[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

I'm not familiar with Unity but if there's a free version, the Axis Game Factory software might be still worth it. Or maybe not, since someone above expressed buyer's remorse earlier. Will have to read up on it.
I'm not familiar with Unity but if there's a free version, the Axis Game Factory software might be still worth it. Or maybe not, since someone above expressed buyer's remorse earlier. Will have to read up on it.
I haven't used it, but it seems to streamline some of the processes of making the graphics or whatever of the games. And there is a free version of Unity I think. It probably wouldn't be the worse use of $10 if you are interested in making games.

I can't really say if the bundle will have a HH so I'd say it doesn't hurt to wait until closer to the end to buy it.

AGF seems to be widely accepted as a good tool for world creation and stuff on the graphics end of thing, the only flak it gets comes from misunderstanding of what the program does. The name is vaguely misleading, but eh, Axis Game Level Editor Factory doesn't have much of a ring to it, does it? Not a big deal, people shouldn't be buying shit without reading what it is first anyways (unless it's indie shit for a quarter).

I want it, but I doubt I'll get around to using Unity to build any games any time soon, so it would just be wasted money. RPG Maker is basic as hell, but my games focus on story over fancy gameplay, so stuff like it and AGS suit me just fine when I put on my Phil Fish hat.


RPG Maker is basic as hell, but my games focus on story over fancy gameplay, so stuff like it and AGS suit me just fine when I put on my Phil Fish hat.
Let me know when you're done with your RPG maker game. I would love to snakeybro it in Early Access and spacebar through endless pages of dull prose before you let my character boink a carrier pigeon.

Let me know when you're done with your RPG maker game. I would love to snakeybro it in Early Access and spacebar through endless pages of dull prose before you let my character boink a carrier pigeon.
You don't want to play that. You want to play my Zoe Quinn parody game.

It's called Erection Quest.

Coming soon!

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That would be the first RPG game I ever played that I failed the main quest.
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.


Let me know when you're done with your RPG maker game. I would love to snakeybro it in Early Access and spacebar through endless pages of dull prose before you let my character boink a carrier pigeon.
Buddy of mine had played what I finished of my beta of the RPG Maker game I was working on for the Indie Game Dev contest a couple months ago. When he finished it, he said, and I quote, "I haven't seen that much dialog and cutscenes since Metal Gear Solid 4." True story.

If I ever remake the game, for public consumption, like I'd like to do, that quote is going right on the box.

Like the stuff already on Steam lately is ready for public consumption? Who cares, just put that shit up on Greenlight, get in some crappy bundles and don't forget to add weeaboo cards when you get in.

Oh, no way.  I have incredibly high standards when it comes to my creations, it's sometimes a wonder I finish anything to begin with.  I spent so much time working on the character portraits, and the time of the contest was quickly running out, so I ended up with a game that used the default RTP tiles (outside of the characters) and music, and I cut out so much of the game to make it on time that it was finishable in 15 minutes.  I realized after "finishing" it that it could be so much better if done in an Action-RPG style, similar to Kindom of Amalur.  Wondering if maybe I should try to learn Unity myself to do that.

That's not a bad idea. Some of these rpgmaker games have decent concepts but are held back by that archaic engine. I thonk it's better to just bite the bullet and learn to use more modern cross platform tools.
But then people have to buy that game to play your game I would imagine so it limits you a bit as a creator wanting to share content.
Oh, no way. I have incredibly high standards when it comes to my creations, it's sometimes a wonder I finish anything to begin with. I spent so much time working on the character portraits, and the time of the contest was quickly running out, so I ended up with a game that used the default RTP tiles (outside of the characters) and music, and I cut out so much of the game to make it on time that it was finishable in 15 minutes. I realized after "finishing" it that it could be so much better if done in an Action-RPG style, similar to Kindom of Amalur. Wondering if maybe I should try to learn Unity myself to do that.
Top three sites for learning Unity, in order of usefulness:

1. http://cgcookie.com/unity/ - lots of tutorials from there, helped me out quite a bit whenever I had questions.

2. http://www.digitaltutors.com/software/Unity-tutorials - DT is my go-to tutorial website for design. They have so many great step-by-step guides on everything.

3. http://www.lynda.com/Unity-training-tutorials/1242-0.html - another mainstay to home learning. They're good for giving you the fundamentals.

Exactly.  I used to make RPGs back in 1998-2003 for this old Palm/WinCE engine called Kyle's Quest.  Players wouldn't be buying our individual games, they'd be buying the KQ engine from the that developer and playing our games for free.  The idea is not just to make games, though, it's also to make money.   :)

Edit: I need to learn to quote more often.  This was in response to Motoki's above post.

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Let me know when you're done with your RPG maker game. I would love to snakeybro it in Early Access and spacebar through endless pages of dull prose before you let my character boink a carrier pigeon.
Will do bro. MSRP is only gonna be $24.99, and when it comes out I'll slap a 10% sale on it so it'll be a pretty good deal for you guys.

Dat Shark Chan is some serious literature yo.
I haven't started Shark-chan. :( Honestly I need to get around to making the baby shark on a skateboard sprite and it's gonna be hard as fuck, so I just procrastinate.

Top three sites for learning Unity, in order of usefulness:

1. http://cgcookie.com/unity/ - lots of tutorials from there, helped me out quite a bit whenever I had questions.

2. http://www.digitaltutors.com/software/Unity-tutorials - DT is my go-to tutorial website for design. They have so many great step-by-step guides on everything.

3. http://www.lynda.com/Unity-training-tutorials/1242-0.html - another mainstay to home learning. They're good for giving you the fundamentals.
Please kinds sirs...Do any have tutorials on how to make princessess? You know, chicks with big mozambos?

Eww poop unlock. I'm sure the game isn't poop but yeah. Leisure Suit Larry is still all this bundle has for me, but i'm OK with that.

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I actually played through the entire game (Lily Looking Through) and thought it was a nice enough P&C Adventure game. Some of the puzzles were a bit obscure, but mostly they were easy. I can't say I remember much about the story though.

I actually played through the entire game (Lily Looking Through) and thought it was a nice enough P&C Adventure game. Some of the puzzles were a bit obscure, but mostly they were easy. I can't say I remember much about the story though.
... is it true that the game runs in Flash?

I can't say I remember much about the story though.
That's because there wasn't one.

It was basically little kid chasing other little kid, slightly animated scenery, puzzly stuff with slow ass moving little girl, chasing other little kid more on to next slightly animated scene etc. Random sort of cliffhangery ending that made no sense. Done.

And by the etc I don't mean much because it's short.

There's zero dialog (okay the little boy says "Lily help" once) and they intentionally don't explain anything. It's all just supposed to be whimsy and atmosphere.

The scenery was pretty, the atmosphere was kind of nice in a cutesy way but it's cotton candy.

... is it true that the game runs in Flash?
According to the Desura page, yes.
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I mean as far as getting it in a bundle goes, it's not the worst thing you can get. And it has cards. :p

It's okay for a little while if you want something short and relaxing that's not a huge commitment and you don't have a lot of expectations. Just don't expect anything amazing. It's more atmosphere than anything else.

The main gimmick of the game is probably put to better use in other games like Giana Sisters and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

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I've never had good luck with Flash and Java games. They always end up being unstable as hell, or the save games get deleted. :(
I don't think you'd need to worry about save games with Lily. I played it through in one sitting. Like Motoki said, it's pretty short.

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Two of them are repeating Monday bundles.  Not even Friday bundles.  That shit might have flown when these were $1.20 or whatever.

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bread's done