[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

Well CAGs are kind of spotty about it though. They do some but they don't do others. Lately I pretty much have to go to the Group Buys Steam group all the time except for the Monday bundles which Blade buys in a 4 pack.

New Monday Bundle...blah blah blah


Huh.  Three repeats for me, and two of those (Doodle God and Unstoppable Gorg) are the only two I really want from this bundle. 

Was a little interested in this, as I thought I was missing four. Turns out I did have Doodle God - did that get added to the Humble PC/Android bundle after the fact? Just realized that the date I redeemed everything else was in August, but that was added to Steam in late September. Only needing three, one of which is that terrible looking cat game, definitely makes this one a pass. 

Actually, as I recall, it's a shitty mobile port that's been free on mobile and sucks and you've never played on mobile and you'll never play on Steam.  

Actually, as I recall it wasn't even on Greenlight. I think that bundle was the debut of the PC version and it was only DRM-free from Humble at that time.
Yea, I believe it's from one of the Humble Mobile bundles, back when they did them and gave away steam keys with them, or that's where I believe I have it from.

Tremor has Abo Mando in stock for those interested. They also have Unstoppable Gorg, Smack, if you don't mind watching like 60 videos for it.
xealot42 had a copy. i missed the early run on tremor and it just doesnt seem worth the hassle starting from 0 now. are you tremor peeps actually still doing shit to keep points coming in or are you all just living off a phat bankroll?

This may be a dumb question but is there any difference between gift links and actual steam keys? Why should you bother with a gift link when you can just get the steam key?

I don't know about indiegala, but with humble it matters if the game has any type of region restriction.  Humble will hand out a key for the region of the account that claims the gift link.

This may be a dumb question but is there any difference between gift links and actual steam keys? Why should you bother with a gift link when you can just get the steam key?
They rarely do non steam stuff anymore but for the older stuff the keys get added later to the gift link.
This may be a dumb question but is there any difference between gift links and actual steam keys? Why should you bother with a gift link when you can just get the steam key?
The gift link is so you can give someone an unrevealed key. There's no reason to use it if you want the key yourself.

Indie Reaction bundle


  • Putrefaction
  • Potatoman Seeks the Troof
  • Hills Of Glory 3D
$2.89 for first 24 hours

  • No Turning Back: The Pixel Art Action-Adventure Roguelike
  • GooCubelets: The Algoorithm
  • Death Tractor
  • Miracle Fly
  • Labyrinth Simulator
  • Spirit of War 
  • Morphine
  • Defend Your Life
  • Demons with Shotguns

= cards

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Pretty much any but Mondays and weeaboo porn 'Sexy Girls' will have a happy hour.

If you guys aren't finding hh group buys you want here then go to the steam Group Buys group.
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Welp, just blew half an hour watching Todd Rundgren videos.  I don't know if I should blame you damn kids or myself for getting suckered into another youtube hole.

Oh yeah, it's groupees fault.

edit: er, I automatically assumed this was the poopies thread.  I can't tell these bundles apart.

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Welp, just blew half an hour watching Todd Rundgren videos. I don't know if I should blame you damn kids or myself for getting suckered into another youtube hole.

Oh yeah, it's groupees fault.

edit: er, I automatically assumed this was the poopies thread. I can't tell these bundles apart.
You're rudder-less now that Shiny Poop went back to Monkey Island without you.
Welp, just blew half an hour watching Todd Rundgren videos. I don't know if I should blame you damn kids or myself for getting suckered into another youtube hole.

Oh yeah, it's groupees fault.

edit: er, I automatically assumed this was the poopies thread. I can't tell these bundles apart.
damn you, rundgren rocks, im listening while typing this. not getting to bed early tonight.

Yeah not bad at all I want to play another not so solitaire solitaire game like Faerie Solitaire (still my favorite variant on this). I think I'm missing them all but that's because I gave away that Fasaria Online last time it was bundled, and frankly it still looks bad.


Totally read that as will lick your ass kindly...
You're just thinking about chocolate too much! (and hopefully comparing it to shit ruins your appetite so I can't hear you eating a candy bar next bro night)

Got everything sorted out last Friday. I'll be hosting this for $1.61 as well as the Indie Reaction bundle (which should be around $0.94). Just PM me.

bread's done