Operation Darkness (360) - $17.99 @ BB


22 (100%)
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just so you guys know, this game is terrible and broken. you will want to throw your controller at the screen five battles into the game. I tried to like it so hard but....its wretched. nothing worse than stepping on a mine you cant see 50min. into a battle where you lose one of your only healers in the game. for good. you have been warned.
and don't listen to the people defending it like its an incredible hidden gem. it isn't. it really really isn't. if you want to put your faith in them, be my guest- but trust me on this one- pass. sorry for the double post, but if I prevent at least one person from buying this awful mess of a game my work is done. and don't call me some hater because I DID play it for at least seven-eight hours.
[quote name='GregOfTheDead']and don't listen to the people defending it like its an incredible hidden gem. it isn't. it really really isn't. if you want to put your faith in them, be my guest- but trust me on this one- pass. sorry for the double post, but if I prevent at least one person from buying this awful mess of a game my work is done. and don't call me some hater because I DID play it for at least seven-eight hours.[/QUOTE]

The mines can be viewed when you take your cursor over them. If you walk over them, you have the auto-heal by that round. So your healer ran out of heal items and had low enough life to die walking over a mine AND miss the mine being in the path. It happens.

I like the game, there are others that don't. That's fine by me. Most of the hate is unwarranted and from people who haven't played it.
[quote name='crowbb']I've beaten the game and I liked it. But make no mistake the camera IS terrible. The first thing you should do is turn the minimap on. Use that for everything but looting since bodies don't show up on there. It's got some huge flaws but there really is a decent game in there and it does tell an interesting WWII story. Without spoiling anything some pretty cool nods to real historical events during the war in there..except...you know...now a group involving werewolves, magic, and other elements happen to be there heh.

It seems insanely hard at first glance when you don't know how to get around the bad camera and that weight really matters but here's a few tips...

Weight matters.. A LOT. Don't load your troops up more than necessary it will cripple their moves. If you've been wondering why enemies go multiple times before you do, this is why.

Don't waste your werewolf mode needlessly. The do crazy damage while transformed but since it's limited time that should be used to take out tanks and bosses. Not sure how being a werewolf makes a bazooka shell stronger but it does.

Looting is very important. Not only are there tons of hidden items (Some of which make the final few boss fights a whole lot less brutal) but you can loot healing items and ammo during the fight. Some of the unique items are on random normal seeming troopers too so loot everyone you can. Sadly the bad camera will hinder this effort.

Bazookas! Early on you can't do this but eventually you'll have so many bazookas and spare rockets all your guys can have one. You also get free reloads for anything that was empty finishing a fight (Unless you drop it which has its own advantage in speed).

Magic may seem like it sucks early on but a good magic user with nothing but healing items so they can be fast is very very deadly.[/QUOTE]

I played 2 battles and I do enjoy the game despite the camera. Quick question, I didn't find an option to turn on the mini-radar, I assume this is not something I can do until later on?
[quote name='breakingcustoms']ended up getting the game at $18 with instore pickup...not sure if ill ever open it...who knows, this one may become rare for a few weeks before atlus will want to reprint[/QUOTE]

I doubt there will be any demand for a reprint for this game. Not exactly Nocturne quality here. :D
[quote name='MrNEWZ']The mines can be viewed when you take your cursor over them. If you walk over them, you have the auto-heal by that round. So your healer ran out of heal items and had low enough life to die walking over a mine AND miss the mine being in the path. It happens.

I like the game, there are others that don't. That's fine by me. Most of the hate is unwarranted and from people who haven't played it.[/quote]

I have the game,it is still sealed,someday I will open it but I still will defend it even though I have not played it.SRPG's are for a specific crowd and not many besides maybe FF Tactics have really turned a leaf in that so either by the game if your interested or don't... And shut up people about the camera already this is not the first game to have bad camera controls in fact some big blockbuster titles have the same issues and itis looked over more.. And for the graphic whores also SRPG's never banked on cutting edge graphics it is about the gameplay.. Just look at Digaea for instance,one of the most popular SRPG's of the last generation running on sprite characters and crappy 3d textured levels....

Either way buy it or dont... :argue:

Really one SRPG that fails in a lot more ways then Operation Darkness is Spectral Force 3 and people piss and moan way less about it.
[quote name='paean']I played 2 battles and I do enjoy the game despite the camera. Quick question, I didn't find an option to turn on the mini-radar, I assume this is not something I can do until later on?[/QUOTE]

It's one of the controller buttons (I can't remember off the top of my head). Just experiment. The button will remove the turn order and put up a small map, and pressing the button again will change it back to the turn order.
[quote name='Camwi']It's one of the controller buttons (I can't remember off the top of my head). Just experiment. The button will remove the turn order and put up a small map, and pressing the button again will change it back to the turn order.[/QUOTE]


When Lewis joins your team, it switches it automatically, but Y is the button.
I got the game back when it first went to the BB outlet store and it stayed sealed until I started reading this thread by chance. I have since begun to play it and it isn't as bad as folks are making it out to be. Yes, the graphics are not "next-gen" and the camera could be better, but it is entertaining and the story is decent.

A big thanks to those of you who stuck up for the game, if it wasn't for you, it would have remained on my shelf, unopened for quite some time.
I freaking love this game. It does have its problems. I am on mission 6 and one of my characters did die.. FOREVER. If you can forgive the shoddy camera issue but love WWII themes mixed with vampires and nazi zombies.. you will forgive its flaws and love this game. I know I did.:applause:
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Y.

When Lewis joins your team, it switches it automatically, but Y is the button.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. It's been a while for me.

[quote name='thebob101']A big thanks to those of you who stuck up for the game, if it wasn't for you, it would have remained on my shelf, unopened for quite some time.[/QUOTE]

Well I'm glad it worked out for you. :)
[quote name='62t']Atlus published its fair of crappy games the last few years[/quote]

Indeed, and this is one of them. The camera alone makes the game a huge pain in the behind to play.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Y.

When Lewis joins your team, it switches it automatically, but Y is the button.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, going to play some tonight.
Count me as someone who also loves this game. Turn based strategy involving werewolves vs. zombie and vampire nazis? Hell yes. You do have to use *strategy* though. I understand that people have different tastes and may not like it, but I don't understand the ones that said it was too hard and they kept dying early on. I've found it pretty hard to die when there's an auto restoration skill you can set after the very *first* incredibly easy intro battle. Even if you receive lethal damage, turn this skill on and your character will heal themselves if you have a healing item on you. Not only can you buy healing items in between missions, but just search corpses on the battlefield and you get tons of healing items, ammo, and weapons. And if you think it's unfair as opposed to challenging that they drop a ton of zombies on you as reinforcements when you thought the battle was over, just turn on cover ambush and you can turn them into swiss cheese because your troops get to shoot them every time they move, even if it's not your turn. Or just use some of the billions of grenades lying on dead Nazis. I'd say the game is challenging enough to keep you on your toes, but by no means impossible. If you've played a turn based strategy game before, then use a little strategy and you should be able to handle this game. Unless you just really suck.

Now, if you don't like the game because of the camera, I can understand that complaint. There should be a good overhead view that lets see most or all of the battlefield at once. Still, I got used to the camera pretty quickly, and it does help that the right and left triggers automatically take you through the enemies when targeting.

My advice is to take the reviews with a grain of salt (most of the metacritic pros hated it -but many of them game the Wii Fire Emblem a poor grade, too, because they thought it was too hard, whereas most users worship that game- while lots of the Amazon user reviewers love it, so you've really got to decide for yourself) and try the demo. Unfortunately, with no instruction booklet there's a lot they don't tell you with the demo, like how you can stand over a dead enemy and search him for supplies, how much weight affects your movement, or how all the cover moves really work. Still, give it a go and see for yourself.
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