Parasite Eve 3 coming! ....wait, oh God no...

i mean, if you think about it, cell phones have a larger user base than any console. so ill reserve judgement until the game actually comes out, it could be good. also, there could be a ds port down the line ;)
they could have at least made it for one of the handhelds (PSP/DS) if they weren't planning to use the consoles.
Parasite Eve is a series that has had so much potential... this is an incredibly stupid move. Cell Phones simply cannot handle a decent game.
I hope Square make another Parasite Eve similar to PE 1. PE1 was a great action RPG, while PE 2 was horrible, they tried to make it more like Resident Evil style.
meh, I played the first hour of PE1 and wasn't very impressed...the whole burning mitochondria thing made me want to slap a kitten till it became retahded.
What the shit?

Do people actually play any long games on their cells? I only bust out cell phone to play games when I'm waiting around for something... like a doctor's appointment or for my car to get it's oil changed. I'm not gonna sit around at home and play a game on a cell.
Michael Bolton: That's the worst idea I've ever heard in my life, Tom.
Samir: Yes, this is horrible, this idea.


Also, this was posted in the neogaf thread and is hilarious:
Before Crisis was planned for a US release, but the cellphone that runs the game isnt available. Blame the US cellphone market.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Even if we did have those phones I'd still be annoyed. I'd be annoyed if it came out for the DS or the PSP. I want a full console release for a PE3.[/QUOTE]

I really think SquareEnix is run by morons these days. Not only this, but SIX FF13 games, horrible games that have murdered the Mana franchise, a ton of games no one cares about or are on platforms no one gives a shit about, and an absolutely asinine number of remakes, yet they refuse to make a new Chrono title or any other beloved franchises they've refused to make new games for. It's really getting to Sega levels of stupidity.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']QFT.

I really think SquareEnix is run by morons these days. Not only this, but SIX FF13 games, horrible games that have murdered the Mana franchise, and a ton of games no one cares about, yet they refuse to make a new Chrono title or any other beloved franchises they've refused to make new games for. It's really getting to Sega levels of stupidity.[/QUOTE]
I don't know if I want them to make a Chrono sequel now. What's it going to be? A board game?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Even if we did have those phones I'd still be annoyed. I'd be annoyed if it came out for the DS or the PSP. I want a full console release for a PE3.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't mind a PSP release, of all things. Although the system I would love to see this on would be 360.
Bah. it might as well never have existed in that case. It's actually better that way, Because I won't be so disappointed.

I do love me some parasite eve, though.
[quote name='Chacrana']Parasite Eve is a series that has had so much potential... this is an incredibly stupid move. Cell Phones simply cannot handle a decent game.[/QUOTE]

Except Tetris :lol:

But seriously, WTF SQUEENIX?!
I love the promo picture...but, sadly disappointed to see yet another cell phone game. Very glad to see that a Parasite Eve 3 is in the works though. Still very angry at SquareEnix though...very angry indeed.
Well..Japanese cell phones are probably more powerful than the Wii.

No, in all seriousness, seeing that picture made me want to cry..Parasite Eve being one of my favorite games..ever

PE is so severely underrated, it may look horrible these days, but I still think it has Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and every game that's supposed to be scary beat

And it may be fantasy and psuedo science, but the dialog in the game is VERY interesting to read.
[quote name='sarausagi']Well..Japanese cell phones are probably more powerful than the Wii.

No, in all seriousness, seeing that picture made me want to cry..Parasite Eve being one of my favorite games..ever

PE is so severely underrated, it may look horrible these days, but I still think it has Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and every game that's supposed to be scary beat

And it may be fantasy and psuedo science, but the dialog in the game is VERY interesting to read.[/QUOTE]

I like the story and the ideas behind PE a lot, but the gameplay felt really, really weak when I played the first game a couple months ago. You run incredibly slow, there's no real way to effectively evade attacks, and the game just feels like a somewhat broken RE with RPG combat tossed in. On the PS3 and given the right treatment, PE3 could be something absolutely incredible though simply because the ideas behind it are so good.
We'll see it.

It will eventually reach this shore and we'll see it. Probably as a PSP title. God how I would pay so much for this game..
[quote name='Dead of Knight']So how the fuck are we supposed to play a game made for fucking JAPANESE cell phones?

stfu pls.[/QUOTE]
You're probably not going to get to play it all, so YOU shut the fuck up. This game isn't intended for the US market, so quit your fucking bitching.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You're probably not going to get to play it all, so YOU shut the fuck up. This game isn't intended for the US market, so quit your fucking bitching.[/QUOTE]
Wow, man. Someone tell Ken Kurtagi here Square doesn't him employeed with their company.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You're probably not going to get to play it all, so YOU shut the fuck up. This game isn't intended for the US market, so quit your fucking bitching.[/QUOTE]

Hey, don't you think that was a little harsh? She just wants to play the game.
Mobile phones in Japan are popular. Square Enix care more about money than making the greatest console game these days.

The only series that makes enough profit for Square Enix on consoles is Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Dragon Quest.:annoyed: They just want money, like EA, Activision, Ubi Soft, etc. and people just have to get use to it. Square Enix doesn't care about me, you, or anyone. They just care about making the maximum profit. Oh course I don't agree with this at all, but that's just what they've become. Remaking more games than ever (so they don't have to create original games), making a quick profit. Running FFXIII for 10 years. Making several FFVII spinoffs for money. DQIX was brought to a handheld instead of a console to make them more money in Japan.

The small publishers like Atlus, NIS America, XSeed, etc. are the ones who care for their fans in the U.S.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I wouldn't mind a PSP release, of all things. Although the system I would love to see this on would be 360.[/QUOTE]No, should be PS3. There's no way 360 would get that big of a Japanese game exclusive, due to its shitty Japanese sales.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You're probably not going to get to play it all, so YOU shut the fuck up. This game isn't intended for the US market, so quit your fucking bitching.[/QUOTE]

rawr, someone's got the social skills.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Wow, man. Someone tell Ken Kurtagi here Square doesn't him employeed with their company.[/QUOTE]
Whoa. What kind of sentence is that?

[quote name='sarausagi']Hey, don't you think that was a little harsh? She just wants to play the game.[/QUOTE]
No, I don't. All I did was point out how impressive Japanese cell phone games can be, which if anything should give PE fans comfort in knowing that this isn't necessarily going to be a dumbed-down Java game, and the self described "Super Bitch" rudely remarks about how she's supposed to play it (and it's not like my statement suddenly made it any less likely that this game will ever be seen outside of Japan). All I did after that was reply similarly rudely. You can only fault me for not being "the better man," if you will.

I was no more rude than Dark of Knight was. But of course, Dark of Knight is a girl, so (and deny it all you want), you all gather around to defend and suck up to her. Typical forums behavior.

[quote name='The Mana Knight']No, should be PS3. There's no way 360 would get that big of a Japanese game exclusive, due to its shitty Japanese sales.[/QUOTE]
Ace Combat 6, haha. And if you want to talk about shitty Japanese sales, PS3 shipped less than 13,000 units in Japan last week.

Also, anyone who has ever thought that Square or almost any other game company EVER gave a shit about you, personally, needs to get out of La-la Land. They're all businesses, and they've all always been businesses.

[quote name='Scorch']We'll see it.

It will eventually reach this shore and we'll see it. Probably as a PSP title. God how I would pay so much for this game..[/QUOTE]
What makes you think that? Only a fool would deny that Before Crisis FFVII, on some sort of game system, would be more or less guaranteed to sell several times better in the US than any PE game ever would, and that doesn't look like it's ever going to come out here, either. So, what makes you so confident? Just fooling yourself, I suspect?
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Whoa. What kind of sentence is that?[/QUOTE]
You were acting cold and callous towards us in defense of Square. A mental image of Ken Kurtagi posting on forums trying to get another job popped in my mind.
While you're still acting a little bit like an ass in this post, you're actually trying to prove your point rather than to try to convey across with grunts and Shaq-Fus.
[quote name='schuerm26']Hey SSnake, Is that a Point Blank compilation for the PS2 in that pic?[/quote]
Yeah, its PS2 JPN only.

It has Point Blank 1,2,3 and Time Crisis 1.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']You were acting cold and callous towards us in defense of Square. A mental image of Ken Kurtagi posting on forums trying to get another job popped in my mind.
While you're still acting a little bit like an ass in this post, you're actually trying to prove your point rather than to try to convey across with grunts and Shaq-Fus.[/QUOTE]
I wasn't defending S-E. I fucking hate Square-Enix and pretty much everything about them right now. I also don't like Parasite Eve much, and wasn't really crazy about it at the time of it's release, either, so I really am not all that interested one way or another. However, seeing all of you whine like fucking babies about S-E announcing a third Parasite Eve game (cell phone game or not, it's giving a dead game series another shot, so you should all be thankful at least a tiny bit for even that much), I figured I might do something to try and help alleviate the relentless gloom and doom and nay-saying in this thread so far.

And even if I WAS "cold and callous," at least I almost always use complete sentences.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']And even if I WAS "cold and callous," at least I almost always use complete sentences.[/QUOTE]
EDIT: Oh, I see. I forget to type the word "want" in my sentence. Well played, perhaps you should join the Grammar Gestapo along with the other school children.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']...?
EDIT: Oh, I see. I forget to type the word "want" in my sentence. Well played, perhaps you should join the Grammar Gestapo along with the other school children.[/QUOTE]
Don't play that Grammar Nazi card on me, because it really doesn't work when you're literally unintelligible. I'm not a strictler for King's English sentence structure and word usage and spelling and shit like that. But when I literally can't understand what you're trying to say, then yeah, grammar matters. Go play with the other children who hide behind such tissue-this defenses as calling people "Grammar Nazis," as though it helps them in any way.

And even if you WERE speaking the king's English, that analogy still makes no fucking sense whatsoever. I can't even begin to imagine what sort of bizarre thought process directly compares me pointing out that this game probably isn't intended for, or ever going to see a US release, to something Ken Kutaragi would say in an attempt to get S-E to hire him. Seriously, what the hell?
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Don't play that Grammar Nazi card on me, because it really doesn't work when you're literally unintelligible. I'm not a strictler for King's English sentence structure and word usage and spelling and shit like that. But when I literally can't understand what you're trying to say, then yeah, grammar matters. Go play with the other children who hide behind such tissue-this defenses as calling people "Grammar Nazis," as though it helps them in any way.

And even if you WERE speaking the king's English, that analogy still makes no fucking sense whatsoever. I can't even begin to imagine what sort of bizarre thought process directly compares me pointing out that this game probably isn't intended for, or ever going to see a US release, to something Ken Kutaragi would say in an attempt to get S-E to hire him. Seriously, what the hell?[/QUOTE]
You really need to calm down. I'm sure anyone could fill in the blank of what I accidentally left out since there is such a thing as context. I don't think I've ever been too unintelligible on the forums composition wise. I'd consider making a typo here and there better than "fuck you and fuck you too butthole," as far as forum etiquette goes.
If you didn't like the joke or even if not too many did, it shouldn't necessarily leave me open ridicule. It just means it was either a poorly constructed joke and its meaning was lost. That's pretty much it.
bread's done