I have sent e-mails to D3Publishers to address the issue on how the Geonet License is account binding instead of system binding, creating all sorts of issues regarding playing online using Asia PSN and being unable to achieve trophies on main accounts. This also restricts online usage of Geonet to a single account instead of sharing it WITH people using the same DISC in the house. For all of those who feel the same about being unable to do so, I would like for you to e-mail D3Publishers at
[email protected]
in an effort to voice out our thoughts, however small or insignificant it may be regarding the unfairness of such a restriction that it places on the end-user.
Sony and other 3rd party publishers are moving towards an online pass system where each and every game will come with an ID code that allows online access in an effort to stomp out 2nd hand sales of games. However much we may hate it, it is moving along regardless. I do not see why gamers who actually got the game first hand should be punish in the wake of this development, if games like Resistance 3 can integrate an online pass system where PSN accounts from various regions are able to connect online without issues, I do not see why gamers playing WKC II should be treated differently.
If you believe gamers should have the right to do so, please take an effort to voice your concerns to the publishers.
Below is the E-mail i received from d3publishers.
Thank you for contacting D3Publisher's Support Services.
The best I can do is to ensure your request in forwarded to the Production team responsible for the title. There have been others with requests similar to yours. If enough of these requests are received, the Production team may look into finding a means to address the issue.
I completely understand your frustration with this particular issue and I do appreciate your patience. But, again, I do not have the ability to make the change myself or to speak for those that do have the ability to make such a change. I will, however, ensure your frustrations (and those with similar frustrations) are shared with the Production and Development teams.
Please feel free to contact us again in the future as the need arises.
Support Services
I have taken the liberty to include a standard e-mail request for people interested.
Subject : Request for Geonet License System Change
D3Publisher Support Services,
the current Geonet License system restricts the end-users ability to play White Knight Chronicles II online on any other account on the same PS3 system and accounts other than a US PSN account. This has cause frustrations for many end-users who have actually bought the game first-hand. By limiting the Geonet License to a Service rather than a DLC, end-users that have bought the game first-hand are unable to enjoy the game on the same PS3 system with different PSN accounts set for family members and friends. It also restricts users who imported the game from playing on their main PSN accounts, achieving trophies, since the current Geonet License can only be activated on a single US PSN account.
I sincerely hope D3P would change the Geonet License from a Service, account binding system to a Download, system binding DLC.