[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

I did finally get the email 4 or 5 hours later, but it's a link to my profile. I can see the place where it says CLICK HERE FOR WOODLE TREE KEY but there's no link and no key.

Broked. :whistle2:x
The other giveaway they had did the same thing for me for a while, so I'd expect the same here.

I was waiting for a coupla hours and then tried it again with another email and got it instantly.

It was indeed too much work for Woodle Tree though.

People paid for woodle?
[customspoiler=I admit it]


Ended up getting 2 links for Woodle, one immediately after hours later after my first request. Got the second about an hour after that. 

I guess people really wanted Woodle Tree...

Less #fakecag for buying it, and more for buying it from Desura. :shock:

I still haven't received mine (~3 hours now.)
In my fakecag defense it was in March 2013 before the Greenlight floodgates opened and this game had a snowballs chance in hell of getting in at that time.

Yeah, oops, I read this thread before checking the main Steam thread. I did that a few days ago and thought I was being slick.

edit: wow, 175k keys left...
You were being very CAGly. God rewards the lazy sometimes to play a cruel trick on us hardworking CAGistas.

Isn't there supposed to be some shitty Gala Friday bundle or something? They're slipping.

*Edit: Do'h. I'm drunk and the holiday is throwing me off. I'm sure the Gala shit is due in T minus whatever the hell time Friday morning is in Italy once they've gotten up and had their espresso and cannoli and went out to have a smoke and wasted time.

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hmmm, only took me 20 seconds to get my woodie tree or whatever it's called lol

have woodie tree

want $25 paypal
I only have $50 in my paypal account, and I'm pretty sure you can't split it up once it's in there, so will you accept that? I can throw in a gift copy of Gun Monkeys if that will help.

I only have $50 in my paypal account, and I'm pretty sure you can't split it up once it's in there, so will you accept that? I can throw in a gift copy of Gun Monkeys if that will help.
lol, even after a long tiring day, I can always count on cags to give me a good laugh.

I've gotten woodies tree thingie for free twice now. 

wtf, why did my post get bifurcated?

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This looks like a good indie bundle. Blade Symphony and Toki Tori 2 are high wants (I didn't BTA in that humble bundle). I think I only own Bardbarian so I will likely give that away for some Steam card hoarder. Looks decent enough for sure. Also Coldfire Keep looks like my type of game.

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I'll host another 5-person group buy for this one, $1.27 PayPal each, trades not accepted unless it's something incredibly worthwhile (aka worth way more than $1.27, you're probably better off just giving me PayPal):

1) BobbyTastic

2) greendayrulestce

3) Blade

4) stupidproz1

5) gilby

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I'll host another 5-person group buy for this one, $1.27 PayPal each, trades not accepted unless it's something incredibly worthwhile (aka worth way more than $1.27, you're probably better off just giving me PayPal):

1) BobbyTastic
2) ???
3) ???
4) ???
5) ???
I'll trade you Into the Dark: Ultimate Trash Edition for a bundle. It's selling for $9.99 on Steam! I'm just that desperate.
I need to make a PayPal so I can get in on these group buys and save some coin. Might be something I do next bundle they have that I want, but not this one.
I'll host another 5-person group buy for this one, $1.27 PayPal each, trades not accepted unless it's something incredibly worthwhile (aka worth way more than $1.27, you're probably better off just giving me PayPal):

1) BobbyTastic

2) greendayrulestce

3) ???

4) ???

5) ???
If you can garner enough troops, I'm in.

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I have the group buy filled except for one slot. The last spot is kinda sorta reserved because the person offered me a trade in exchange for the bundle and I declined. Waiting to see if they still want in if they have to pay PayPal.
Ah, well. If they drop out or something. Let me know. Unless you got more friensies of course!

I'm buying for Ultimate Trash.


Zombie hookers, classy adult entertainment...sold.
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Where do I turn in my CAG card? I went and bought the new bundle without checking for a group buy first. I'm out what, like a quarter I could have saved?

bread's done