PC Richard Web Clearance - all good items now OOS


10 (100%)
Update: All good items are now OOS

Stumbled upon this today. Here are some of the notables:

OOS - :360: :ps3: Brutal Legend - $19.99
OOS - :360: Halo 3 Legendary Edition - $19.99
OOS - :ps3: Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - $19.99
Wii Music - $19.99
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 - $19.99
OOS - :360: Halo Wars - $19.99
Animal Crossing: City Folk - $19.99
OOS - :psp: Dissidia: Final Fantasy - $19.99
OOS - :ps3: Killzone 2 - $19.99
OOS - :360: :ps3: Prototype - $19.99
OOS - :360: :psp: Tiger Woods '10 - $19.99
OOS - :ps3: Resistance 2 - $19.99
OOS - :ps3: :psp: NCAA Football '10 - $19.99

Shipping seems to be very reasonable as well.

Thanks to Josef and knightsdwn for pointing out some other deals.

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[quote name='Ace!']anyone have any luck with KZ2, Resistance 2, Brutal Legend being shipped?[/QUOTE]

most orders shipping tomorrow.
If you go to their Web site and check your status, you should be able to see whether your item is moving forward. I haven't received any shipment email but I did go and check out my item and saw that PC Richard had given UPS a distinct tracking number.

This doesn't mean my order can't be canceled but I would hope that this is an indication that my transaction will go through.
Damn UPS better be estimating with this.

Status: In Transit - On Time
Scheduled Delivery Date: 02/15/2010

It said 3-5 day on the site :(
[quote name='Dr Geo']Damn UPS better be estimating with this.

Status: In Transit - On Time
Scheduled Delivery Date: 02/15/2010

It said 3-5 day on the site :([/QUOTE]

2/15 is 3-5, 8->9->10->11->12 (13, 14) 15
8-12 is 4 days.... then its undeliverable on weekends, thus pushed to the 15th. I've had 2 day shipping on a release take 5 days before ;/ Game came out on wed, shipped it Thursday, so they didn't deliver it till Monday.
PC Richard is highly reliable. i got my home theater equipment and 65 inch tv from there. Also it looks like the deal might be dead.
[quote name='Minions']2/15 is 3-5, 8->9->10->11->12 (13, 14) 15
8-12 is 4 days.... then its undeliverable on weekends, thus pushed to the 15th. I've had 2 day shipping on a release take 5 days before ;/ Game came out on wed, shipped it Thursday, so they didn't deliver it till Monday.[/QUOTE]
i hate it too when it is only business days and only business days. :cry:

damn it ups what do i pay ya for?
So I check status again and now my item is in transit with an ETA of 2/11. Thing is I haven't received a single email from PC Richard -- not that that really matters :)
Also still processing :whistle2:(

I got hung up on the VISA protection stuff when I tried only a few minutes after this thread originally went up. Then when I read it was optional, I tried again and got my order through. I'm thinking I probably waited too long and I'm going to miss out on the Master Chief helmet.
Another update for the NYC CAGs. Just popped into the 23rd Street Manhattan store:

No Brutal Legend
No Halo 3 LE
Yes Guitar Hero: Metallica for
($19.96 - 1 copy)

Also had 1 copy of
Major League Baseball 2K9 for $4.96

I got an email from PC Richards stating that there was a problem with my credit card details.

When I called them today about it, the service rep told me that they were canceling the orders, as they didn't have stock, and that they would be sending out a bunch of emails to everyone today about it.

Be ready for a huge PC Richards backlash shitstorm :).
[quote name='Chimpy']I got an email from PC Richards stating that there was a problem with my credit card details.

When I called them today about it, the service rep told me that they were canceling the orders, as they didn't have stock, and that they would be sending out a bunch of emails to everyone today about it.

Be ready for a huge PC Richards backlash shitstorm :).[/QUOTE]

Is that for Halo LE only? What about games like Sigma 2 and Killzone 2?
[quote name='Chimpy']I got an email from PC Richards stating that there was a problem with my credit card details.

When I called them today about it, the service rep told me that they were canceling the orders, as they didn't have stock, and that they would be sending out a bunch of emails to everyone today about it.

Be ready for a huge PC Richards backlash shitstorm :).[/QUOTE]

It does seem like PC Richard tried to fulfill as many orders as they could. Again, I haven't received any email notice but the order status shows my item is now in transit. I don't really care if my order gets canceled so long as PC refunds my credit card. I'd prefer they not do this, but I'm sure their site got slammed once this deal hit SD.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind if they cancel my order, since I really shouldn't be spending this much money on games so early into the year (already have about $600 worth of preorders coming out between March and June).
I have no problem with them filling orders on a first come basis, and refunding everyone else.
If I get my copy of ninja gaiden, great, if not, another deal is always coming down the pike.
[quote name='lee7sauce']Yeah, I wouldn't mind if they cancel my order, since I really shouldn't be spending this much money on games so early into the year (already have about $600 worth of preorders coming out between March and June).[/QUOTE]

Wow. I hear you, though. I've pretty much stopped buying games. I only ordered Halo 3 LE and that's just because I don't see how this could get any lower. I remember when my friend was so excited about getting this version for $135 (tax included), and I admit that all those extras sounded cool. Being able to watch all the cutscenes in movie format would be awesome.
I ordered halo 3 LE, and brutal legend. I call to check my status. It's been cancelled due to limited quantities. They will not be recieving any more shipments either.
But they did give me a 20% off coupon for later Yah!
I called about my NGS2 order. It will be cancelled later due to lack of shipments from the manufacturer. I was sorely disappointed. Will likely not place an order with them in the future due to lack of inventory control.
[quote name='tinyandi']I called about my NGS2 order. It will be cancelled later due to lack of shipments from the manufacturer. I was sorely disappointed. Will likely not place an order with them in the future due to lack of inventory control.[/QUOTE]
when did you order yours? I ordered mine saturday night at around 11 pm
I ordered mine early Sunday morning, no response and shows my order is still processing. I'm hoping I made the cut. That deal is so awesome at that price. :(
I ordered the Halo 3 Legendary Sunday morning around 10 am eastern. Got shipping notice last night. Game should be delivered on Thursday. Awesome deal!
I think its funny how the slogan is 100 years of relability, and service BS NGS2 and Halo LE Ordered mine around 8 sunday I hope it went through
Meh, still in processing. Ordered late Saturday. Prepared for cancellation notice, and honestly I don't care. Backlog is so large, I can wait for NGS2 and Brutal Legends.
I'm in the same boat as everyone else. Threw an order in late Saturday night for NGS2 and KZ2. Still showing as processing, but I won't be too terribly disappointed if I get a cancellation e-mail. With my backlog, who knows if I would ever get to them.
Mine also got hung up for credit card details and i had to call yesterday. Hopefully that means whatever copy they were gonna send they held it back :(
They are a regional electronic chain , I think its funny how everyone who didnt get there order in hour one is kinda like well ill never order from them again ! Youve never even heard of them to begin with , between here and SD there was NO Way they were going to fulfill those orders . Went to the local one and looked around , talked to with a manager with whom we have bought some big ticket items with and because they didnt have the games in stock there ( Was looking for NGS 2 and Brutal Legend as gifts ) he gave me a break and said if there was one game I wanted he would see what he could do . Walked out with AC 2 for $20 .

[quote name='phantasyx']I think its funny how the slogan is 100 years of relability, and service BS NGS2 and Halo LE Ordered mine around 8 sunday I hope it went through[/QUOTE]
They cancelled my NGS2 and KZ2 order...I was really looking forward to both those games :(....Damn horders...Just bought Brutal Legends.
I bought my Halo 3 legendary edition the 6th, and came to home to see my package waiting for me. It also came in PERFECT condition. I will definitely check out this site more often now. Thanks OP!
bread's done