OTT Paradise : Available to post in today (Stick with the OTT: The Movie)

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[quote name='Liquid 2']This is pretty similar to the way I did it:

The one you linked seems a bit reckless to me, but it does have a room by room strategy guide. Maybe you could take the best from each.[/QUOTE]

Really? That way seems more reckless to me.

But they're both virtually the same.
Yeah. Not too many paths one can take through a freakin' airplane. =p

The absurdity of Mile High Club always makes me laugh. The plane is overflowing with militants who don't look like they even tried to pretend to be innocent passengers. :lol:
[quote name='Liquid 2']Yeah. Not too many paths one can take through a freakin' airplane. =p

The absurdity of Mile High Club always makes me laugh. The plane is overflowing with militants who don't look like they even tried to pretend to be innocent passengers. :lol:[/QUOTE]

The Club would be reasonable if they gave you 30 more seconds.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Hardly. You have to earn it, :baby:.

It'd be meaningless if everyone could get it.[/QUOTE]

You speak as if only 100 people have gotten it, :baby:.
[quote name='Moxio']You speak as if only 100 people have gotten it, :baby:.[/QUOTE]
It's not that exclusive. It is the toughest achievement though (I can only see comp one shot, one kill, and the war room on veteran as being close to Mile High's difficulty), so it has to remain a challenge.
Got a PR about an interesting game that'll be looking for a publisher at GDC:

Faith and a .45 tells the story of Luke and Ruby -- two outlaw lovers destined to go down in history. The duo battles an oppressive enemy force, led by a ruthless, corrupt oilman who's out for their blood. Set in an original take on the Great Depression, one of the darkest periods in US history, the game is a gritty, cross-country epic -- a road journey with guns, a dark army of steel-plated vehicles, and armour-clad pyromaniacs.

Ha ha, Moxio!

I hope the roads aren't freezing in the morning.

edit: and people who bash companies for making money and doing what they do well can go die.
Morning OTT

Crackdown is a pretty good game. I had played it for about an hour last week and didn't really get into it, but I gave it another shot and I'm liking it.

I'm not a big fan of how your skills level up, but I can deal with it I guess. Also I don't see any way I'm getting 1000 / 1000 on this one as I'm not collecting 500 orbs of one type and 300 of another. Sheesh.
C'mon ya big sissy. You can do it! It helps if you go through it on co-op because if your partner finds something it counts towards you as well.
So you're offering to find all the orbs while I eat dinner? Okay I can do that. :mrgreen:

One thing that kind of sucks is that my explosives skill is still at 00 w/ 0 stars. And I've killed quite a few people with grenades. I guess I'm going to have to specifically run around killing baddies with only explosives to level that up. Not sure I'll bother.
Trust me, its not as hard as it sounds. All you need is the rocket launcher. Most times the gang members (especially the asian ones who I cant remeber the name of) tend to group up. Just shoot a rocket in the middle of them and you can easily get 5+ kills at once.
I liked The Simpsons Movie, but I didn't like it as much as I expected.

I was thinking it was going to be as good as the good old days of episodes but they have that scene where they show the ambulance from the old episode where Homer tries to jump the gorge on a skateboard and it just made me think about how that episode was better than the movie.
PDZ is one of those games I can't looks like the only Cheesements I'm going to get are for completing the Single player game (So probably less than 100?)...ALL of the rest are multiplayer based. And I'm definately not going to play it again in Perfect's not bad, but there are better FPS ot there.

But I'm too far into it to stop playing it now...
[quote name='Number83']PDZ is one of those games I can't looks like the only Cheesements I'm going to get are for completing the Single player game (So probably less than 100?)...ALL of the rest are multiplayer based. And I'm definately not going to play it again in Perfect's not bad, but there are better FPS ot there.

But I'm too far into it to stop playing it now...[/QUOTE]

Just took a look at the cheesemints and yeah it's like 85% multiplayer. WTF.

I guess they thought it was going to dominate XBL for a year+ until Halo 3 dropped. :roll:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Thank you Zoo. That seemed to work -- 187.4% and counting -- still got the catacombs and abyss and the final boss area left too, so hopefully, when I hit all that, I'll nail that 200.6% acheivement.[/quote]



Where's the remaining .8% -- I'm guessing if each square counts as ~.2%, I'm missing 3 total squares, since the final boss area probably counts as .2%? fucking Christ. Would it just be easier to try to glitch it with the wolf trick over in the chapel?
The multiplayer achievements can be earned against bots. But you're still playing PDZ, so you lose no matter what.

I finished up the campaign alone. Nearly finished it in co-op. Picked up the easy MP achievements and called it a day.

It was the very first game I picked up when I got my 360 in February 2006. Everyone was playing it at that time and overnight everyone stopped. I think I got in one real game with friends before everyone dumped it.
[quote name='Number83']Morning OTT.

Wow, Heath Ledger found dead...28. Wonder if eBay prices have skyrocketed for memoribilia...Vultures.[/quote]


So late.

As usual. :]
So I just got off the phone again with Microsoft support regarding my Undertow refund.

First CSR didn't know what I was talking again. But she transfered me to another department.

The next CSR couldn't get my name right despite me spelling it for him on four occasions. And this was after he belched into the phone.

They're certainly in a position to help me out.
[quote name='wubb']Oh yeah free Undertow is today. :bouncy:[/quote]

tried the demo, wasn't impressed, but it's free, so I guess I'll take it.

Doesn't it start at midnight tonight or something?
That's it, time to stop pretending to be a horse, and reveal who I truly am...

[quote name='corrosivefrost']dude... how do you play so many games? are you a reviewer or something?[/QUOTE]

Not for a few years. But gaming in my only hobby. I'm married, so I don't have to bothering with the dating scene. No kids so I don't have to deal with bratty squished facing begging me for food.
[quote name='terribledeli']Not for a few years. But gaming in my only hobby. I'm married, so I don't have to bothering with the dating scene. No kids so I don't have to deal with bratty squished facing begging me for food.[/quote]

Does your wife game too? Or does she have a seperate hobby to occupy her while you're gaming?
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