Other than Zelda, what is the next must have launch title?

Pure Apathy

129 (100%)
I currently have Zelda and Excite Truck preordered. I'm starting to have second thoughts on Excite Truck, and I'm thinking about going with Super Monkey Ball, Metal Slug (I hear it got delayed until January), or Elebits. For some reason I'm not really into Red Steel, I don't know why though.

What games do you think are a must buy besides Zelda? Right now I'm going to go with Super Monkey Ball.
CoD3, Red Steel, Elebits, and Madden all intrigue me for different reasons.

And Wii Play as well.

Not sure what if anything I'll get in addition to Zelda.
The top games on my list [outside of Zelda :p] are Rayman and Elebits... considering that the rumors about Metal Slug's delay are indeed true.
I preordered zelda and super monkey ball, they're both must haves for me. Other than that I might pick up red steel if the controls don't end up sucking for some reason and I'll definitely get Wii Play with a remote if that happens (I'm thinking the reason why they didn't announce wii play at the american launch is because it won't be available until december or so).

Rayman, elebits, and trauma center look good, but I'll wait for reviews for those too.
Nada for me. Besides Zelda, I'm getting a Wii for the Virtual Console, and Gamecube backwards compatibility. That is, unless Warioware is going to be a launch title, but even then I'm not like super excited about that. It's probably going to be like the DS all over again... kind of lame and stale at first while developers are figuring out how to make games in this new style, and then some really awesome niche titles, and Nintendo will drop SSB, Mario Kart, and the new Mario Galaxy.
Honestly, I don't think any of the Wii launch titles are worth spending the full MSRP of $50 with the exception of Zelda. I'm totally pumped for Excite Truck and Red Steel, but $35 ($40 with GGC) would be the sweet spot for me.

*Edit - Zelda, Wii Sports, and VC games are more than enough to hold me over until some of the prices drop.
Red Steel would be my first must-have after Zelda. I think it will make best use of the new controller amongst the launch titles.
Outside of Zelda, there aren't really any other must have titles. There are quite a few good, solid titles that people will get like Madden 07, Super Monkey Ball, Rayman, and I guess Red Steel and Excite Truck if those do end up being good. Then there are the niche titles like Trauma Center, Elebits, Metal Slug Anthology, and maybe Dragon Quest.

I can't believe that we've barely heard much of anything about some of these possible launch titles like Dragon Quest. It makes me question whether it's still a launch title.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Outside of Zelda, there aren't really any other must have titles. There are quite a few good, solid titles that people will get like Madden 07, Super Monkey Ball, Rayman, and I guess Red Steel and Excite Truck if those do end up being good. Then there are the niche titles like Trauma Center, Elebits, Metal Slug Anthology, and maybe Dragon Quest.

I can't believe that we've barely heard much of anything about some of these possible launch titles like Dragon Quest. It makes me question whether it's still a launch title.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure DQ is no longer a launch title; I don't think it's even going to be available in Japan in 2006.
[quote name='Corvin']according to IGN's preview, Super Monkey Ball is a must-own launch title.

I'm doing Zelda, Rayman & Monkey Ball.[/quote]

Good to hear it - I haven't been keeping up on the Wii news lately...
DQ wasn't even on the list of confirmed titles when I preorded my Wii. So I also doubt it'll even be availble this year.

But I'm stuck, either Truma Center or Red Steel. I would get Marvel Ultimate Alliance, but a friends getting it for 360 next week. Most likely Truma Center.
Banana Blitz is a natural for the Wii, I might wait it out until it shows up used though. I think there are abunch of renters on the Wii list since I have no idea how the control scheme holds up.
I'm still skeptical about the Wii version of Twilight Princess, I think I might hold out for the Gamecube version. So pretty much just Wii Sports and VC games for me.
If Super Monkey Ball controls as well as IGN says it does then I will buy it within a week of launch. The first one for Gamecube is one of my favorite games of all time but I found it almost unplayable on the PS2 because of the controls. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
I'm thinking just Zelda for the moment, but I have been hearing pretty good reviews of the newer builds of Excite Truck. Most of the E3 coverage was pretty bad, but a lot of the hands-on stuff I have read lately has been pretty positive. A lot of people have said that it plays a lot like Excite Bike in a way.

I will be renting a shit ton of Wii games though.
[quote name='lebowsky']I'm thinking just Zelda for the moment, but I have been hearing pretty good reviews of the newer builds of Excite Truck. Most of the E3 coverage was pretty bad, but a lot of the hands-on stuff I have read lately has been pretty positive. A lot of people have said that it plays a lot like Excite Bike in a way.

I will be renting a shit ton of Wii games though.[/quote]The manager at EB this morning said Excite Truck was a ton of fun when he played it while down in Dallas.
Everyone is holdingout on Red steel. I am going to get it to showcase the system I think. Maybe I will unload it right after beeting it and then rebuy (if its decent) once its dropped.
As of right now its Zelda for me. A few games look interesting like Red Steel (even though I don't like 1st person games), Trauma Center, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I think for the most part I will wait for some reviews. I think its going to be hard to choose as well which games I want to play on which system....like Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
I am hoping some of the Ubisoft games will come through too. I am hoping GT Pro will be good, not holding my breath though. Otherwise I will probably grab Red Steel, Zelda and Excitetruck as well as whatever VC games that look hot.
[quote name='coolz481']I'm pretty sure DQ is no longer a launch title; I don't think it's even going to be available in Japan in 2006.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, when I went to EB to preorder the Wii today, the list of games they handed out didn't have it on there.
So far I only have Zelda pre ordered. Monkey Ball has been getting a lot of positive buzz as of late so I'm thinking of picking it up at launch. I want to pick up one or two more titles, but I'll probably wait until the reviews start rolling in.
I'm incredibly excited about Trauma Center. It seems like the most natural fit for the controller, and I loved the first one (and there's a difficulty setting now, for those of you that couldn't handle it last time).
After being reminded of the new "Killer" multiplayer mode in Red Steel... I'll say that one. Sure in two or three years, it has a high likelihood of being remembered as a mediocre launch title, but it's showing a ton of potential all the same.
[quote name='botticus']After being reminded of the new "Killer" multiplayer mode in Red Steel... I'll say that one. Sure in two or three years, it has a high likelihood of being remembered as a mediocre launch title, but it's showing a ton of potential all the same.[/QUOTE]

Kinda like Blue Stinger for the Dreamcast. I still love that game.
Honestly, I think Zelda and Wii Sports will be enough for me right at launch. Maybe a week after I'll get another game, but I think it'd be worthwhile to wait until all the reviews are out .
If the controls in Red Steel stay the way they are in the recent videos, then it will be crap.

My anticipated games:

Metal Slug Anthology
Rayman Raving Rabbits
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
There isn't another one for me. I have the console, extra controller and Zelda paid in full and that's all I plan on getting for a while.

None of the other games look worthy of a $50 ($40 in the case of Metal Slug) purchase to me, and most don't look worth bothering with at all.

If I HAD to get a 2nd game, I'd go with Super Monkey Ball, as it's been getting pretty good buzz, but I didn't like the GC one's enough to shell out $50 for them.

Of course, with the system coming out a month before X-mas, I may put a game on my list. Or I may not and just put a few DS games on it.
I go back and forth.

I have Zelda no matter what, even if I don't have a Wii to play it on for awhile. I also preordered Trauma Center.

But I'm thinking of canceling the Trauma Center preorder and moving the credit toward the Wii itself -- by doing so I can pay of the Wii completely -- then deciding whether or not to use my TRU credit to buy Trauma Center. Or Monkey Ball. Or neither one.

How much do I need on launch day the first day I get a Wii, anyway?
[quote name='blandstalker']
How much do I need on launch day the first day I get a Wii, anyway?[/QUOTE]

That was my thinking. I want to just focus on Zelda. Plus you have Wiisports and the virtual console as well.

I figured that will keep me busy for a while and then I can decide on a second game when I'm really itching for something to play.
I'm getting Trauma Center and Zelda. I was going to get Marvel: UA instead of Trauma Center but decided to wait for a few reviews to see how well it works with the Wii remote.
Not too many people getting Madden? I am dying to try out the play mechanics, and the last installment I got was '05 so I have been waiting for the Wii version to upgrade to '07.
I think that Wii Sports and Zelda (along with whatever VC games I choose to buy) will hold me over until some other games comes out, or until some price drops. I'm tempted to pick up Rayman Raving Rabbits, but I know that it's one of those games that will get cheap pretty quickly, so I'll hold out for a bit.
Don't worry too much about Madden, here's EB's best-sellers for the Wii right now:

Legend of Zelda: Twi... $49.99
Red Steel $49.99
Madden NFL 07 $49.99
Super Monkey Ball Ba... $49.99
Rayman: Raving Rabbi... $49.99
Trauma Center: Secon... $49.99

Personally I think I'm going to try for one single player game (Zelda), one casual multiplayer game (Wii Sports) and one or two more "hardcore" multiplayer games (Madden, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance). Others like Metal Slug can wait till I finish Zelda.
Excite Truck .... My favorite game at the Nintendo Fusion Tour
Trauma Center .... one of my favorite DS games now they just need Phoenix Wright Wii.
bread's done