know if they'll want it or not I suggest you stick to sealed games to avoid any issues.
[quote name='wubb']^^ You can give a sealed game/DVD a little shake and generally tell if the DVD is bouncing around loose inside the case or not. Helps if there are more than one of the same thing so you can compare the shake sound of a few. (Assuming they aren't all loose!)[/QUOTE]

I'm sure that would've worked very well had I not been surrounded by the other 2000 or so attendees for 3 days (Our room was right in the thick of things, so it was never quiet.) It's kewl tho', the disc plays, I'm happy. :D
EB is pretty stupid like that. I know of a few here that will just gut like 10 copies of any popular new release games, just to make their walls look pretty and sell more copies. It's really stupid. Then there's how they put like 5 stickers that will NEVER come off on all their games.

I work at gamecrazy and im glad we don't do that crap. I mean, we let people play any game in the store, new or used, and we only open ONE copy of a new release game, and sell all the sealed ones first, until that last display copy is sold. Also our used price stickers are designed to be removable without leaving residue. Gamestop does the same crap. They even go so far as to keep the manuals in the drawers with the discs, so that they can get bent and torn as much as is needed. is all you need from EB, IMO. Better prices, better service, better selection.
[quote name='evilmax17']You're probably one of those people who, when beaten at a game, says something like "Oh yeah, well at least I don't spend all my time playing this game. Maybe instead of practicing so much you should go outside and get a life."

I hate your kind.[/QUOTE]

As do I. Those people are the worst.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']I'm sure that would've worked very well had I not been surrounded by the other 2000 or so attendees for 3 days (Our room was right in the thick of things, so it was never quiet.) It's kewl tho', the disc plays, I'm happy. :D[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I didn't account for the fact that you were in the middle of a con :oops:

I'm used to picking out my stuff at fairly quiet retail stores :)
[quote name='jer7583']Gamestop does the same crap. They even go so far as to keep the manuals in the drawers with the discs, so that they can get bent and torn as much as is needed.[/QUOTE]

Or to prevent them from getting stolen with the case.

You'd rather have it handled by everyone who thinks the box looks pretty? Have you looked at some of the customers they get?

It stands a much better chance in the drawer.
I still don't understand why they don't have their own display cases made, like TRU. I think the increase in customer satisfaction would be worth the pennies per case it would cost.
[quote name='Darkside Hazuki']I think we're getting a little out of hand here. No need to insult each other.

[quote name='tauruskatt']No it's not a double standard, you went home and played that game, and if they did accept returns on open merchandise they'd be committing the sin everyone here hates, the one that gets companies sued. [/QUOTE]

No, I didn't go home and play the game. I bought it, didn't get around to playing it, got a sealed one for a gift (2 days later) and decided to return the open 'NEW' one which they wouldn't accept. So, F#*K them!! That's why the bottom of my post said I get my games elsewhere.
Why can they open a new game, claim it's not played (we all know employees who've taken gutted games home and played them, and don't say this doesn't happen, cause it does) and sell it for new? Yet, when I buy an open 'NEW' game and claim it's not played they don't believe me. F*#K them!!

[quote name='tauruskatt']You mean a display copy not being returnable? that is why it usually comes with a quick disclaimer and an offer to reseal at my store. Most people know when they buy a game that they are going to play and keep it. If it's a gift for someone where you don't know if they'll want it or not I suggest you stick to sealed games to avoid any issues.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't offered a reseal or a sticker seal. This happened years ago before they were so quick to offer this lame service. And speaking of gifts....When giving gifts, it's pretty insulting to the receiver the be given an open gift (at least where I come from). It really cracks me up when I tell them it's a gift and I'd like a sealed one and they start to seal it up. Like I'm going to give an obvious reseal as a gift. In the receivers eyes, it looks like I bought something, used it then handed it off to them second-hand as a gift. It's an insult to the receiver.
So like I said in my original post, That is why I buy my games elsewhere. EB and Gamestop suck and I know you employees will disagree, but oh well, just keep supporting them and enjoy your employee discounts.
And to everyone complaining about the gutted copies of games, buy your games elsewhere.
[quote name='furor']No, I didn't go home and play the game. I bought it, didn't get around to playing it, got a sealed one for a gift (2 days later) and decided to return the open 'NEW' one which they wouldn't accept. So, F#*K them!! That's why the bottom of my post said I get my games elsewhere.
Why can they open a new game, claim it's not played (we all know employees who've taken gutted games home and played them, and don't say this doesn't happen, cause it does) and sell it for new? Yet, when I buy an open 'NEW' game and claim it's not played they don't believe me. F*#K them!!

I wasn't offered a reseal or a sticker seal. This happened years ago before they were so quick to offer this lame service. And speaking of gifts....When giving gifts, it's pretty insulting to the receiver the be given an open gift (at least where I come from). It really cracks me up when I tell them it's a gift and I'd like a sealed one and they start to seal it up. Like I'm going to give an obvious reseal as a gift. In the receivers eyes, it looks like I bought something, used it then handed it off to them second-hand as a gift. It's an insult to the receiver.
So like I said in my original post, That is why I buy my games elsewhere. EB and Gamestop suck and I know you employees will disagree, but oh well, just keep supporting them and enjoy your employee discounts.
And to everyone complaining about the gutted copies of games, buy your games elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I'm an EB employee and I agree. What am I gonna do about it though? IWe just do what the company tells us to do because we kinda work for them... Gee, so quick to insult us just because we get a whole 15% off (yay, no tax) and get paid shit...
I'm coming in late to this discussion, but I have to say that I agree with everyone who is upset and rather pissed off that gamestores like EB and GameStop pawn opened games as new. As the OP said, if the game doesn't include the factory seal, it's as good as used to me also.

What's stopping the clerks from taking the disc home and playing it? Or putting it in one of those display machines for hours at a time? Ethnics? Law? It's only illegal if you get caught!

So yeah, unless its a game that I've had no luck in finding up until that point, I refuse to buy a "new" game sans shrinkwrap. That disc could have had one hell of a ride for all I know.

Paranoid? You bet I am. :)

But, similar to what someone else mentioned, factory sealed doesn't necessitate perfection: I bought a brand new, never opened Halo 2 CE from GameStop only to find that there were odd radial scratches in short intervals around the disc. Like, if you looking at the face of a clock, there were scatches at 1, 3, 6, and 9. I have no idea how they got there, I assume it was an error in the manufacturing process, but the disc plays fine, so I'm satisfied. It certainly wasn't GameStop's fault the discs had those scratches.

I guess it just comes down to the fact that I don't like being lied to. If something is sold as new, it should be new. It shouldn't have stickers all over the box and smudges.

But that's just my humble opinion.
It seems it all comes down to this:

They can sell it as new if they've never sold it before. This means they can open it, demo it, fingerprint it, mangle the inserts and manual, and scratch it up. It's still "new."

If you're going to buy opened merchandise from anywhere, inspect it first. Don't give it as a gift (I'd be just as prone to give an open-box television as an un-shrinkwrapped game), and let them re-wrap it for return/warranty purposes.

It would seem many stores "new" price is really their "first sale" price. As with any store, if you don't feel comfortable, don't make a purchase.
I don't like the policy either, however as has been discussed MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY times in the past if you don't like it then shop elsewhere.
[quote name='Alien Spider']I'm coming in late to this discussion, but I have to say that I agree with everyone who is upset and rather pissed off that gamestores like EB and GameStop pawn opened games as new. As the OP said, if the game doesn't include the factory seal, it's as good as used to me also.

What's stopping the clerks from taking the disc home and playing it? Or putting it in one of those display machines for hours at a time? Ethnics? Law? It's only illegal if you get caught!

So yeah, unless its a game that I've had no luck in finding up until that point, I refuse to buy a "new" game sans shrinkwrap. That disc could have had one hell of a ride for all I know.

Paranoid? You bet I am. :)

But, similar to what someone else mentioned, factory sealed doesn't necessitate perfection: I bought a brand new, never opened Halo 2 CE from GameStop only to find that there were odd radial scratches in short intervals around the disc. Like, if you looking at the face of a clock, there were scatches at 1, 3, 6, and 9. I have no idea how they got there, I assume it was an error in the manufacturing process, but the disc plays fine, so I'm satisfied. It certainly wasn't GameStop's fault the discs had those scratches.

I guess it just comes down to the fact that I don't like being lied to. If something is sold as new, it should be new. It shouldn't have stickers all over the box and smudges.

But that's just my humble opinion.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. My other problem is with the attitudes of the employees (some not all)! If I take a game case up the register and it say "NEW" I expect a "NEW" copy. I see an employee grab for one of those paper sleeves, I get pissed. When I ask for a sealed copy, you'd think I just asked to have sex with his girl!

The worst reason I heard was "This is the last copy." and then puts the display case back on the shelf. I just don't appreciate buying something that is at a new price and possibly been handled more than Courtney Love...
As long as the disc and manual are in good shape, I don't mind getting a display copy. However, I DON'T like all of those stickers EB puts on their display copies.
[quote name='ZForce']As long as the disc and manual are in good shape, I don't mind getting a display copy. However, I DON'T like all of those stickers EB puts on their display copies.[/QUOTE]


I had to take about 4 or 5 stickers off my Ridge Racer PSP case... only reason I bought was because it was the only one I could find in the city.

Took about 1/2 a bottle of nail polish remover to get them all off. I don't mind on used games, since hey, it's used and I expect that, but new games? No way.
bread's done